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BR76CTM0 - Introduction to 'The transformation of man' series

0:09 Q: Sir, we would like to know as much as we can about you... before we start these dialogues. Would you please tell us... where we are and who you are... and how you came to participate... with Mr. Krishnamurti in his teachings. 问:先生,我们想要尽可能多地了解你 在我们开始这些对话之前。 你能否告诉我们 我们这是在哪里,你是谁 以及你是如何参与到 克里希那穆提先生的教导中来的。
0:28 B: We are here in Brockwood Park in Hampshire, England... I'm David Bohm, a professor of theoretical physics... in the University of London. As to how I came here to participate... I think it best to begin by saying a little about my work... that in my studies in theoretical physics... I've always been interested in what they are called... the deeper questions... the nature of time and space and matter... causality, what is behind it all, what is universal. And in general I found that... very few physicists shared this interest... although I pursued it as best I could. When we arrived in Bristol in 1957... there was a very good public library there... and my wife and I used to go and... we became interested in books on philosophy and religion... and we picked up a book by Mr. Krishnamurti... called First and Last Freedom, and I read that. I found it extremely interesting... especially because it discussed the observer and the observed. That is a question which is very significant... in theoretical physics and quantum theory... Heisenberg has brought it out with the effect of the observer... on the particle that is observed. Also many other questions were raised there... and I found the whole thing very interesting. I read as many books as I could find by Mr. Krishnamurti... then I wrote a letter to the publishers to ask where he is... and finally I was put in contact... with the Krishnamurti Foundation in England... and they said he was coming to talk... it was around 1960 or '61, I forget which... and so I arranged to come. Then while listening to the talks... I sent another letter to the Foundation... asking if I could talk personally... with Mr. Krishnamurti... and they arranged a time. So we met and we talked. I think at that time I told him about my ideas in physics... which he appreciated the spirit. And then every time after that, every year... when Krishnamurti came to London we arranged to meet... once or twice... Later I began to go to Saanen in Switzerland... and there we met more often. And finally, around '66 or '67 there was a plan... to make a school... in which Krishnamurti asked me to take part... and gradually the school... was organised here at Brockwood Park... and I have been coming regularly. I am a member, a Trustee of the Foundation... which is responsible for the school... and also come down to discuss with people... and take part generally. We have gone on discussing... the questions which you will see arising. So, that essentially explains how I got here. 博姆:这里是英国汉普郡的布洛克伍德公园 我是大卫·博姆,伦敦大学的 理论物理学教授。 至于我是如何来到这里并参与进来的 我想最好从我的工作开始说起 在我研究理论物理学的过程中 我一直都对那些所谓的 “深层问题”颇感兴趣 关于时间、空间与物质的本质 因果定律,什么隐藏在万物背后,什么是普世的东西。 总的来说,我发现 很少有物理学家也有这方面的兴趣 尽管我在尽全力探究它。 我们在1957年的时候来到了布里斯托尔 那里有一个非常好的公共图书馆 我和我妻子常常去那里 我们对那些哲学和宗教书籍产生了兴趣 我们拿起了一本克里希那穆提先生的书, 书名是《最初和最终的自由》,我读了一下。 我发现它真的非常有趣 特别是它讨论了观察者与被观察之物的问题。 这是一个非常重要的问题, 理论物理学和量子理论都在探讨 海森堡已经提出了这个问题,也就是观察者对 所观察粒子的作用。 这个领域也提出了很多其他的问题 我发现这整件事情是非常有趣的。 我阅读了我能找到的克里希那穆提先生的所有著作, 然后写了一封信给出版社,询问他现在在哪里 最后我终于联系到了 英国的克里希那穆提基金会 他们告诉我说他即将过来进行演讲 那大约是在1960年或者1961年,我记不得了 于是我准备了一下便过来了。 后来在我聆听那些演讲的过程中 我又给基金会写了封信 问他们我是否可以私下 与克里希那穆提先生谈一下 他们为我安排了一个时间。于是我们见面并且交谈了一下。 我想那时我告诉了他我对于物理学的看法 而他对我的精神表示赞赏。 在这之后的每一年里, 每次克里希那穆提来伦敦时,我们都会事先安排好 见一到两次面 后来,我开始前往瑞士的萨能 在那里,我们的见面更频繁了。 最后,大约在66年或67年的时候,有一个计划 想要建立一所学校 克里希那穆提叫我也参与进来 渐渐地,这所学校 就在布洛克伍德公园这个地方被组建起来了 一直以来,我都会定期地来这里。 我是基金会的成员与理事 而学校是由基金会负责的 我同样也会深入到人群中与人们讨论 并广泛地参与。 我们已经持续讨论过了 你随后将会看到的那些问题。 所以,这基本上解释了我为何会来到这里。
3:36 Q: Dr. Shainberg. We would like to know about you. 问:西恩博格医生。我们想要了解一下你。
3:41 S: I'm a practising psychiatrist in New York City. I first came to read and think about what Krishnamurti said... 西恩博格:我是纽约的一名执业精神病医生。 我第一次阅读和思考克里希那穆提的话语
3:54 as early as 1949, '48, when I was about... 是早在1949年或1948年,那时候我的年纪大约是
4:01 let's see how old was I? I was about 18 or 19 then. And through the influence of several... concatenations of events... I suppose the main one was my father... who was involved at that time with reading Mr. Krishnamurti. Then there was the fact that I was very interested... in Karen Horney's psychoanalytic theories... and then in Harold Kelman's theories... which had all been developing along the same lines. It seemed to me at that time even... that there was something there... that was of interest in the question... that the observer is the observed. What the meaning of it, or the feeling of it I can say... was only in a kind of intuitive awareness... that this seemed to be the direction... in which I wanted to move. Then I went to college, I went to medical school... I trained as a psychiatrist, I trained as a neurologist... I trained as a psychoanalyst. I had many different experiences. And all along I was reading Mr. Krishnamurti... and still thinking about it... still trying to understand the difference between... what he was saying and what Western psychiatry... or Western psychology was communicating. But it's only been in the last, I would say five to six years... that I have really begun to feel that… I've begun to understand how I can use it in my work. And most of that stimulus has come from meeting Dr. Bohm... who has moved my thinking along and I've come to feel... that specifically there is something... about the way we think in psychiatry... which is, that all the theories deal with fragmentation... and the relationships between fragmentation... and most of them do not have... any understanding of the holistic action... or the holism that gives birth to this fragmentation. So that very often it seemed to me, and it has seemed to me... that most of the theories that we have... analyse and break things down and break things into pieces... which collaborates with the very problems... that our patients present us with. And again, I feel very similar to what Dr. Bohm said... that we have never really gotten in, in psychiatry... and Mr. Krishnamurti's work... has begun to help me to understand it... that the relationship between the observer and the observed... in the very patient-doctor situation is very important... and that the very theories that we create... are part of our very problem... that the fragmented people that we are... the fragmented theories represent fragmentation... and then call that the thing that we have to treat. There seems to be a basic problem here... that I feel will come out in these dialogues... since I've talked with Mr. Krishnamurti many times... and that point the way to how we can get through... this problem of the fragmentation. 让我想想是多少岁来着?那时我大概是18、19岁吧。 在经过了几个 一连串事件的影响之后 我认为主要还是因为我的父亲 那时候他在阅读克里希那穆提先生的著作。 然后还有一个因素,那就是我对 卡伦·霍妮的精神分析理论很感兴趣 还有哈罗德·克尔曼的理论 这些理论都是沿着同样的脉络发展的。 在我看来,即使在那个时候 就已经有一些 让我感兴趣的东西了,那就是关于 观察者就是被观之物的问题。 对它所包含的意思,或者说它的感觉,我只能说 那是一种直觉般的意识 而这看起来 就是我想要去研究的方向。 于是我上了大学,我上了医学院 被培训成一名精神病医生,一名神经学家 一名精神分析医师。我有过很多不同的经历。 但自始至终我都在坚持阅读克里希那穆提先生的著作 并且仍旧在思考着这个问题, 仍旧在试图弄清楚 克里希那穆提所说的东西和西方精神病学 或者说是西方心理学所表达的有什么区别。 但是直到最近,我想说是在最近的五六年里 我才真正开始感受到它。 我开始明白我要如何才能把它应用在我的工作中。 而绝大部分的激励是来自于和博姆博士的会面 他推进了我的思考,我开始 明确地感受到了 我们在精神病学中的某些思维方式: 那就是,所有的理论都是在处理碎片 以及碎片之间的关系 大多数的理论丝毫不了解 那种整体的行动 或者那个产生出碎片的整体。 所以,我常常会觉得,在我看来 我们的绝大部分理论 分析并且分解了那些事物,将那些事物拆成碎片 这些碎片密切关系到 病人向我们呈现的那些问题。 此外,我和博姆博士有很相似的感受: 那就是我们从未真正地深入精神病学。 而克里希那穆提先生的著作 开始帮助我理解 观察者与被观之物之间的关系 而这对于医患关系来说是非常重要的 那就是我们造出来的理论本身 就是我们自身问题的一部分 我们是支离破碎的人类 而那些碎片’的理论就代表了我们自身的碎片 然后声称我们需要去治疗这些碎片。 这里似乎存在着一个根本性的问题 我想它将会在我们的对话中浮现出来 因为我已经与克里希那穆提先生有过多次的谈话 而这个根本性问题将会指明一条道路,关于我们要如何才能解决 这个有关碎片的问题。
7:23 Q: Mr. Krishnamurti... How can the viewer best share in these dialogues? How can he gain the most from the experience? 问:克里希那穆提先生 在这些对话中,观众要如何才能最有效地分享? 他要如何才能从这次聆听经验中得到最大的收获?
7:36 K: I think it all depends how serious you are. How serious in the sense... how deeply you want to go into these questions... which is after all your life. We are not discussing theoretically... some abstract hypotheses... but we are dealing with actual... daily life of every human being... whether he lives in India, or here... or in America, or anywhere else. We are dealing with the actual facts... of fear, pleasure, sorrow, death... and if there is anything sacred in life. Because if we don't find something real... something that is true... life has very little meaning. So, if you are really serious... to go into this matter very carefully and... with care, with attention... then you can share a great deal. But you have to be serious, really serious. You have to do it right through your life... every day of your life... And if you're then… if you listen to it, listen with care, with attention... with a sense of affection, not agreeing or disagreeing... that anybody can do... but if you really care to find out how to live properly... what is right relationship between human beings... then you would share completely, I think... with all that we have discussed... or have a dialogue about these things in the last five days. 克:我想这完全取决于你有多么认真。 你的认真程度指的是 你想要把这些问题探究到怎样的深度 这些问题归根结底就是你的生活。 我们并不是从理论上在讨论 某些抽象的假设 而是我们在处理每一个人实际的 日常生活。 不管那个人是生活在印度,生活在这里 生活在美国,还是其他什么地方。 我们是在处理实际的事实: 恐惧、快感、悲伤、死亡 以及生命中是否存在某种神圣之物。 因为要是我们没有找到某种真实之物 某种真实的东西 生命就没什么意义。 所以,如果你是真的很认真地 去探究这件事情,非常仔细 非常小心,并且全神贯注的话 那么你就可以分享到很多。 但是你必须要认真,非常认真。 你必须用你的一生去做这件事 生命中的每一天 如果你是这样的,那么 如果你能够聆听它,仔细地、全神贯注地 带着一种爱,不是同意或者不同意 ——那个任何人都能做—— 而是如果你真的很关心想要发现如何正确地生活 以及人与人之间正确的关系是什么 那么,我想你就可以完全地分享到 我们讨论的所有内容 或者可以在最后五天里就这些问题进行对话。