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MA8586T2 - 恐惧毁掉了爱

1:54 Alright sir. Sorry to take so much trouble. 好的,先生。 抱歉带来了这么多麻烦。
2:34 On a week–day to see so many people seems rather absurd, doesn't it? I hope one hopes that you will all take the trouble to listen to each other. 在工作日能看到这么多人 看起来很荒唐,不是吗? 我希望,一个人希望你们都愿意 费些事来倾听彼此。
2:58 Last time that we met here – it was on Saturday – we talked about what is love. You may remember it, if you were here. And we are going to enquire together, I mean together, into this whole problem, very, very complex. And so if you don't mind, you have to think, not just agree, not say, 'Yes, you are so right' and then go your own way. So we are going to enquire together into this problem of what is love. Together. Not that the speaker is the only talker but together we are going to examine. This is not a lecture, not to instruct, or guide, or help. That would be too stupid because we have had all that kind of help for generations upon generations and we are what we are now. We must start with what we are now not what we have been in the past or what we shall be in the future. What we shall be in the future is what you are now. Right? What we are now, our greed, our envy, our jealousy, our great superstitions, our desire to worship somebody, to say, 'You are a holy man' and all that tommyrot. So this is not a lecture, not an entertainment, not something you just accept, or deny but we are talking over like two friends if you like, two enemies across the border. But we are talking together. So you have to exercise your brain, drive it, force it, think it out. 上一次我们在这里见面 ——那是在周六——我们谈到了爱是什么。 也许你还记得,如果你上次也在的话。 我们要一起来探究,我是说一起 探究这整个非常非常复杂的问题。 所以,如果你不介意的话,你得思考, 不是光同意, 不是说,“对,你说得太对了” 然后继续我行我素。 所以我们要一起探究 爱是什么这个问题。 一起, 不是说只有讲话者在讲, 而是我们要一起来审视。 这不是讲座, 不是要指示、指导或者帮助。 那样就太愚蠢了, 因为我们已经有过那种帮助了,过了一代又一代, 而我们现在就是这个样子。 我们必须从我们现在的样子开始, 而不是我们过去的样子 或者未来会成为的样子。 我们未来即将成为的就是现在的样子。 对吗? 我们现在的样子,我们的贪婪、羡慕、嫉妒, 我们巨大的迷信,我们崇拜某人的欲望, 说“你是一个圣人”以及所有那些废话。 所以这不是讲课,不是娱乐, 不是某种你接受或者拒绝的东西, 而是我们在像两个朋友那样探讨, 或者如果你喜欢的话,像两个在边境上对垒的敌人。 但我们是在一起探讨。 所以你得运用你的大脑, 开动它,驱动它,把问题想清楚。
5:59 So we are going to go into this question: what is love? And to enquire very deeply, profoundly into it we must also enquire first: what is energy? Energy. Every gesture you make is based on energy. While we are listening to the speaker you are exercising your energy. To come here from a long distance, from Benares or still further up, you have to use a great deal of energy. Right? To build a house, to plant a tree, to make a gesture, to talk. From childhood, from the baby, the first cry of a baby is based on energy supplied for the moment by the mother and so on. I won't go into it. 我们要来探究这个问题:什么是爱? 而为了深入地、深刻地探究这个问题, 我们必须首先探究:什么是能量? 能量。 你做的每个动作都以能量为基础。 在倾听讲话者的时候 你也在使用你的能量。 从很远的地方来,从贝拿勒斯, 或者更远,你得用很大的能量。 对吗? 还有盖一栋房子, 种一棵树,做一个动作,或者说话。 从儿童时代起,从婴儿起,婴儿的第一声啼哭 也是基于能量的, 暂时由母亲供给,等等。 我不会细讲这些了。
7:05 So we must enquire what is energy? Are you all right, can we go on? I can go on, the speaker can go on indefinitely because he has been at it for 60 years, or 70 years, putting the same thing in different words. So if you will kindly, seriously listen because hearing is a great art, perhaps one of the great arts. To listen to what the other person has to say, not to interrupt, not to say, 'Yes, I agree with you and let's talk about something else'. We have to enquire first if you can listen at all. This is not a lecture, or an instruction and all that stuff, we are together examining, questioning, doubting, never, never accepting what the speaker says. Never. Right? Don't say, 'Yes we agree' but then go on accepting. He has no authority. 所以我们得探究什么是能量? 你们还好吗,我们可以继续吗? 我可以继续,讲话者可以无止境地继续讲下去, 因为他已经这样做了六十年,或者七十年了, 用不同的词句说同一个东西。 所以如果你愿意认真地倾听, 因为听是一门伟大的艺术, 也许是最伟大的艺术之一。 倾听别人要说什么, 不去打断,不说,“对,我赞同你, 让我们谈点别的吧”。 我们首先要看看你究竟是否能够倾听。 这不是讲课,或者指导,以及所有那类东西, 我们是在一起审视、提问、怀疑, 千万千万不要接受讲话者所说的,千万不要。好吗? 不要说,“对,我同意”,但还是继续接受。 他没有权威性。
8:40 So we will start. What is energy? This has been one of the questions of the scientist. And they said energy is matter. Right? But previous to that: what is energy? You understand? It may be matter. It may be every kind of thing. But what is energy? Primordial energy? Who brought this energy about? Are you understanding what I am talking about? I am not sure. Because this has been a very, very serious question. So we are together taking a long journey into this together – you and I are walking up the same stream. You are not just following the speaker. You are not just saying, 'Yes, that sounds very good so the Upanishads, and the Gita and all that they have said, so we understand'. It isn't a bit like that. First of all, one has to have great doubt. Right? Great scepticism. Right, sirs? No, don't agree please, don't agree. You don't doubt anything, you accept everything. So doubt, scepticism of your own experience, of your own thoughts, of your own conclusions doubting, questioning, not accepting a thing from any book, including my own. I am just a passer–by, it's not important. 那我们就开始吧。什么是能量? 这一直是科学家的问题之一。 而他们说能量是物质。 对吗? 但在此之前:什么是能量?你明白吗? 它可能是物质。它可能是任何一种东西。 但什么是能量?原始的能量? 谁带来了这种能量? 你们明白我在说什么吗? 我不确定。 因为这一直是一个非常非常严肃的问题。 所以我们在一起进行一次漫长的旅行, 一起进入这个问题,你和我沿着同一条河上行。 你不是仅仅在理解讲话者, 你不是只说,“是的,听上去很不错, 《奥义书》、《博伽梵歌》 以及其中所说的也不错,所以我们都理解”。 一点也不是这么回事。 首先,我们必须要有极大的怀疑。 对吗? 极大的怀疑精神。 对吗,先生们? 不,请不要同意,不要同意。 你们什么也不怀疑,你们接受一切。 所以要怀疑,怀疑你自己的经验, 你自己的思想,你自己的结论, 怀疑,质疑, 不接受任何书本上的任何东西,包括我本人的书。 我只是一个路人,他并不重要。
11:06 And we are going to enquire together it is very important, please, together. You know what that means. Co–operating together to build something, to inquire in something, to see what is clear, what is doubtful, what is not clear. You are doing it. And the speaker has done this but you have to do it. So we are together walking up a very long stream. You can make that stream a very, very very strong current that will wipe you away throw you on to the banks, or you can deal with it. So it requires your energy. Right? It requires your energy. 我们要一起探究, 这一点非常重要,拜托,我们是一起的。 你知道这意味着什么。 合作建造某个东西, 探究某个东西,看看什么是清楚的, 什么是可疑的,什么是不清楚的。 是你在这么做。 而讲话者已经这么做了,但是你得这么做才行。 所以我们是一起沿着一条长河上行, 你可以使这条河变成一条非常湍急的水流, 它会把你冲走, 把你扔到岸上,或者你能够对付它。 所以这需要你的能量。对吗? 它需要你的能量。
12:07 So we are asking: what is energy? That crow calling is part of energy. Right? The trees, the birds, the stars, the moon the rising of the sun, and setting of the sun, it's all energy. Right? Probably you doubt it but it doesn't matter. And whatever you speak requires energy. The first cry of the baby out of the womb, that cry is part of that energy. Right? To play a violin, to speak, to marry, sex everything on earth requires energy. Right? So we are enquiring together what is this energy, what is the origin, what is the source how has it begun, who created this energy? Please, careful, don't say 'God' and run away with that. I don't accept God. The speaker has no gods. Is that all right? You accept that? You will accept anything so it doesn't matter, I will go on. 所以我们在问:什么是能量? 那个乌鸦的呼叫是能量的一部分。 对吗? 树木,鸟儿,星星,月亮, 太阳的升起,太阳的落下,这都是能量。 对吗? 或许你怀疑这一点,但是没关系。 而你无论说什么话都需要能量, 婴儿从子宫出来的第一声哭叫, 那一声啼哭也是那能量的一部分。 对吗? 拉小提琴,说话,结婚,性, 世界上的一切都需要能量。 对吗? 所以我们一起来探究这种能量是什么, 它的起源,它的源泉是什么, 它是怎样开始的,是谁创造了这种能量? 请注意,不要说 “神”,然后就跑掉了。 我不接受神。 讲话者没有任何神明。 这可以吗?你接受这一点吗? 你什么都会接受, 所以这没关系,我会接着讲。
13:53 Please don't allow yourselves to accept what the speaker is saying at any moment in his books, in his talks, in his videos and all that business. So what is this energy? We cannot possibly exist without this energy. Right? There is no existence on earth without this energy: the trees, tremendous energy to pull up water right to the top, tons of it. That is tremendous energy. To build an aeroplane hundreds of people are responsible for it. To go to the moon and so on. So whatever we do, or don't do, is energy. Right? The dancer, the violinist, the painter the house–mother, the army general everything requires energy. Right? That is a fact. Whether you accept it or not it doesn't matter. And we are enquiring: what is that energy? The origin of it, not just: 'yes, energy'. Or accept what the scientists say, which is energy is matter and so on. I won't go into all that because the speaker has talked to many of them about this matter. And the religious people say, 'God' and that ends it. Or some guru says it – that also ends it. They don't enquire, they don't doubt they don't question, they don't have scepticism. Right? 请不要允许你自己在任何时候 接受讲话者所说的, 他的书,他的讲话,他的录像,所有这些东西。 那么这个能量是什么? 没有这个能量我们无法存在。对吗? 没有这个能量,就不会有世界上的一切, 树木,巨大的能量 把水吸到树顶上去,成吨的水。 这是巨大的能量。 建造一架飞机, 几百人为此工作。 登月等等。 所以我们所做或者不做的一切,都是能量。对吗? 舞者,小提琴手,画家, 家庭主妇,将军, 一切都需要能量。对吗? 这是一个事实,无论你接受与否,都没关系。 而我们在探究:那个能量是什么? 它的起源,而不只是说一句“是的,就是能量”。 或者接受科学家们说的, 能量就是物质等等。 我不会详细说这些了,因为讲话者 和很多科学家谈过这个问题。 而宗教人士则说“神”,然后就到此为止了。 要么某个上师也那么说——也就到此为止了。 他们不探究,他们不怀疑, 他们不质疑,他们没有怀疑精神。 对吗?
15:58 So here we are saying, if you can, abandon all that: your books, what the Sanskrit, ancient people have said, abandon all that and leave it at the roadside and we will take a journey together. If you can't put all that aside or leave it on the roadside, you can't follow the speaker, you can't understand the speaker. Right? Don't bother to understand him, it doesn't matter. But unfortunately you hear a lot of words and you say, 'Yes, that sounds reasonable', and so on and so on. We are not dealing with words. Words are not the mountain. The word 'mountain' is not the mountain. Right? The word 'K' is not K. You understand all this? So your name is not you. But to recognise you, but your name is not you. I think this is important to understand. The word is not the actual. Right? Is that clear? The word is not the tree. The word 'tree' is not that. Right? So we have to be very careful now not to be entangled with words. I wonder if you follow all this. Right. I can go on because my friend has given me a signal, my old friend. 所以在这里我们说,如果你能的话,抛弃所有这些: 你的书本,梵文、古人说过的, 抛弃所有这些,把它们扔在路边, 然后我们一起去旅行。 如果你不能把所有这些放在一边, 或者把它们丢在路旁,你就没法跟上讲话者, 你就没法理解讲话者。对吗? 不要费事去理解他,那不重要。 但不幸的是,你听到很多词句, 于是你说,“是的,这听上去很合理”等等等等。 我们不是在跟词句打交道。 词句不是那座山。 “山”这个词不是那座山。 对吗? “克”这个词不是克。 这些你都明白吗? 所以你的名字不是你。 但是能认出你,可你的名字不是你。 我认为理解这点很重要。 字词不是实物本身。对吗? 这点清楚了吗? 这个词不是那棵树。“树”这个词不是那个东西本身。 对吗? 所以我们现在得非常小心, 不要卷到词句里去。 我不知道这些你是不是都明白了。好的。 我可以继续讲,因为我的朋友给我打了个手势, 我的老朋友。
18:07 And we are going into something that requires all your energy, all your brain which is matter, which is the accumulated experience of million years. And all that evolution means energy. Right? So I am saying... I am asking myself, you are asking for yourself, so I begin to ask myself is there energy which is not contained, or stimulated or held within the field of knowledge? You understand? Within the field of knowledge. That is, within the field of thought. Please don't agree with it. I would like to blind myself because you agree with every damn thing that's going on. 而我们在探索一件事, 它需要你所有的能量, 所有的大脑 ——大脑是物质, 是一百万年所积累的经验。 而所有这些进化意味着能量。对吗? 所以我说……我在问自己, 你也在向你自己提问,所以我开始问自己, 是否有一种能量,它不是包含在或者局限在 知识的领域,或者是知识所激发的? 你明白吗?在知识的领域内。 也就是说,在思想的领域内。 请不要同意。 我真想弄瞎自己, 因为你们对所说的什么鬼东西都同意。
19:27 So I ask myself: is there an energy which is not put together, stimulated, arranged by thought? You understand? Thought gives you great deal of energy. To go to the office every morning at 9 o'clock, or 8:30 thought makes you, gives you that energy. Right? I must earn more money, I have a better house. Right? Thought, thinking, gives you the energy. I believe it took two or three hundred people or 3000 people to build a rocket that went to the moon. Right? So all that requires energy. To shake hands with you, to say, 'How are you?', to recognise old friends sitting across there. I am glad they have found a place we can see each other. So I ask myself, I know thought, thinking, thinking about the past, thinking about the future planning for the present, that gives a tremendous energy. Right? Right sir? Thinking. I must build a house so I go to the architect I agree with him, and so on and so on. And you require a great deal of energy to be educated. Right? From ignorance – as they call it, I am not saying it is ignorance – from not knowing mathematics you gradually learn and energy to go to college, university and then you become some kind of something or other. And you have a job, to that every day of your life you go. Or you retire at an early age and die. So thought – please understand this it is very important if you will – thought creates this energy. To build an aeroplane. Think of what has gone into that. Hundreds of people have worked at it, step by step, by step, constructed it and they have produced 747, or whatever it is the most marvellous machine that can never go wrong – man can make it go wrong. And so on and so on. So thought is an extraordinary instrument of creating energy. Right? May I go on? Right. 所以我问自己: 是否有一种能量,它不是思想所构建、所激发、 所安排的? 你明白吗? 思想给了你巨大的能量, 每天早上九点或者八点半去上班, 思想让你,给了你这个能量。对吗? 我必须赚更多的钱,我要一所更好的房子。对吗? 思想,思考给了你能量。 我相信需要两三百人 或者三千人来建造一艘登月的火箭。 对吗? 所以这一切都需要能量。 还有跟你握手,说“你好”, 认出坐在那里的老朋友们。 我很高兴他们找到了座位, 我们能够相互看见。 所以我问自己,我知道思想,思维, 想着过去,想着未来, 计划现在,这带来了巨大的能量。 对吗?对吗先生? 思考。我必须盖一栋房子,所以我去找建筑师, 我赞同他,等等等等。 而你需要很多的能量来受教育。 对吗? 从无知——按照他们的叫法, 我没有说这是无知—— 从你不懂数学,到你逐渐学会, 还有去学院、上大学的能量, 然后你成为了什么人或者别的什么。 然后你有了一个工作,你生命的每一天都去那里。 或者你提前退休了,然后死去。 所以思想——请理解这一点, 这很重要,如果你愿意的话—— 思想产生了这个能量。 造一架飞机, 想想这要投入多少。 几百人为之工作, 一步一步一步,把它造出来, 而他们造出了747,或者不管是什么, 从来不会坏的最奇妙的机器 ——人可以让它坏掉,等等等等。 所以思想是一个产生能量的非凡工具。 对吗? 我能继续吗?好的。
23:08 If one doesn't see that as an actual fact then you are off the mark. Right? If you don't see it as an actual fact that thought creates tremendous energy. You want to become a rich man you work like blazes to get to be a rich man. Right? You want to do some kind of crazy propaganda and you work very hard you join groups, sects, gurus and all the rest of that business. So thought is an extraordinary instrument of engendering thought. Right? Thought engendering energy. Right? Don't agree. 如果你不是真的看到这个事实, 那你就岔开了。对吗? 如果你不是真的看到这个事实, 思想产生了巨大的能量。 你想变成一个富人, 你拼命工作让自己致富。对吗? 你想做某种疯狂的宣传, 你非常努力地工作, 你加入各种团体、派别、古鲁以及所有那些把戏。 所以思想是一个产生能量的 非凡工具。对吗? 思想产生能量。 对吗?不要同意。
24:07 So then we have to enquire into the very, very, very nature of thought. Right? Not say, well – all the excuses. 所以我们得非常认真地 探究思想的本质。对吗? 而不是说,好吧——所有那些借口。
24:19 Don't bother about this. I fell yesterday and hurt myself, that's all that is over. You can give your attention to something else. 不要管这个了。 我昨天摔倒受伤了,如此而已, 已经过去了。 你们可以把注意力放到别的地方了。
24:34 So thought, which has planned this society, which has divided the world into Asia and Europe, the communist, the socialist, the capitalist and the democratic republican – all that is created by thought. It is simple. The army, the navy, the airforce, to kill not only for transportation but also to kill. This is obvious, isn't it? So thought is very important in our life because without thought we can't do anything. Right? For you to come here from a distance required planning, adjusting, taking a train, aeroplane, taking a bus, etc., etc. all that is part of your thinking. Right? So what is thinking? You work it out, don't listen to me. What is thinking? You can't live without a certain kind of thinking. Right? Planning, going back to your house, going back to do your work and so on, you are married sex and... Everything is contained in the process of thought. So what is thinking? The speaker has talked about it a lot so don't go back to his books. Don't say, 'Yes, I have heard that before'. But here you forget all the books, all the things you have read because we must approach this each time anew. So thinking is based on knowledge. Right? If you had no knowledge, how to come here or take a bus or this or that, you wouldn't be here. So knowledge, memory, thought. Right? And we have accumulated tremendous knowledge: how to sell each other, how to exploit each other, how to build bridges, how to create gods and temples – we have done all that. The various ashramas where they're all... – you know all that business, concentration camps of a certain kind. So thought has done all this. Created the army, the navy, the aeroplane. Thought has also, through knowledge temples and all that business. 所以思想,它规划了这个社会, 它把这个世界分为亚洲与欧洲, 分为共产主义者、社会主义者、资本主义者, 以及民主党、共和党——所有这些都是思想所造。 这很简单。 陆军,海军,空军,去屠杀, 不仅是为了交通,而且也为了屠杀。 这很明显,不是吗? 所以思想在我们的生活中非常重要, 因为离开了思想我们什么也做不了。 对吗? 你从远方来到这里 需要计划,调整, 坐火车、飞机,坐汽车,等等,等等, 所有这些都是你思想的一部分。 对吗?所以什么是思想? 你们自己弄清楚,不要听我的。什么是思想? 没有某种思考,你没法生活。对吗? 计划,回到你的住处, 回去做你的工作等等,你结婚了, 性以及……一切都包含在思想过程中。 那么什么是思想? 讲话者对此曾经谈过很多, 所以不要回到他的书本上。 不要说,“对,我以前听到过这些”。 而是在这里你忘掉所有的书本, 你阅读过的所有东西, 因为我们必须每次都重新看待它。 所以思想是基于知识的。对吗? 如果没有知识,你怎么来这呢, 要么坐汽车,要么怎么样,否则你不会在这里。 所以知识,记忆,思想。对吗? 而我们已经积累了海量的知识: 怎样彼此出卖, 怎样彼此剥削, 怎样建造桥梁, 怎样造出了神明和庙宇——我们做了这一切。 各种各样的修行场所,在那里他们都 ——你知道所有那些把戏, 某种形式的集中营。 所以思想做了这一切, 造出了陆军,海军,飞机。 通过知识,思想也造出了 庙宇以及所有那些玩意。
28:02 So without experience there is no knowledge. Right? Be logical sirs. Logic is necessary up to a certain point. But if you start without logic, clarity, then you can do – you become superstitious imaginative, coming to conclusions, building temples and all that kind of nonsense. So without experience there is no knowledge. The scientists are adding everyday something new. Please follow this carefully, if you don't mind. Experience is limited. Right? Because we are adding more and more to it through knowledge. Experience, knowledge stored in the brain as memory and then that is the beginning of thought. Right? Am I right? Or are you right? What do you say? God, don't you feel anything? So experience is always limited. Right? Because you are adding more and more and more everyday in the scientific world in your own life you learn something more. So experience is limited, therefore knowledge is limited, memory is limited and therefore thought is limited. Right? Am I sane or insane? And we live by thought. So we never recognise, though thought can imagine the most extraordinary heaven and hell the Olympic gods of the Greeks, the Egyptian gods, do you know anything about all that? No, it doesn't matter. 所以没有经验就没有知识。 对吗? 要有理性,先生们。 在一定范围内,理性是必要的。 如果你不从理性、清晰开始, 那么你就会——变得迷信, 耽于想象,得出结论, 建造庙宇,以及所有那些荒唐事。 所以没有经验就没有知识。 科学家们每天都在增加一些新东西。 请仔细跟上这些,如果你不介意的话。 经验是局限的。对吗? 因为我们在不断地往上添加, 通过知识。 经验、知识作为记忆储存在大脑里, 那就是思想的开始。 对吗? 我说的对吗?还是说你是对的? 你怎么认为? 天啊,你就没有一点感觉吗? 所以经验总是局限的。对吗? 因为在科学的世界里, 你每天在增加越来越多的东西, 在你自己的生活里你学到更多的东西。 所以经验是局限的,所以知识是局限的, 记忆是局限的,所以思想是局限的。 对吗? 我是正常的还是疯了? 而我们靠思想来生活。 所以我们从来没有意识到,虽然思想可以去想象 最不可思议的天堂与地狱, 希腊的奥林匹克众神,埃及的众神, 你们对此有所了解吗? 没有,那无所谓。
30:28 So, your thought is always limited and your gods whom thought has created will always be limited. Right? I know you don't like this but –don't hear it. So your gods, your thinking, however wide it may be or however narrow it may be, all this is limited. And from this limitation we try to find the energy. You understand what I am saying? We try to find the origin, the beginning of creation. 所以你的思想始终是局限的, 而思想造出的你的众神 也将始终是局限的。 对吗? 我知道你们不喜欢这些,但是——你们听而不闻好了。 所以你的神明,你的思想,无论它多么宽广, 或者多么狭窄,所有这些都是局限的。 而从这个局限中,我们试图找到能量。 你明白我在说什么吗? 我们在试着找到创造的起源、起点。
31:29 So thought has created fear. Right? No? Hasn't it? Aren't you frightened of what may happen two years later? No? Aren't you frightened of losing your job, of not passing exams, of not climbing the ladder – you know what I mean by climbing the ladder: getting more and more and more successful. And you are frightened of not being able to fulfil. You are frightened of not being able to stand alone, being strong to yourself. Right? You always depend on somebody. All that breeds tremendous fear. Right? Won't you wink at me? So it is one of our daily facts that we are frightened people. Right? Would you agree to that very simple fact that we are frightened people? And fear arises when we want security. Right? You just listen. All right, I'll go on. Don't bother, I'll go on. 所以思想制造了恐惧。 对吗? 不对?不是吗? 你难道不害怕两年后会发生什么吗? 不怕吗? 你难道不害怕失去工作, 通过不了考试,没有爬上阶梯吗? ——你知道我说的爬上阶梯的意思: 变得越来越成功。 而你害怕无法实现。 你害怕无法自立, 自己不够坚强。对吗? 你总是依赖别人。 所有这些都滋生了巨大的恐惧。 对吗? 对此你难道不会跟我递个眼色表示同意吗? 所以这就是我们日常的事实之一——我们都是恐惧的人。 对吗? 你是否会同意这个简单的事实, 我们是恐惧的人? 而我们想要安全的时候,恐惧就产生了。 对吗? 你只是听着。好吧,我会继续。 不要紧,我会接着讲。
33:18 Fear destroys love. You cannot have love without... Love cannot exist where fear is. Fear is a tremendous energy on its own. And love has no relationship with fear. They are totally divorced. Right? So what is the origin of fear? Right? All this is to understand to be alive to the nature of love. If you don't understand all this then go and carry on whatever you are doing. Be happy with it, enjoy yourself making money, positions and all the blah. But if you want to go into this very carefully you have not only to examine what is thinking and the machines, the computers are doing that marvellously you don't know anything – the latest. I talked to some of the professors in England just before I came to India, before the speaker came to India. There are computers that can think backwards and forwards. You understand what that means? They can think what I have... One has to get up at six therefore it has to plan to get up at six. Right? And after six what it has to do. And I believe that is called... Forgotten, it will come back. So the machines – please understand this – the machines, which is the computer... You know that joke? One is praying for God and there is a computer next door, at his knees and the computer says, 'Whom are you praying to? God is here' No sir, you don't know how serious it is. So... Architecture, that's the word. When – I only learnt this recently and it may be wrong, it may be right – a computer can think what has happened and plan what will happen and for the future. Which the brain is doing. You understand? You plan to come here, you spend so much money, so much time and then go back, go forward. So the computers can think forward and backwards which is called architecture I believe they may have changed the name by now. I am going to ask one of the specialists here. 恐惧毁掉了爱。 你无法有爱,如果没有 只要有恐惧,爱就无法存在。 恐惧本身是一种惊人的能量。 而爱与恐惧没有关系。 它们是完全分开的。对吗? 那么什么是恐惧的起源呢?对吗? 所有这些都是去了解, 对爱的本质敏感。 如果你不理解所有这些, 那就继续你现在所做的吧。 满足于它,让你自己开心, 赚钱,取得地位以及诸如此类。 但是如果你想非常认真地探究这个问题, 你不仅得审视什么是思想, 还有机器,计算机能做得非常好, 你们对此一无所知——最新的那些。 我和英国的一些教授谈过这些, 在我来印度之前,在讲话者来印度之前。 现在有些计算机,能够进行向前向后的思考。 你们知道这意味着什么吗? 它们能思考我有的那些 你需要六点起床, 所以它就得计划六点起来。对吗? 还有六点以后它得做什么。 我相信这叫做 我忘了,会想起来的。 所以机器——请理解这个—— 机器,也就是计算机……你知道那个笑话吗? 一个人在向上帝祈祷, 他双膝跪倒,而隔壁有一台计算机, 它说,“你在向谁祈祷啊?上帝就在这里。” 不,先生,你不知道这有多么严重。 所以……架构,就是这个词。 当——我只是最近才学到这个词, 也可能是错的,也可能是对的—— 一个计算机可以思考过去发生的, 并计划未来将要发生的。 而这是大脑在做的。你明白吗? 你做计划来了这里, 你花了这么多钱,这么多时间, 然后回去,或者继续向前。 那么计算机可以向前向后地思考, 我想这叫做“架构”, 也许他们现在改名称了。 我会问问这里的一位专家。
37:01 So, thinking has created fear. Right? Thinking about the future, thinking about the past and not being able to adjust quickly to the environment and so on, so on. So thought and time. Right? No, you don't understand. I will go on. Thought of tomorrow, what might happen my wife might leave me, or might die. I am a lonely man, then what am I to do? I have several children so I had better marry, remarry someone or other because at least they can look after my children. And so on. That is thinking of the future based upon the past, right? And so thinking and time are involved in this. Right? Thinking about the future future being day after tomorrow, or tomorrow and thinking about that causes fear. Right? So time, thought, are the factors of fear. And we know, we have examined thought we have examined time. Time is the past, the present and the future, the rising of the sun and the setting of the sun, planting a seed and becoming a huge tree. That is time. And also we have got inward time: I am this but I will become a rich millionaire. I am greedy but, give me time, I won't be – next life perhaps. And so on and so on. So time and thought are the central factors of fear. 所以,思想造成了恐惧。 对吗? 想着未来,想着过去, 没有能力快速适应 环境的变化,等等,等等。 所以思想与时间。对吗? 不,你们不明白。我会接着讲。 想着明天,可能会发生什么, 我妻子可能离开我,或者可能会死。 我是个孤独的人了,那我该怎么办? 我有几个孩子,所以我最好结婚, 跟某人或其他人再婚, 因为至少她们能照顾我的孩子。 如此等等。这是想着未来, 基于过去,对吗? 所以这里就涉及到了思想和时间。 对吗? 想着未来, 未来是后天,或者明天, 而想着它就导致了恐惧。对吗? 所以时间,思想,是恐惧的要素。 而我们知道,我们审视了思想, 审视了时间。 时间是过去、现在与未来, 太阳升起与落下, 种下一颗种子,然后变成一棵大树。 那是时间。 而我们还有内在的时间: 我现在是这样,但是我将会变成一个百万富翁。 我现在贪婪,但是给我时间,我会变得不贪婪 ——或许下辈子。 如此等等。 所以时间和思想是恐惧的核心因素。
39:22 I am looking for a clock. 我在找钟。
39:27 Audience: Ten past six. 听众:六点十分。
39:44 K: Thank you. So I have talked for a hour and a quarter? 克:谢谢。 那我讲了一小时一刻钟了?
40:02 Audience: Forty minutes. 听众:四十分钟。
40:11 K: Is that all, too bad! So, let me finish this. Allow me another twenty minutes, if you don't mind. Do you mind? I won't keep you very long. It won't make any difference if you listen to me or not. You will carry on in exactly the same way as you have been living. You won't change, you won't do a thing because you are caught in a rut, in a groove, in a pattern. And you will go on and death is there. Right? 克:就这么多?太糟糕了! 所以,让我讲完这个。 请再给我二十分钟,如果你不介意的话。 你们介意吗? 我不会拖你们太久的。 你们听不听我讲,完全不会有什么不同。 你会继续过一模一样的生活, 跟以前一样。 你不会改变,你什么也不会做, 因为你陷入了一个轨道、惯例、模式。 你会依然如故,而死亡就在那里。 对吗?
41:07 So we are enquiring into something which you may not understand but it doesn't matter. Time, thought are our principal factors of life. And both time inwardly – I am this but I will be that, or I have been, I shall be, I am, I shall be – all that involves time. And time is thought, they are not two separate things. They are both movements. Then what place has death? You understand sirs? What place in my life has death, suffering, pain, anxiety, loneliness all those terrible things I have gone through? Merci beaucoup. 所以我们在探究某种 你也许不明白的东西,但是没关系。 时间,思想是我们生活的主要因素。 两个都是内在的时间——我是这个但我将变成那个, 或者我曾是,我将是,我现在是,我将是—— 这些都涉及时间。 而时间就是思想,它们不是两个不同的东西。 它们都是运动。 那么死亡有什么位置呢? 明白吗,先生们? 它们在我生命中有什么位置?——死亡,痛苦, 伤痛,焦虑,孤独, 我经历的所有这些糟糕的事。 够多了。
42:15 Sir, I had better take your watch whoever will give it to me. I might lose it, or you might lose it. 先生,我最好拿着你的手表, 谁给我都行。 我也许会弄丢它,或者你可能会弄丢它。
42:26 You understand sir, please understand this very carefully. Time, thought, are central factors of life. And we are saying thought and time are the factors of fear. That is a fact whether you like it or not. So what has suffering to do with time? You are following all this? What has suffering, pain, anxiety, loneliness, despair and all the travail that man goes through, what has that... Is that all our life? You understand what I'm asking you? We are journeying together. You are not just sitting there and listening to a nonsensical speaker. I am asking you. This is your life, right sirs? Facts, not imagination. You are born, educated and you fit into BAs, MAs and all the rest of it, PhDs, in order to get a job or you become a great Prime Minister or minister, for god's sake, you understand? This is your life. This is your consciousness, your consciousness is composed of your fears of your knowledge, of your time, you know, consciousness. Your knowledge, everything is in your consciousness. And in that consciousness, of which you are, that consciousness you have always thought is yours, mine, 'My consciousness'. You understand my question? 你明白吗先生,请非常仔细地理解这个。 时间,思想是生活的核心要素。 而我们在说 思想与时间是恐惧的因素。 这是一个事实,无论你喜欢与否。 那么痛苦与时间有什么关系? 这些你都能跟上吗? 这些痛苦,伤痛,焦虑,孤独,绝望 以及人们经历的所有辛劳, 这些有什么……这就是我们的全部生活吗? 你明白我在问你什么吗?我们是在一起旅行。 你不是仅仅坐在那里 听一个疯狂的讲者在说。 我在问你。 这是你的生活,对吗先生们?事实,不是想象。 你出生,受教育,然后你拿了学士,硕士, 等等诸如此类,博士,为了找工作, 或者你成了一个出色的总理, 或者部长,天哪,你们明白吗? 这是你的生活。 这是你的意识, 你的意识是由你的恐惧、 你的知识、你的时间组成的,你知道,意识。 你的知识,一切都在你的意识里。 在这个意识里,而你就是这个意识, 这个意识你一直认为是你的,我的。 “我的意识”。 你明白我的问题吗?
44:41 Don't cross your legs, just sit comfortably as you were I am looking at you – don't suddenly change. 不要盘腿,就像刚才那样舒服地坐着就可以。 我在看着你——不要突然变换姿势。
44:51 Your consciousness, if you examine it very carefully not examine it through judgements, evaluations, what you know, but if you examine it very carefully your consciousness is made up of its content. Right? Do you understand what I am saying? What you think, what your tradition, what your education, how many fears, whether you want to exchange your wife for a new wife, or whether you go to a certain temple all that, loneliness, fear – is what you are! You may think you are divine inside but still you are thinking. When you say, 'Yes, there is God in me' it is still the product of thought. So your consciousness, which is what you are not physically but psychologically, inwardly which is your consciousness is the consciousness of mankind. Listen carefully. Don't accept anything he says. Every human being on this earth goes through it: sorrow, pain, anxiety, uncertainty, insecurity, quarrels, coaxing, wanting this, not wanting. All that is what you are. If you imagine that you are a god incarnate that is part of thought. Right? Thought – as we pointed out – that's limited. So your consciousness, what you are, is the rest of mankind. Every man goes through this. Or every woman. Every human being goes through this. Right? Every human being: your neighbour, your father, your grandfather and the past generations all over the world. So you are not individuals. This is a blow. Don't accept it. Examine it, don't say, 'It is rot' or, 'It is not a fact because the Gita says something' or the Upanishads say something, or the Bible says something. It is a fact that you, your suffering, your pain, your anxiety, your loneliness, your knowledge is common to – I won't use 'common' – is shared by every human being. Right? So you are not a separate soul, a separate Atman. I know you don't like this because you were brought up to swallow anything that goes along. 你的意识,如果你仔细检查它, 不是通过判断、评估, 通过你所知道的,而是仔细地检查它, 你会发现你的意识是由它的内容组成的。 对吗?你明白我在说什么吗? 你在想什么,你的传统,你的教育, 有多少恐惧,你是否想换妻子, 换个新妻子,或者你是否去某个庙宇, 所有这些,孤独,恐惧——这就是你! 也许你认为你内在是神圣的, 但是你仍然在思考。 当你说,“是的,我内心有神”的时候, 那还是思想的产物。 所以你的意识,这个意识就是你, 不是生理上, 而是心理上、内在,你的意识 就是人类的意识。 仔细听好。不要接受他说的任何东西。 这个地球上的每一个人都经历着它: 悲伤,痛苦,焦虑,不确定,不安全, 争吵,强迫,想要这个,不想要。 所有这些就是你。 如果你想象你是某神在世, 那还是思想的一部分。对吗? 思想——如我们所说——是局限的。 所以你的意识,也就是你, 就是整个人类。 每一个人都经历着这些, 也包括女人。每一个人都经历着这些, 每一个人: 你的邻居,你的父亲,你的祖父, 以及世界上过去世世代代的人们。 所以你们不是个人。 这是重重一击。不要接受它。 审视它,不要说“这是胡说”, 或者“这不是事实,因为《博迦梵歌》说了别的” 或者《奥义书》说了什么,或者《圣经》说了什么。 这是一个事实,你,你的痛苦,你的悲伤, 你的焦虑,你的孤独,你的知识, 是共同的——我不想用“共同”这个词—— 它是每个人所共有的。 对吗? 所以你不是一个分开的灵魂,一个分开的“真我”。 我知道你不喜欢这个,因为你从小就被教育 要全盘接受世上现行的一切。
48:32 So there must be freedom from fear, from hurts, from every kind of thing human beings have put together. There must be freedom, you understand, not just words. 'India must be free from the rest of the world'. That's just nonsense. Nobody can live by themselves they need a friend, they need somebody to help. 所以必须从恐惧、 从伤痛、 从人类制造的一切东西中解放出来。 必须有自由,你明白吗,而不仅仅是词句。 “印度必须从世界上解放出来”。 这不过是废话。 没有人能够自己生活, 他们需要朋友,他们需要有人帮助。
49:14 So we are trying to find out, enquire into what is love. Right? We are saying, as long as there is fear of any kind, biologically, fear of attachment, fear of loss, fear of any kind, the other cannot exist. If there is any kind of attachment the other cannot exist – the other being love. So we are going to inquire, if time allows. Then seeing all this, from the beginning from the baby to the grown man, seeing what the world is and inquiring into what is death. Why are we all so frightened of death? You understand? You know what it means to die? Haven't you seen dozens of people killed, or hurt or... Haven't you? No? Are you strange people, or what? (Laughter) Belong to a different planet? We have seen death. We have never enquired very deeply into what is death. It is a very important question, as what is life. You understand? We said life is all this – rot. We have said life is knowledge, learning you know, all that stuff going to the office regularly every day at 9 o'clock or 10 o'clock, quarrelling, battling, wanting this and not wanting – you follow? We know what living is. Right? A series of actions produce a series of reactions and sorrow, pain – that is our life. Then if that is living which it is, don't say 'Yes, living is something extraordinary upstairs' this is living – quarrelling, divorcing, fighting. But we have never enquired seriously into what is death. You understand what I am talking about? We know what is living, if you are honest and you can imagine anything you like but this is living. You can imagine heaven is there and God sort of nod to you, every prayer is answered and all that rot. At least for me, for the speaker. But we have never seriously enquired into what is dying. All right sir? 所以我们在试图探究,搞清楚什么是爱。对吗? 我们说,只要还有任何形式的恐惧, 生理上的, 执着的恐惧,失去的恐惧, 任何类型的恐惧,另一个就无法存在。 如果有任何形式的执着, 另一个就无法存在——另一个指的是爱。 所以我们要来探究,如果时间允许的话。 那么看到了这一切,从一开始, 从婴儿到成人,看到了世界的样子, 然后探究什么是死亡。 为什么我们如此惧怕死亡? 你明白吗?你知道死亡意味着什么吗? 你们难道没见过数十个人被杀害,或者受伤……你们没看见过吗? 没有? 你们是奇怪的人,还是什么?(大笑) 属于另一个星球?我们看见过死亡。 我们从未很深入地探究什么是死亡。 这是个非常重要的问题,正如什么是生活一样。你明白吗? 我们说了生活就是所有这些——垃圾。 我们说了生活就是知识,学问, 你知道,所有这些东西, 每天按例九点或十点去上班, 争吵,战斗, 想要这个,又不想要——你明白吗? 我们知道生活是什么。对吗? 一系列的行动导致一系列的反应 以及悲伤,痛苦——这就是我们的生活。 那么如果这就是生活, 确实如此,不要说 “生活是非常美妙的”, 这就是生活——争吵,离婚,战斗。 但是我们从未认真探究过什么是死亡。 你明白我在说什么吗? 我们知道什么是生活,如果你诚实的话, 你可以想象任何你喜欢的事情,但这就是生活。 你可以想象天堂就在那里,而神在以某种方式看护着你, 任何祈祷都会得到回应以及所有那些垃圾。 至少对我是如此,对于讲话者。 但是我们从未认真探究什么是死亡。 对吗先生?
52:58 What is dying? It must be an extraordinary thing to die. No? Extraordinary thing. Everything has been taken away from you: your attachments, your money, your wife, your children, your country, your superstitions, your gurus, your gods, everything is gone. Right? You may wish to take it to the other world but you can't take your money, your bank account – right? – your attachments, your gurus, your temples. You can invent temples up there, not after your death but while living you can invent all the gods on earth. But when death comes it says, 'Look, you cannot take anything with you. All your attachments, all your affections all your hurts, all the things that you have gathered in life you can't carry, there is no space for that'. Right? So death says, 'Be totally detached'. Right? That is what happens when death comes. You have no person to lean on, nothing. Right? You have understood this? You can believe that you will be reincarnated next life. That is a very comforting idea but it may not be a fact, it may be your imagination your longing, your 'I can't leave my wife' I have left so much for my son but I will meet him next life so I'll tell him off and so on. 什么是死亡? 死亡一定是件非凡的事。不是吗? 非凡的事。 一切都被从你那里拿走了: 你的执着,你的金钱,你的妻子,你的孩子, 你的国家,你的迷信,你的古鲁,你的神明, 一切都没有了。对吗? 你也许希望把这些带到另一个世界, 但是你无法带走你的金钱,你的银行账户。 对吗?——你的执着,你的古鲁,你的庙宇。 你可以发明那里的庙宇,不是在你死了之后, 而是在你活着的时候,你能发明世上所有的神明。 但是当死亡来临时,它说,“你看, 你没法带走任何东西。 你所有的执着,所有的感情, 所有的伤痛,你在生命中收集的所有东西, 你没法带走,没有这个空间”。 对吗? 所以死亡说, “请完全舍弃”。对吗? 这就是死亡来临的时候所要发生的。 你没人、没任何东西可依靠。对吗? 你明白这点了吗? 你可以相信你下辈子会转世, 这是个非常令人安慰的想法, 但是它可能不是事实,它可能只是你的想象、 你的渴望,你的“我不能离开我妻子”, 我给我儿子留下了这么多,我要在下辈子遇到他, 这样就可以告诉他,等等。
55:26 So we are trying to find out what it means to die – while living, not committing suicide, I am not talking about that kind of nonsense. I want to find out what it means to die. Not jump in the river, I don't mean that or go off to the Himalayas and die there. But I want to find out for myself what it means to die. Which means, can I be totally free from everything that man has created, including myself? You know there is an Italian joke, sorry to repeat it: 'The whole world will die, perhaps including me.' So I want to find out what the actual fact when death says, enough. Right? Do you want to find out? No. Do you really want to find out? 所以我们在试着搞清楚死亡意味着什么, ——在活着的时候搞清楚,不是去自杀, 我不是在说那种鬼话。 我想搞清楚死亡意味着什么。 不是跳河,我说的不是那个, 或者去喜玛拉雅山,然后死在那里。 而是我想自己搞清楚死亡意味着什么。 这意味着我能否从人类所造的一切, 包括从我自己当中,完全解放出来? 你知道有个意大利的笑话,很抱歉重复一下: “整个世界都会死去,也许也包括我自己!” 所以我想搞清楚当死亡说“够了”的时候, 真正的事实是怎样的。对吗? 你想搞清楚吗?不。 你真的想搞清楚吗?
57:07 What does it mean to die? Give up everything. Right? Not sacrifice, don't use those silly words. It cuts you off with a very, very, very sharp razor, from your attachments, from your gods, from your superstitions, from your desire for comfort next life and so on and so on, so on. So I am going to find out what death means because it is as important as living. So how can I find out, actually, not theoretically make evaluations about it and form societies and, you know, all that circus. But I actually want to find out, as you want to find out I am speaking for you, so don't go to sleep. So what does it mean to die? One is very healthy, the body is functioning there is no disease, like K at ninety one, he has no disease, no pain etc., etc. because I have seen experts, doctors. So what does it mean to die? Put that question to yourself, don't listen to me. While you are young, or when you are very old this question is always there. Right? It is always asking, demanding what it means to die. Are you interested in this? Are you? Oh no, don't shake your head, sir. Do you know what it means? To be totally free, to be totally unattached to everything that man has put together or what you have put together – totally free. No attachments, no gods, no future, no past. You don't know what it all means either. You don't see the beauty of it the greatness of it, the extraordinary strength of it. So while living, to be dying. You understand what that means? While you are living, every moment you are dying. So throughout life you are not attached to a thing, your wife, your father, your mother, your grandmother your country, your... Nothing. Because that is what death means. Right? You may wish for another life. That is all too easy, too simple, too idiotic. 死亡意味着什么? 放弃一切。对吗? 不是牺牲,不要用这些愚蠢的词。 它用一把非常非常非常锐利的剃刀, 把你与你的执着、你的神、 你的迷信、你对下辈子享受的欲望 等等统统割断。 所以我要去搞清楚什么是死亡, 因为它与生命一样重要。 那么我怎么能搞清楚,实际上而不是从理论上 做出判断,然后形成各种组织, 你知道,所有那些把戏。 而是我想真的搞清楚,就像你想要搞清楚, 我在为你而说,所以不要睡着了。 所以死亡意味着什么? 你非常健康,身体运转得很好, 没有疾病,就像克, 九十一岁了,他没有病,没有痛苦等等。 因为我看过专家,医生。 那么死亡意味着什么? 请问自己这个问题,不要听我讲。 你年轻时,或者很老的时候, 这个问题总是在那。 对吗? 它总是在问,要求你回答死亡意味着什么。 你们对这些有兴趣吗?有吗? 噢,不,不要摇头。你知道它的意思吗? 完全自由,完全不执着于 人类所制造的一切, 或者你制造的一切——完全自由。 没有执着,没有神明,没有未来,没有过去。 你也不知道这一切意味着什么。 你看不到它的美, 它的非凡,它不可思议的力量。 所以在活着的时候就死去。 你知道这意味着什么吗? 在你活着的时候,每时每刻都在死去。 这样在你的一生中,你不执着于任何事情, 你的妻子,你的父亲,你的母亲,你的祖母, 你的国家,你的……没有任何东西。 因为这就是死亡的意思。 对吗? 也许你会希望有下辈子。 这些都太容易,太简单,太愚蠢了。
1:01:06 So, living is dying. You understand? Living means every day you are abandoning everything that you are attached to. What you worship, what you think, what you don't think, your gods, your country – nothing! Can you do this? Can you do this? A very simple fact but it has got tremendous implications. So that each day is a new day. You understand? Each day you are dying and incarnating. Oh, you don't understand. There is tremendous vitality, energy there. You understand? Because there is nothing you are afraid of. There is nothing that can hurt, – being hurt doesn't exist. Thought is limited, therefore it has no importance it has importance because I have to get up and go in five minutes, but time, thought, fear, attachment, and all the things that man has put together has to be totally abandoned. That's what it means to die. God may be waiting to save you in heaven it all sounds so ridiculous. So can you do it? Will you try it? Will you experiment with it? Not for just a day. Every day. No, sir, you can't do it. Your brains are not trained for this. Your brains have been conditioned so heavily by your education, by your tradition, by your books, by your professors, by your – all the rest of it. This requires to find out what is love. Love and death go together. Because death says, 'Be free, non–attached, nothing you can carry with you.' And love says... There is no word for it. So love can exist only when there is freedom, not from your wife, for a new girl, or a new husband, but the feeling, the enormous strength the vitality, the energy of complete freedom. 所以生即是死。 你明白吗? 生命意味着每天你都在抛弃 你所执着的一切。 你崇拜的,你思考的,你不思考的, 你的神,你的国家——什么都没有! 你能这样做吗? 你能这样做吗? 一个非常简单的事实, 但是却有着非凡的意义。 于是每一天都是新的一天。 你明白吗? 每一天你都在死去以及再生。 啊,你不明白。 这里面有巨大的生命力,能量。 你明白吗? 因为你没有任何恐惧。 没有任何可以伤害的——受伤也不存在。 思想是局限的,所以它不重要, 它重要是因为我得在五分钟内 起床出去, 但是时间,思想,恐惧,执着, 以及人类制造的所有东西, 都需要完全抛弃。 这就是死亡的意义。 上帝也许在天堂等着拯救你, 这一切听上去是如此可笑。 所以你能这样做吗? 你会试试吗?你会试验一下吗? 不是一天,而是每天。 不,先生,你做不到。 你的大脑受的训练不是为了这个。 你的大脑已经被如此沉重地局限, 被你的教育,被你的传统,被你的书本, 被你的教授,被你的——所有那一切。 这就需要我们搞清楚 什么是爱。爱与死亡是一起的。 因为死亡说, “要自由,不执着,没有什么是你能带走的。” 而爱说 没有语言能够表达它。 所以爱只能在有自由时才能存在, 不是为了一个新的女孩而摆脱你妻子,或者为了一个新丈夫, 而是那种完全自由的感觉,巨大的力量, 生命力,能量。
1:05:09 Next time we meet we will talk about religion and meditation. I hope that's all right. I am sorry there are only three talks but the speaker cannot carry on. You understand? He is ninety one and that is good enough. It's over sir! 下一次我们见面 会讲宗教与冥想。 我希望这是可以的。 我很抱歉只有三次讲话, 但是讲话者没法再继续了。你明白吗? 他九十一岁了,这已经够好了。 结束了,先生!