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BR80T4 - 宗教、死亡與冥想
1980 年 9 月7 日

1:14 This is the last talk. We have been talking about so many things, about the very complexity of life, and whether one can disentangle all the confusion and have a clear mind, so that our actions are precise, accurate, without any regrets, without wounding another or being wounded. We also talked about relationship, that all life is a movement in relationship, and that relationship is destroyed when we have an image of each other, and that image separates people. And also we talked about discontent, order. And as this is the last talk, I think we ought to talk over together what is religion, and what is meditation, and – sorry to bring such a subject as death in a lovely morning. We ought to consider together all these problems: death, what is religion, and what is the meaning of meditation. 這是最後一場談話 我們談過許多事情 都與生命的複雜性有關 以及人是否能解開這些糾纏 擁有一個清明的心靈 好讓我們有精準、正確的行動 沒有任何懊悔 不傷害別人,也不受傷害 我們也談過關係 談過生命是關係的活動 那個關係被我們彼此建立的形象摧毀了 那個形象把人分離了 我們也談過不滿足、秩序 由於這是最後一場談話 我認為我們應該一起討論 宗教是什麼? 冥想是什麼? 以及…抱歉在這個美好的早上提出死亡這個話題 我們應該一起思考這些問題 死亡、宗教是什麼? 以及冥想的意義是什麼?
3:33 First of all, if we may point out again, this is not an entertainment, intellectual or otherwise, romantic, stimulating your emotions or imaginations, but rather a gathering of serious people who are concerned with the transformation of themselves and therefore of society. That is the real meaning of these talks and gatherings, that as we have created this unfortunate, shocking society, and it is we who have created it, past generations and we are adding to that, we have been talking over together whether it is possible to transform our whole attitude and values and activities so that perhaps we can bring about a different society altogether. We have gone into all this pretty carefully. And also I think we ought to go into these other matters, like death, meditation and what is religion. 首先,容我們再一次指出 這不是娛樂 知性的或其他形式 浪漫的,刺激你的情緒或想像 反之,這是一群認真者的聚會 我們關心的是 自己的轉化,乃至於社會的轉化 這才是這些談話與聚會的真正意義 我們創造了這個不幸又令人驚懼的社會 是我們創造的 過往的世代,加上我們的添加 我們一起談過 是否可能轉化我們的整個態度 價值與…活動 或許能引發一個截然不同的社會 我們很仔細地討論過這些題目 同時我也認為應該討論一些別的事情 比如死亡、冥想、宗教是什麼
5:14 I think they are all connected together. And also one would like to point out that there is no Eastern thinking, or Western thinking. There is only thinking, not of the East nor of the West. Thinking. And thinking can take a particular channel, a particular direction, following some specialist, religious or economic, but it is still thought, therefore there is no actual division between the East and the West, nor South and North. Though the North has all the technological capacity – they should not be divided as East and West, but only North and South. The more South you go, as at present, the less technological evolution. But whereas in the North there is much more. So there is only thinking. It is not East or West. I think we ought to be very clear on this matter. The Eastern world has its own particular philosophy, its own religion, its own superstitions, idiosyncrasies and rubbish. As the West also has its own superstitions, idiosyncrasies and a lot of rubbish. They are both the same, East and West, and North and South. 我認為它們是彼此關聯的 我也要指出的是 並沒有東方式或西方式的思考 只有思考 既不是東方,也不是西方,思考 思考會遵循一個特別的管道 一個特別的…方向 追隨一個宗教或經濟的專家 但仍然是思想 因此東西之間並沒有實際的分別 也沒有南北的分別 雖然北方擁有科技能力 但也不應該分為東方和西方 只有北方和南方 你越往南走,以目前來說 科技的進化就越少 北方卻比較多 因此只有思考 不是東方或西方的思考 我認為我們應該把這件事弄清楚 東方世界有它特有的哲學 自己的宗教、自己的迷信 偶像崇拜和廢物 西方也有它自己的迷信 偶像崇拜和一大堆垃圾 兩者都一樣 東方、西方、北方與南方
7:32 So we are, as we pointed out together, we are thinking over these problems together. Not only thinking together, but going beyond that. Because the intellect has a certain value, its capacity is to discern, evaluate, distinguish, calculate, design, remember. That is the intellect. And if the intellect predominates our life then that brings about imbalance. And if our emotions dominate that also brings about imbalance. So we must be very clear from the very beginning of these talks and the ending of these talks that we are not concerned with a particular sect, religion, a form of meditation and so on. We are concerned with the investigation of these matters and together find the truth of these. Truth is not yours or mine. It has no path to it. When there is a path to it, it is not truth. So if you don’t mind we are repeating again that we are talking over together as two friends who are deeply concerned, not only of what is happening in the world but also what is taking place inwardly. The outward is the reflection of the inner. There is a constant interrelationship between the two. It is really one movement. And that movement has brought about such confusion in the world, such misery, anxiety, uncertainty, total insecurity. And we are now, together, you and I, we will investigate into the nature of what is religion. 因此,我們是…正如我們一起指出的 我們要一起思考這些問題 不只一起思考,還要一起超越 知性有它一定的價值 它有能力分辨、評估、區別 計算、設計、記憶 這是知性的作用 如果知性主導我們的生活 就會帶來失衡 感性主導也會帶來失衡 因此,我們在談話的開始與結束 就必須非常清楚 我們不關心一個特別的宗派、宗教 一種冥想的形式等 我們關心的是探究這些事 並一起找出其中的真理 真理不是你的或我的 真理沒有道路可循 有道路可循的不是真理 如果你們不介意的話我們要再重複一遍 我們要像兩個朋友一樣討論 我們深度關切 不只是世界發生的現狀 也包括內在發生的事 外在是內在的反映 兩者之間有持續的相互關係 其實只是一個活動 那個活動為世界帶來極大的混亂 極大的悲慘、焦慮 不確定、徹底的不安全感 我們在一起,你和我 我們要探討宗教的本質
10:33 The word ‘religion’, the root of it, has not been established. I think from observing and looking into various dictionaries, it really means gathering together all energy to find out the truth. I think that is what it means, after looking at various French, English, Italian dictionaries. It implies also diligence and negligence. A mind must be utterly diligent to find out what is truth. And if there is any kind of negligence it is a distraction and a wastage of energy. We are not stating this, it is a fact. Where the mind is dissipating itself in all the trivialities: in gossip, in getting hurt and wounding others, violence, caught up in its own self-centred activity, all that is negligence. Whereas a religious mind demands diligence to be precise, to be accurate, objectively and inwardly, so that there is no illusion, no deception, total integrity. That is what can be called a mind that is religious. But religion as it exists is not religion at all. All the propaganda, the images in the West, and the images in the East, you know, the rituals, the whole dressing up and all that business, has nothing whatsoever to do with religion. You may disagree with this. If you are a devout Christian, a practising Catholic, probably you will even not listen. And when the speaker goes to India he tells them the same thing, that their religion, their superstition, their images, all the nonsensical meaningless rituals have nothing to do whatsoever with truth. And many of them have said, ‘You should be burnt’, ‘or sent to a concentration camp’. Probably, if you were living in the Middle Ages you would be: tortured, called a heretic, burnt in the name of God, peace and all the rest of it. In India they are a little more absorbing. They say you are part of all this, but it is not meant for you, for us, you go away. Religion 並沒有明確的字源 根據觀察與查閱各種字典 我認為它真正的意思是聚集所有的能量 找出真理 我認為這是它的意思 我查過法文、英文義大利文字典 它也暗示精進與懈怠的意思 心靈必須徹底地精進 才能找出真理是什麼 如果有任何種類的懈怠 就是散亂和精力的浪費 我們不是在做陳述,這是事實 心靈分散在所有煩瑣的事物中 閒談、受傷害和傷害他人 暴力 困在自我中心的活動裡 這些都是懈怠 而一個宗教的心靈卻要求精進 要精準、要正確 客觀、內省 以至於沒有幻覺、欺瞞完整的人格 這才能…稱為宗教的心靈 但目前的宗教根本不是宗教 所有的宣傳 西方的意象與東方的意象 整個儀式、服飾等諸如此類的事 與宗教毫無關係 你也許不同意我的說法 如果你是虔誠的基督徒 實修的天主教徒 或許你根本不會聽 當說者去印度時 他也跟他們講同樣的話 說他們的宗教、迷信、意象 所有無意義的儀式 都與真理毫無關係 許多人說,你應該被燒死 或送去集中營 如果你活在中世紀或許會有這種下場 以異教徒之名受折磨以上帝、和平之名等 被送上火刑柱等 印度人的沉迷比較多一點 他們說你是這些的一部分 但這是我們的,不適合你你離開吧
15:02 So what we are saying is: a mind that is religious does not belong to any society, any nationality, has no belief, but such a mind has exercised the quality of doubt so that it questions, doesn’t accept, doesn’t obey the edicts of any religious organisation, sect, gurus. So that it can observe without the observer, which we talked about yesterday and in the previous talks. And our minds have been so conditioned, so captivated, enslaved by all the priests in the world – that is their business. It began with the Egyptians, four thousand five hundred BC, the priests were the directors, the people who knew, they were the interpreters of god and man, they were the middlemen – the retail experts! And that has been continued till now – in India, Asia, in the West. And our minds after two thousand years or five thousand years, have been conditioned to that, that we cannot as human beings find truth for ourselves, somebody must lead us to it, somebody must point out the way because our own minds are incapable of it. That has been the song of three thousand, five thousand years. 我們要說的是 一個有宗教情操的心靈不會屬於任何社會 任何國籍 也沒有信仰 這種心靈會運用懷疑的品質 因此…它會質疑 不接受 不服從 任何宗教、組織、宗派或上師的敕令 它能在沒有觀察者的情況下觀察 我們昨天和前幾天都談過 我們的心靈被所有的傳教士 制約得如此之深 被囚禁、奴化得太深 這是他們的工作 這是從…埃及人開始的 西元前 4500 年 祭師是監督者,百姓認識的人 他們是神與人的詮釋者 他們是中間人,零售專家 這種事一直持續到今天 在印度、亞洲和西方 經過兩千或五千年以後 我們的心靈都被制約了 也就是說,做為人類的我們 無法親自找到真理 必須要有人帶領我們 必須有人為我們指路 因為我們的心靈沒有這個能力 這就是三、五千年來的主調
18:21 So if one sets aside all that, that there is no saviour, no guru, no sect, no group can lead you to it – is it possible to have such a mind? We are talking over together as one human being to another human being. As we said the other day, and we are repeating it again, if you don’t mind, that we are the rest of mankind, because each one of us goes through all kinds of anxieties, troubles, sorrows, fears, insecurity and it is the same with every human being right through the world. One may live in a more affluent society but inwardly, psychologically there is the same uncertainty, depression, disintegration, anxiety as in the West, as in the East. It is exactly the same, or similar. So we are humanity. 如果有人拋開這一切 認為沒有救世主、沒有上師 沒有宗派、團體能引導你到真理 可能擁有這樣的心靈嗎? 我們在一起談論 如同一個人對另一個人 我們前幾天說過 如果你們不介意我要再重複一遍 我們就是其他的人類 因為我們每個人都會經歷各種焦慮、麻煩 哀傷、恐懼、不安全感 全世界的每一個人也一樣 也許有人生活在比較富裕的社會 但內在的心理世界卻是一樣的 不確定、沮喪、解離、焦慮 西方與東方世界都一樣 完全一樣或…類似 因此我們…我們是人類
20:28 And so when we are talking about religion, we are concerned with a mind that is religious, not a particular religious mind. If it is a particular religious mind, it is not a religious mind. I hope you are meeting this. Religion, as we said, implies a mind that is free from negligence – neglecting the whole movement of learning. Not learning from books only but learning the movement of oneself, the movement of thought, what it does, its consequences, learning about attachment, its consequences, learning. Not learning about something, but the quality of a mind that is learning, not merely accumulating knowledge but moving without a particular direction – the quality of learning. I hope you understand all this. And that learning brings about its own discipline. Discipline means to learn, not to follow, not to imitate, not to conform, not to compare, but to learn about comparison, about imitation, about conformity. Such a mind is a diligent mind, learning about the actual so-called religions of the world. If you understand one religion of which you are, you understand the whole of the world’s religions, you don’t have to read all the books about various religions, or go through comparative religious studies. If you know how the human mind works then you have understood the whole religious structure and their rituals and their nonsense. 當我們談論宗教時 我們關心的是有宗教情操的心靈 不是一個特定的宗教心靈 如果是特定的宗教心靈那就不是宗教心靈 希望我們有交會 我們說過,宗教暗示著一個擺脫懈怠的心靈 對整個學習活動的懈怠 不只是從書本上學習 而是學習自己的活動 思想的活動 它做些什麼,它的後果 學習依附是什麼它的後果,學習 不是學習某一個事物 而是指學習的心靈品質 不只是累積知識 而是…沒有特定方向的前進 而是學習的品質 希望你們了解這些 那種學習會帶來它獨有的紀律 紀律的意思就是學習 不是跟隨、不是模仿 不是順從、不是比較 而是了解比較是什麼 模仿是什麼、順從是什麼 這種心靈就是精進的心靈 學習所謂的宗教是什麼 如果你了解一個宗教也就是你自己 就能了解全世界的宗教 你不必閱讀所有與宗教有關的書籍 或進行比較宗教學的研究 如果你知道人類的心靈如何運作 就會了解整個宗教結構 儀式和無意義的活動
23:50 And why has man always talked about religion? From the ancient Egyptians and before them, religion has played an extraordinary part in life – why? Is it that we are seeking happiness, peace, an end which will not be destructive, secure, peaceful, and demanding that and not finding it in life, not finding all that in our daily life, we project. Thought projects something that is enduring, something that is eternal, something that cannot be corrupted, something beyond all imagination, all thought. One projects that as opposite of our own condition and then worships that. This is what has happened, if you have observed, not only now but throughout history. Man wants to escape from himself because he lives in a constant, bitter anxiety, struggle, pain. And he wants to find something beyond all that. So he lives in a world of make-believe. This is a fact, and that is not a fact. Can we be free of the non-fact and live with facts, and transform the facts? You understand what I am saying? Please let’s move together, we have got a lot to talk together this morning. 人為什麼 始終在談論宗教? 從古埃及人與更早的人開始 宗教就在生活中扮演不尋常的角色 為什麼? 是因為我們追求快樂、和平 這一類沒有破壞性 安全、祥和的目的 由於在生活中找不到 在日常生活中找不到 我們就投射 思想投射一個持久的東西 一個永恆的東西 一個不會腐敗的東西 一個超越所有想像和思想的東西 人投射出那個 來抗衡我們的處境 接著就膜拜那個 這是已經發生的事如果你有觀察 不只是現在發生也縱貫整個歷史之中 人想逃避自己 因為他持續地活在苦澀 焦慮、掙扎與痛苦之中 他想找一個超越這一切的東西 因此他活在一個虛假的世界裡 這是事實,那個不是事實 我們能擺脫非事實與事實共存 進而轉化事實嗎? 了解我說什麼嗎? 請跟我一起前進 今早有很多要談的
26:57 Which means, a mind that has no escape. After all, the rituals, all that goes on in the name of religion, has actually nothing whatsoever to do with our daily life, and therefore it is an escape from this daily torture. It may not be torture, it may be a conflict, may be pain, may be anxiety. So a mind that escapes from what actually is going on is not a religious mind. That is not a dogmatic statement. It is logical, sane, rational. And if it isn’t actual religion, believing something, we commit ourselves to some form, or follow somebody who has clever interpretations and we commit ourselves to that. So the mind is never free to observe itself. And all such escapes, all such commitments, is negligence. It is not a dogmatic statement. So don’t brush it aside as being dogmatic. We are investigating the very complex process of living. And if we do not understand that, if we are not free of our sorrow, of our pain, of our anxiety, of our depression, of our neurosis, to find what truth is becomes an illusion, meaningless. What we have to do first is to clear the decks, as it were. Lay the foundation in our life, in our daily life so that there is not a shadow of conflict, which we talked about the other day. 這意味著一個不逃避的心靈 畢竟那些儀式那些以宗教之名進行的活動 都與我們的日常生活毫無關係 也因此是逃避…逃避日常生活的折磨 也許不是折磨,也許是衝突 也許是痛苦,也許是焦慮 一個逃避…實際現狀的心靈 就不是宗教心靈 這不是武斷的陳述 是邏輯、理智、理性的 如果不是實際的宗教信仰某個東西 我們就會奉獻於某種形式… 或追隨某個善於詮釋的人 我們就奉獻於…那個 因此心靈永遠無法自由地觀察自己 所有這一類的逃避、承諾都是懈怠 這不是武斷的陳述 不要用武斷來抹煞它 我們在探究生活的複雜過程 如果我們不了解這些 如果沒有擺脫哀傷、痛苦、焦慮 沮喪和神經質 尋求真理就會變成幻覺與無意義的事 我們首先要做的是清艙 為生活,日常生活奠定基礎 以至於沒有衝突的陰影 前幾天已經討論過
30:10 So we are saying, together we are investigating, and seeing, can such a mind come about? Not through will, because that is again meaningless. Not through compulsion, not through reward or punishment. We have tried all that. And we are still where we are! So if we are serious, and life demands that we be serious, circumstances demand that we be serious. The world, which is destroying itself through nationalism, division and so on, seeing all that, merely verbally discussing, arguing has very little value, but if we are serious to find out whether the human mind, human condition can be changed, radically, then such a mind must inevitably enquire, not only into various parts of life but the whole structure of life, the whole pattern of living. 我們要說的是 我們一起探究和了解 這種心靈能夠引發嗎? 不是透過意志因為意志同樣毫無意義 不是透過強迫 不是透過獎賞或懲罰 這些我們都試過 我們仍在原地踏步 如果我們是認真的 生命也要求我們認真以待 環境要求我們認真以待 世界正在自我毀滅 透過國族主義、分化等 看見這一切 單純的言說討論、論辯沒有多大價值 但如果我們認真地想找出來 人類的心靈與狀況是否能改變 基進地改變 那麼…這種心靈必然要參究 不只是生命的局部 而是生命的整個結構 生活的整個模式
32:04 And, as we said, one of the factors of this is death. We have banished religion from our life. We have banished death from our life. We have postponed it. Why do we do this? Why do we, human minds, banish the actual demand for truth? Not live in illusions, but why have we – religiously, I am talking about – banished the demand that we live a tremendously diligent life? Why? You understand my question? Because probably most of us want an easy way. We are probably very lazy. We never make supreme demand of ourselves. We are always satisfied with the little things of life, not respond to a great challenge. And also we have banished death from our life – why? Is not death part of life? Whether we are young or old, diseased or senile – rather interesting to find out why human beings become senile. I don’t know if you are interested in that. No, seriously I am talking. Why human beings become senile? You understand my question? Why? As one grows older senility begins slowly. We forget, we repeat we become either rather childish or join one of the recognised religious organisations – which is also senility. No, please don’t laugh. This is not a laughing matter. This is what is happening in the world. And the tragedy of it. 我們說過其中一個元素就是死亡 我們把宗教摒除於生命之外 把死亡摒除於生命之外,對嗎? 我們在延遲死亡 我們為何這麼做? 我們為什麼,人類的心靈 摒棄…對真理的實際要求? 不是活在幻覺裡 但我們為什麼…我講的是宗教方面 摒棄我們… 對高度精進生活的需求? 為什麼? 了解我的問題嗎? 或許多數人想要輕易的方式 或許我們非常懶惰 從未對自己提出最高的要求 始終滿足於生活中的渺小事物 不想回應重大的挑戰 我們也把死亡從生命中摒除了 為什麼? 死亡不是生命的一部分嗎? 無論我們年輕或年老 生病或衰老 探究人類為何衰老是一件相當有趣的事 不知你們是否有興趣 不,我說真的 人類為何會衰老? 了解我的問題嗎?為什麼? 隨著年齡的增長衰老也逐漸開始了 我們會健忘、會重複 若不是變得幼稚 就是加入一個被認可的宗教組織 這也是一種衰老 不,請不要笑 這不是一件可笑的事 是世界正在發生的事 也是世界的悲劇
35:53 So if your mother, if your husband, if your son, if your daughter, is already beginning to be senile, you wouldn’t laugh, you would cry. And we are asking, as a side issue, why human beings become senile? Look at it, sir. What is senility? The brain cells wear themselves out. This is a fact. By constant effort, constant struggle, this everlasting desire to become something, the inward stress, inward strain, which must inevitably affect the brain. Must, logically. And also, senility comes inevitably when there is such division, a great gulf between business, family, religion, and entertainment. You understand? This division, which is schizophrenic. I wonder if you realise all this! 如果你的母親、丈夫或兒女 開始衰老的時候 你就笑不出來了 你會哭 我們要問一個…枝節問題 人類為什麼會衰老? 注視它,先生 衰老是什麼? 腦細胞耗損了,對嗎? 這是事實 持續的努力、持續的掙扎 永無休止地想變成什麼 內在的壓力和張力 這必然會影響頭腦,對嗎? 邏輯上的必然 衰老也是難以避免的 當事業、家庭、宗教 和娛樂之間有分化有這個巨大的鴻溝時 了解嗎?這種分化 也就是精神分裂症 不知你們能不能體會
38:01 So this constant struggle to be, or to become and then not to become, which is the same thing, to become, must inevitably wear out the cells of the brain faster than they can renew themselves – you understand this? And the brain has the capacity to renew itself. We talked about the other day, having an insight – you remember? Perhaps some of you were here. That is, sir, to have an insight into the whole question of religion. What is religion? Not all the rituals, and all that circus that goes on, but why human beings have sought from time beyond measure, why human beings have sought some kind of otherness, to have an insight into that – not through logic, not through reason, not through knowledge, not through accumulation of argument, and opinion opposing another opinion, but to find the truth of it, which is to have an insight into the whole demand of man wanting something beyond. You are following all this? That insight, as we said, brings about a mutation in the brain cells. I have discussed this with several other scientists, some of them agree, so perhaps you will too. 想維持現狀的持續掙扎 想變成或不變成什麼 都是同一回事 必然會…磨損腦細胞 比細胞自我更新的速度還快了解嗎? 頭腦有自我更新的能力 我們前幾天談過 擁有洞見,記得嗎? 或許有些人在現場 也就是說,先生 對整個宗教問題擁有一份洞見 宗教是什麼? 不是儀式和雜耍之類的東西 人類為什麼自無量劫以來 人類為什麼要尋找某一種超世之物? 對這個問題有洞見不是透過邏輯 不是透過理性或知識 不是透過論辯的累積 或彼此對立的意見 而是找出它的真理 也就是洞見人類的整個需求 想要一個超世的東西 你們明白嗎? 那個洞見,我們說過 會帶來…腦細胞的突變 我跟幾位科學家討論過 有些人同意或許你們也會同意
40:32 So can the mind keep young, never grow senile? You understand my question? After all innocence means not to hurt and not to be hurt. The meaning of that word is that: not to hurt and not to be hurt. Such a mind which has never been hurt. You follow all this? Such a mind can never become senile. You understand? And that requires a great diligence of learning about itself. 心靈能常保…青春 永遠不會衰老嗎? 了解我的問題嗎? 畢竟,純真意味著 不傷害…也不受傷害 這個字的意思是 不傷害也不受傷害 這種從來沒受過傷害的心靈 你們明白嗎? 這種心靈永遠不會…永遠不會衰老 了解嗎? 這需要高度精進地了解自己
41:52 So, as we were saying, to come back from senility: why have we banished death from our life? Which means, why have our minds become caught in time? Please, this is not intellectual fireworks. This is enquiring into our complex life. Time is by the day, yesterday, today and tomorrow, twenty four hours. But also there is time which is inward. Psychological time. We are following this? We are asking why the human mind is caught in psychological time? Are you following all this? Please, we are talking over together. I am not talking to myself. We are asking, why has the mind been crippled by yesterday’s memories, regrets, attachments – and strangely attachments are always in the past – I won’t go into it now. By yesterday, a thousand yesterdays, today, modified itself and the future, which is time movement. This movement is time, psychologically. We are asking, why is the mind caught in that? Which is time. That is, hope plays an important part in our life. ‘I hope to become’, ‘I hope to meet you tomorrow’ – psychologically. I'll meet you tomorrow, but I have already projected my desire to meet you and created a hope out of that. You understand all that? 我們再從衰老的話題回來 我們為什麼要把死亡從生命中摒除? 這意味著為什麼 心靈為什麼困在時間裡? 請了解,這不是知性的煙花 這是參究我們複雜的生命 以日子計算的時間 昨天、今天、明天 24 個小時 還有一種內在的時間,對嗎? 心理時間 對嗎?懂了嗎? 我們要問,人類的心靈為什麼會困在心理時間裡? 你們明白嗎? 我們是在一起討論我不是在自言自語 我們要問的是 心靈為什麼被昨天的記憶 摧殘得跛了腳? 懊悔、執著 奇怪的是,執著的對象始終是在過去 我現在不詳談 一千個昨天、今天 自我修正、未來也就是時間的活動 這個活動就是時間心理時間,對嗎? 我們問的是心靈為何困在其中? 也就是時間,對嗎? 也就是說…希望 希望在生活中扮演了重要的角色 我希望能變成 我希望明天跟你見面心理上的 我明天會跟你見面 我已經投射想見你的欲望 並從中創造了一個希望你們了解嗎?
45:05 So we are saying, why does the mind live in time? It has evolved in time. To have the present mind that we have it has evolved through millennia, thousands of years. And that is normal, healthy, obvious. But we are asking, why psychologically, inwardly time has become so important? You understand my question? You are asking yourself, please. Is it because we are always avoiding ‘what is’ in order to become something else? You understand what I am saying? Moving from this to that. Psychologically I am this, but I should not be this but that. Psychologically I am unhappy but I must be happy. The ‘must’, or ‘will’, or ‘shall be’ is the movement of time. I wonder if you are following. Please, it’s your life. So, the mind is caught in time because it is always moving away from this, from ‘what is’. 'It will change in time', ‘I will be good, give me time’, which is like developing a muscle. Your muscle may be not sufficiently strong but if you keep on doing something to strengthen it, it will become strong. With the same mentality we say, ‘I am this, I will be that, so give me time’. And shall ‘what is’ be changed through time? You understand my question? I am anxious, I have great anxiety. Can that anxiety be changed through time? You understand my question? That is, will I become, or be in a state where I have no anxiety? See what I have done. I have anxiety, I have projected a state of not being anxious, and to arrive at that state I must have time. But I never say can this anxiety I have be changed immediately. You understand my question? And not allow time. Are you following this? See what happens. I am anxious. I hope to be not anxious. There is a time interval, a lag. In that lag of time all other activities are going on, other pressures, negligence. You understand? So anxiety is never solved. I don’t know if you are following all this. 我們要問的是心智為什麼活在時間裡? 心智在時間裡演化,對嗎? 我們現在的心智 經過了幾千年的演化 這是正常、健康、明顯的 但我們要問,為什麼心理上和內在 時間變得這麼重要? 了解我的問題嗎? 請你們問自己 是因為我們始終在迴避「是然」 只為了變成別的什麼? 了解我說什麼嗎? 從這個移動到那個 心理上,我是這個 但我不應該是這個,而是那個 心理上我不快樂 但我必須要快樂,對嗎? 「必須是」、「將是」「未來是」就是時間的活動 你們明白嗎?拜託,這是你們的生命 因此,心智就困在時間裡 因為它始終在偏離這個 偏離「是然」,對嗎? 它會在時間裡改變 我會變好,給我時間 這就像鍛鍊肌肉一樣,對嗎? 你的肌肉也許不夠強壯 但如果你一直做運動強化它 它就會變強壯 我們以同樣的心態 說我是這個,我會變成那個因此給我時間,對嗎? 那麼…「是然」可以透過時間改變嗎? 了解我的問題嗎? 比如說我…焦慮 我有高度的焦慮 這個焦慮能夠透過時間改變嗎? 了解我的問題嗎? 也就是說,我會變成… 或處於沒有焦慮的狀態嗎? 看我做了什麼? 我有焦慮 我投射一個沒有焦慮的狀態 要達到那個狀態我必須有時間 但我從來不問我的焦慮 能不能立刻改變? 了解我的問題嗎? 不容許時間進來 你們明白嗎? 看發生什麼事 我焦慮,我希望沒有焦慮 其中有時間的間隔,延遲 在那個時間的延遲裡所有的活動都在進行 其他的壓力、懈怠 了解嗎? 焦慮永遠無法解決 不知你們明白沒有?
49:59 I think I will come to a state when I have no anxiety, so I am struggling, struggling, struggling. It is like a man who is violent, has invented non-violence, in that time interval he is violent, so he never reaches non-violence. I wonder if you understand all this. 我認為我會達到一個沒有焦慮的狀態 因此我奮鬥、奮鬥再奮鬥 就像一個暴力的人 發明了非暴力 在這個時間的間隔裡他是暴力的 因此他永遠達不到非暴力 不知你們了不了解
50:32 So the question is then, can ‘what is’ be transformed immediately? Which means never allowing time to interfere. Are you coming together? Listen to this, you will find out, it is really simple. If we apply our mind we can solve anything, as has been done, they have been to the moon, built marvellous submarines, incredible things they have done. Here, psychologically we are so reluctant, so incapable, or have made ourselves incapable. So if you do not allow time, or never think in terms of time, then the fact is not. I wonder if you see that. Because we allow time the fact becomes important. If there is no time it is resolved. Suppose I die this second, there is no problem. You understand what I am saying? When I allow time I am afraid of death. I wonder if you understand all this. But if I live without time, which is an extraordinary thing if you go into it psychologically. Time means accumulation. Time means remembrance. Time means accumulating knowledge about oneself, all that involves time. But when there is no time at all, psychologically, there is nothing. You follow? You are capturing something? Are you understanding something? Please, come on. 接下來的問題是 「是然」能立刻轉化嗎? 這意味著不容許時間干預 我們有交會嗎? 聽我說,你們會發現真的很簡單 只要運用心智就可以解決任何事情 正如人類登陸月球一樣 建造神奇的潛水艇 完成了不可思議的事 但心理上,我們如此不願意如此無能 或讓自己變得無能 如果你不容許時間進來 或絕不以時間的角度思考 事實就不存在了,對嗎? 不知你們是否了解 由於我們容許時間進來事實才會變得重要 如果沒有時間,問題就解決了 假如我在這一秒鐘死掉我就沒有問題 了解我說什麼嗎? 當我容許時間進來時我就會害怕死亡 不知你們是否了解 如果我活在無時間裡如果你深入 這是非比尋常的事,心理上的 時間意味著累積,對嗎? 時間意味著記憶 時間意味著累積與自己有關的知識 這些都牽涉到時間 但時間完全不存在時 心理上的那就一無所有了,明白嗎? 有體會到什麼嗎? 有了解什麼嗎?請說呀
53:05 So we are saying, rather, thinking together, because we have allowed time as a factor to intervene between living and dying, fear arises. So unless you understand the nature of living, and therefore the nature of dying, which can be found in the living. You understand? Are you meeting me? No. That is, death is the ending, isn’t it? The ending. The ending of my possessions, my wife, my children, my house, my bank account – specially bank account. The ending of something. In that ending there is no argument. I don’t say to death, ‘Please, hold on a minute’. So where there is ending, a beginning. You follow? I will go into it. 我們要說的是…不如說在一起思考 由於我們容許時間這個因素進來 干涉生活與死亡 恐懼就生起了,對嗎? 因此…除非你了解生活的本質 進而了解死亡的本質 這個本質能在生活中找到明白嗎? 我們有交會嗎?沒有 也就是說 死亡是結束,不是嗎? 結束 我的所有物的結束 我的妻子、子女、房子我的銀行存款 尤其是銀行存款 一個東西的結束 那個結束裡沒有爭辯,對嗎? 我不會對死亡說請你再多等一會,對嗎? 因此有結束的地方…就有開始 明白嗎?我會深入談
55:03 Suppose I, the speaker, when the speaker ends attachment completely, not to persons, to ideas, but to the whole process of attachment, with all the consequences of attachment, when there is an ending to it there is a totally different state of mind. Isn’t there? I have been attached to my furniture, and that attachment has been a burden and with the ending of that burden there is freedom. So ending is more important than beginning. So can I, living, end? End my anxiety, my fears? End, not the bank account because that is too risky. No, I mean that. We are not going to end the bank account. I am not talking of that. Ending psychologically. Ending my uncertainty. When I am confused, to end it, not say, ‘I must find out why I am confused, what is the cause of confusion, and I must be free from confusion’ – all that is time. That is negligence. I wonder if you follow this? Whereas diligence is to be aware of the whole movement of time and to end anxiety immediately. Therefore there is no accumulation psychologically as knowledge. 假設我,說者 當說者徹底地結束依附明白嗎? 不是對人、對觀念 而是整個依附的過程 伴隨著依附的所有後果 當依附結束時 就會有全然不同的心態,對嗎? 不是嗎? 我一直依附於我的家具,我的… 那個依附已經變成了負擔 隨著那個負擔結束而來的就是自由,對嗎? 因此,結束比開始更重要,對嗎? 因此我…生命可以結束嗎? 結束我的焦慮、恐懼,我的…明白嗎? 結束,不是銀行存款因為風險太大了 不,我說真的我們不會結束銀行存款 我談的不是那個 心理上的結束,了解嗎? 結束我的不確定感 當我有混淆時,結束它! 不是說,我必須找出混淆的原因 混淆的肇因是什麼 我必須擺脫那個混淆這些都是時間 這就是懈怠不知你們懂不懂 精進就是覺察整個時間的活動 並立刻終止…焦慮 因此心理上就沒有知識的累積,對嗎?
57:37 Now, death is ending. Ending of everything. I know what you will say afterwards, ‘What about reincarnation?’ I know all that. We will come to it if we have time. I am not avoiding it. If I say I don’t know, I’ll say I don’t know. I don’t play hypocrisy with all this. Death is an ending and I am living. We are living, active, business, all the rest of it. Can we psychologically end everything? You understand what I am saying? Can you end your attachment instantly, immediately? Your anger, your violence, your greed, your this and that, end while living? Therefore then living is dying. You understand? Not living and ultimately die. I wonder if you follow this. Living means the dying otherwise you are not alive. And most of us are frightened of dying because we have never been able to live properly, we have never lived. But we have lived in conflict, in struggle, in pain, in anxiety, etc. So we call that living. Living is not all that. So, if all that can be ended then there is living. So you are then living and dying. They go together, like a flower with perfume, the perfume is not away from the flower, it is there. 死亡就是結束 所有事物的結束 我知道你們會問什麼 那輪迴呢? 我知道 有時間會談 我沒有迴避它 如果我不知道,我就說不知道 我不會玩偽君子那一套 死亡是結束,我現在活著 對嗎?我們活著活躍、事業諸如此類的事 我們能在心理上結束一切嗎? 明白我說什麼嗎? 你能立刻、即時地結束你的依附嗎? 你的忿怒、暴力、貪婪 你的這個和那個在活著的時候結束? 因此活著就是死亡 了解嗎? 不是活到最後再死 不知你們聽懂沒有 活著就意味著死亡 否則你就不是活著 我們多數人…都害怕死亡 因為…我們從未適當地活過 我們從未活過,了解嗎? 而是活在衝突、爭鬥、痛苦和焦慮等裡面 我們把這個稱為生活 生活完全不是這些 如果這些都能結束那就是生活了 因此你活的同時也在死亡 明白嗎?生死是並存的就像花朵與花香 花香離不開花朵 它就在那裡
1:00:28 And this is actual ending of senility, if you want to go into it very deeply, so your mind never gets old. A machine with internal combustion, like a car, is always wearing itself out because of friction. But when there is no friction whatsoever the mind keeps... But it is not your mind, it is the human mind. I wonder if you understand this. Because you, your mind is the result of a million years, your mind is the mind of the Indian, of the Chinese, Russian, the other human beings, because they go through similar pain, anxiety, sorrow, pleasures, occasional joys and occasional love. So our brain, our mind is the mind of humanity. If you can understand that one real fact, then we will live without any division, which is causing such disaster in the world. 這就是實際地結束衰老 如果你願意深入的話 你的心永遠不會變老 一部有內燃機的機器,例如汽車 始終在磨損自己因為磨擦的關係,對嗎? 但當沒有任何磨擦時 心靈就會維持…明白嗎? 但那不是你的心靈 是人類的心靈 不知你們了不了解 因為你的心靈是一百萬年的結果 你的心靈是印度人、中國人和俄國人 其他人類的心靈 因為他們也經歷類似的痛苦、焦慮、哀傷、享樂 偶而的喜悅和愛 因此我們的頭腦,心靈就是人類的心靈 如果你們能了解這一個真正的事實 我們就能沒有分化地活著 為世界製造多災多難的分化
1:02:24 Now with regard to reincarnation, what is it that reincarnates? That is, I am living, I shall die and I hope next life I will have an opportunity to live in a bigger house. Please, no. Or a better life, more money, this or that or the other. Now, what is it that continues? You understand my question? Please, this you have to think it out together carefully. I have lived fifty years, thirty years, a hundred years. I have accumulated a great deal of information, knowledge. I have struggled, I have tried to be virtuous, I have tried to be all that. And there is this accumulated entity. The ‘me’ that has accumulated, struggled, achieved, experienced, been through sorrow, depression, poverty, every kind of penury. And I die. And I say to myself, ‘Why shouldn’t I go on, so that I will improve myself next life?’ By good deeds, by... etc., I will be better. So what is this centre which has accumulated, remembered, suffered, what is that centre? You understand? If that centre has a continuity, then there is reincarnation. It will reincarnate next life, the soul – the Christian, the Hindus have a different word for it and so on. But the essence of that is the centre, right? You can call it by whatever name you like but it is that. Now what is that centre? Is it permanent? If it is permanent, it can go on modifying itself, changing itself, but the core of it will go on. I wonder if you are following all this? It is fairly simple. 有關輪迴這件事 在輪迴的是什麼?了解嗎? 也就是說,我活著但會有死的一天 我希望下一世 有機會住一棟更大的房子 不,請不要笑 或更好的生活、更多錢更多這個或那個 那個會延續的是什麼?了解我的問題嗎? 請非常仔細地思考這個問題 我活了 50 年、30 年、100 年 我累積了相當多的資訊、知識 我奮鬥過,我試著培養美德 試過各種方式 這個累積下來的實體,對嗎? 這個累積下來的我 奮鬥、成就、經驗 經歷過哀傷、沮喪 貧窮,各種貧乏 然後我死了 我對自己說 我為什麼不繼續下去好讓來世能自我改善? 藉由善行等等我會變得更好,對嗎? 這個累積、記憶和受苦 的中心是什麼 那個中心是什麼?了解嗎? 如果那個中心有延續性那就會有輪迴,對嗎? 它會在下一世輪迴 靈魂,基督徒的說法 印度人用不同的字眼 但那個的本質是中心,對嗎? 無論你用什麼名稱,但就是那個 那個中心是什麼? 它是恆常不變的嗎? 如果是恆常的 它就會持續下去,對嗎?修正自己、改變自己 但它的核心會繼續下去 不知你們聽懂沒有 非常簡單
1:05:20 So we have to find out what that centre is. If we say it is the centre of God, then that centre which is creating such mischief, God must also be mischievous. I wonder if you meet all this. Or that centre is put together by thought. You understand? The name, the form, the family, my previous families, my father, mother and so on, genetically, heredity, the accumulation of all the pain and sorrow of generations, is that centre, put together by thought. I say I am a Hindu. You say you are a Catholic because you have been from childhood trained to accept Catholicism. And I, born in India, if I am stupid enough, I say, ‘Yes, I am a Hindu’. So that centre is the result of continuous, modifying movement of thought. I know the people who believe in reincarnation will object to all this because they like to believe that they have a future. It may be illusory, nonsensical, but it gives them comfort. And we all want comfort, in one way or the other. So, dying means the ending of that also. And when there is an ending of it, the mind is totally different. I wonder if you see. It is no longer accumulating. It is no longer experiencing. It isn’t dead, it isn’t static, but so alive there is nothing to collect – you understand? 我們得找出那個中心是什麼 如果我們說那是上帝的中心,對嗎? 那麼那個創造這一場鬧劇的中心 上帝一定也是胡鬧,對嗎? 不知你們了不了解 或者…那個中心是思想組成的 了解嗎? 名字、形相、家庭 我前世的家庭我的父親、母親等 基因上、遺傳的 世世代代累積的痛苦和哀傷 就是那個中心,對嗎? 是由思想組合起來的 我說我是印度教徒 你說你是天主教徒 因為你從小就被訓練 要你接受天主教義 我,在印度出生,如果夠蠢的話我會說,我是印度教徒 因此那個中心就是思想活動 持續修正的結果,對嗎? 我知道相信輪迴的人會反對我這麼說 因為他們想要相信自己有未來 這也許是幻覺、毫無道理但卻帶給他們安慰 我們都想要安慰任何方式的安慰 因此…死亡也意味那個的結束 當它結束時 心靈就會截然不同 不知你們明白沒有心靈已經不再累積了 已經不再經驗了 它不是死了,不是靜止不動 而是太鮮活了,以至於沒有可累積之物,了解嗎?
1:08:22 Then there is the problem now – not a problem: what is meditation? Please, take proper positions! I can see it happening! You know, man, human beings have always sought, because their minds are everlastingly chattering, everlastingly moving from one thing to another, driven by desire, driven by reward and avoidance, pain, it is always trying to find some kind of quietness, some kind of peace in which at least for ten minutes it can be quiet. So man has sought this. Go to the church, sit there quietly. Go to a marvellous cathedral when there is no circus going on, and be quiet. And it is a strange fact that in all these churches there is never a moment of quietness, except when it is empty. You understand what I am saying? The priest is doing something, you are doing something, everybody is chanting, replying, incense, this, that – never, never quiet, except when the cathedral is really empty of human beings. The same in the temples, the same in the mosques. Is it because those people in authority of the church, temple and so on, never want you to be quiet so that you will begin to question? You understand? Because if you are quiet you might enquire. If you are quiet you might begin to doubt. But if you are occupied all the time, you never have time to look around, to question, to doubt, to ask. That may be one of the great tricks of human mind. 接下來的問題是,不是問題 冥想是什麼? 請你們擺好坐姿 我看到它在發生了 人,人類始終在追尋 因為心智永不止息地嘮叨 永不止息地到處奔馳 被欲望驅使 被趨樂避苦所驅使 它始終想找到一種寧靜的狀態,對嗎? 至少有十分鐘安靜的祥和,對嗎? 人在追求這個 去教堂,安靜地坐在裡面 去壯觀的大教堂 沒有馬戲進行的時候就可以安靜下來 一個奇怪的事實是在這些教堂裡 從來沒有片刻的安靜 除了空無一人的時候 了解我說什麼嗎? 牧師在做什麼,你也在做什麼 大家都在唱頌、回答、燒香等等 從來沒有片刻安靜 除了空無一人的大教堂以外 寺廟也是同樣的情形 清真寺也一樣 這是因為 教堂和寺廟等的權威人士 不想讓你安靜以免你開始質疑 了解嗎? 因為你安靜下來也許會參究 如果你安靜下來,也許會質疑 但如果讓你從頭忙到尾 你就沒有環顧、質問、懷疑和發問的時間 這也許是人類心智的偉大詐術之一
1:11:48 So we are asking what is meditation. And why should one meditate? Is it natural? Natural – you understand? Like breathing, like seeing, like hearing. Is it natural? And why have we made it so unnatural? Taking postures, following systems. Buddhist meditation, Tibetan meditation, Christian meditation, the Tantra meditations. You don’t know them perhaps. Some of you may know. And the meditations set by your favourite guru. We are asking, aren’t all those really abnormal? Are you following? Why should I take a certain position to meditate? Why should I practise, practise, practise – to arrive where? You understand my question? To follow a system: twenty minutes in the morning, twenty minutes in the afternoon, twenty minutes in the evening, to have a quiet mind. Having achieved a little quiet mind I can go off and do other mischief all day long. These are actual facts I am telling you. 因此我們要問冥想是什麼 人為什麼要冥想? 它是自然的嗎? 自然,你們明白嗎? 像呼吸、看、聽一樣 它是自然的嗎? 我們為何把它變得如此不自然? 擺姿勢、遵循系統 佛教的靜坐、西藏的靜坐 基督教的靜坐,明白嗎? 密教(檀崔)的靜坐 你們或許不了解,有些人會 以及你喜歡的上師制定的靜坐方式 我們要問的是這些是不是很不正常? 你們明白嗎? 我為什麼要擺出某種姿勢才能靜坐? 我為什麼修練、修練再修練只為了要到哪裡? 了解我的問題嗎? 遵循一個系統 早上 20 分鐘,下午 20 分鐘 晚上 20 分鐘為了有一個安靜的心靈 達到某一程度的安靜以後 我就可以整天做其他的把戲 我說的是實際發生的事實
1:13:41 Is there a way of meditating which is none of these things? You understand my question? Until now, we say meditation is to quieten the mind, first, to have a mind that is capable of observation. To have a mind that is completely centred, completely concentrated. So that there is no thought except one thought. One picture, one image, one centre upon which you are looking. I don’t know if you have gone through all this. The speaker has played with them, for half an hour of each of these meditations, ten minutes, five minutes, and they meant nothing. 有一種與這些無關的… 另一種冥想嗎? 了解我的問題嗎? 至今為止,我們說冥想是先讓心靈安靜下來 擁有一個能觀察的心靈 擁有一個完全處於中心的心靈,對嗎? 完全專注 以至於除了一個念頭以外別無其他念頭,對嗎? 一個圖像、一個意象 一個…讓你觀照的中心,對嗎? 不知道你們經驗過沒有 說者玩過這些把戲 每一種各玩半個小時 10 分鐘、5 分鐘,結果毫無意義
1:15:07 So you have to go into this question – who is the controller and the controlled? Are you getting tired? Our whole life, if you observe, is this – controlling and not controlling. I must control my emotions, I must control my thinking. I can only control my thinking by constant practice. And to practise I must have a system. The system implies a mechanical process, making the mind mechanical, more and more, and it is already mechanical now but we want to make it much more so that it gradually becomes more and more dull. We go through all this. Why? If you are meditating according to TM, or according to somebody else, why? Because you want to have an experience either through drugs, and you know drugs do you harm, therefore you say no, you put that aside, but by practising something you will experience something else. 因此你必須深入這個問題 控制者和被控制的是誰?了解嗎? 你們累了嗎? 如果你們觀察過人的一生就是… 控制與不控制,對嗎? 我必須控制我的情緒 我必須控制我的思考 我只能透過持續的練習才能控制思考 要練習就必須有一套系統 系統暗示了一個機械化的過程 讓心靈變得越來越機械化 心靈現在就機械化了但我們要它更機械化 因此它逐漸變得更遲鈍 我們都經歷過這些,對嗎? 為什麼? 如果你依照超覺靜坐的方式,對嗎? 或根據別人的方式,為什麼? 因為你想有經驗 一則是透過藥物 你們知道藥物會造成傷害 因此你拒絕使用藥物 但透過修練你就能經驗到別的東西
1:16:53 I don’t know if you have ever gone into the question of experience; why human beings are demanding experience. Either the mind is asleep, therefore an experience means a challenge. Or the mind is awake and therefore doesn’t need an experience. I don’t know if you are following this. So one has to find out if your mind is asleep, or bored with the experience that you have, sex, drugs, all the rest of other experiences, you want something far beyond all that. Because you are always craving for experience: more delightful, more extravagant, the more communicable, etc. Why does the mind demand experience? Ask yourself, please. There is only one thing: a mind that is very clear, is free from all entanglements of attachment and so on, such a mind is a light to itself. Therefore it doesn’t want any experience, there is nothing to experience. You cannot experience enlightenment. The very idea of experience, it is such a stupid thing to say, ‘I have achieved enlightenment’ – it is really dishonest. You cannot experience truth because there must be an experiencer to experience. If there is no experiencer, there is no experience at all. I wonder if you see that. But we are attached to our experiencer and therefore we are always asking more and more. 不知道你們有沒有探討過經驗的問題 人類為什麼會需求經驗? 一則…是心靈在睡覺 因此經驗就意味著挑戰,對嗎? 或者心靈清醒著因此它不需要任何經驗 不知道你們聽懂沒有 因此你必須找出來你的心靈是否在睡覺 或者厭煩了你已經有的經驗 性、毒品等所有的其他經驗 你想要一個超越這一切的東西 因為你始終渴求經驗 更愉悅的、更有噱頭的更能溝通的等 心靈為什麼會需求經驗? 請自問這個問題 答案只有一個 一個非常清明的心靈 會擺脫所有依附的糾纏等 這種心靈是自己的光,對嗎? 因此它不需要任何經驗 沒有任何要經驗的東西 你無法經驗開悟 經驗這個觀念本身是一個非常愚蠢的東西 我已經成就開悟了這是很不誠實的說法 你無法經驗真理,對嗎? 因為其中必須要有一個經驗經驗的經驗者,對嗎? 如果沒有經驗者 那就根本沒有經驗 不知你們明白嗎? 但我們執著於自己的經驗者 因此始終在追求更多、更多的經驗
1:19:49 So meditation generally as is accepted now, is the practice of a system, breathing properly, sitting in the right position, the lotus position or whatever position you take, wanting or craving for greater experience, or the ultimate experience. This is what we are doing. And therefore all that is a constant struggle, a never ending struggle. This never ending struggle is hoping to end all struggles. You understand? Look what I have done. I am struggling, struggling, struggling to end struggling, which is sometime in the future. See what tricks I have played on myself. I am caught in time. I don’t say, ‘Why should I struggle at all?’ If I can end this struggle, that is enlightenment. To have no shadow of conflict. But we do not want to make all those efforts. We are caught in time. And to be free of time is to be free to have pure observation, and then the mind becomes extraordinarily quiet. You don’t have to make the mind quiet – you understand this? If you end all conflict the mind naturally becomes quiet. And when the mind is absolutely silent, without any movement of thought then perhaps you will see something, perhaps there is something sacred beyond all words. And this, man has sought everlastingly, something that is beyond measure, beyond thought, which is incorruptible, unnameable, eternal. That can only take place when the mind is absolutely free and completely silent. 就目前普遍接受的靜坐來說 就是一個系統的修習適當的呼吸 擺好正確的坐姿 蓮花座或其他姿勢 渴望或渴求更偉大的經驗 或終極的經驗,對嗎? 這就是我們在做的事 因此這一切都是一場持續的奮鬥,對嗎? 永無止境的奮鬥 這個永無止境的奮鬥希望終結所有的奮鬥 了解嗎?看看我做了什麼 我奮鬥、奮鬥、奮鬥為了終結奮鬥 在未來某個時間的終結,對嗎? 看看我跟自己玩弄什麼把戲 我困在時間裡,對嗎? 我不問:我為什麼要奮鬥? 如果我能終止這個奮鬥開悟就在那裡,了解嗎? 沒有衝突的陰影 但我們不想付出…努力 我們困在時間裡,對嗎? 擺脫時間就是擁有純觀察的自由 然後,心靈就會變得無比安靜 你不必讓心靈安靜 了解嗎? 如果你終止所有的衝突心靈自然會安靜下來 當心靈絕對地靜默時 沒有任何思想的活動 或許你會看到… 或許有一個超越言說的神聖之物 這就是人永無止境地追求的東西 一個超越計度、超越思想的東西 不可毀滅、無以名狀永恆的東西 這只能在心靈絕對自由 且徹底靜默的時候發生
1:23:15 So one must begin very near – you understand? Very near. And when you begin very near there is no far – you understand? When you begin near there is no distance and therefore there is no time. And it is only then that which is most holy can be. Right, sir. 你必須從最切身的地方開始 了解嗎?最切身的地方 當你從最切身的地方開始就沒有…遠方了 了解嗎? 從切身開始就沒有了距離 也因此沒有了時間 只有到那個時候最神聖的才可能存在 對嗎,先生?
1:24:03 I hope you will all have a pleasant time. 祝你們愉快