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BR78T3 - 如何理解并活出自由?

0:54 K: We have been talking about various things that concern our daily life. We are not indulging in any form of theories beliefs, or ideological, speculative entertainment. We are actually deeply concerned - I hope with our daily life and to find out if it is at all possible to bring about a radical change in the ways of our life. Because our life is not what it should be. We are confused, miserable sorrow-ridden struggling, struggling from day after day till we die. And that seems to be our lot. This endless conflict not only in our personal relationships but also with the world which is deteriorating from day to day becoming more and more dangerous more and more unpredictable, uncertain where the politicians and the nations are seeking power. 克:我们探讨的是 与我们的日常生活密切相关的各种事情。 我们并不是沉迷于任何形式的理论、 信仰或者观念性的、思想性的消遣中。 我们确实深切地关心——我希望如此—— 我们的日常生活, 并且要弄清楚究竟有没有可能 从根本上改变我们的生活方式。 因为我们的生活并不是它应该呈现的样子。 我们困惑、痛苦, 充满悲伤、 挣扎,日复一日地挣扎,直到死亡。 而这好像是我们命中注定的。 这种无休止的冲突 不仅存在于我们的个人关系中, 也充满了整个世界, 并且日益恶化, 变得越来越危险、 越来越出乎意料、不确定, 政客们和各个国家到处在寻求权力。
2:40 And we should also talk over together this morning, I think about freedom: whether man or woman when I use the word 'man' I include the woman I hope you don't mind, Women's Lib (laughter). It seems to one, as one observes in the world in our daily life, freedom is becoming less and less. More and more restrictive we are becoming our actions are limited our outlooks are very narrow or bitter, cynical, or very, very hopeful and we never seem to be free from our own daily conflict and misery completely free from all the travail of life. And I think we should talk over together this question of freedom. Of course in the totalitarian states there is no freedom. Here in the western world and the eastern world, partly there is somewhat more freedom freedom to change your job, freedom to travel to say what you like, to think what you like express what you like, write what you like. But even this freedom that one has is becoming more and more mechanical it is no longer freedom. 今天上午,我想我们应该一起探讨 自由这个问题: 男人或女人是否 ——我用“人”(man)这个词,也包括了女人在内, 我希望你们不要介意,妇女解放运动(笑声)。 当一个人观察世界, 观察我们的日常生活,自由好像变得越来越少。 我们变得越来越受限制, 我们的行为是局限的, 我们的视野非常狭窄, 或者痛苦、愤世嫉俗,或者期期艾艾, 并且我们好像从来没有摆脱 我们日常的冲突和苦难, 完全摆脱生活的所有艰辛。 所以我认为我们应该一起来探讨自由的问题。 当然在极权国家里不存在自由。 在西方和东方世界的部分国家, 自由在某种程度上要多一点, 有变换工作的自由、旅行的自由, 可以随心所欲地说话、思考、 表达、写作。 但即使是人们拥有的这种自由 也正变得越来越呆板, 不再是自由了。
4:39 So I think we should, if you are at all serious go into this question rather deeply. That is, if you are willing. The Churches, the religions have tried to dominate our thinking: the Catholic church in the past tortured people for their belief burnt them, excommunicated them and even now excommunication is a form of threat for those who are Catholics. Which is exactly the same thing that is happening in the totalitarian states - control of your mind your thoughts, your behaviour, your action. They are more concerned with the control of the mind control of thought, and anyone who dissents from that disagrees, is banished away, or tortured or sent to mental hospitals and so on. Exactly the same thing as the past Catholic world has done. Now they are doing it in the so-called political, economic states. So freedom is something that we have to find out what it means and whether it is possible for us to be free not only inwardly, deeply whether it is at all possible inwardly, psychologically inside the skin as it were but also to express ourselves correctly, truly, accurately. Then perhaps we will understand what freedom is. 所以我认为我们应该——如果你真正认真的话—— 非常深入地探讨这个问题。 就是说,如果你愿意的话。 教会、宗教想方设法掌控我们的思想: 天主教会 过去会因为人们的信仰折磨他们、 焚烧他们、将他们逐出教会, 甚至现在对天主教徒而言, 逐出教会仍然是一种恐吓形式。 这和在极权国家发生的事情 如出一辙——控制你的头脑、 你的思想、举止和行动。 他们热衷于对心灵的控制、 对思想的控制,任何意见不同的人 都会被驱逐或折磨, 或者被送进精神病院,等等。 和过去天主教世界的所作所为完全一样。 如今在所谓的政治、经济国家 他们也这样做。 所以,我们要弄清楚自由到底意味着什么, 以及我们有没有可能获得自由, 不仅在内心深处、 在肌肤之下, 究竟是否可能从心理上获得自由, 而且,要正确、真实、准确地表达我们自己。 然后或许我们才能理解自由是什么。
6:46 Is freedom the opposite of slavery? Is freedom the opposite of prison, of bondage, of repression? Is freedom to do what you like? Please, as we said the other day and we have been talking over together the speaker is only expressing - I hope - verbally what we are all questioning therefore you are not listening to the speaker but listening to the questions which you are putting for yourself therefore the speaker is not here. Is freedom the opposite of non-freedom? And so is there an opposite at all? You understand? That is, if we move away from the bad to the good and think that is freedom the good being the freedom if we accept the good, which we can go into presently what is the good, and the bad. Is the good, the goodness the opposite of that which is not good which is evil, which is bad? If there are opposites then there is a conflict. If I am not good, I will try to be good. I will make every effort to be good that is if I am somewhat conscious somewhat sane, not too neurotic. So we are asking: is freedom the opposite of anything? Or if freedom has an opposite then is it freedom? Please enquire together in this matter. That is, any opposite the good and the bad the opposite of the bad which is the good the good has in it the roots of the bad. Go into it please. Consider it together. 自由是奴役的反面吗? 自由是牢狱、束缚、压制的对立面吗? 自由是为所欲为吗? 请注意,像我们前几天说的, 我们是在一起探讨, 讲话者只是——我希望是这样——在用语言表达 我们都在质询的问题, 所以你不是在聆听讲话者, 而是聆听你给自己提出的问题, 所以演讲者并不在场。 自由是“不自由”的对立物吗? 并且究竟有对立物这回事吗? 你理解吗? 换句话说,如果我们从坏的转换到好的, 并认为那就是自由, 好的就是自由, 如果我们接受好的——我们马上就会探讨这个问题—— 那么什么是好,什么是坏。 好、善是不是不好的对立面, 恶的、坏的对立面? 如果存在对立面,那么就会存在冲突。 如果我不好,我会尽力变好。 我会尽一切努力变好, 就是说我是不是在一定程度上是清醒的、 理智的,不至于太神经质。 所以我们要问: 自由是不是任何东西的对立物? 或者,如果自由有一个对立物,那么它是自由吗? 请一起探讨这个问题。 就是说,任何对立, 好的和坏的, 坏的反面就是好的, 好的里面就含有坏的根源。 请深入进去,一起来考虑。
9:58 If I am jealous, envious the opposite of jealousy is a state of mind which is not jealous - a state of feeling. But if it is the opposite of jealousy that opposite has in it its own opposite. Do we see this? Because we want to go this morning into the question of what is love. whether such a thing exists at all. Or is it merely sensation which we call love. So to understand the full significance and the nature and the beauty of that word which we use as love, we must understand, I think what is the conflict between the opposites whether this conflict is illusory in that illusion we are caught which has become a habit or there is only 'what is' and therefore there is no opposite to it. I hope this is not becoming too intellectual, is it? Or too verbal, or too nonsensical. 如果我嫉妒、羡慕别人, 嫉妒的对立面是一种不嫉妒的 心态——一种感觉状态。 但如果它是嫉妒的反面, 那个反面就含有它自己的反面。 我们看到这点了吗? 因为我们今天上午想深入探讨这个问题 ——什么是爱, 究竟是否存在这样一个东西, 或者它是否仅仅是我们称为爱的一种感受。 所以要理解我们称之为爱的 那个词的全部意义、 本质和美,我认为我们必须理解 对立面之间的矛盾, 这种矛盾是不是虚幻的, 我们被困在那个错觉中, 已经成为一种习惯, 还是只存在“实然”, 所以,根本没有对立。 我希望这没有变成智力上的游戏,好吗? 或者太过流于言辞,或者太荒谬。
11:49 Because as long as we live in opposites jealousy and non-jealousy the good and the bad the ignorant and the enlightened there must be this constant conflict in duality. Of course there is duality: man, woman, light and shade, dark, light and darkness morning and evening and so on but psychologically, inwardly we are asking whether there is an opposite at all. Is goodness the outcome of that which is bad? If it is the outcome of that which is bad, evil I don't like to use the word 'evil' because that is so appallingly misused as is every other word in the English language if goodness is the opposite of the bad then that very goodness is the outcome of the bad therefore it is not goodness. Right? Do we see in ourselves, not as an idea, as a conclusion as something somebody has suggested to you but actually do we see anything born out of an opposite must contain its own opposite? Right? So if that is so then there is only 'what is', which has no opposite. Right? Is somebody meeting me? We are meeting each other? 因为只要我们生活在对立中, 嫉妒和不嫉妒、 好和坏、 愚昧和文明, 就必定存在持续的二元冲突。 当然存在着某种二元性: 男人和女人,光与影,光明与黑暗, 早上与晚上等等, 但在心理上、内在地, 我们要问究竟是否存在对立。 善是恶的产物吗? 如果它是恶、邪恶的产物 ——我不喜欢用“邪恶”这个词, 因为它被如此严重地滥用了, 英语中的其他词也是如此—— 如果善是恶的反面, 那么那个善就恰恰是恶的产物, 所以它就不是善。 对吗? 我们自己看到这一点了吗?不是作为一种观念、一种结论, 也不是有人暗示给你的某件事情, 而是我们是否实际看到任何对立面的产物 一定包含着它自己的对立面? 对吗? 所以,如果是这样的话, 那么就只存在“实然”而没有对立面。 对吗? 有人明白我的意思吗?我们互相理解了吗?
14:04 So as long as we have an opposite there cannot be freedom. Goodness is totally unrelated to that which is evil which is bad - in quotes 'bad'. As long as we are violent to have the opposite which is non-violent creates a conflict and the non-violence is born out of violence. The idea of non-violence is the outcome of being aggressive, abrasive, anger and so on. So there is only violence, not its opposite. Then we can deal with violence. As long as we have an opposite then we are trying to achieve the opposite. I wonder if you see? 所以只要我们有对立面,就不可能存在自由。 善 和恶完全没有关系, 和坏完全没有关系——带引号的“坏”。 只要我们是暴力的, 要拥有其反面也就是非暴力, 就会制造冲突, 并且那个非暴力是暴力的产物。 那个非暴力的思想是好斗、伤害、 愤怒等等的产物。 所以只有暴力存在,不存在暴力的反面。 然后我们才能解决暴力。 只要我们有一个对立面, 我们就会尽力去实现那个对立面。 我想知道你是不是明白了?
15:38 So, is freedom the opposite of non-freedom? Or freedom has nothing whatsoever to do with its opposite? Please we have to understand this very carefully because we are going to go into something, which is: is love the opposite of hate the opposite of jealousy the opposite of sensation? So as long as we are living in this habit of opposites which we are - I must, I must not I am, I shall be I have been and in the future something will take place all this is the activity, the movement of the opposites. Right sir? Do we May we go on? 所以,自由是不自由的对立物吗? 或者,自由与它的对立面完全没有任何关系? 我们必须非常仔细地理解这点, 因为我们正深入探索一件事情,就是: 爱是不是恨的反面、 嫉妒的反面、 感受的 反面? 所以只要我们生活在对立的习惯中, 我们也确实如此——我必须如何,我不能如何, 我现在如何,我应该如何, 我已经怎样而将来某些事情会发生, 所有这些都是对立面的活动、运动。 对吗,先生?我们是这样的吗? 我们可以继续吗?
17:06 So we are asking: is freedom totally unrelated to that which we call non-freedom? If it is then how is that freedom to be lived understood and acted, from which action takes place? We have always acted from the opposites. Right? I am in prison and I must be free of it. I must get out. I am in bondage to a habit psychologically as well as physiologically and I must be free of it to become something else. Right? So we are caught in the habit of this everlasting corridor of opposites and so there is never an ending to conflict to struggle, to be this and not that. I think this is fairly clear. Can we go on from there? You are not listening to me: you are discovering this for yourself. If you are, it has significance meaning and can be lived daily but if you are merely accepting the idea of it from another, from the speaker then you are merely living in the world of ideas and therefore the opposites remain. The word 'idea' the root meaning of it, from Greek and so on is to observe. See what we have made of that word! Just to observe, and not conclude or make an abstraction from what you have observed into an idea. So we are caught in ideas and we never observe. If we do observe we make an abstraction of it into an idea. 所以我们要问:自由是否 完全与我们所说的不自由无关? 如果无关,那么怎样活出、理解、行出这种自由, 让行动从这种自由中产生? 我们总是从对立面出发来行动。 对吗? 我在牢狱中,所以我必须摆脱它。 我必须出去。 我被一个习惯束缚, 心理上如此,生理上也如此, 我必须摆脱它变成另外的样子。 对吗? 所以我们被困在那个 永无止境的对立面的通道中, 所以永远无法终结矛盾、挣扎, 要这样,不要那样。 我认为这非常清楚。 我们可以继续吗? 你不是在听我说, 你是在亲自发现这些。 如果你这样做,那会很有意义, 并且能在日常生活中活出这种意义, 但如果你仅仅从别人那里、 从讲话者那里接受这些想法, 那么你就仅仅生活在观念的世界中, 因而矛盾依旧。 “观念”这个词, 词根的意思来自希腊语, 意思是去观察。 看,我们把那个词变成了什么! 只是去观察,而不要下结论 或者将你观察到的抽象成一个想法。 所以我们被困在观念中而从来不观察。 如果我们观察,我们就把它抽象成一个想法。
20:03 So we are saying: freedom is unconnected with bondage whether it is the bondage of habit physical or psychological the bondage of attachment and so on. So there is only freedom, not its opposite. If we understand the truth of it then we will deal only with 'what is' and not with 'what should be' which is its opposite. Have you got it? Are we meeting each other somewhere? Right?

Q: Yes.
所以我们要说: 自由与束缚没有联系, 不论是习惯的束缚, 身体上或心理上的习惯, 还是依赖的束缚等等。 所以只存在自由,不存在其对立面。 如果我们理解了其中的真相, 那么我们将只应对“实然” 而无需应对“应该如何”, 也就是实然的对立面。你明白了吗? 我们在一定程度上相互理解了吗? 是吗?

21:05 K: May we go on?

Q: Yes.

21:09 K: So if that is very clear that there is only the fact, the 'what is' and there is no opposite to 'what is'. See, if you understand that basically, the truth of it you are dealing with facts unemotionally unsentimentally, then you can do something. The fact itself will do something. But as long as we move away from the fact the fact and the opposite will continue. You've understood? So we are asking now if that is clear not because somebody said so because you have discovered this for yourself fundamentally, it is yours, not mine. Then we can proceed to enquire into this whole question which is very complex: what is love? If we are sentimental, romantic and imaginative and Raphaelites and mid-Victorians then we will never even put that question. But if we put aside all sentiment all emotional response to that word or having any conclusions about that word then we can proceed sanely healthily rationally into this question of what is love. Do you understand? Right? So first of all are we approaching the question without a motive, without sentiment, without prejudice? Because the approach matters enormously rather than the object itself. Right? Do we meet this? Am I putting you all to sleep or what (Laughter) 克:所以如果这点非常明确, 那么就只存在事实,那个“实然”, 而不存在“实然”的对立面。 看,如果你从根本上理解了这点,理解了其中的真相, 你就是在面对事实, 不情绪化地、 不多愁善感地面对,然后你能有所作为。 那个事实本身会有所作为。 但只要我们偏离了事实, 事实和对立面就会继续存在。 你理解了吗? 所以,我们现在要问这一点是不是清楚了, 不是因为有人这么说了, 而是因为你自己从根本上 发现了这一点,它是你的,不是我的。 然后我们才能继续探询这整个非常复杂的问题: 什么是爱? 如果我们多愁善感、罗曼蒂克、富于想象, 处于拉斐尔时代或中维多利亚时代, 那么我们就永远无法提出那个问题。 但如果我们把对那个词的所有情绪、 所有情感反应放在一边, 也将关于那个词的所有结论放在一边, 然后我们才能理智、 健康、合理地深入什么是爱的问题。 你理解吗? 对吗? 所以,首先,我们着手处理这个问题的时候, 是不是没有动机、没有情绪、没有偏见? 因为着手的方式事关重大, 其重要性甚至超过对象本身。 对吗? 这一点我们都明白了吗? 我是不是让你们都昏昏欲睡了还是什么?(笑声)
23:59 So do we know how we approach this question? Are we aware of our approach to it? We say, 'Yes, I know what love is' and therefore you have stopped enquiring. So, as we said, the approach to the problem is more important than the problem itself. Don't make it into a slogan or a cliché then you have lost it. So are we clear how we approach this question? If the approach is correct, accurate in the sense there is no personal conclusion, or opinion or experience, then you are approaching it afresh then you are approaching it with a sense of deep enquiry. 所以我们知道我们在怎样着手这个问题吗? 我们清楚我们接近它的方式吗? 我们说,“是的,我知道爱是什么”, 那么你就停止了探询。 所以,就像我们说的,着手处理问题的方式 比问题本身更重要。 不要把这变成一个口号或陈词滥调, 那样你就失去了它。 所以我们清楚我们在怎样着手这个问题吗? 如果方式是正确的、准确的, 也就是说,没有个人结论、见解 或经验,那么你就是在重新着手处理, 那么你就会以深入探询的态度去接近它。
25:26 So we are saying: what is love? Theologians have written volumes about it. The priests throughout the world have given a significance to it. Every man and woman throughout the world gives a specific meaning to it. If they are sensual they give that meaning and so on, so on, so on. So being aware how we approach it openly, freely, without any motive then the door is open to perceive what it is. Right? We close the door to perception if we come to it with an opinion with some conclusion, with our own personal little experience. We have closed the door and there is nothing to you can't investigate, but if you come to it openly freely, eagerly to find out then the door opens you can look through. Alright? Please, are we doing this? Because I think this may solve all our human problems. The approach and what is love. In the mechanistic world it doesn't exist. To the totalitarian people that word is probably an abomination they only know it as the love of the country, the love of the State. Or if you are a Christian you have love of God or love of Jesus, or love of somebody. In India it is the love of their particular guru or their particular deity and so on. So we are asking, putting all that aside not ignorantly but seeing what they have done what religions have done with that word and perhaps with the feeling behind that word being aware of all that, we must go into this. Right? 所以,我们说:什么是爱? 神学家们关于它的著作卷帙浩繁。 全世界的牧师 都说它如何重要。 全世界每个男人和女人 都给它一个特别的意义。 如果他们耽于声色, 就会给它那样的意义,等等,等等,等等。 所以明白我们怎样着手这个问题, 开放地、自由地、没有任何动机, 那么,那扇理解实然的门就打开了。 对吗? 我们会关闭那扇理解的门, 如果我们走近问题时带着某个见解、 带着某些结论,带着我们自己的些许个人经验。 我们关闭了那扇门,那么你就没有什么 可探究的了,但如果你来到它面前时, 是开放地、自由地、热切地想要去发现,那么门就打开了, 你就能看进去。 对吗? 拜托,我们在这么做吗? 因为我认为这可以解决我们人类的所有问题。 用这种着手方式去发现什么是爱。 它在机械的世界中不存在。 对于极权主义者来说, 那个词可能非常讨厌, 他们只知道对祖国的爱、对国家的爱。 或者如果你是个基督徒,你爱上帝、 爱耶稣,或爱某个人。 在印度,是爱他们各自的上师 或他们各自的神明,等等。 所以我们要问,将所有那些都放在一边, 不是无知无觉,而是看到他们的所作所为, 就那个词连同隐藏在那个词背后的情感, 宗教所做的一切, 要了解所有这些,我们必须深入进去。 对吗?
28:34 It means we must not only look what others have done to the word how they have imposed certain conclusions upon our minds throughout the ages, and also what our own inclinations are being aware of all that let's approach it tentatively. What is love? Is it pleasure? Go on sir, enquire, dig into yourself and find out. Is it pleasure? For most of us it is sexual pleasure which is called love, sensory pleasure. And that sensory pleasure sexual pleasure has been called love. And that apparently dominates the world. It dominates the world because probably in our own lives it dominates us. So we have identified love with that thing called pleasure and is love pleasure? Which doesn't mean that love is not pleasure. You must enquire into it it may be totally, something entirely different. But first we must enquire into it. Right? Is love desire? Is love remembrance? Please. Which means, is love the remembered experience as pleasure and the demand of thought as desire, with its image and the pursuit of that image is called love. Is that love? Right sir? 这意味着我们必须不仅看到别人对这个词做了什么, 世世代代以来,他们怎样在我们的头脑之中 强加了某些结论,并且 我们自身的倾向是什么, 意识到所有这些, 让我们尝试性地去接近问题。 什么是爱? 爱是快乐吗? 继续先生,去探询,深入你内心去发现。 爱是快乐吗? 对我们多数人来说爱是 性快感、感官快乐,那被称为爱。 而那个感官快乐、 性快感一直被称为爱。 并且这个说法显然在世界上占据主导。 它左右着世界, 因为它很可能在我们自己的生活中,左右着我们。 所以我们将爱与被称为快乐的事情相等同, 而爱是快乐吗? 那并不意味着爱不是快乐。 你必须深入探究, 它可能是截然不同的东西。 但首先我们必须深入探究。 对吗? 爱是欲望吗? 爱是记忆吗? 拜托。 就是说,爱是不是 对快乐经验的记忆, 是不是满怀意象的思想要求满足的欲望, 而对那个意象的追逐被称为爱。 那是爱吗? 对不对,先生?
31:35 And is being attached to a person or to a country, to an idea, is that love? Attachment, dependence. Please look into yourself, not listen to me I am not worth listening to. But what is significant, what is worthwhile is that you listen to yourself when these questions are being put you have to answer it for yourself because it is your daily life. And if attachment is not love and if attachment is love what are the implications involved in it? You understand my question? If we say love is pleasure then we must see the whole consequences and the implications of that statement. Then we depend entirely on sensory sexual excitement, which is called love. And with it goes all the suffering, the anxiety the desire to possess and from that possessive desire attachment. And where you are attached there is fear fear of loss. And from that arises jealousy, anxiety anger, gradual hatred. Right? 还有,依附于一个人 或一个国家、一个观念,那是爱吗? 依赖,依靠。 请看看自己,不要只听我讲, 我不值得听。 而有意义的、值得做的 是聆听你自己, 当这些问题被提出来, 你必须自己来回答,因为那就是你每天的生活。 是否依附不是爱, 或者是否依附是爱, 其中涉及到了哪些含义? 你理解我的问题吗? 如果我们说爱是快乐, 那么我们必须看到这个说法的 全部后果和含义。 我们完全依赖感官上的 性刺激,而那被称为爱。 并且所有的痛苦、焦虑、 占有的欲望都随之而来, 并且从占有欲中产生了依附。 而只要你依附就会有恐惧, 就会害怕失去。 并且从中会产生嫉妒、焦虑、 愤怒,进而逐渐产生憎恨。 对吗?
33:41 And also we must see what are the consequences if it is not pleasure. Then what is love which is not jealousy, attachment remembrance pursuit of pleasure through imagination and desire and so on? Is love then the opposite of all this? You follow? I am lost! 并且我们也必须看到, 如果爱不是快乐,那结果会是什么。 那么爱是什么? 它不是嫉妒、依附, 不是记忆, 不是借助想象、欲望等对快乐的追求。 爱是所有这些的反面吗?你理解吗? 我糊涂了!
34:38 We said is love the opposite of pleasure, of attachment, of jealousy. If love is that, then that love contains jealousy attachment and all the rest of it. Therefore love, seeing all the implications of attachment pursuit of desire the continuous reel of remembrances: I loved and I am not loved I remember that particular sexual pleasure or that particular incident which gave me delight so the pursuit of that and the opposite of what is called love is then love the opposite of hate? Do you understand? Or love has no opposite. You're following all this? It's hot. 我们刚才说, 爱是快乐、依附、嫉妒的反面吗? 如果是,那么那种爱就包含了 嫉妒、依附,诸如此类的东西。 所以, 看到依附的所有含义, 对欲望的追求、 记忆的持续卷入: 我爱了,我没有被爱, 我记住那次特别的性快感, 或者让我愉悦的特定事件, 然后追求那些, 并且被称为爱的东西有它的对立面, 那么,爱是恨的反面吗?你明白吗? 或者爱没有对立面。 你完全理解这些了吗? 天气真热。
36:07 So we are finding out please go with it you will see something extraordinary come out of this. I don't know what is coming out of it myself but I can feel something extraordinary coming out of it. If you all listen to yourselves, actually. And the religions have made love of god love of Jesus, love of Krishna, love of Buddha you follow? - totally unrelated to daily life. And we are concerned with the understanding and finding the truth of our daily life the totality of it, not just sex or power or position or jealousy, or some idiotic complex one has but the whole structure and the nature of the extraordinary life in which we live. 所以我们要弄清楚, 请跟上,你将看到 从中会产生非凡的事情。 我自己并不知道从中会产生什么, 但我能感到有某种非凡的事物将从中产生。 如果你们确实在倾听自己的话。 而宗教创造了上帝之爱、 耶稣之爱、克里希那之爱、佛陀之爱 你明白吗?——完全与日常生活无关。 而我们关心的是理解我们的日常生活, 并发现日常生活的真相 和它的整体,不仅仅是性、权势、职位 或者嫉妒,或者人有的某种愚蠢的情结, 而是我们生活于其中的非凡生命 的整个结构和本质。
37:16 So as we said, the opposite is not love. If we understand that that through negation of what it is not which means, not negating or denying in the sense of pushing it away, resisting it controlling it but understanding the whole nature and the structure and the implications of desire of pleasure, of remembrance. Out of that comes the sense of intelligence which is the very essence of love. Right? Are we meeting each other sir? 所以就像我们说过的,对立面并不是爱。 如果我们理解了这点, 也就是通过对非实然的否定, 这里说的否定或摒弃并不是 推开、抵制、 控制,而是理解欲望、快乐、记忆的 整个本质、结构 和含义。 从那种理解中就会浮现出智慧, 那智慧正是爱的核心。对吗? 我们彼此理解了吗?
38:21 You say this is impossible. I am young, I am full of beans and I am full of sex, and I want to indulge in it. You may call it whatever you like but I like that. Till I catch some disease or some man or woman runs away with another then begins the whole circus jealousy, anxiety, fear, hatred and so on. So what is one to do when one is young full of life, all the glands highly active what is one to do? Don't look at me! (Laughter) Look at yourself. Which means - please listen which means you cannot possibly depend on another to find out the answer. You have to be a light to yourself. You have to be a light to yourself in understanding desire, remembrance, the whole attachment and all that - understand it, live it, find out. Find out how thought pursues pleasure endlessly. If you understand the depth and the fullness and the clarity of all that then one will not be in a state of perpetual control then guilt and regret - you follow? All that one goes through when one is young if one is sensitive. If you are merely out for pleasure, well that is a different matter. 你说这不可能。 我年轻,我精力旺盛, 我充满性欲,并且我想沉溺于其中。 你可以随便怎么说,但我喜欢。 直到我得了病, 或者某个男人或女人跟别人跑了, 接下来整部闹剧就上演了, 嫉妒、焦虑、恐惧、憎恨,等等。 所以当一个人年轻、充满生命力、 所有腺体高度活跃时,他该怎么办, 一个人要怎么办? 不要看我!(笑声) 看你自己。 这意味着——请听好: 意味着你不可能 依靠别人去找到答案。 你必须做自己的光。 在理解欲望、记忆以及整个依附等等的过程中, 你必须做自己的光 ——去理解、去实践、去弄清楚。 发现思想如何无休止地追逐快乐。 如果你深刻、完整、 清晰地理解了那一切, 那么你就不会处于一种不停控制的状态, 从而不会有后悔和罪恶感——你明白吗? 那都是人在年轻时经历的事情, 如果他敏感的话。 如果你只想寻找快乐, 那就是另外一回事了。
41:03 So love is not the opposite of hate of desire, or pleasure. So love is something entirely different from all that because love has no opposite. If you really understand this go into it, not catch my enthusiasm, my vitality my interest, my intensity then you will find out what is much more inclusive than that, is compassion. The very word is passion for everything for the rock, for the stray animal, for the birds for the trees, for nature, for human beings. How that compassion expresses itself when there is that compassion, actually not theoretically and all that nonsense when there is actually that state of compassion all action from that is action of intelligence. Because you cannot have love if you haven't understood the whole movement of thought. One cannot grasp the full beauty the significance and the depth of that word without understanding the whole business of attachment not intellectually but actually whether you are free from attachment from the man or the woman from the house, from the particular carpet or particular something or other that you own. Right? 所以爱不是恨、 欲望、快乐的反面。 所以爱是与所有这些完全不同的事情, 因为爱没有对立面。 如果你真正理解了这点, 深入进去,而不是受我的热情、活力、 兴趣和强度所感染, 然后你会发现 比那些更有内涵的东西,就是慈悲。 这个词的含义正是对所有事物的热情, 对岩石、对迷途的动物、对鸟儿、 对树木、对自然、对人类的热情。 那种慈悲怎样表达自身, 当确实存在那种慈悲, 不是从理论上或诸如此类的, 当确实存在那种慈悲的状态, 从中产生的所有行动都是智慧的行动。 因为如果你没有理解整个思想的运动, 你就无法拥有爱。 一个人是无法掌握那个词全部的 美、意义和深度的, 如果他没有理解依附的整个把戏, 不是从智力上而是真正地理解, 你是否摆脱了依附, 摆脱了对那个男人或女人的依附, 对房子、对某块特别的地毯的依附, 或者某件特别的东西或者你拥有的其他东西。 对吗?
43:36 So out of that investigation and awareness of all the significance of that from that there comes intelligence not born of books and cunning thought and discussions and clever expressions and all that but the understanding of what love is not and putting all that aside. Not say well, I will find out gradually when I am dead and buried, or just before what attachment Now, today, to find out while you are sitting there listening to yourself to be free completely from all attachment from your wife, from your husband, from your girl attachment - do you understand? Can you? Not resist it, not throw it away I am going to fight it, I am going to exercise my will to resist and so on, so on, so on. Will is part of desire. 所以从对那一切的全部意义的 探究和了解中, 就能产生智慧, 不是从书本、机巧的思想和讨论、 聪明的表述等诸如此类的东西中诞生, 而是来自对“爱不是什么”的理解, 并且将那些都抛在一边。 不要说,好吧,我会慢慢搞清楚的, 当我死去、被埋葬,或者就在面对某个依附时。 现在,今天,当你坐在这儿的时候就去发现, 聆听着你自己, 从所依附中完全解放出来, 从对你的妻子、你的丈夫、你的女朋友, 从所有依附中——你明白吗? 你能吗? 不是抗拒它,不是扔掉它, 我要与之战斗,我要运用我的意志 去抵抗,等等,等等,等等。 意志是欲望的一部分。
44:55 So can you put aside attachment, dependence and not become cynical, bitter withdraw and resist. Because you have understood it what attachment implies and in the very understanding of it, it drops away and it drops away because you are intelligent there is intelligence. That intelligence is not yours or mine, it is intelligence. 所以你能否放弃 依附、依赖 而不变得愤世嫉俗、冷酷、 退缩、抵抗? 因为你已经理解了 依附意味着什么, 而正是在对它的理解中,依附逐渐减少, 并且它逐渐减少,是因为你是智慧的, 有智慧存在。 那种智慧不是你的或我的,它就是智慧。
45:34 So then the action of compassion can only come through intelligence. It is like those people who love animals protect animals - and wear their fur, right? You have seen all this, haven't you? 所以慈悲的行动 只能来自智慧。 就像那些热爱动物、 保护动物的人们——却穿着它们的毛皮,对吗? 你看到过这些,是吧?
46:07 When we have understood this to its very depth then we can proceed to enquire into this problem of fear with regard to death. Right? Do you want to go into it? No, no please, don't (laughs) don't casually say, 'Yes, let's do it, for fun'. Because most of us whether we are young or old whether we are diseased, or lame or blind or deaf or ignorant poor, we are frightened of death. It is part of our tradition, part of our culture part of our daily life to avoid this thing called death. We have read all about it. We have seen people die you have shed tears over them and felt this enormous sense of isolation, loneliness and the fear of all that. And from that there is this great sorrow grief, not only the human sorrow of two human beings but also there is this great sorrow global sorrow, sorrow in the world. I don't know if you are aware of all this. We have had recently two wars hasn't that created immense sorrow for mankind? No? Think how many women, children people have cried and shed tears. They are not yours or my tears, but human tears, of humanity. So there is a global sorrow the sorrow of the world and a particular human being with his sorrow. 当我们非常深刻地理解了这点, 然后我们就能进一步探询 对死亡的恐惧这个问题。 对吗? 你想探讨这个问题吗? 不,请不要(笑) 不要随便说,“好,来吧,好玩。” 因为我们多数人,不论年轻或年老, 无论我们患病,或残废、 盲目、聋哑、愚昧、贫穷, 我们都害怕死亡。 避免这件被称为死亡的事情是我们传统的一部分, 我们文化的一部分,我们日常生活的一部分。 我们都读过关于这方面的书。 我们看到过人们死去, 我们曾为他们洒泪, 并感到这种巨大的隔离感、孤独感, 以及对所有这一切的恐惧。 并因之产生巨大的悲伤、 悲痛,不仅是两个人的悲伤, 而且存在这种全球性的、 全世界范围内的巨大悲伤。 我不知道你是否意识到了这一切。 我们最近有两场战争, 难道没有给人类带来巨大的悲伤吗? 没有吗? 想一想有多少妇女、儿童、 多少人为之哭泣流泪。 那不是你的或我的眼泪,而是人的、人类的眼泪。 所以存在全球性的悲伤、 世界性的悲伤 和一个人自己特定的悲伤。
48:57 Are you getting mesmerised by me? I am a little anxious I question this all the time because you are so very silent and I hope that silence indicates the non-movement, of physical movement and the non-movement of thought does it indicate that you are really deeply concerned deeply enquiring, putting your whole heart and mind and everything that you have into this understanding of all this? 你被我催眠了吗? 我有点儿担心, 我一直对这点存疑,因为你们是如此安静, 而我希望这种安静表示 身体没有动, 并且思想也没动, 这是不是表示你真的深深关心、 深入探询,将你全部的身心 和你拥有的一切投入到对所有这一切的理解中?
49:42 So before we go into the question of death we must also understand the nature of sorrow: why we shed tears why we rationalise sorrow why we hold on to it. In the Christian world sorrow is put on the cross and it's finished with it. You have idealised or put away that sorrow through one person and that person is going to redeem you from sorrow. You know all this, don't you? So one never goes into this whole question of sorrow. In the Asiatic world sorrow is explained through various theories - very intelligent, very clever. There is great possibility in their theories but yet in the Asian world including India, there is still sorrow. So we are asking whether man can ever be free from it. Because we are asking this question to find out its right place the right place of sex, money physical security, technological knowledge and so on. All these have their right place. When once you have put these in their right place, freedom comes. 所以在我们深入探讨死亡问题之前, 我们也必须先理解悲伤的本质: 我们为什么流泪, 我们为什么将悲伤合理化, 我们为什么抓住它不放。 在基督教世界里悲伤被钉在十字架上, 通过十字架结束了悲伤。 你通过某个人理想化或抛弃了悲伤, 那个人会把你从悲伤中拯救出来。 你知道这一切,不是吗? 所以人们从来没有深入这整个悲伤的问题。 在亚洲地区,悲伤被各种理论 所解释——非常机巧、非常聪明。 在他们的理论中有着巨大的可能性, 但在亚洲, 包括印度,仍然存在悲伤。 所以我们要问人类究竟能否从悲伤中解脱。 因为我们要问这个问题, 去找到它的正确位置, 性、金钱、身体安全、 技术知识等等的正确位置。 所有这些都有其正确的位置。 当你一旦将这些放到其正确的位置上,自由就来到了。
51:56 So sorrow: the word sorrow in that is involved passion. Passion, not lust but that quality of mind when sorrow is completely, totally understood and gone into seeing the whole significance of it then out of that comes passion. Not to paint pictures - I don't mean all that kind of stuff. The passion that quality of energy which is not dependent on anything environment, good food and so on it is that tremendous quality of energy which may be termed as passion. It comes out of the understanding of this burden which man has carried for millennia. Why do we suffer, psychologically? You may have physical pain, injury, disease, crippled and is it possible - please listen quietly is it possible to put pain, physical pain in its right place and not let it interfere with the psychological state of the mind - you understand what I am saying? 所以悲伤: “悲伤”那个词, 其中有热情的含义。 热情,不是渴欲, 而是心灵的那种品质, 当悲伤被彻底地、完整地探究了、 理解了, 看到其全部的意义, 然后从中产生出热情。 不是说绘画——我说的完全不是那类东西。 这种热情、 这种能量的品质 不依赖任何东西、 环境、好的食物等等, 它是能量的非凡品质, 可以被称为热情。 它来自于 对人类背负了数千年的重担的理解。 我们为什么在心理上痛苦? 你也许有身体上的痛苦,受伤、疾病、残障, 而是否可能——请安静地听: 有没有可能将疼痛、身体的痛苦放在正确的位置上 而不让它干扰头脑的心理状态? 你理解我说的话吗?
54:03 One has often physical pain in different forms. Or one may have serious sickness or crippled and that sickness, that disease, and so on not to allow all that to interfere with the freedom with the freshness of the mind. That requires tremendous awareness watchfulness to say physical pain not to be registered you understand? - psychologically. Are we meeting each other? You have been to a dentist - haven't you? so have I, all of us have been and there is considerable pain sitting there by the hour and not to register that pain at all. Then, if you register it then you are frightened to go there again, fear comes in. Whereas if you don't register it the pain, you follow? quite a different quality of mind, brain comes into action. So we went into the question of registration very clearly, carefully, so I won't go into it now. 一个人身体上经常 有各种形式的疼痛。 或者一个人可能患有严重的疾病 或残疾, 那些疾病,等等, 不让这些干扰 心灵的自由和饱满的精神。 让身体的痛苦不会被记录在心理上, 这需要巨大的觉知和警醒 ——你明白吗? 我们互相理解了吗? 你曾去看牙医——没有吗? 我去过,我们都去过, 坐在那儿承受着巨大痛苦,数着钟点, 却完全不记录那个痛苦。 而如果你记录了它, 那么你就会害怕再去那儿,恐惧会袭来。 然而,如果你没有记录 那个痛苦,你明白吗? 心灵、头脑的某种完全不同的品质就开始行动了。 所以我们深入探讨过记录的问题, 非常清晰地、仔细地深入过,所以我不再重复了。
56:13 So similarly we live with sorrow and perhaps that is getting more and more expansive, through divorce, people are divorced and their children go through a terrible time the children suffer neurotic, all that goes on with the children. They are fed up with their present wife and for various sexual and other reasons and they chase another woman, or man you follow all this? - this is happening. And, so there is tremendous suffering in the world the people who are in prison the poverty that exists in India and Asia incredible poverty. And the sorrow of a world of those who live in Totalitarian States. We were talking the other day to a person just in Switzerland we met them and we asked them a question, saying how do you tolerate all this? He said, 'We get used to it'. No, no, see what the implications are. We get used to oppression, suppression, fear watching always what we are saying, we get used to it. As we have got used to our own particular little environment you understand what I am saying? 所以,类似地, 我们伴随着悲伤生活, 也许悲伤正越来越多、 正在扩散,比如离婚,有人离婚了, 他们的孩子度过了一段可怕的时光, 孩子们痛苦, 变得神经过敏,这些都伴随着孩子。 他们厌烦了现在的妻子, 因为各种性方面的或其他的原因, 他们追求另外一个女人或男人, 你明白这些吗?——这些事情正在发生。 所以,世界充满巨大的痛苦, 监狱中的人们, 在印度、亚洲存在的贫困, 令人难以置信的贫困。 并且生活在极权国家的那些人 有着无处不在的悲伤。 前几天我们与一个人交谈, 我们在瑞士遇到他们, 我们问了他们一个问题,说你们怎么能容忍这一切? 他说,“我们习惯了。” 不,不,看看这意味着什么。 我们习惯于抑制、压制和恐惧, 总是留心我们说了什么,我们习惯了。 因为我们已经习惯了我们自身特定的小环境, 你理解我说的话吗?
58:34 So, is it possible to be totally free from sorrow? If the mind, if the brain is capable of not indulging in its own misery in its own loneliness in its own anxieties, travail and struggle and you know fear and all that therefore there is no centre from which you act. The centre being the 'me' with all the things that we've included in that as long as that exists there must be sorrow. So the ending of sorrow is the ending of 'me', the ego. Which doesn't mean the ending of 'me' implies callousness, indifference - on the contrary. 所以,有没有可能完全从悲伤中解脱出来? 如果心灵,如果头脑能够 不沉溺于它自己的不幸、 它自己的孤独、 它自己的焦虑、艰辛、挣扎, 而你了解恐惧和那一切, 那么就不存在你据以行动的中心。 那个中心就是那个“我”, 包含着我们囊括其中的全部“家当”, 只要那些东西存在就肯定存在悲伤。 所以悲伤的终结就是我”、自我的终结。 并不是说,“自我”的终结意味着 麻木不仁、冷淡——而是正相反。
1:00:04 So we know what sorrow is and never to run away from it just to live with it, capture it, understand it go into it at the moment, not a few days later after you have been through all kinds of struggle just to never move from that fact. Then there is no conflict about it. Then out of that comes a totally different kind of energy which is passion. 所以我们理解了悲伤是什么, 并且从不逃避它, 只是和它共处,捕捉它、理解它, 当时就深入它,而不是几天之后, 在你经历了各种挣扎之后, 而是从来不避开事实。 然后就没有了任何冲突。 然后从中产生出一种完全不同的能量, 也就是热情。
1:00:46 So now we'll have to go, if we have time Beg your pardon?

Q: Twenty seven past….
所以现在我们必须……如果我们有时间的话。 请问几点了?

1:00:55 K: Oh, we've got some more time. So we can go into the question of what is death. All this is necessary to find out what is meditation you understand? To be free of hurts, wounds, psychologically to be free of fear to understand the whole movement of pleasure the nature and the structure of thought and the thought that has created the division: the 'me' and the thing which is observed is not 'me' you follow? - all the divisions. To understand all this and lay the foundation then one can really meditate otherwise you live in illusions some kind of fanciful day dreaming. Or you go to Japan, or Burma I don't know if you can go to Burma nowadays Japan and learn Zen meditation. It is all such nonsense! Because unless you put your house in order the house that is burning, that is being destroyed unless you put your house, that is yourself, in order to sit under a tree in a cross-legged Lotus position or whatever position you take, is utterly meaningless. You can delude yourself you can have illusions galore. So that is why it is important to understand and be free of anxiety, fear, attachment and whether it is possible to find out the ending of sorrow. 克:噢,我们还有些时间。 所以我们可以深入探讨什么是死亡的问题。 需要进行所有这些探讨,才能发现什么是冥想, 你明白吗? 要免于心理伤害、 摆脱恐惧, 理解快乐的整个运动、 理解思想的本质和结构 以及制造了分裂的思想: 那个“我”和那个观察到的不是“我”的东西, 你明白吗?——所有的分裂。 完全理解这些并打下基础, 然后一个人才能真正冥想, 否则你就生活在幻象中, 在某种想入非非的白日梦中。 或者你到日本或缅甸, 我不知道如今你能不能去缅甸, 到日本去学禅宗冥想。 那完全是无稽之谈! 因为除非你将自己的房子整顿好, 房子正在燃烧、正被破坏, 除非你将自己的房子——也就是你自己——整顿好, 否则坐在树下,盘腿摆个莲花姿势 或采取无论什么姿势,都是毫无意义的。 你可以欺骗自己, 你可以体验到无数的幻象。 这就是为什么理解并摆脱 焦虑、恐惧、依附并明白有没有可能 终结悲伤非常重要。
1:03:19 Then we can go into the question of death. I wonder why we are all so frightened of it. Have you ever asked: what does it mean to end anything? What does it mean to end attachment? To end it. Say at this moment, sitting there observing yourself very carefully and realising that you are attached to a person or to something or other, ideas, your experience and so on. To end that attachment now without argument, without etc. etc. Just end it. Then what takes place? You understand my question? I am attached to this house, behind me - I hope not! And realising that I am attached not theoretically or in abstraction, but actually the feeling of possessing that being something there, all that nonsense. To observe that be aware of that attachment and end it instantly. The ending is tremendously important. The ending of a habit smoking or whatever habit one has, to end it. So one must understand what it means to end something without effort, without will without asking, 'If I end this will I get that?' then you are in the market. When you are in the market place you say 'I will give you this, give me that' which most of us consciously or unconsciously do. That is not ending. To end and find out what happens. 然后我们就能深入探讨死亡的问题。 我想知道为什么我们都如此害怕它。 你可曾问过这个问题:终结一件事情 意味着什么? 结束依附意味着什么? 终结它。 比如说现在,坐在那儿 非常仔细地观察自己, 并意识到你依附于某个人 或某个东西,或其他什么,观念,你的经验等等。 不用论证,不用这样那样,现在就结束那种依附。 就结束它。 然后,会发生什么? 你理解我的问题吗? 我依附于我身后的这座房子——我希望不是这样! 并且意识到我依附了, 不是从理论上或抽象地,而是实际地认识到 拥有它的感觉, 它就在那儿,诸如此类的无稽之谈。 观察它, 意识到那个依附并马上终止它。 这种终结是非常重要的。 终结一种习惯, 抽烟或一个人的任何习惯,结束它。 所以,一个人必须了解不费力地、不带意志力地 终结一件事情意味着什么, 而不是问,“如果我结束这个,我会得到那个吗?” 那样的话你就是在市场上做交易。 当你在市场上,你说 “我给你这个,你给我那个,” 我们多数人都有意无意地这样做。 那不是终结。 结束一件事情,然后看看会发生什么。
1:06:23 So in the same way, death. Please hold on to it for a minute don't say, 'Is there life after death?' 'Do you believe in reincarnation?' As I said, I don't believe in anything. Full stop. Including reincarnation. But I want to find out one must find out what it means to die. It must be an extraordinary state. That is freedom from the known you understand this? I know my life, your life. You know your life very well, if you have gone into it observed it, carefully watched all the reactions and your behaviour, your lack of sensitivity or being sensitive escape into insensitivity and so on and so on, so on. You know your life very well, if you have watched it. And all that is going to end. Right? Your attachment is going to end when you die. You can't carry it with you but you may like to have it till the last moment. Right? So can you end your habit, one habit without arguing, rationalising, fighting it you know, say finit terminat, finished, over? Then what happens. You will find out only if you don't exercise will. Right? 'I will give up' whatever your particular habit is. Then you are struggling with it you are battling with it, you are running away from it suppressing it and all the rest of it goes on. But if you say 'Yes, I'll end it, it doesn't matter, I'll end it' see what happens. 死亡也是如此。 请好好体会这个问题一分钟, 不要说,“死后会有来生吗?” “你相信转世吗?” 就像我说过的,我不相信任何事情。 句号。包括转世。 但我想要弄清楚, 一个人必须弄清楚死亡意味着什么。 那必定是一个非凡的状态。 那是从已知中解脱的自由, 你理解这点吗? 我了解我的生活,你的生活。 你非常了解你的生活,如果你深入、 仔细地观察所有的反应 以及你的行为,你缺乏敏感, 或者本来敏感却逃到不敏感中, 等等,等等,等等。 如果你观察过,你会非常了解你的生活。 而这一切都会结束。 对吗? 当你死去的时候你的依附就会结束。 你无法带走它, 但你也许愿意拥有它直到最后一刻。 对吗? 所以你能否结束你的习惯,某个习惯, 而不为它辩白、不合理化它,不与之抗争, 你知道,只是说结束了、完了? 然后会发生什么? 只有你不运用意志力,你才会发现。 对吗? 说“我要放弃,” 无论你特定的习惯是什么。 那么你就在与它抗争, 你在与它战斗,你在逃避它、 压制它,诸如此类的事情就会上演。 但如果你说: “好,我会终止这个习惯,没有关系,我会结束它”, 看看会发生什么。
1:09:07 In the same way death implies the ending. The ending of everything that one has collected during this life: the furniture, the name, the form your experiences, your opinions, your judgements your jealousies, your gods, your worship, your prayers your rituals, everything comes to an end. The brain, which has carried immemorial memories and tradition and thoughts that brain lacking oxygen peters out. That is, the 'me' which has collected so much the 'me' is the collection of all this. Right? That is obvious. No? The 'me' is my fear, the 'me' is my attachment my anger, my jealousy, my fears, pleasure my attachment, my bitterness, my aggression that is the 'me'. And that 'me' is going to come to an end. That 'me' is projected by thought which is the outcome of knowledge the knowledge of my 50, 60, or 30 or 20 or 80 or 100 years that is the fact, the knowledge, the known. The ending of the known which is the freedom from the known, is death, isn't it? No? 同样,死亡意味着这种结束。 结束一个人毕生所积攒的一切: 家具、名声、外貌, 你的经验、你的见解、你的判断、 你的嫉妒、你的神灵、你的敬拜、你的祷告、 你的仪式,所有事情都到了终点。 装载着远古的记忆、 传统、思想的头脑, 缺乏氧气的头脑逐渐消失。 就是说,那个“我”收集了这么多, 那个“我”就是所有这些的集合。 对吗?这很明显。不是吗? 那个“我”就是我的恐惧,那个“我”就是我的依附, 我的愤怒、我的嫉妒、我的恐惧、快乐、 我的依赖、我的苦难,我的好斗, 那就是“我”。 而那个“我”将要结束。 那个“我”是思想的投射, 而思想是知识的产物, 我花了50、60或30、20、80、100年积攒的知识, 就是事件、知识,是已知。 已知的终结 就是从已知中解脱,就是死亡,不是吗? 不是吗?
1:11:31 And so one must find out whether the mind can be free from the known. Not at the end of 30 years later but now. The end of the known which is 'me', the world I live in, all that. The 'me' is memories - please listen to all this the 'me' is memories, experiences the knowledge which I have acquired through forty, sixty, thirty, twenty, or a hundred years the 'me' that has struggled the 'me' that is attached to this house, to this woman to this man, to this child, to this furniture, to this carpet the 'me' that is the experience that I have gathered through a number of years the knowledge, the pain, and the anxiety, the fears the jealousies, the hurts, the beliefs being a Christian love of Jesus, love of Christ, all that is 'me'. And that 'me' is just a lot of words - no? A lot of memories. 所以一个人必须弄清楚 心灵能否从已知中解脱出来。 不是在30年后,而是现在就解脱出来。 终结已知, 已知就是“我”,我生活的世界,其中的一切。 那个“我”就是记忆——请听听所有这些, 那个“我”就是 经过40、60、30、20或100年 我所获得的记忆、经验、知识, 那个挣扎的“我”, 那个依附于房子、女人、 男人、孩子、家具、地毯的“我”, 那个就是经验的“我”, 我积累了那么多年的经验、 知识、痛苦、焦虑、眼泪、 嫉妒、伤害,作为基督徒的信仰、 耶稣之爱、基督之爱,所有这些都是“我”。 并且那个“我”不过是许多言辞——不是吗? 许多记忆。
1:13:01 So can I be free from the known end the known now not when death comes and says 'Get out old boy, it is your time'. Now. But we cling to the known because we don't know anything else. We cling to our sorrows, that's our we cling to our life the life which is pain, anxiety you know all that, you know all this that is our daily, miserable life. And if the mind doesn't cling to it at all there is an ending to all that. But unfortunately we never end. We are always saying 'Yes, all right, I'll end it but what is going to happen?' So we want comfort in the ending do you understand sirs? So somebody comes along and says 'Old boy, believe in this that will give you tremendous comfort' All the priests throughout the world come and pat your shoulder or hold your hand when you are crying they give you comfort, the love of Jesus or he will save you, do this and do that. Do you understand? We are saying, the ending in which there is no time the ending of time, which is death - you understand? 所以我能否从已知中解脱出来, 现在就终结已知, 而不是等到死亡来临再说: “滚出去你这个家伙,你的日子到头了。” 现在。 但我们抓住已知不放,因为我们不知道任何其他的事情。 我们抓住悲伤不放,那是我们抓住我们生命的方式, 那个生命就是痛苦、焦虑, 你知道这一切,你知道 这就是我们每天的悲惨生活。 但如果头脑不再紧抓住这些不放, 这一切就结束了。 但不幸的是,我们从来没结束过。 我们总是说: “好吧,我会结束它,但会发生什么呢?” 如此我们想从结束中得到安慰, 你明白吗,先生们? 于是有人走过来说: “老朋友,相信这个, 这会给你巨大的安慰。” 全世界所有的牧师都会过来 拍拍你的肩膀或拉你的手,当你哭泣的时候, 他们给你安慰,耶稣之爱 或者他会解救你,这么做或那么做。 你明白吗? 我们要说,终结中不存在时间, 时间的终结,就是死亡——你明白吗?
1:15:16 So what takes place when there is the ending of 'me' the known, and when there is freedom from the known? Is that ever possible? It is only possible when the mind has understood and put everything in its right place so there is no conflict. When there is freedom from this known what is there? Do you understand my question? Do you ask that question? I'll end my attachment to this house to that woman, or to that boy or to that girl I'll end it. And then what? Don't you ask that? If you do ask it, 'then what' you have approached the whole problem inadequately. You will never ask that question, 'then what'. The very question, 'then what' implies that you have really not actually dropped, ended something. It is the lazy mind that says, 'then what'. Climb the mountain and you will find out what is on the other side. But most of us sit on our easy chairs and listen to the description and are satisfied with the description. Finished. Right? 所以当终结了“我”、已知, 并且当从已知中解脱出来,会发生什么? 那究竟可能吗? 只有当头脑理解了一切 并且将一切各归本位, 没有了冲突 才有可能。 当从已知中解脱了出来, 什么会出现? 你理解我的问题吗? 你有没有在问这个问题? 我将终结对房子、 女人、男朋友或女朋友的依附, 我会结束依附。 接下来会怎么样? 难道你没有问这个问题吗? 如果你问了,“接下来怎样”, 你就是用不恰当的方式着手整个问题。 你永远不要问那个问题,“接下来怎么样”。 正是这个问题,“接下来怎么样” 表示你没有真正 放弃、结束什么。 正是那颗懒惰的心说,“接下来会怎么样”。 爬上山峰后你就会发现 另一边是什么。 但我们多数人都坐在我们舒适的椅子上, 听着描述 并且满足于那种描述。 讲完了。好吗?