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OJ80Q1 - 第一次问答会

0:32 This is a question and answer meeting. About fifty questions and more have been given and we cannot possibly answer all of them. But we have chosen perhaps what might be representative of all these questions. 这是一场问答会。 我们收到了五十多个问题, 而我们不可能全部回答。 但我们从中选择了一些 也许是比较有代表性的问题。
1:07 We have been talking over together why human beings who have lived apparently for millions and millions of years have not been able to solve their conflicts both outwardly and inwardly, why they are destroying the earth, polluting the air, why human beings are becoming more and more cruel, violent. And apparently none of these questions have been resolved. We are supposed to be highly civilised human beings and one begins to doubt whether we are. And these questions that we have been put perhaps by answering them we might begin to understand a way of living which might be totally different. 我们之前已经一起讨论过了 为什么人类 明显已经生存了 数百万年,却 无论从内在还是外在,都始终无法 化解他们的冲突, 为什么他们要破坏这个地球,污染空气, 为什么人类会变得越来越残忍和暴力。 很显然所有这些问题都未曾得到解决。 我们被认为是高度文明的人类, 然而我们开始怀疑究竟是不是这样。 而也许通过回答 提给我们的这些问题, 或许我们就能开始了解 一种截然不同的生活方式。
2:41 First question: 'What is the significance of history in the education of the young?' 第一个问题:“在年轻人的教育中, 历史具有什么样的意义?”
2:48 'What is the significance of history in the education of the young?' “在年轻人的教育中, 历史具有什么样的意义?”
3:03 I think, if one has read history books, it's fairly clear that man has struggled against nature, conquered it, destroying it, polluting everything that he touches. There have been wars, kings, Renaissance, industrialisation, and man's struggle to be free, and yet he becomes a slave to institutions, organisations, and he tries to break away from them but again forms another series of institutions, another series of organisations. So this everlasting struggle to be free. That probably is the history of mankind, according to books. And also the tribal wars, the feudal wars, the baronial wars, the wars of the kings, nations, it is still going on. This tribal mind which has become national, sophisticated mind but it is still the tribal mind. 我认为,如果我们曾经读过历史书的话,这点会很清楚: 那就是人类一直与自然作斗争,人类征服了自然, 又在破坏自然,污染着他所触及的一切。 我们有过战争、国王、 文艺复兴和工业化, 人类奋力争取自由,然而 最后却成为了制度和组织的奴隶, 他试图去挣脱它们, 却又建立起了另一套制度 和另一系列的组织。 所以就有了这场永无止境的争取自由的斗争。 或许这就是历史书中的 人类的历史。 而同样的,从部落间的战争、 封建战争、爵士战争, 到国王之间、国家之间的战争,战争依然上演着。 那个部落主义的头脑 变成了 国家主义的、更精明世故的头脑。 但那个头脑仍旧是部落主义的。
4:54 And that's what more or less - perhaps we are rather simplifying - the history, with the culture music, painting, you know, the whole thing. How is all that to be taught to the young? Surely history is the story of mankind. Mankind, the human being who has gone through all kinds of suffering, through various diseases through wars, through religious beliefs and dogmas, persecution, inquisition, torture, in the name of God, in the name of peace, in the name of ideals. And how is all that to be taught to the young? That is the question. 也许我们这么说太过简单化了, 不过这或多或少就是历史,还有文化、 音乐、绘画,你知道的,等等所有这些东西。 所有这些东西要如何教授给年轻人呢? 毫无疑问,历史就是人类的故事。 人类,经历了 各种痛苦,经历了各种疾病, 经历了无数战争,经历了各种宗教信仰、教条、迫害、 审讯和折磨,以上帝之名, 以和平之名,以理想之名。 所有这一切要如何教授给年轻人呢? 这就是我们的问题。
6:10 If it is the story of mankind, the story of human beings, then both the educator and the young are the human beings. It is their story! ?ot the story of kings and wars, it is their story. That is, the story of themselves! Right? Now can the educator help the student to understand the story of himself? I don't know if you are following all this. The story, the past of which he is the result. Right? So can the educator help the student to understand himself because he is the story. That is the problem. Would you agree to that? 如果这是人类的故事、人的故事的话, 那么教育者和年轻人都是人类的一分子。 历史就是他们的故事! 不是国王们和战争的故事,而是他们的故事。 也就是他们自己的故事!对吗? 那么,教育者可以帮助学生去了解 他自己的故事吗? 我不知道你们是否都跟上了所有这些。 他就是人类的故事和过去的产物。 对吗? 所以教育者能不能帮助学生去了解他自己呢, 因为他就是人类的故事。 这才是问题所在。 你们同意这点吗?
7:33 That is, if you are the educator and I am the student, how would you help me as a young student understand the whole nature and structure of myself? Myself being the whole of humanity. My brain is the result of many million years. How would you help me to understand myself, the story, the past - which is all in me - the violence, the competition the aggressiveness, the brutality, the violence, the cruelty, the fear, the pleasure, occasional joy and that slight perfume of love. How will you help me to understand all this? Which means the educator must also understand this. He is also understanding himself - right? And so helping me, the student, to understand myself. So it is a communication between the teacher and myself and, in that process of communication, he is understanding himself and helping me to understand myself. I wonder if you see. It's not that the teacher or the educator must first understand himself and then teach - that would take the rest of his life, perhaps - but in the relationship between the educator and the person to be educated there is a relationship of mutual investigation. Can this be done with the young child, with the young student? And in what manner would you set about it? That's the question, right? 也就是说,如果你是那个教育者,而我是学生的话, 那么你要如何帮助我这个年轻的学生 去了解我自己的整个本质和结构呢? 我自己就是整个人类。 我的大脑就是数百万年人类历史的产物。 你要如何帮助我去了解我自己、那个故事、 那些过去——这一切都在我身上——那些暴力、竞争、 侵略性,野蛮、暴力、 残忍、恐惧,也包括快乐、偶尔的喜悦 和爱的微弱芬芳。 你要如何帮助我去了解所有这些呢? 这意味着那个教育者必须也同样了解这些东西。 他同样也在了解着他自己——对吗? 所以你要帮助我,帮助学生来了解自己。 因此这是一种我自己和老师之间的交流, 而在这个交流的过程中, 老师也在了解他自己, 并且同时帮助我去了解我自己。 我不知道你们是否明白了。 并不是说老师或者教育者 必须要首先了解自己然后再去教育学生 ——那或许将会花掉他们余生的所有时间—— 而是在教育者和被教育者之间 的关系之中, 有着一种共同去探究的关系。 我们可以在年轻的孩子和学生们的教育中实现这点吗? 那么你要以什么样的方式着手去实现呢? 这就是我们的问题,不是吗?
10:29 Are you interested in this?

Q: Yes.

10:33 K: How would you, as a parent, go into this? How would you help your child, your boy or a girl, to understand the whole nature and structure of his mind, of his desires, of his fears - you follow? - the whole momentum of life? Don't look at me! (Laughter) How would you deal with it? Don't say immediately we must have love and all that kind of stuff. But it is a great problem and are we prepared as parents and teachers to bring about a new generation of people? That's what is implied. A totally different generation of people, totally different mind and heart. Are we prepared for that? If you are a parent would you give up, for the sake of your daughter and son, drink, cigarettes, pot - you know, the whole drug culture - and see that both the parent and the child are good human beings? 克:你作为父母要如何着手这个问题? 你要如何帮助你的孩子,你的儿女, 去了解他自己头脑、欲望和恐惧 的全部本质和结构——你跟上了吗?—— 了解生命的所有动力? 不要看我!(笑声) 你要如何着手呢? 不要马上回答说我们必须要有爱 等等所有这类的话。 这是一个重大的问题, 而作为父母和老师, 我们准备好去造就全新的下一代了吗? 这就是问题所隐含的意义。 完全不同的一代人, 截然不同的头脑和心灵。 我们准备好了吗? 如果你是父母的话, 你会为了你的儿女放弃 喝酒、抽烟 和大麻吗—— 你知道的, 这整个吸毒文化—— 并且确保父母和孩子 都成为良善的人吗?
12:33 The word 'good' means well-fitting, psychologically without any friction, well-fitting like a good door. You understand? Like a good motor. But also good means whole, not broken up, not fragmented. So are we, the elder people, prepared to bring about through education a good human being, a human being who is not afraid. Afraid of his neighbour, afraid of the future, afraid of so many, many things, disease, poverty - fear. And also are we prepared, in the search of the good or in establishing the good, prepared or help the child and ourselves to be... integral. Integrity. The word 'integrity' means to be whole. And integrity also means to say what you mean and hold it, not say one thing and do something else. Integrity implies honesty. And are we prepared for that? Can we be honest if we have got any illusions, any romantic, speculative ideas, or ideals. If we have strong beliefs, can we be honest? You may be honest to the belief but that doesn't imply integrity. Are we prepared for all this? Or we bring children into the world, spoil them till they are 2 or 3 and then throw them to the wolves. Right? Prepare them for war - you know what is happening in the world. “良善”这个词意味着心理上良好地适应, 没有任何摩擦冲突, 像一扇开合自如的大门一样良好地运转。你明白吗? 就像一台运作良好的发动机一样。 同样的,良善意味着完整, 没有分裂,没有支离破碎。 所以我们这些大人准备好 通过教育造就 良善的人类, 无所畏惧的人类了吗? 不害怕他的邻居,不害怕未来, 不害怕疾病、贫穷、恐惧等等不计其数的事情。 同样的,在寻找良善或者建立良善的过程中, 我们是否准备好了去帮助孩子 和我们自己变得完整? 正直。 “正直”这个词意味着完整。 正直同样意味着心口如一,说到做到, 而不是说的是一套,做的又是另一套。 正直意味着诚实。 那么我们准备好了吗? 如果我们有任何的幻想, 任何浪漫的、猜测性的观念或理想时,我们还能诚实吗? 如果我们有坚固的信仰,我们还能否保持诚实? 你或许对于你的信仰是非常忠诚的, 但那并不意味着正直。 我们准备好这一切了吗? 还是说我们把孩子带到了这个世界上, 娇生惯养着他们直到他们两三岁, 然后又把他们扔到虎口中。 对吗? 准备让他们去上战场 ——你知道这个世界正在发生着的事情。
16:11 That's why history has not taught human beings. How many mothers must have cried, their sons being killed in wars - you understand? And yet we are incapable of stopping this monstrous movement of killing each other. 而这就是为什么历史没有教化人类的原因。 有多少母亲 曾为她战场上死去的孩子而哭泣——你明白吗? 然而我们却还是无法阻止 这场彼此杀戮的残暴运动。
16:41 So if you are to teach the young one must have in oneself this sense of... the demand of the good. Good is not an ideal, you understand? If we translate the good, which is to be whole, to have integrity, to have no fear, not to be confused. These are not ideals, they are facts. You understand? So can we be factual! And so bring about a good human being through education. If we say, yes, then what will the parent - and you - do about it? You understand? What is your responsibility? Because probably you have children. If you have, then what? You understand the problem? 所以,如果你要去教育年轻人的话, 那么你的心中就必须要有 这种对良善的渴望感。 良善并不是一个理想,你明白吗? 如果我们要去诠释这种良善,也就是变得完整, 变得正直,没有恐惧,也没有困惑的话, 这些并不是理想,而是事实。 你明白吗?所以我们能够从事实上如此吗! 这样的话我们就可以通过教育造就良善的人类了。 如果我们说,可以,那么父母——还有你——将会怎么做呢? 你明白吗? 你们的责任是什么? 因为或许你们也有小孩。 如果你们有的话,那么接下来该怎么做? 你明白这个问题吗?
18:15 So one asks, do we really want a different culture, a different human being with a mind that is not confused, that has no fear, that has this quality of integrity? I hope I have answered that question. 所以我们要问,我们是否真的想要一种不同的文化, 一种头脑不困惑、 没有恐惧、 有着正直品质的不同的人类? 我希望我已经回答了这个问题。
18:52 Second question: 'Why is knowledge always incomplete? When one is observing, is one aware that one is observing or only aware of the thing being observed? Does awareness lead to analysis? What is psychological knowledge?' 第二个问题:“为什么知识总是不完整的? 当一个人在观察的时候,他会觉察到自己在观察吗? 或者只是觉察到了那个被观之物? 觉察会导致分析吗? 什么是心理上的知识?”
19:27 I'll read it again. 'Why is knowledge - as you said - always incomplete? When one is observing, is one aware that one is observing or only aware of the thing being observed? Does awareness lead to analysis? What is psychological knowledge?' 我再来读一遍。 “为什么知识——如你所说——总是不完整的? 当一个人在观察的时候,他会觉察到自己在观察吗? 或者只是觉察到了那个被观之物? 觉察会导致分析吗? 什么是心理上的知识?”
20:06 Whom do you expect to answer these questions? (Laughter) The Delphic Oracle (laughter), the highly elevated priests, the astrologers, the soothsayers, the reading of tea leaves! (Laughter) Whom do you expect to answer this question? But if you are not expecting anyone to answer this question, since you have put this question, can we talk it over together? You understand? Talk it over together, not that the speaker will answer it and then you accept it or deny it and go home dissatisfied, saying, 'I have wasted my morning'. But if we could, seriously, talk over these questions so that we both penetrate into the problem. Then it will be your own answer. Not the answer of someone who has answered these questions and you have heard, it is not yours then. You understand? Like a man having cancer. You can talk about cancer - who hasn't got it. But if you have got it you are involved in it, there is pain, there is anxiety, there is fear. 你们指望谁来回答这些问题呢?(笑声) 德尔斐神谕吗(笑声),那些德高望重的传教士, 还是那些占星师和预言家 去解读那些茶叶占卜!(笑声) 你们指望谁来回答这个问题呢? 然而,如果你们并不指望任何人来回答这个问题, 既然你们提出了这个问题, 我们能一起来讨论吗? 你明白吗? 一起去探讨它,而不是演讲者来回答它 然后你们接受或否定, 回家以后感到很不满意,说,“我浪费了一个早上”。 然而,如果我们可以认真地来讨论这些问题的话, 那我们双方就都可以深入洞察那些问题了。 那时它就会成为你自己的答案。 而不是别人回答了这些问题, 给出了答案, 然后你听到了,那它就不是你的答案了。 你明白吗?就像一个人得了癌症。 你们这些没有癌症的人可以去谈论癌症。 但是如果你也得了癌症的话,那么你就置身其中了, 你会有痛苦、焦虑,还有恐惧。
22:25 So can we talk over these questions, all of them, not just this one but also the previous question. 'Why is knowledge always incomplete, as you said?' What is knowledge? What do we mean when we say, 'I know'? Please go into it with me, together, slowly. When I say, 'I know mathematics' or 'I know medicine, surgery', and also I know... through experience, gathered some facts. So when we say, I know, we know, what do we mean by that? You are following my question? To know. You may say I know my wife or my husband or my girl, girlfriend, or boy. Do you really know them? Can you ever know them? Please follow this step by step. Or you have, as we said the other day, an image about them. Is the image the fact? You understand what I am saying? Are we meeting each other? So the word 'know' is very, very limited. Right? And the knowledge that has been acquired through science not only the technological side of it but also scientists are trying to find out through matter what is beyond, what is the origin of all this. And they have accumulated great deal of knowledge and what is beyond they have never been able to find out so far. So knowledge, according to science, is limited, is narrow, therefore there is knowledge and ignorance always going together. The ignorance which is, not knowing, and the knowing, they both go together always. Right? I think that is fairly clear. 所以,我们能否来讨论这些问题,所有的问题, 不只是这个问题,而且也包括之前的问题。 “如你所说,为什么知识总是不完整的?” 什么是知识? 当我们说“我知道”的时候,我们是什么意思? 请和我一起慢慢的去深入探究这个问题。 当我说“我懂数学”或者“我懂得医学和外科手术”, 我也通过经验得知了、收集了一些事实。 所以,当我们说“我知道”、“我们知道”的时候,我们是什么意思? 你明白我的问题吗?知道。 你或许会说,我了解我的妻子或者我的丈夫, 了解我的女朋友或者男朋友。 但是你真的了解他们吗?你有可能了解他们吗? 请一步一步地跟上来。 还是像我们前几天说过的,你所抱有的 只是关于他们的一个意象? 然而意象是事实吗? 你明白我说的话吗? 我们是否彼此理解了? 所以“知道”这个词是非常非常局限的。对吗? 那些由科学研究得出的知识, 不仅仅有它技术性的一方面, 科学家们也在努力通过物质 去发现某些超越性的事物, 去发现所有这些事物的起源是什么。 他们已经积累了大量的知识, 但迄今为止,他们依旧无法发现任何超越性的事物。 所以科学范畴中的知识是局限的、狭隘的, 因此知识和无知总是如影随形。 无知就是不知道, 它和知道总是并肩而行。 对吗?我认为这很明显。
25:50 But to answer a little bit more further, which is: scientists say through matter they will find that which may be beyond. We, human beings, are matter. You understand? Why don't we go through this rather than through that? You understand what I am saying? You follow what I am saying? Are we talking together? Because if the mind can go through itself, the possibility of coming upon that which is the origin of all things is much more likely than the other. So to know oneself is always limited. I don't know if you follow this. If I say, I must know myself, I can study psychology, I can discuss with the psychologists, psychoanalysts, psychotherapists, psycho-biologists and so on, so on, so on. But it is always limited. Whereas if I understand myself, penetrate into this entity called myself there is the possibility of going infinitely beyond which we are going to discuss and perhaps we may be able to go beyond during the next talks because it is a very important thing. Because otherwise life has very little meaning - you understand? - naturally. Our life is pleasure, pain, you know the whole cycle of it, reward and punishment, that's the pattern in which we live. And that pattern has created the knowledge which psychologically we have acquired. That knowledge which we have acquired created the pattern in which we are caught. Right? So knowledge, whether it is biological, medicine, science, must always be limited. That's simple. Right? 但是稍微更进一步地去回答的话,那就是: 科学家们说经由物质他们将会发现 那种或许是超越性的东西。 我们人类就是物质。 你明白吗? 但为什么我们要通过那样的方式而不是从自身出发呢? 你明白我所说的意思吗? 你跟上我说的话了吗? 我们是在一起交流吗? 因为如果头脑可以彻底明了它自己的话, 那么相较于另一种方式, 我们就更有可能发现所有事物的源头了。 我不知道 所以要明白自己总是局限着的。 我不知道你们是否都跟上了这些。 如果我说,我必须要了解我自己,那么我可以去学习心理学, 我可以和那些心理学家、精神分析学家、 精神治疗师、精神生物学家等等等等这些人交流讨论。 但那永远是局限的。 然而如果我了解了自己, 洞察了那个叫做“我”的实体, 那么我们就有可能无限地去超越了, 我们会讨论这个问题, 也许在接下来的讲话中我们就可以超越, 因为这是一件非常重要的事情。 否则的话生命就没有什么意义 ——你明白吗?——自然是这样。 我们的生活就是快乐与痛苦,你知道这整个循环, 奖励与惩罚是我们生活的模式。 那种模式已经产生了 我们在心理上所获得的知识。 而那些我们所获得的知识就 建立了我们所深陷其中的模式。 对吗? 所以知识,不管它是生物学上的、医学上的知识, 还是科学知识,都必定总是局限的。这是很简单的道理。不是吗?
28:47 'When one is observing, is one aware that one is observing or only aware of the thing being observed? Does the awareness lead to analysis?' First of all let us talk over together what do we mean by observing. There is visual observation - the tree - the hearing not only hearing with the ear but also hearing inwardly. You follow? You know this. So when we observe do we really observe at all? Or we observe with the word. You understand? Are you following this? That is, I observe that thing and I say, 'tree' so I observe with the word. I don't know if you are following this. Right, sir? There is an observation with the word. So can we find out to observe without the word? You understand what I'm saying? Right? Are we proceeding together? So the word has become all important rather than the seeing. Right? We observe, if we have a wife or a husband, with all the memory, pictures, sensations, the irritations and so on, of each other, so we never observe! “当一个人在观察的时候,他会觉察到自己在观察吗? 或者只是觉察到了那个被观之物? 觉察会导致分析吗?” 首先让我们一起来讨论一下 我们所说的观察是什么意思。 我们有着视觉上的观察。(看到)那些树木——还有听觉 不仅仅用耳朵听,同样也包括内在的倾听。 你跟上了吗?这些你们都知道。 那么当我们观察的时候,我们真的是在观察吗? 或者我们是用词语在观察。 你明白吗?你跟上这些了吗? 那就是,我观察着那个东西, 然后我说:“树”,所以我是用词语在观察。 我不知道你有没有跟上这些。对吗,先生? 这种观察是带着词语的。 所以我们能够发现不带着词语的观察吗? 你明白我说的话吗? 对吗?我们是在一起往前走吗? 所以词语已经变得至关重要了,而不是“看到”本身。 不是吗? 如果我们有妻子或者丈夫的话, 我们是带着所有的记忆、画面、感官感觉、恼怒等等在观察着彼此, 因此我们从未观察过!
31:18 So, next step is: can we observe a person with whom we have lived, without the image, without the picture, without the idea? Can you do it? Perhaps we are able to perceive that thing which we call the tree without the word, that's fairly easy. If you have gone into it, that's fairly easy. But to observe a person with whom you have lived and observe without the accumulation of memory about that person. If you have gone into it, if you are interested in it... No, first of all, this observation through the image, through the picture, through the sensations and all the rest of it, through this accumulated memory, is no relationship at all. It is a relationship of one picture with another picture and that's what we call relationship. But when you examine it closely it is not relationship. It is my idea and your idea. 所以下一步就是:我们能够去观察 一个和我们一起生活的人, 而不带着意象、画面和观念吗? 你能这样做吗? 或许我们可以去感知 那个我们叫做树的东西而不带着词语,这很简单。 如果你曾经深入探究过这个问题的话,那么这很简单。 但是去观察一个和你一起生活的人, 观察而不带着你积累起来的关于那个人的记忆。 如果你深入探究过,如果你对此感兴趣的话 不,首先来看,那种经由意象、 画面、感官感觉等等所有这些东西进行的观察, 那种经由积累起来的记忆进行的观察,根本就不是关系。 它只是一幅画面和另一幅画面之间的关系, 而这就是我们所谓的关系。 然而,当你仔细地去检视它的话,(你会发现)那并不是关系。 那只是我的看法和你的看法。
33:15 So can we, in the observation, not make an abstraction of what we observe as an idea? You are following all this? Don't be puzzled, sirs. You are not used to all this, are you? So this is what we mean by psychological knowledge. That is, I have built up psychologically great deal of information about my wife if I have a wife, or a girlfriend. I have built up this knowledge about her, correctly or incorrectly, depending on my sensitivity, depending on my ambition, greed, envy and all that, depending on my self-centred activity. You are following all this? So that knowledge is preventing actual observation of the person which is a living thing. Right? So I never want to meet that living thing because I am afraid. It is much safer to have an image about that person rather than to see the living thing. Right? You are following this? 所以在观察中, 我们能否不要把我们观察的事物抽象成一个想法呢? 你跟上所有这些了吗? 不要一脸茫然,先生们。你们还不习惯所有这些东西,对吗? 那么这就是我们所说的心理知识的意思。 那就是,我已经在心理上 积累了大量关于我妻子的信息 ——如果我有妻子或者女朋友的话。 我已经积累起了这些关于她的知识, 也许正确也许不正确,那取决于我的敏感度, 取决于我的野心、贪婪、嫉妒以及此类的一切, 取决于我自己自我中心的活动等等。 你跟上所有这些了吗? 所以那些知识阻碍着我去真正观察那个人, 那个活生生的人。对吗? 因此我从未想要去面对那个活生生的人,因为我害怕。 拥有关于那个人的一个意象 要比去观察那个活生生的人安全多了。 对吗?你跟上这些了吗?
35:13 So my psychological knowledge is going to prevent pure observation. So can one be free of that? You follow? Can the machinery that builds these images come to an end? You understand my question? Then you will say, 'How am I to end it?' Right? 'I have got an image about my friend - or whatever it is - and it is there, like a tremendous fact, like a stone round my neck. How am I to throw it away?' Right? Is the stone - the image - (laughs) round one's neck different from the observer? I am going slowly into this. Is that image, that weight round your neck, is that different from the observer who says, 'I have an image'? I wonder if you catch. You understand my question, sir? Meet me, sir, let's talk together, move. 因此我心理上的知识将会阻碍 纯粹的观察。 那么我们能够摆脱这些吗? 你跟上了吗? 建立起这些意象的那个机制能够终止吗? 你明白我的问题吗? 然后你们就会问,“我要如何去终止它呢?” 对吗? “我有了一个对于我朋友——或者无论什么人——的意象, 它就在那儿,如同一个坚不可摧的事实, 如同扼喉的顽石一般。 那么我要如何才能扔掉它呢?”对吗? 那些扼喉的顽石(笑声)——也就是意象—— 它和观察者难道是不同的吗?我正在慢慢地深入下去。 那个意象,那些扼喉的重负, 它们和那个在说“我有一个意象”的观察者是不同的吗? 我在想你是否领会了这一点。 你明白我的问题了吗,先生? 理解我,先生,让我们一起来讨论,一起前进。
37:14 Is the observer who says, 'I have the image' and says, 'How am I to get rid of it?' is that observer different from the thing he has observed? You follow? Obviously not. Right? So the observer is the image-maker. I wonder if you see that. Right? Do you meet this? 那个在说“我有着意象”的观察者, 那个说“我要如何才能摆脱意象”的观察者, 这个观察者和他所观察的那个事物是不同的吗? 你跟上了吗?显然它们并无不同。 对吗? 所以那个观察者就是意象制造者。 我在想你们是否看到了这一点。 对吗?你们理解这点了吗?
38:00 So what is the observer? Who is this observer that is making the image and then separating himself from the image and then saying, 'What am I to do about it?' You understand? That is the way we live. That's the pattern of our action and that's our conditioning to which we are so accustomed, we so naturally accept. So we are saying something entirely different which is: the observer is the observed. Let me go into it a little more. I observe the tree but I am not the tree - thank God! That would be too stupid to say, 'I am the tree' or I have identified myself with the tree, and so on, so on. All this process of identification is still the observer trying to be something, or become something. So we have to enquire into what is the observer, who is the observer. The observer is the result of all the past knowledge. Right? His experience, his knowledge, his memories, his fears, his anxieties - the past. So the observer is always living in the past. If you have noticed, you can watch it in yourself. And he is modifying himself all the time, meeting the present but still rooted in the past. Right? So there is this movement of time, which is the past modifying itself in the present, going on to the future. This is the momentum or the movement of time. I won't go into that for the moment. 那么什么是观察者? 谁才是这个制造出意象 并把他自己和意象分开, 然后说,“我要怎么去对付它?”的观察者? 你明白吗?这就是我们的生活方式。 这就是我们的行动模式、我们的局限, 我们已经如此习惯于这些东西了,于是我们很自然地接受了它们。 而现在我们说的则是完全不同的东西, 也就是:观察者就是被观之物。 让我稍微来深入一下这点。 我看着那棵树,但我并不是那棵树——谢天谢地! 如果说,“我就是那棵树”, 或者已经把自己认同为那棵树等等的话,那就太蠢了。 所有这些认同的过程 仍旧是那个观察者在试图去成为某物或者变成什么。 所以我们必须要去探询什么是观察者, 谁是那个观察者。 观察者是过去所有知识的产物。 对吗?他的经验,他的知识, 他的记忆,他的恐惧,他的焦虑——过去。 所以观察者总是活在过去中。 如果你注意过的话,你就会在自己内心发现这点。 他一直在修正着他自己然后去面对现在, 但他却仍旧是植根于过去之中的。对吗? 所以存在着这种时间的运动, 也就是过去在此时修正了它自己然后进入到未来。 这就是时间的驱动力或者说时间的运动。 这点我暂时先不谈了。
40:34 So when we observe, we are observing through the image which we have created about that thing, or that person. Can we observe that thing without the word and can we observe the person without the image? That means can the observer be absent in observation. Right? Do you get the point? Are you working with ? When you look at a person - of course, if it is a stranger you have no picture or you say, 'Oh, he is a foreigner, throw him out' (laughter). But when you look at somebody whom you know fairly intimately the more intimately you know them, the more the image. Can you look at that person without the image? Which means, can you look at that person without the observer? You get it? I wonder if you... That is pure observation. 所以当我们观察的时候,我们是经由 自己建立的对于那个人或物的意象进行观察的。 而我们能够不带着文字观察那个东西, 不带着意象观察那个人吗? 那意味着那个观察者能否在观察中缺席。 对吗? 你们领会这一点了吗? 你们在和我一起工作吗? 当你看某个人的时候 ——当然,如果是一个陌生人,那么你是不会有画面的, 或者你会说,“噢,他是一个外国人,把他赶出去”(笑声)。 但是当你去观察某些你非常熟悉的人时, 那么你越是熟悉他们,你对他们的意象也会越多。 你能够看着那个人而没有意象吗? 也就是说,你能够看着那个人而没有观察者吗? 你懂了吗? 我在想你们是不是……这才是纯粹的观察。
42:00 So: 'Does this awareness lead to analysis?'. Obviously not. You understand the question? That is, what do we mean by analysis? Which is to analyse. Who is analysing? You understand? I am analysing myself - right, I'll go into it. I am analysing myself, or the analyst is analysing me. When I analyse myself, who is the analyser? You are following this? Is the analyser different from the thing he is analysing: me, - you understand? - is the analyser different from me? Oh, come on sir. Obviously not. You see... In our talks and in these answers and questions we are eliminating the very structure of conflict -you understand? - between human beings. The structure of conflict exists as long as there is division. The division in myself which creates the division outside. There is a division in myself because I say I am a Hindu and identification with that image of being a Hindu gives me security so I hold on to that. Which is nonsense, there is no security in an image! And the other fellow does the same, he is a Muslim, or an Arab, or a Jew, he does the same. So we are at each other's throats. So the analyser is the analysed, you understand? So what happens then? If, when the observer psychologically is the observed and therefore no conflict - you understand? - because there is no division. If you see this clearly, that is: our minds have been trained, educated to have this division. I and the thing are different. I, with my anger, with my jealousy. Jealousy is different from me therefore I must do something about it, control it, suppress it, go beyond it - I am acting upon it. But when jealousy, anxiety, is me what has happened? You understand my question? There is the elimination of conflict. Then what happens? Go on sir. I don't want... Go on, what happens? If you are actually doing this as we are talking when you end the division between the two, what happens? When anxiety is me, I am anxiety. Obviously. Then what takes place? Don't wait for me to answer it. 那么:“这种觉察会导致分析吗?”显然不会。 你明白这个问题吗? 那就是,我们所说的分析,“去分析”是什么意思? 是谁在分析? 你明白吗?我在分析着我自己——好,我来探讨这一点。 我在分析着我自己或者那个分析师在分析着我。 当我分析自己的时候,谁是那个分析者呢? 你跟上这些了吗? 那个分析者和他所分析的那个事物"我"是不同的吗? ——你明白吗?——那个分析者和我是不同的吗? 噢,想一下吧,先生。很显然并无不同。 你看,在我们的讨论和这些问答之中, 我们正在消除人与人之间冲突的结构 ——你明白吗? 只要还存在着区分,那么冲突的结构就会存在。 我内心的区分会产生外在的区分。 我的内心有着一种区分,因为我称自己是一个印度教徒, 与作为一个印度教徒的意象相认同 给了我安全感, 因此我执着于它。 可这是一派胡言,在意象之中是没有安全可言的! 而其他人也在做着同样的事情, 他是一个穆斯林、一个阿拉伯人,或者一个犹太人,他也在做着同样的事情。 于是我们彼此扼住对方的喉咙。 因此那个分析者就是被分析之物,你明白吗? 那么接下来会发生什么呢? 如果当那个观察者在心理上就是被观察者时, 那么就不会有冲突了——你明白吗?—— 因为此时没有了区分。 你是否非常清楚地看到了这点,即:我们的头脑 一直被训练和教育着去抱有这种区分。 我和那个东西是不同的。 我有着自己的愤怒、自己的嫉妒。嫉妒和我是不同的, 因此我必须对它做一点什么, 控制它、压抑它、超越它——我需要去对付它。 然而当嫉妒和焦虑就是我时, 那么会发生什么? 你明白我的问题吗? 那时冲突就消除了。 然后又会发生什么?继续,先生。 我并不想……请继续,会发生什么? 如果你真的如我们所讲的那样去做的话, 那么当你结束了这两者间的区分时,会发生什么? 当焦虑就是我时,那么我也就是焦虑,这是显而易见的。 那么会发生什么呢? 不要等我来回答。
46:22 First of all - may I go on, because... - first of all, the pattern has been broken. Right? The pattern which is the conditioning of my mind, that pattern has been broken. Right? Which means what? The ending of something, - right? - is the beginning of something else! I wonder if you capture this. If I break the pattern - if the pattern is broken, the ending of the struggle - what then takes place? A new momentum takes place, you follow? A new movement takes place. Right sir? Don't be sceptical. If you do this you will find out. If you apply your mind, your energy, go into this. You can observe the tree and the word 'tree' interferes. The moment you see that, you say: tree, a butterfly, a deer, the mountain, the river - you follow? - immediate reaction. That reaction can be observed and perhaps put aside and just to observe the tree, the beauty, the line of it - you follow? - the grace of it, the quality of it. 首先——我可以继续下去吗,因为你们 首先,那个模式会被打破。对吗? 那个模式就是我头脑的局限, 那个模式被打破了。 对吗?这又意味着什么呢? 某些东西的结束——对吗?—— 就是另一些东西的开始! 我在想你们是否领会了这点。 如果我打破了那种模式——如果那种模式被打破了, 斗争停止了——那么接下来会发生什么? 一种新的动力产生了,你明白吗? 一种新的运动产生了。 对吗,先生? 不要总是怀疑。如果你这么做的话你就会明白的。 如果你可以用你的头脑、你的能量去深入这点的话, 你观察一棵树,然后“树”这个词就会干涉进来。 于是当你看到它们的时候,你会说:这是树,这是蝴蝶,这是小鹿, 这是山脉,这是河流——你跟上了吗?——这些都是立即的反应。 那种反应是可以观察到的,然后或许你就可以抛开它, 然后只是去观察那棵树,去观察它的美、它的曲线了 ——你跟上了吗?——观察它的优雅和它的品质。
48:15 Now to do the same with the person with whom you have lived, with whom you have been intimate. Not to have a single image about that person. Then relationship is something extraordinary, isn't it? I wonder if you see. 那么,请对那些和你一起生活的人, 和你有着亲密关系的人也做同样的事情。 不要对那个人抱有任何的意象。 那时关系就会变得非凡,不是吗? 我不知道你们是否明白了。
48:39 No? You don't do this, that's why you don't find out. We are so anchored in our own past, in our own conditioning in our own pattern. God only knows how you are going to break it. Right? It has to be broken! It is like a man living in an illusion and calling that reality. 没有明白? 你们并没有这样去做,这就是为什么你没弄清楚。 我们是如此固着于我们自己的过去之中、局限之中 和模式之中。 大概只有上帝才会知道你要如何去打破它。 对吗?它必须要被打破! 这就像是一个人活在幻觉之中 却把那叫做真相。
49:17 Q: Sir, if the observer is the observed how can you ever go beyond that? You can't make yourself step out of that. 问:先生,如果那个观察者就是被观之物的话, 那么你又如何能够超越它呢? 你是无法让自己走出这个范畴的。
49:35 Q: If the observer is the one observed the one observing is also what is observed. How can you ever get out of that? Because ... (inaudible) 问:如果观察者就是那个他所观察的人, 并且那个在观察的人同样也是被观察对象的话, 那么你又如何能够走出这个范畴呢? 因为……(听不清)
49:57 K: Sir, just a minute sir. Are you actually - not you personally I am talking, I am not being personal - is one aware of the fact of this, fact, not the idea of it? The fact that the observer has the image about the person whom he is observing, his wife and so on. Is he aware of that fact, of this division? And is he aware that this division is created by the image which he has made about him or her? Right? Are you aware of this fact? Or am I telling you of the fact and therefore you accept it? Therefore it is not actual, it is just an idea. But if you say, yes, this fact is so. That is, there is the image about her or him, I am aware of that image, that picture, that idea, then the next is: is the picture, the image the actual person that is living with you? Obviously not. So who is creating this image? You follow? If you go sequentially the answer is very simple. You understand? 克:先生,稍等一下,先生。 你是真的——我不是针对你个人而言, 我并没有针对某个人——而是你真的察觉到这个事实了吗, 是事实,而不是关于事实的观念? 那个事实就是观察者对那个他所观察的人, 他的妻子和别人抱有一个意象。 那么他觉察到了这个事实,觉察到了这种划分了吗? 他是否觉察到了这种区分是经由他所制造出来的 对于他或她的意象而产生的? 对吗?你们觉察到这个事实了吗? 还是说我告诉了你们这个事实 然后你就接受了它? 那么它就不是事实,而只是一个观念。 但是如果你说,是的,事实就是如此, 也就是,我有着对于她或他的意象, 我觉察到了那个意象、那个画面和那个想法, 那么接下来就是:那个画面、那个意象, 它们是那个和你一起生活的真实的人吗? 显然不是。 所以是谁制造出了这种意象?你跟上了吗? 如果你循序渐进地深入的话,那么答案是很简单的。你明白吗?
51:55 So, sir, first observe the tree, see whether you can see it without the word. When you see the thing called rose can you look at that flower without naming it? You understand, sir? Test it out! Then find out if you have an image about a person. Now wait a minute. You have an image about me, haven't you? Because the papers write about it, or some silly book. You follow? You have an image about me. So are you listening through the image, through the picture, through the articles you have read, or the books? Or are you listening directly without the image? You understand? Oh, come on, sir. 所以先生,首先你来观察那棵树, 去看看你能不能不带词语地看着它。 当你看见了那个叫做玫瑰的东西, 你能够看着那朵花而不去命名它吗? 先生,你明白吗?去试一下! 然后再去看看你是不是对别人也抱有一个意象。 现在,请稍等一下。 你对我也抱有意象,不是吗? 因为那些文章,或者某些愚蠢的书写了关于我的事情。 你跟上了吗?你们对我就抱有一个意象。 所以你们是经由意象、经由画面、 经由你们所阅读的文章或者书在倾听我说的话吗? 还是你们没有带着意象在直接地倾听? 你明白吗?噢,来吧,先生。
53:11 Q: Sir, what happens when the other person behaves to confirm your image? 问:先生,当另一个人的行为表现 印证了你的意象时会发生什么?
53:29 K: Suppose one's wife has no image about the husband what is the relationship then between the husband and the wife who has no image? You understand the question? That's what you are asking. You understand sir? You are violent and the other person is not violent then what is the relationship? Have you any relationship? - except perhaps sensory, sexual - have you any relationship? Obviously not. But you are living in the same house. (Laughter) So what will you do? Sir, you are all not facing, moving with facts, you see, that's why, you are living with ideas, that's the difficulty in this matter. 克:假设某人的妻子对于她的丈夫是没有意象的, 那么此时丈夫 和这个没有意象的妻子之间的关系是什么? 你明白这个问题吗?这就是你们问的问题。 你明白吗,先生? 你是暴力的,而另一个人不暴力, 那么你们的关系会是什么? 你们之间有任何的关系吗?——除了也许感官方面的、性方面的关系—— 你们之间有任何关系吗?显然没有。 但是你们俩却生活在同一间屋子里。(笑声) 那么你会怎么做?先生,你们都没有面对事实, 没有与事实一同前行,你看这就是为什么 你们会用观念生活的原因, 这就是这件事情中困难的地方。
54:43 All right, sir, let's go into it. My wife has no image about me. First of all, that's the most extraordinary way of living. You understand? In that perhaps there may be real profound love. She has no image about me but I have an image, pictures, ideas, all that in me, piling up. And we are living in the same house. What takes place? She is free, I am not. And I create the conflict, not she. Right? I want her to have an image about me because I am used to that, so I begin. A most destructive relationship goes on. Right? Till she says, enough. Does she divorce me? Go on sirs, this is your job, face it all. Leave me? Or her having no image of me has brought about a totally different atmosphere in the house. You understand sir? You have never done this, do test it out, sirs! There is a totally different... I am beginning to be aware - because she is immovable, you understand? - and I am moving all around. So I begin to see, when I meet something that is immovable something happens to me. Isn't it happening to you now? Oh, come on, sirs! 好了,先生,让我们来探讨一下这个问题吧。 我的妻子对我不抱意象。 首先,这是一种最为非凡的生活方式。 你明白吗? 在那之中或许就有真正深刻的爱。 她没有对于我的意象,但是我却有对她的意象、 画面和观念,所有这些东西都在我心中不断堆积着。 而我们却生活在同一间屋子里。那么会发生什么? 她是自由的,但我不自由。 于是我会制造冲突,而不是她。 对吗? 我想要她也有一个关于我的意象, 因为我已经习惯于这样,所以我就开始了(冲突)。 一种最具破坏性的关系开始了。对吗? 直到她说:够了。 她会和我离婚吗? 继续,先生们,这是你们的事情,去面对它。 她会离开我吗? 还是她的那种不抱有意象 就会给这间屋子带来一种完全不同的氛围? 你明白吗,先生? 你们从未这样做过,请务必去试一下,先生们! 那时就会有一种完全不同的 我开始认识到一些东西,因为她是稳定的—— 你明白吗?——而我是游移不定的。 于是我开始发现,当我遇到某样稳固的东西时, 某些事情就会在我身上发生了。 现在这难道没有在你身上发生吗?噢,来吧,先生们!
57:33 Sir, a man goes from one religion to another, one guru to another, one philosophy - you know - plays around, around, around, and another man says, I have been through all that, out, finished. He is immovable. You understand? So what happens? Test it out. 先生,一个人从一个宗教换到另一个宗教,从一个师父换到另一个师父, 从一种哲学换到——你知道的——没完没了地玩耍胡闹, 而另一个人说,我看穿了所有这一切,那一切都出局了,结束了。 他是稳定的。你明白吗? 那么会发生什么? 去试一下。
58:04 Q: How to eliminate the image? 问:我们要如何消除意象?
58:11 K: How to eliminate the image. You see, you haven't understood. You can't eliminate the image because you are the image maker. Right? Do you see that? You have to eliminate yourself! (Laughter) Which is, your thought that has built up the image about yourself. I won't enter into the whole movement of thought because that requires a great... you know. There are too many questions, we will go into it when we talk. 克:如何消除意象。你看,你还是没有明白。 你是无法消除那个意象的,因为你就是那个意象的制造者。 对吗?你们看到这点了吗? 你要消除的是你自己!(笑声) 也就是说,你的思想已经建立起了关于你自己的意象。 我不再细说思想的全部运动过程了, 因为这需要大量的……你知道的。 还有很多问题,在我们讨论的过程中我们会探讨这个问题的。
59:02 Third question: 'Doesn't thought originate as a defence against pain? The infant begins to think in order to separate itself from physical pain. Which comes first: is thought, which is psychological knowledge, the result of pain, or is pain the result of thought? How does one go beyond the defences developed in childhood?' 第三个问题:“思想是不是起源于对痛苦的防卫? 婴儿之所以开始思想是为了 让他自己脱离身体上的痛苦。 哪个是先出现的:思想,也就是心理上的知识, 是痛苦的结果呢,还是痛苦是思想的结果? 我们要如何去超越那种在幼年时期就发展起来的防卫机制?”
59:49 'Doesn't thought originate as a defence against pain? The infant begins to think in order to separate itself from physical pain. Which comes first: is thought, which is psychological knowledge, the result of pain, or is pain the result of thought? How does one go beyond the defences developed in childhood?' “思想的起源难道不是一种对抗痛苦的防卫吗? 婴儿开始思想是为了 让他自己脱离身体上的痛苦。 哪一个先出现:思想,也就是心理上的知识, 它是痛苦的结果吗,还是说痛苦是思想的结果? 我们要如何去超越在幼年时期就发展起来的防卫机制?”
1:00:31 Right? You have understood the question? What is the time, sir? 对吗?你们听明白这些问题了吗? 现在几点了,先生?
1:00:39 Q: Five thirty.

K: Oh Lord! You see sir how long one question, or two questions, take. You know really there is only one question. If you consider all these questions there is only one real question. What is that? Ask it, sir. One, if you had... please, careful, sir, some angel comes along and says you can ask only one question and it must be the real question - not how am I to get rich, who am I to marry, you follow? - but the real deep fundamental question.

克:噢,天哪! 你看先生,一两个问题就花费了我们多长的时间。 你知道其实只有一个问题。 如果你思考一下所有这些问题的话, 其实真正的问题只有一个。 是什么问题呢? 先生,请你问一下,如果你只有一个问题的话 请认真点,先生,某个天使飞过来, 然后告诉你说你只能问一个问题, 它必须是真正的问题 ——不是我要如何才能变成富翁,我要和谁结婚,你明白吗?—— 而是真正深刻根本的问题。
1:01:48 Q: How to eliminate thought. 问:如何消除思想。
1:01:57 K: Who is the entity who says, 'How am I to' ... You are not... 克:那个在说,“我要如何……”的个体是谁,你并没有
1:02:04 Q: Who am I? 问:我是谁?
1:02:06 K: I won't answer that question because you haven't come to it. You'll find out. 克:我不会回答这个问题,因为你还没准备好来看这个问题。 你会弄清楚的。
1:02:12 Q: Why don't you ask the question? 问:为什么你不问这个问题?
1:02:16 K: I have asked it. 克:我已经问了。
1:02:18 Q: I don't understand it. 问:我不明白。
1:02:25 K: Oh, you are not quick enough. Sir, the question is: does thought create the pain, or pain creates the thought? You understand? You put a pin into this leg, it is communicated to the brain, then the pain, then the anxiety to end that pain. The whole of that is a momentum of thinking, isn't it? The nervous reaction, the identification with that reaction and the identification saying, 'I hope it will end and I mustn't have it in the future'. All that is part of the whole momentum, isn't it, of the whole movement. Why do you separate the two: does thinking come first, or the pain comes first? You understand? 'Who laid the egg' business, you know. Does the chicken come first, or the egg comes first? You are missing the whole point, sir. 克:噢,你的反应还不够快。 先生,我们的问题是: 是思想制造出了痛苦呢,还是痛苦制造出了思想? 你明白吗? 你把一根针刺到你的腿上,这件事就会传输到你的大脑, 然后就会有痛苦,接着我们会焦急地想要去除痛苦。 这整个的一切就是思想的驱动力,不是吗? 神经系统产生反应, 然后与那种反应相认同, 那种认同说,“我希望它可以停止, 以后我再也不要有这种痛苦了”。 所有的这一切都是那整个驱动力, 整个运动中的一部分,不是吗? 那么为什么你要分开这两者呢: 是思想先出现的,还是痛苦先出现的? 你明白吗? 你知道,这就是一个“谁下了蛋”的问题, 到底是先有鸡还是先有蛋? 你错过了整个要点,先生。
1:04:16 It's not the time to go into this. Is fear - which is part of pain - is fear the result of thought? You understand? Is there fear without thought? 现在并不是深入这些问题的时候。 恐惧——它就是痛苦的一部分——恐惧是思想的结果吗? 你明白吗? 是否存在着不带着思想的恐惧?
1:04:47 Q: Is there freedom from fear even with thought? 问:我们是否可以在思想存在的情况下脱离恐惧?
1:04:55 K: Sir, the 'me' is put together by thought. Obviously. Successive incidents, successive ideas, and genetic heritage and so on and so on, the 'me' is the result of thought: I am a Hindu, I am a Catholic, I am this, I am that, you follow? I am an American, I am successful, I am a doctor, I am... All that is a bundle put together by thought. 克:先生,这个“我”就是由思想所拼凑起来的。显然如此。 连续不断的事件、连续不断的观念,还有基因的遗传等等等等, 那个“我”就是思想的结果: 我是一个印度教徒,我是一个天主教徒,我是这个,我是那个,你明白吗? 我是一个美国人,我是成功人士,我是一个医生,我是 所有这一堆东西都是由思想拼凑起来的。
1:05:40 I am asking, sir, most of us have had pain. Have you ever experimented to disassociate thought from pain? Haven't you? Of course you have done it. To watch the pain. Not identify with it and say, 'Oh, I have pain'. You understand? Sit in the dentist's chair for some time and watch the thing going on, so your mind observes without identifying. You can do this, sir. I sat in the dentist's chair for 4 hours. I can tell you about it. Never a single thought came into my mind. I discovered that after I had sat for four hours. 我问的是,先生,我们大多数人都曾有过痛苦。 那么你是否曾经尝试过把思想和痛苦分开呢? 你试过吗? 毫无疑问,你曾经这样做过。 观察着痛苦,而不与之认同, 不说“啊,我很痛苦”。你明白吗? 在牙医诊所的椅子上坐一段时间,然后 观察着那个牙痛的发生,这样你的头脑就是在观察而没有认同。 你可以去这么做一下,先生。 我曾经在牙医诊所的椅子上坐了四个小时。 我可以告诉你这件事。 其间没有一个想法进入我的头脑。 在坐了四个小时以后我发现了这点。
1:07:03 How does one go beyond the defences cultivated in childhood? Would you go to a psychoanalyst? Would you? No, wait, don't say no. That's how they exist. (Laughter) They are the modern priests. Now would you go to a psychologist, psychotherapist, psycho... and so on. There are so many varieties of these medicine men. Sorry, I am not being rude to them. I am just asking, would you go to them? That's the easiest way, isn't it? And we think they will answer all the childhood problems. They can't. They may slightly modify it. They themselves say so. So what will you do? There is nobody you can go to. Right? Sir, do you face that? There is nobody! Your guru, God, priest, psychoanalyst, including Krishnamurti, nobody you can go to, what will you do? Have you ever faced that, that fact that you cannot. You can go to a doctor, if you have cancer, that's a different matter. The psychological knowledge that you have developed from childhood, which becomes neurotic, which... most people are neurotic somehow, but... And there is nobody on earth you can go to, or in heaven, what will you do? How would you find out that you are neurotic? Not somebody telling you you are neurotic because most people are neurotic. Somebody tells me I am neurotic, it is the pot calling the kettle black. Right? So how shall I find out I am neurotic? Do I want to find out? If I do, how shall I know, how shall I see it? Have I really eliminated from my thought, from my mind, the idea: somebody is going to help me? You understand, sir? See what I have done. You understand? Going to somebody to help me may be the essence of neuroticism. I wonder if you see this! It doesn't matter. 我们要如何去超越幼年时期就培育起来的防卫机制呢? 你会去找精神分析师吗? 会吗? 不,等一下,请不要说不会。 正因为你会,那些人才会存在。(笑声) 他们就是现代的传教士。 那么,你会去找某个心理学家、 精神治疗师、心理分析师……等等那些人吗? 我们有着如此众多五花八门的医师。 抱歉,我这样说并不是出言不逊。 我只是在问,你会去找他们吗? 这是最简便的办法,不是吗? 我们觉得他们会解决掉我们幼年时期的所有问题。 他们做不到。 他们也许只能稍微修正一下那些问题。连他们自己也是这么说的。 所以你要怎么做? 你无法去找任何人。对吗? 先生,你面对这个事实了吗?没有人可以指望! 你的师父、上帝、传教士、精神分析师, 包括克里希那穆提,你无法指望任何人,那么你会怎么做? 你可曾面对过这个事实,那就是你没人可以指望。 如果你得了癌症,那么你可以去找医生, 那是另外一回事。 那些你从幼年时期建立起来的心理上的知识 已经变成了神经质, 它……大多数人多多少少都有点神经质,然而 在这个地球上你无法指望任何人,天堂里也一样, 那么你要怎么做? 你要如何才能发现自己是神经质的? 不是让别人来告诉你说你是神经质的, 因为大部分人自己都是神经质的。 假如有个人对我说,你是一个神经病, 他就是五十步笑百步。不是吗? 所以我要如何才能发现我是神经质的? 我想要去发现吗? 如果我想的话,我要如何才能知道,我要如何才能看到这一点? 我是否真的已经从我的思想和头脑中根除掉了 那种“某个人将会帮助我”的想法呢? 你明白吗,先生?看看我做了什么。 你明白吗? 找别人来帮助自己或许就是神经质的核心。 我在想你是否看到了这点!这没关系。
1:11:08 So what am I to do? How am I to know, in a world that is almost neurotic, all my friends, my relations, they are all slightly imbalanced. And probably I am also imbalanced. So what shall I do, knowing there is nobody I can go to? No confession, all that business, nobody. So what shall I do? See what has happened, sir, to me? You are not meeting it! As I cannot go to anybody, then what is taking place in my mind when I have depended on others? On books, on psychologists - you follow? - on authority, what has happened to my mind? 所以我要怎么做呢? 在这个几乎神经质的世界里,我要如何才能知道该怎么做呢? 我所有的朋友、亲戚都有些精神失衡。 而有可能我自己同样也是失衡的。 那么,在知道了我无法指望任何人以后,我该怎么做? 不要去忏悔,去做等等所有这类事情,你无人可求。 那么我该怎么做? 看看我身上发生了什么事情,先生? 你还没有理解这点! 因为我无法去找任何人, 此时我的头脑会发生什么? 之前我依赖他人, 依赖书本,依赖心理学家——你明白吗?—— 依赖权威,我的头脑发生了什么?
1:12:29 Q: (Inaudible) 问:(听不清)
1:12:32 K: Go on sir, what has happened to your mind if you actually realise that you cannot possibly go to anybody? 克:继续先生,如果你真的意识到你不可能去找任何人, 你的头脑会发生什么?
1:12:41 Q: You have to do it yourself.

K: No, watch it, sir, don't answer - what happens to your mind? Is neuroticism the result of dependence? I depend on my wife, I depend on the doctor, I depend on God, I depend on psychologists, you follow? I have established a series of dependence around me hoping in that dependence I will be secure. Right? And I discover, as I cannot depend on anybody, what happens? Oh, come on, what happens when you don't depend?

克:不,先生,观察一下, 而不要回答——你的头脑会发生什么? 神经质是依赖的结果吗? 我依赖我的妻子,我依赖医生, 我依赖上帝,我依赖心理学家,你明白吗? 我已经在我的周围建立起了一系列的依赖, 希望在那些依赖之中我可以变得安全。 对吗? 然而我发现,我无法依赖任何人,那么会发生什么? 噢,来吧,当你不依赖的时候会发生什么?
1:13:56 Q: You have to solve the problem. 问:你得自己去解决那个问题。
1:13:58 K: Do it, sir. Do it. You understand, sir? We are bringing about a tremendous revolution, psychological revolution. Right? Right? And you are unwilling to face it. I depend on my wife. She encourages me to be dependent on her or I, etc., both ways. So you tell me: it's part of your neurosis. I don't throw it out, I examine it. I say, you are quite right. I see this. So can I be free, not depending on my wife, psychologically, of course. Will you do it? No, sir, you won't, because you are frightened. You want something from her, sex, or this, or that. Or she encourages you with your ideas, helps you to be dominant, helps you to be ambitious, you follow? Says, 'you are a marvellous philosopher'. (Laughter) So to see that the very state of dependence on another may be the deep psychological neurosis. And when you break that pattern what happens? You are sane. When you are free of the church, the priests, the popes - you follow? - the whole works of all. Then you are...You understand what happens to you, what is the state of your mind? Sir, you must have such a mind to find out what truth is. 克:那就去这么做,先生,去做。 你明白吗,先生? 我们正在带来一次巨大的革命, 心理上的革命。对吗? 对吗?而你们却不愿意去面对它。 我依赖我的妻子。 她鼓励我对她的依赖, 或者我也鼓励,等等,这是双向的。 然后你告诉我说:这是你神经质的一部分。 我并没有扔掉这种说法,而是去检验它。 我说,你非常正确。我看到了这点。 那么我可以获得自由而不在心理上 依赖我的妻子吗?当然可以。 那么你会去这样做吗? 不,先生,你不会这样做,因为你很害怕。 你想从她身上得到一些东西,性,这个或者那个。 或者她用你的想法鼓励你,帮你占据主导地位, 帮助你去变得野心勃勃,你跟上了吗? 对你说,“你是一个了不起的哲学家”。(笑声) 所以要看清这种依赖他人的状态本身 或许就是一种深层的心理上的神经病。 而当你打破了这个模式时会发生什么? 你会变得心智健全。 当你摆脱了教派、传教士、教皇 ——你跟上了吗?——摆脱掉了所有这些事物以后。 那时你……你明白吗?那时你会发生什么, 你的头脑会是什么样的状态? 先生,你必须拥有这样的一个头脑才能去发现什么是真理。
1:16:48 Dependence has been, from childhood, has been a factor against pain, against hurt, for comfort, for emotional sustenance, for encouragement. And all that has been built in you, you are part of that. If you say, no more authority, religious authority, do you know what happens? 那些从幼年时期就建立起来的依赖 已经成了我们抵抗痛苦、抵抗伤害的一个要素, 而我们借此获得安慰,获得情感上的支持和鼓励。 所有的这些已经在你心中建立起来,你就是它们的一部分。 但是如果你说,不再有权威,不再有宗教权威了, 那么你知道会发生什么吗?
1:17:44 Q: Why did Christ say...

K: Oh, sir. You see, it is impossible to discuss with you. Sir, before Christ there was the Buddha, 500 BC, before him there was somebody else, so it isn't just this one person that has suddenly discovered. That's your conditioning of two thousand years, as in India they are conditioned by three thousand years. This conditioned mind can never find out what truth is. You may worship your images, enjoy them, but it is not truth. Don't throw bombs! (Laughter)

克:噢,先生。 你看,和你讨论是不可能的。 先生,在耶稣之前还有佛陀, 公元前500年,在他之前,还有其他的人, 所以并不只是这一个人突然就发现了某些东西。 这是你们两千年以来的局限, 而在印度他们已经被局限了三千年。 这个局限的头脑永远无法发现什么是真理。 你可以去崇拜你们的偶像,去欣赏它们,但那并不是真理。 不要扔炸弹!(笑声)
1:18:59 So, sir, that means: not to depend on anything means you are alone. Do you know what that word 'alone' means? All one. That is sanity. That sanity breeds rationality, clarity, integrity. 所以,先生,那意味着: 不依赖于任何事物, 意味着你是单独的。 你知道“单独”这个词的含义吗?孑然独立。 那就是健全。 那种健全就会带来理性、清明和正直。
1:19:40 Sorry, sir, not to answer all the other questions. 抱歉,先生,没办法回答其他所有的问题了。