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OJ84T1 - 真理是终结冲突的催化剂

1:11 If I may I would like to point out... that this is not an entertainment. This is a serious gathering... as we are going to explore together... the various issues of life. And also this is not a lecture as is generally understood. A lecture is to inform... to instruct and to persuade you... to think in a particular way... or be so knowledgeable and be thoroughly informed. So this is not a lecture. Nor is it propaganda to propagate... certain ideas, beliefs... or some romantic or reasonable conclusions. But rather we are going to think over together... the many complex problems of our daily life. And in no way is the speaker... trying to convince you of anything... nor to persuade you... to accept some romantic, exotic... or some philosophical concepts and ideals. This must be made perfectly clear... that we are not encouraging... or stimulating, or trying in any way to direct... but rather together... you and the speaker... go into the very many issues, problems that we have. It is not merely that you are listening to the speaker... but though you are listening to him... you are also watching... considering your own reactions... your own conclusions, your own experiences. 如果可以,我想指出 这不是娱乐。 这是一场严肃的聚会 因为我们要一起探索 生命的很多问题。 这也不是通常意义上的一场讲座。 讲座是为了告诉你 指导你和说服你 以某种特定的方式思考 或者变得知识渊博、见多识广。 所以这不是一场讲座。 也不是一场宣传活动,用来宣传 某种观点、信仰 或者某些或浪漫或合理的结论。 而是,我们要一起思考 我们日常生活中很多复杂的问题。 讲者绝不是在 试图让你确信什么 也不是要说服你 接受某些浪漫的、奇异的 或某些哲学上的概念和理想。 你们必须要很清楚 我们不是在鼓励 或者激励,也不是试图用任何方式指导你 而是,一起 你们和讲话者一起 深入探讨我们的很多疑问和问题。 你们不只是听讲者说 而且,在听他说话的同时 还要留心观察 关注你自己的反应 你自己的结论、你自己的经验。
4:35 And we are going to question, doubt... have a great deal of scepticism... without cynicism... because most people are very gullible. We have been made gullible by experts... whether they be experts... along philosophical lines, or psychological... or scientific, or biological and so on. We never seem to question ourselves or... the authorities, the people who know... who assert, specially those people... who come from the Asiatic countries... with their peculiar beliefs... and religious dogmas and superstitions. So please from the very beginning of these talks... and questions and answers... we are going to question everything. We are going to have a great deal of scepticism... including what the speaker is saying... question it, doubt it... find out, if one may respectfully point out... what is true... to be able to be sensitive enough... so that one captures... not only the verbal meaning... but also what lies behind the words... the content of the words. Not only the etymological meaning of the words... but also the quality... the beauty, the strength of a word. Because most of us are caught in a network of words... our whole thinking process is a verbalisation... making pictures or images... and we are caught in all that... so we never actually are free from words and... ready to go beyond the word... or the explanation, or the description. 我们要探询,质疑 多怀疑 而不是玩世不恭 因为大多数人都很容易上当。 我们很容易上专家的当 不管他们是 哲学家,还是心理学家 还是科学家、生物学家,等等。 我们好像从来不质疑我们自己或者 权威们,质疑那些知道的人, 作出断言的人,特别是那些 从亚洲国家来的人 带着他们特别的信仰 宗教教条和迷信。 所以,请从这些讲话一开始 从问题和答案开始 我们就要质疑每一件事。 我们要多多怀疑, 包括讲者说的话 要质疑、怀疑这些话 如果我可以谦卑地指出的话,去发现 什么是真实的 要能足够敏感 那你就不仅能把握 字面上的意思 还能捕捉到语言背后的东西 话语的含义。 不只是那些词语在语源学上的意思 还有那语句中的 品质、美和力量。 因为我们大多数人都被困在语言的网里 我们整个思维过程都是用语言进行的 用它制造画面或意象 而我们就困在其中 所以我们从未真正从语言中解脱 从未准备好超越语言 超越解释或描述。
7:43 If we could this morning and the following days... be very clear on these matters... that the speaker has no authority whatsoever... he is not a professional... not an expert of any kind... because to the speaker that is rather frightening... to be an expert about something. But if we could together... we mean together... take a very, very long journey... a timeless journey... into the very complex structure of the human psyche... of what we are... why we are behaving the way we do... why we have all these crowding thoughts... one after the other... ceaselessly chattering. If we could together amicably... as friends do, take a long walk... into an area that... superficially we have scratched... superficially we have had innumerable descriptions... explanations by the professionals... the psychologists, the psychiatrists... the biologists, the archaeologists and so on. But if we could put aside all that for the time being... though it may perhaps have a certain value at other times... but if we could this morning... like two friends talking over their problems. 我们能否在今天上午,还有接下来的几天里 能够清楚这几件事 也就是,讲者不具有任何权威性 他不是一个专业人士 不是任何一种专家 因为对讲者来说,做某方面的专家 是很恐怖的事情。 然而,如果我们能一起 我们的意思是一起 进行一次很长很长的旅行 一次没有时间的旅行 深入人类心智那非常复杂的结构中去 探询我们是什么 我们为什么这么做 我们为什么满脑子都是思想 一个接一个 总是喋喋不休。 如果我们能一起友好地 像朋友一样,散一个长长的步 进入一个领域 我们曾肤浅地草草带过 曾经无数次肤浅地描述过的一个领域 专家解释过 心理学家、精神分析家描述过 生物学家、考古学家等等都描述过。 但是,我们现在能不能把那些都放在一边 即使它们在有些时候可能有一定的价值 但是,我们今天上午能不能 像两个朋友那样讨论自己的问题。
10:25 We have problems, life is full of problems... from the moment we are born until we die. And we seem to be unable to resolve any of these problems. On the contrary, as a civilization... whatever that word may mean... grows, we seem to be multiplying problems. And we never seem to be able... to be free of all problems... and to live a life... that is without a single shadow of a problem. Into all this we are going to take a journey. You are responsible for taking the journey... because you have come here... though it is rather hot, and I hope... you will be careful not to smoke... because it is much too dangerous. 我们有很多问题,生活中充满了问题 从生到死都是如此。 我们似乎没有能力解决其中的任何一个问题。 相反的是,在文明发展的过程中 不管文明这个词有什么含义 我们看起来是在增加问题。 我们似乎从未能 从所有的问题中解脱 从未过上 没有丝毫问题的阴影的生活。 我们将开始一场旅行,探究这一切。 你们有责任进行这次旅行 因为你们来到了这里 尽管天气很热,我希望 你们能注意不要吸烟 因为这太危险了。
11:52 It's your responsibility as a human being to find out... why after fifty thousand years or more or less... we are what we are. During the long period of evolution... from the most primitive brain... to the highly sophisticated brain that we have... why during all this period... of vast experience, knowledge... incidents, so-called evolution... why we are still what we are... primitive psychologically... hating, violent, superstitious... killing each other... accepting one authority after another. I do not know if you have noticed in this country... there are experts who tell you how to dress... how to make up your face, how to have sex... how to bring up babies, how to read. And all the politicians tell you what to do. If you have noticed, perhaps you... do not notice as you are too close to it... when you come to this country from abroad... you notice all these things all over again. They are telling you, everybody: the newspapers, the magazines... the priests, the evangelists... the authorities, the specialists... the experts, telling you what to do. And this is supposed to be a free country... supposed to be free people who are capable... of thinking things out for themselves... capable of dealing with their own lives... either righteously or unrighteously. One wonders why a young nation like this is so caught up... in the travail of experts... so we are losing our own... inward stability, clarity... and a sense of behaviour. I do not know if you have noticed all these things. Perhaps the speaker may be exaggerating, but I doubt it. When he comes from abroad.. for a week he listens to all the television... all the channels, thirteen channels, newspapers, magazines... talks to some of the experts, listens to the evangelists... my god, what a crowd! And apparently this country is bent on fun... and success, money... and a way of having pleasure superficially. You must have noticed all this too. 身为人类,你有责任去搞清楚 为什么过了差不多五万年 我们会是现在这样。 在长期的进化过程中 从最原始的大脑 到我们现在拥有的高度发达的大脑 为什么在这个过程中 拥有了大量的经验、知识 经历了许多事件和所谓的进化 为什么我们还是老样子 心理上还是那么原始 仇恨、暴力、迷信 互相残杀 接受一个又一个权威。 不知道你们有没有注意到在这个国家 有专家告诉你怎样穿衣打扮 怎样化妆,怎样做爱 怎样抚养孩子,怎样阅读。 所有的政客都告诉你应该做什么。 如果你注意到了,也可能你 并没有注意到,因为你离这些都太近了 如果你从国外来到这个国家 就会再次注意到这一切。 他们在告诉你,告诉每个人:报纸、杂志 神父、福音传道者 权威、专业人士 专家,他们告诉你怎么做。 大家认为这是个自由的国家 人们能自由地 自己思考事情 能处理自己的生活 不管处理得当还是处理不当。 我们会奇怪,为什么这样一个年轻的国家会如此受制于 专家带来的痛苦 我们因而失去了自己 内在的稳定和清晰 以及行为的理智。 我不知道你是否注意到了这一切。 也许讲者是在夸大其词,不过真的夸大其词了吗? 他从国外来 他看了一周的电视 看了所有的频道,十三个频道,报纸,杂志 和一些专家谈话,听福音传道者布道 我的天,人可真多啊! 而且很显然,这个国家致力于娱乐 成功、金钱 肤浅地享受欢愉的方式。 你肯定也注意到了所有这些。
16:48 So this is the country... that is becoming dominant throughout the world... from Asia, from India, Europe, they all want go to America... to the States... not only to earn more money... to have the capacity of invention, and so on. 所以,这就是这个国家 这种方式正在主导着全世界 他们都想从亚洲,从印度、欧洲去美洲 去美国 不只是要挣更多的钱 还要有发明的能力,等等。
17:21 So please, if one may repeat it over again... we are not experts... we are not professionals... we are in no way instructing you... or telling you what to do. But rather with great simplicity... with great affection, let us walk together. Together either we walk very fast, or very slowly. But together, explore... into the injustice of this world... and enquire if there is justice at all... why human beings hurt each other... kill each other... why belief, faith, ideals... are dividing people throughout the world. Like the ideology of Russia... and the democratic ideology are at war. The piling up of armaments throughout the world... even the poorest country. You must surely be aware of all this. So everybody throughout the world is preparing to kill each other. Demonstrations to stop a particular kind of war... neutron or atomic wars. But nobody seems to be concerned with stopping all wars. There is no demonstration to stop wars, to kill human beings. 所以请注意,如果我可以再重复一遍的话 我们不是专家 我们不是专业人士 我们绝不是在指导你 或者告诉你做什么。 然而,让我们怀着深挚的简朴 怀着一腔深情,来一起散个步。 不管走得很快,还是很慢,我们是在一起走。 一起来探索 这个世界的不公正 探询到底是否有公正 为什么人类要互相伤害 互相残杀 为什么信念、信仰、理想 在分裂全世界的人。 比如俄国的意识形态正 跟民主制的意识形态作战。 世界各地在囤积军火 即使最贫穷的国家也是如此。 你们肯定觉察到了所有这些。 所以,世界上的每个人都在准备互相残杀。 有人游行示威反对某个特定的战争 中子战或者原子战争。 但是,看起来没人关心停止所有的战争。 没人游行示威要求停止战争,停止残杀人类。
19:52 And after these forty, fifty thousand years... we are still what we are. What has happened? Why are we like this? Time is supposed to give us understanding... supposed to give us knowledge... supposed to give us a sense of... right or true behaviour, accurate. But apparently time has not solved any of our problems. On the contrary. What, sir? So right, that light is there purposefully, believe me. It's not the sun light unfortunately. 而经过了这四、五万年 我们还是老样子。 发生了什么?为什么我们是这个样子? 时间本应带给我们领悟 本应带给我们知识 带给我们一种感觉 什么是正确的或者准确无误的行为。 但显然,时间并没有解决我们的任何问题。 情况正相反。 什么,先生?好的,那盏灯是故意安放在那的,相信我。 不幸的是,那不是阳光。
21:05 So one asks, as one must, talking over together as two friends... why have we become like this? It is not only in this country, it is right throughout the world... from the most primitive village in Africa, or India... to the most highly civilised, so-called civilised people. What has happened to us? Some may be thoroughly satisfied with what we are... specially if you are rich, powerful, have status and position... then you don't question these things. But if one is thoroughly dissatisfied... not in revolt - dissatisfied... I hope one sees the difference between dissatisfaction and revolt. If you are dissatisfied, which comes from observing things... as they are actually... dissatisfied with all the things... that man has put together... then you are beginning to enquire into it. But if you merely revolt against it... that revolt is merely a reaction. And we are full of reactions, and therefore we never get any further. But if you could, perhaps only this morning, see things as they are... not according to your particular prejudice or conclusion... or ideologies and faith, but things as they are... not only in your own particular backyard... but throughout the world... the starving, the poor, the uneducated... the extraordinary rich people, tremendous power... in the hands of the few... whether it is democratic or communist... totalitarian, power, money... with all that goes with it. 所以,像两个朋友谈话一样,一个人会问,他也必须要问 为什么我们变成了这样? 不只是在这个国家,而是遍及整个世界 从非洲或者印度最原始的村庄 到文明极其发达的,所谓文明的民族,都是如此。 我们这是怎么了? 有些人可能完全满足于我们的现状 特别是如果你富有,有权有势,有地位 那么你就不会质疑这些事情。 但是如果一个人完全不满 不是反叛——是不满 我希望你能看到不满和反叛之间的不同。 如果你不满,这不满来自于对事情的观察 如实地观察 对所有事情都不满 那些人类拼凑而成的事 那么你就开始了对它的探询。 但是,如果你只是反叛它 那反叛就只是一种反应。 而我们都被反应占满了,所以我们从未走远过。 但如果你能,或许只是今天上午,能如实地观察事情本身 不受制于你特定的偏见或结论 也不受限于意识形态或信仰,而是如实地观察事情本身 不只观察你自己后院的事情 而且观察整个世界 饥饿、贫穷、文盲 那些极其富有的人,拥有巨大权力的人 世界掌握在少数人的手里 不管是民主制还是共产主义 极权主义、权力、金钱 伴之而来的所有那一切。
24:13 So if we could as friends... not opposed to each other... not contradicting each other, nor accepting... what the other fellow says... but together take this journey. Which means you, each one of us... whatever speed you would like... walk, but walk... not let the other person do all the talking... all the explanations, all the reasons and descriptions... together look at it, observe it. To observe is one of the most difficult things to do. To observe without any direction, without any motive... without any word... just to observe that tree, for example... without being caught in the word 'tree'... and all the implications of that word. If we are so able to observe... ourselves and the world in which we live... without any prejudice... without any conclusions... from any point of view, whether yours or mine or somebody else's. Just to look at it first. 所以,如果我们能够像朋友一样 不互相反对 不互相反驳,也不接受 另一个人说的话 而是一起踏上这次旅程。 这意味着,我们每一个人 不管你喜欢什么样的速度 一起走,只是走 不是只让另一个人一直说话 一直解释,寻找原因并进行描述 而是,一起来看,一起观察。 观察是做起来最困难的事情之一。 不带任何方向,不带任何动机地观察 也没有任何语言 比方说,只是去观察那棵树 而不被困在“树”这个词 以及这个词的所有含义里面。 如果我们能这样观察 我们自己和我们生活在其中的世界 不带任何偏见 不带任何结论 不带任何观点,不管是你的还是别人的观点。 只是先去看。
26:35 We see there is a great deal of misery... a great deal of poverty... or else affluent societies like this country... though there is poverty in this country... there is war... nation against nation, tribe against tribe... ideologies against ideologies... the Catholic, the Protestant, the Hindu... the Buddhist, the Muslim and so on. Two thousands years of propaganda of the Christians... and fifteen or sixteen hundred years of propaganda of the Muslims... and two or three thousand years or more of the Hindus and the Buddhists. We are slaves to this propaganda called religion... called nations, and so on. The world is at war... not only in a particular part of the Mediterranean... but there are wars going on - I believe forty wars are going on... I have been told, perhaps it is a mistake. 我们看到有巨大的苦难 大量的贫穷 或者像这个国家一样富足的社会 尽管这个国家也有贫穷 有战争 国家之间,部族之间 意识形态之间的战争 天主教徒,新教徒,印度教徒 佛教徒,伊斯兰教徒,等等。 两千年来基督教的宣传 伊斯兰教的宣传也进行了一千五六百年 印度教和佛教也有两三千年的历史了。 我们是所谓的宗教宣传的奴隶 所谓国家等等的奴隶。 这个世界在开战 不只是地中海沿岸的某个地区 战争一直在进行着——我相信有四十场战争正在进行 有人是这么跟我说的,也可能这个说法错了。
28:13 So that's observed outwardly, this competition... each one out for himself in the name of god... in the name of psychology... in the name of science... each one is out for himself, for his success... for his fame, for his reputation, for his power, and so on. 那是从外在观察到的,存在着竞争 每个人都为自己,以上帝之名 以心理学之名 以科学之名 每个人都为自己,为自己的事业 自己的名声、自己的名誉、自己的权力,等等。
28:47 And also in the world externally individuality is given... tremendous importance... each one thinks he is the entire world... to do exactly what he wants... to fulfil, to succeed, to compete... you know, all the rest of it. And also externally so-called religions have divided man too... the whole Christian world with all its subdivisions... and the Buddhist, the Muslim, the Hindu divide. And they are also perhaps so-called peacefully at war. Perhaps too, if you can listen, observe accurately... the Christians have killed more people than anybody else. Right? Look at it carefully. I am not against Christians or Hindus, just observing all this. 而且在外部世界,个体被赋予了 极大的重要性 每个人都觉得自己就是整个世界 可以为所欲为 去追求,去成就,去竞争 你知道,诸如此类的事情。 同时,外在的所谓宗教也分裂了人类 整个基督教世界以及它所有的细分 佛教、伊斯兰教和印度教也在划分。 他们或许也声称是为了和平而战。 如果你能够精确地聆听和观察,或许你也会发现 基督教徒杀死的人比其他任何人都多。对不对? 仔细地看一看。 我并不是反对基督教或者印度教,我只是在观察这一切。
30:23 So externally our society is in chaos. In that society we live... which is degenerating and dangerously near. And so this is the external world in which we live. Obviously one asks, who created all this external world... the society in which we live. Surely no divine hand has moulded this society. Society is put together by each one of us... through our violence... through our pleasure, through our fears and beliefs and dogmas... through our search for security in the family... in the community, in the nation. We have created this society, each one of us... and there is no question about that. We have made the society in which we live. And there are the reformers, like the communists... who wish to alter the structure of the society externally. The socialists, the totalitarians... and also the democratic people... who through legislation and all the rest of it want to alter... the organisation of society. When that organisation fails they invent another organisation. You must know all this. So organisation by re-organising is called progress. Right? I do not know if you have noticed all these things... politically, religiously and socially. It happens in the universities, colleges, in professional areas... but we never question deeply, seriously... why we live in this society which we have made... which we have structured, put together. And this is the result of forty, fifty thousand years of evolution. 所以外在地看,我们的社会处于混乱中。 我们生活的这个社会 正在堕落,危险近在眼前。 这就是我们身在其中的外部世界。 很显然一个人会问,是谁创造了这个外部世界 这个我们生活于其中的社会。 当然不是神祗塑造了这个社会。 社会是由我们每个人一起造就的 用我们的暴力 我们的欢愉,我们的恐惧、信仰和教条造就的 我们在家庭中寻求安全感 在社区里,在国家里寻求安全感,这都造就了这个社会。 我们创造了这个社会,是我们每个人 这是毫无疑问的。 我们造就了我们生活于其中的这个社会。 有些改革者,比如共产主义者 希望从外部改变社会的结构。 社会主义者,极权主义者 还有民主主义者 想通过立法等手段来改变 社会的组织结构。 当那个组织形式失败了,他们就发明另一种组织。 你们肯定都知道这一切。 所以重新组织而成的新组织就是所谓的进步,是不是? 我不知道你们是否注意到了所有这些事情 政治上,宗教上,社会上的这些事情。 大学、学院和专业领域里也发生着这样的事情 而我们从不作深刻地、严肃地质疑 为什么我们生活在我们制造的这样一个社会里 这个社会是我们构建组合而成的。 而这是四五万年进化的结果。
33:48 Either it is altogether hopeless... man will everlastingly live this way... because for forty thousand years he has lived this way. And if we look to time to change fundamentally... the structure of the psyche, the inwardness of our ways... if we rely on time, another forty thousand years... we will still be the same. If forty thousand years has not changed us... another forty thousand years is another game. 要么这本身就完全无望 人类将永远如此生活 因为四万年来人类一直是这么生活的。 如果我们寄望于时间带来根本的改变 改变心灵的结构,改变我们内心的习惯 如果我们依赖时间,即使再过四万年 我们还会是老样子。 如果四万年都没有改变我们 再来一个四万年就是另一个游戏。
34:41 So one asks very seriously... my friend and I are talking together... walking in a shaded lane where there are a lot of birds and flowers... and the beauty of the hills... is it possible to change the human behaviour? Is it possible for a human being... who is so fragmented, so broken up... so contradictory, so much in conflict... is it possible to fundamentally... not superficially - through pressure... through reward and punishment... but deeply... can there be a mutation... not only in the brain cells themselves... but in the whole structure of the psyche... which is self-centred, egotistic... utterly concerned with itself? This has been the problem of some of the religious people... from the ancient of times. And those very, very, very few... have perhaps broken the chain... of self-centredness with all its limited selfish activity. And the vast majority of people carry on. 所以一个人要很认真地问 我的朋友和我一起谈话 一起漫步在林荫路上,有很多小鸟和花儿 还有美丽的山丘 改变人类的行为是可能的吗? 如果一个人 是如此支离破碎 如此矛盾,如此冲突重重 有可能从根本上 不是肤浅地——通过施压 通过奖惩 而是深刻地 发生改变吗 不仅脑细胞本身 而且心灵的整个结构 那自我中心的,自高自大的 完全只关心自己的心灵,能彻底改变吗? 这是一些宗教人士的问题 从古至今的问题。 那极少、极少的几个人 或许打破了 自我中心、自私自利的行为链条的局限。 而绝大部分人继续原来的生活。
37:08 So we are asking, my friend and I together... is it possible for us to change? Not change to something else... that is only a becoming. When you change what you are to what you should be... that is a form of becoming. Right? So that is no change at all. I wonder if you understand this? If I am greedy, or schizophrenic... or utterly committed to... some kind of amusement and fun, and entertainment... to change from that particular form of entertainment... to another form of entertainment is still entertainment. Right? But change implies an ending, not a continuity. Are we together in this? You are the friend walking with the speaker. If this is not clear we must go into it... because it is very important to understand this. 所以我们在问,我的朋友和我一起问 我们有可能改变吗? 不是变成别的东西 那只是一种成为而已。 如果你从现在的样子变成了你应该的样子 那就是成为的一种形式。 对不对? 所以那根本不是改变。 我想知道你们是否明白了这点? 如果我贪婪,或者精神分裂 或者完全沉溺于 某种消遣和娱乐 从一种特定的娱乐形式转换到 另一种娱乐形式,那还是娱乐。 对不对? 而改变意味着终止,而不是继续。 关于这一点,我们在一起吗? 你是和讲话者一起散步的朋友。 如果这一点不清楚,我们就必须深入探讨 因为明白这一点很重要。
38:55 We must enquire into what is ending. Take for example the word 'austerity', 'austere'. The etymological meaning of that word is to have a dry tongue! Not take alcohol... the root meaning of that word in Greek and so on... is to have a dry mouth. From that arises the word 'harsh'... 'dry', a sense of cruel control... a sense of simplicity, holding to a certain pattern. Now, austerity - we are not talking in those terms of dryness, harsh... cruel, cruel discipline, to be austere. I wonder if you understand all this. To have great simplicity inwardly... that can only happen... when there is absolute clarity. And that can take place when there is an ending... to constant indulgence, ending. Say, for example, if you are a smoker, end it... not take a lozenge in its place, chew something else in its place. If you are greedy, violent and all the rest of it... end it, not say, 'I will be something else'. We will go into this much more deeply when we talk about death. You don't mind talking about death, do you? Americans are rather frightened about it, aren't they? There are books written now, recently I see - how to die happily. They are helping the people who are dying to die easily. But death is something extraordinary which we will talk about later on. 我们必须探究什么是终止。 举个例子来说,“简朴”,“朴素的”这些词。 语源学上的词义是,有个干燥的舌头! 不喝酒 那个词在希腊语里的词根义 是有张干燥的嘴。 从那里产生了“严苛” “禁酒”这些词,严酷控制的意思 简单的意思,坚守某种模式。 现在来说简朴——我们不是说禁酒、严苛 残忍、残酷的戒律这些意思,而是要简朴。 我想知道你们是不是明白了所有这些。 内在拥有巨大的简朴 这只能发生在 心绝对清明的情况下。 当不断的放纵沉溺停止时... 才可能有简朴。 比如说,如果你吸烟,终结这个习惯 而不是代之以吃止咳糖,或者吃别的东西。 如果你贪婪,暴力,以及其他种种 终结它,而不是说,“我会成为别的样子”。 我们在谈到死亡时,会更深入地探讨这个问题。 你们不介意谈论死亡,是吧? 美国人相当害怕死亡,不是吗? 最近我看到,现在有人写了书,讲怎样快乐地死去。 他们在帮助垂死的人们死的轻松一些。 但死亡是一件非同寻常的事情,我们稍后会谈到。
42:15 So there is the importance of understanding ending. Go into it for yourself and you will see the extraordinary thing... that we never end anything, there is always the ending... and the beginning of the same thing in a different form. We took the word 'austere', which is really extraordinary... inward austerity, great sense of simplicity... without any complexity. But we won't go into that now... because that requires a great deal of understanding. Because we have the picture of a great many saints... and so-called religious people who are very, very austere... at least they pretend. And there is no austerity without love. Love and simplicity is the essence of austerity. 所以说,理解终结很重要。 你自己深入地看一下,你会发现这件特别的事情 我们从未终结任何事情,我们总是在结束一件事... 同时以另一种形式开始着同一件事。 我们用“简朴”这个词,也就是真正非同寻常的 内在的简朴,巨大的简单感 没有任何复杂性。 但是现在我们不会谈这些 因为这需要很强的理解力。 因为我们有很多圣人的图像 以及非常非常简朴的所谓宗教人物的图像 至少他们假装如此。 没有爱,就没有简朴。 爱和简单是简朴的精髓。
43:45 So my friend and the speaker... are talking over together, they say... is it possible for each one of us... to fundamentally end greed and violence... the search everlastingly for some kind of pleasure... end fear and so on? So we will go into it now. 所以,我的朋友和讲者 在一起交谈,他们说 我们每个人是否可能 从根本上终结贪婪和暴力 终结对某种欢愉的不停追寻 终结恐惧,等等? 那么现在我们来探讨这些。
44:36 From childhood our brains... have been conditioned to solve problems. A child goes to the school... he has a problem how to read and write. And as he grows older, mathematical problems... geographical problems and so on. So our brain - actually this is a fact... it is not the speaker's imagination... if you have observed yourself... our brains are conditioned... to solve problems. The brain is conditioned. So throughout life we are trying to solve problems. Haven't you noticed this? So to solve a problem the brain must be free to solve it. But if it is full of problems itself it cannot solve problems. That is a logical, sane observation. You can see it in politics, what is happening, they solve one problem... and in the solution of that problem... there are multiple problems. Right? You see this - economically and so on. 从孩童时期,我们的大脑 就被局限于解决问题。 孩子去上学 就有如何阅读和书写的问题。 当他长大一些,就有了数学问题 地理学问题,等等。 所以,我们的大脑-这是事实 不是讲者的想象 如果你自己观察了的话 我们的大脑是受限的 习惯于解决问题。 大脑是受限的。 所以,我们穷尽一生努力解决问题。 你们没有注意到这一点吗? 而要解决问题的话,大脑必须能够自由地去解决问题。 但是如果它自己都满是问题,它是不能解决问题的。 这是符合逻辑的,理智的观察。 你能看到,在政界发生着什么,他们解决了一个问题 在这个问题的解决中 出现了更多的问题。对不对? 你也能从经济界等等方面看到这些。
46:26 So one of our first demands... or first enquiry is to find out... whether we can be free to investigate... why we are always solving problems... why we have problems first. We have problems. Right? And you go to various places to resolve your problems. If you have never been alone in the world, wandering among the hills... they will teach you how to be alone in the woods. You pay five hundred dollars or more and they teach you. And you are willing to be taught. Right? So, what we are saying is, a brain... your brain, when it is conditioned from childhood... to the resolution of problems... you are only multiplying problems. But if one can understand... see the fact, not only the explanation... the reason, the logic of it, but see the fact that a brain... that is trained, educated... to solve problems, as you have been from childhood... you are bound to increase more and more problems. Right? This is logic, sane. So is it possible for us, for you... to approach a problem... with a brain that has no problems? You understand? You understand this? I am afraid you don't. 所以我们需要首先 或者首先要问的是,要去发现 我们是否能够自由地探索 我们为什么总是在解决问题 为什么从一开始我们就有问题。 我们有问题。对不对? 你去过各种地方想解决你的问题。 如果你从未独立于这个世界上,在群山中漫步 他们会教你如何在林中独处。 你交五百块钱或者更多,他们就教你。 你也愿意被教。 对不对? 所以,我们说的是,头脑 你的大脑,如果从小就局限于 解决问题之中 那么你就只是在增加问题。 但是如果一个人能够理解 并看清事实,不仅是那些解释 原因以及逻辑,而是看清这个事实,即一个大脑 受教育,受训于 解决问题,因为你从小就是这样 那么你必然会增加越来越多的问题。 对不对?这是逻辑的,理性的。 所以,我们,你,是不是有可能 用一个没有问题的头脑 去解决问题? 你们明白吗? 明白这个吗? 恐怕你们没有。
49:11 See the fact first that... if you have problems... and your brain is trained to solve problems... as it is now, then you can't solve the problem. Right? It is only when the brain is free then it can resolve problems. Right? This is logic, reason. And the lawyers and the professionals increase our problems. They are paid to do that! Whereas if you want to solve a problem... one must look at the problem... and how you approach the problem. How you approach it? To approach means to come near. How do you come near to a problem? You can't come near to a problem if your mind is... seeking the solution of the problem. Right? You can only come near it, look at it, observe it... when you are not wasting your energy searching for a solution. I wonder if you understand all this. It is very simple, don't get complicated. 先看到这个事实 如果你有问题 你的头脑被训练用于解决问题 正如现在这样,那么你就无法解决问题。 对不对?只有当头脑是自由的,它才能解决问题。 对不对?这是逻辑的理性的。 律师们专家们增加我们的问题。 他们收钱就是要干这些! 但如果你想解决一个问题 就必须去看这个问题 要如何解决这个问题。 你要如何接近它? 着手处理的意思就是接近。 你要怎样接近一个问题? 你是不能接近问题的,如果你的心在 寻求解决这个问题。对不对? 你只能靠近它,看着它,观察它 而不是浪费你的能量去寻找一个解决办法。 我想知道你们是不是明白了这一切。 这很简单,别弄复杂了。
50:51 I have a problem, suppose I have, with a friend... or with a wife or husband... how do I approach it? Freely or with a conclusion... which I would like to bring about? Or I have a motive? So a motive, a conclusion, a preconceived solution... is a distorting factor... so I never solve the problem. Right? So our first enquiry into this is... can we look at problems in the world... and in ourselves - and the world is not different from you... the world is what we have made of it... the society is not different from you, you are the society... you are the world and the world is you... and can we look at that? That is, to look, observe freely... without any direction of a problem... whatever the problem be. Then in the observation, in coming very, very close to it... Then the problem itself becomes important, not the answer. You understand? And therefore there is no problem. Oh, I can't go on into it... if you have understood it, so much the better. 假如说,我跟一个朋友,有一个问题 或者跟妻子或者丈夫有个问题 我要怎样接近这个问题? 是自由地接近,还是抱有一个结论 一个我想要的结论? 又或者,我有个动机? 而动机,结论,事先想好的解决办法 是一种导致扭曲的因素 所以我永远也解决不了那个问题。 对不对? 所以,我们首先要深入探询 我们能不能看着世界上的 和我们自己的问题——世界与你并无不同 世界正是我们造就的样子 社会与你并无不同,你就是社会 你就是世界,世界就是你 我们能看看这些吗? 也就是,要自由地看,自由地观察 不带问题的任何方向 不管那个问题是什么。 那么,在这观察中,在非常非常近的接触中... 那问题本身变得重要,而不是答案。 你明白吗?所以就没有问题了。 哦,我不能继续下去了 如果你已经明白了,甚至更好。
52:43 So, which means why is it that our brains... because that is the centre of all our activity... all our thought, all our emotions... it is the centre of all our reactions... that brain is conditioned... through long years, forty thousand years... it is conditioned as Christian, Buddhist, as a philosopher... as a scientist, as a psychologist, psychiatrist... you know, the whole business of it. It is conditioned. That conditioning not only distorts action... but also creates a great many problems... in relationship, in communication... in looking at things without freedom. So we ought to enquire into that first. That is, why our consciousness... our consciousness is the whole content... of our brain, it is what we are... what you think, what you feel... what are your beliefs, what are your pleasures... your faith, your prejudices... your experiences, your memories, your pleasures and so on... all that is what you are. All that is your consciousness with all its reactions. Right? It's nothing strange, it is very simple. You don't go to a professional to find all this out. You can look at yourself, you can know it... if you are capable of observing yourself very clearly... you will find this out... much more deeply, truly than from a book or from a professional. 所以,那意味着为什么我们的头脑是这样的 因为它是我们所有行为的中心 我们所有思想,所有感情 我们所有反应的中心 那头脑是受限的 经过了漫长的岁月,经过了四万年 它被局限成基督教徒,佛教徒,哲学家 科学家,心理学家,精神分析家.. 你知道所有这些事情。它是受限的。 那局限不仅会扭曲行为 而且也制造了大量的问题 关系中,沟通中的问题 造成不能自由地看事情。 所以,我们应该首先探询这一点。 也就是,为什么我们的意识 我们的意识是我们大脑的 全部内容,就是我们自己 我们想什么,我们感觉到什么 你的信念是什么,你的欢愉是什么 你的信仰,你的偏见 你的经验,你的记忆,你的欢愉,等等 所有那些就是你。 所有那些就是你的意识,及其所有反应。 对不对? 没什么奇怪的,这非常简单。 你不用去找个专家来弄明白所有这些。 你可以看着你自己,你就能知道... ..如果你能够非常近地观察你自己 你会发现这点 比任何书籍或者专家说的都要深刻的真实的多。
55:32 So this is what you are. And we are asking a very serious and fundamental question... this self-centred consciousness... is the consciousness of the entire world... because every human being throughout the world... is self-centred, like you. He has pleasure, he has pain, he has sorrow, he has various superstitions... beliefs, he has invented gods, as you have invented gods. So, this consciousness which you have, which you think is yours... personal, mine... is the consciousness of the entire world. They are trying to prove this in different ways scientifically. I won't go into all that. Then when science says then you will probably all say, 'Yes'! Because we have been taught to accept what the experts say. But we are not the experts here, we are together... looking at this extraordinary phenomenon which is a human being. 所以这就是你的样子。 我们在问一个非常严肃和根本的问题 这自我中心的意识 是整个世界的意识 因为世界上的每个人 都跟你一样自我中心。 他有欢愉,有痛苦,有悲伤,有各种迷信 信念,有发明出来的上帝,就像你也有编造出来的上帝一样。 所以,你有的这个意识,你以为是你的 个人的,我的 是这整个世界的意识。 他们总是试图用各种科学方法来证明这点。 我不想谈论那些东西。 那么,如果科学这么说,你们就都可能会说,“是”! 因为我们被教育去接受专家们说的话。 但是,我们不是这里的专家,我们一起来 看人类这个非同寻常的现象。
57:17 And religion, society, our own pleasures... have made us think we are separate individuals. I know what we are saying goes against everything that you believe. On the contrary we are saying you are not individuals... you are the rest of humanity... you are humanity because you suffer... because you have fears, you have many illusions... and superstitions and beliefs... you have one god or one saviour... and in Asia they have a thousand gods, perhaps that is more fun. So you are like the rest of the world. It is a tremendous realisation, this fact. Then you will not kill another... if you kill another you are killing yourself. 宗教、社会,我们自己的欢愉 让我们以为我们是分离的个体。 我知道我们说的东西和你们相信的所有事情都是相左的。 相反,我们说你们不是个体 你和其他人类是同一的 你就是人类因为你遭受痛苦 因为你有恐惧,你有很多幻想 以及迷信和信念 你有个上帝或者救世主 在亚洲他们有一千个神祗,可能这样才更有趣。 所以你和世界上的其他人是一样的。 这是个巨大的领悟,这是个事实。 那么你就不会去残杀别人 如果你杀害别人,你就是在杀害自己。
58:40 So that is the one thing: our conditioning has made us. Religions have said, 'You have separate souls'... in India too, you have separate atmans and so on, and so on. So can all this be radically changed, fundamentally... so that we can live on this earth, which is so beautiful... only it is rather hot this morning... it is such a beautiful world... not in pictures, not in the museums... but when you look around, the hills... the rivers, the valleys... there is a great sense of beauty in the world. Nature is not made by man... the tiger is not put together by thought. But apart from nature... thought has put everything together... the structure of our own self. So thought is responsible... without thought and memory... which is born of knowledge, you can't do a thing. 所以说,就是这么回事:我们的局限把我们变成了这样。 宗教信仰说,“你们的灵魂是分开的” 在印度也是如此,你们分别有各自至高无上的精神法则,等等,等等。 所以,所有这些能够发生根本的基础的改变吗 这样我们就能生活在这个如此美丽的地球上 只是今天上午相当热罢了 这是个如此美丽的世界 它不在图画里,不在博物馆里 而是当你环视周围,那群山 那河流,那山谷 世界上有种巨大的美感。 自然不是人类制造的 老虎不是思想合成出来的。 但是除自然外 思想造作了每一件事 造作了我们自己的自我结构。 所以,思想要对此负责 没有思想和记忆 没有产生于知识的这些东西,你什么都做不了。
1:00:40 So we ought to enquire what is thought. Just an hour. We are going to enquire together, if you will. What is thinking? What is thought? Because thought has created the extraordinary world of technology... going to the Moon, the neutron bomb... the missiles, the submarines... the computer, the communication, the railways... everything - thought has put together all that. And also thought has put together the whole business world. Thought has also put together all the cathedrals of the world... the temples, the mosques, the churches, and the magnificent... and beautiful cathedrals of Europe. And also thought has put all the things that are in the churches... in the cathedrals, in the temples, in the mosques... their rituals, their garb, their clothes, their sceptres... you know, all the things that show off the religious person. And also thought has invented god. So we should enquire very carefully into the nature of thought... because everything we do is based on thought. Your relationship with another, intimate or not... is structured by thought. To write a letter, to drive a car... to be a first-class scientist or carpenter... you must have thought. 所以,我们应该探询思想是什么。 只要一个小时就行。 我们来一起探讨,如果你愿意的话。 思考是什么?思想是什么? 因为思想创造了不可思议的技术世界 登月,中子弹 导弹,潜水艇 计算机,通讯,铁路 所有东西-思想造作了所有这些。 思想也造作了整个商界。 思想也造作了世界上所有的大教堂 寺庙,清真寺,教堂,和壮丽的 美丽的欧洲大教堂。 思想也制造了教堂里的所有东西 大教堂里,寺庙里,清真寺里的所有东西 他们的仪式,他们的服装,他们的衣服,他们的权杖 你知道,所有这些东西都标榜了那些宗教人士。 思想也发明了上帝。 所以我们应该很小心地探询思想的本质 因为我们做的每一件事都基于思想。 你和另一个人的关系,不管亲密与否 都由思想构造。 写信,开车 成为一流的科学家或者木匠 你必须有思想。
1:03:30 So we should very carefully understand the nature of thought... why thought has become so extraordinarily important in our lives. And thought may be also one of the reasons... why we destroy each other. So what is thought, what is thinking? When you are asked a question, what is your name... your answer is very quick, immediate - why? Because you have repeated it a hundred times... you are very familiar with it. If you are asked a more complicated question... there is a time interval before you answer it. During that time interval you are looking, you are searching... you are asking, and you are looking into books to find out the answer. There is an interval between the question and the answer. During that interval thought is enquiring. And also when you ask something much more complicated and you say... 'I don't know' - I wonder if you ever say, 'I don't know'? Do you? When you say, 'I don't know' you are waiting for an answer... or for somebody to tell you. So these are the stages of thinking. And also what is thinking? Perhaps you have heard the speaker talk about it, explain it. Forget, if I may request you, what the speaker has said... or what you have read about it, completely put aside all that... and let just look at thinking. 所以我们应该很小心地了解思想的本质 为什么思想在我们的生活中变得格外重要。 思想也可能是为什么 我们互相摧毁对方的原因之一。 那么,思想是什么,思考是什么? 当有人问你,你叫什么名字 你的回答会很快,立刻就回答——为什么? 因为你已经重复了一百次 你对它非常熟悉。 如果有人问你一个更复杂的问题 在你回答之前就有一个时间间隔。 在那个时间间隔里,你在看,在寻找 你在问,你到书本里去寻找答案。 在问题和回答之间有一个间隔。 在那个间隔中是思想在询问。 同样,当你问一个复杂得多的事情时,你说 “我不知道”——我想知道你是否说过“我不知道”? 你说过吗? 当你说“我不知道”的时候,你在等一个答案 或者等别人告诉你。 那其中有思考的各个阶段。 同样,思考是什么呢? 可能你听过讲者谈过,解释过这个问题。 忘了吧,如果我可以如此请求你的话,请忘记讲者说过的话 忘记你读到的那些东西,把它们完全放在一边 让我们只是来看一下思考。
1:06:04 Your thinking may be crooked, or straight, or rational... or facile, or neurotic... schizophrenic, but it is still thinking. The most erudite person and the most illiterate person... the man who doesn't know how to read or write... who lives in a small village, he also thinks. So there are these extreme forms of thinking... subtle, crude, and so on. So we should be very clear what is thinking... when all our life is based on thinking... perverted, crooked, illogical, illusory, utterly stupid. 你的思维也许是扭曲的,笔直的,或者理智的 或者油腔滑调的,或者神经质的 或者精神分裂的,但那还是思考。 最博学的人,和目不识丁的人 他不知道怎么读书写字 生活在一个小村庄里,可是他也思考。 那么,思考有这些极端的形式 有微妙狡黠的,有天然粗犷的,等等。 所以我们应该清楚思考是什么 既然我们所有的生活都基于思考 不当的,扭曲的,不合逻辑的,虚幻的,极端愚蠢的思想。
1:07:19 Thinking can only take place when there is memory. Without memory you cannot think. And this memory is stored in the brain cells... in the brain. Right? And memory is the accumulation of knowledge. And knowledge can only be, exist, where there is experience. And experience is always limited. Right? And so knowledge can expand, be wide... but knowledge is always limited... either in the future or now, it is always limited. That's a fact. Scientists are adding more and more and more... to what they already know. So knowledge has always been limited now or in the future... so thought or our memory is always limited, obviously. So thought is limited. Right? So action then born of thought will always be limited... therefore anything that is limited... must create contradiction. Right? You understand all this? When you are thinking about yourself all day long... as most people do... it is very limited, isn't it? And action born of that limitation must create... innumerable problems, contradictions. 只有当有记忆的时候,思考才能发生。 没有记忆你就不能思考。 记忆存储于脑细胞中 存储在大脑里。对不对? 记忆是知识的积累。 有经验,才能有知识,知识才能存在。 而经验总是有限的。对不对? 知识可以扩展,知识面可以变宽 但知识总是有限的 不管是在将来还是现在,它都是有限的。 这是事实。 科学家们正将越来越多的知识 增加在他们的已知之上。 所以说,在现在或将来知识总是受限的 所以思想或者我们的记忆也总是受限的,这很明显。 所以说思想是受限的。对不对? 那么,从思想中生出的行动也总是受限的 进而,任何受限的东西 都必将制造冲突。对不对? 你明白所有这些了吗? 当你整天都在思考你自己 就像大多数人那样 这是非常局限的,是不是? 从那局限中诞生的行动必将制造 不计其数的问题,冲突。
1:09:51 So going into it more deeply... which is as thought is limited, which is logic, which is so... there is no complete thought about anything, there cannot be... it can think about completeness... it can think about measureless... but the thing that thought thinks about as being measureless... is still limited because in itself thought is limited. Right? So thought being limited... everything it has done has created contradictions. That is, thought has created nationalities. Right? Because thought says, 'I must be secure'. I am not secure with the family... but I will be secure with the greater community... and the ultimate greater community is the nation... which is born out of tribalism. Nationalism is merely another form of glorified tribalism. And so therefore you have divided the world into the Christian world... the Buddhist world, the Hindu world, the Islamic world... with their separate gods, which all seems so utterly silly. Pardon my saying so. And so where there is division there must be conflict. Right? There is conflict going on in the eastern end of the Mediterranean... between the Jew and the Arab, Iran and Iraq, fighting about what? The ideological gods and suppositions which each group has created. 所以更深入地探讨 思想是受限的这个事实,这是符合逻辑的,是那么的 关于任何事都没有完整的思想,不可能有 它能思考圆满 它能思考无限 但是思想思考的那个无限的东西 依然是受限的,因为思想本身是受限的。对不对? 所以既然思想是受限的 它做的每件事情就都会制造冲突。 也就是说,思想制造了民族国家。 对不对? 因为思想说,“我必须要安全”。 我在家庭里不安全 但是在一个更大的社区里我就安全了 而那个终极的大社区就是国家 而国家诞生于部落主义。 民族主义只是另一种美化了的部落主义。 所以你把世界分裂成了基督教世界 佛教世界,印度教世界,伊斯兰教世界 各有各的神祗,这些看起来都极其愚蠢。 请原谅我这么说。 那么,只要有界分,就必然有冲突。 对不对? 地中海的东岸正发生着冲突 犹太人和阿拉伯人,伊朗人和伊拉克人,在为何而战呢? 每个团体都创造出自己意识形态里的上帝和迷信。
1:12:10 So when one realises not verbally or logically, but the reality... that thought is everlastingly limited... there is no ending to the limitation of thought... thought then is a material process. Because it is stored in the brain, it is a material process. Therefore anything that thought has created... can never be sacred, holy, but only limited. 所以,当一个人不是从字面上、逻辑上了解,而是认识到这个事实 即思想永远是受限的 思想的局限是没有止境的 那么思想就是一个物质过程。 因为它存储在大脑里,它就是个物质过程。 因此思想造作的任何东西 永远不可能是神圣的,圣洁的,而只是受限的。
1:12:53 So one asks: if thought is limited... and creates such havoc in the world... what is the place of thought? Are you asking these questions? Do you understand? Is the speaker working, or are you also working? Are you also thinking, enquiring, groping, pushing? Or are you merely sitting under the dappled shade... enjoying the mountains and the hills... and the quietness of this place, which is good too... but to listen to something that is true... listen to something... which you yourself have found for yourself to be true. And then be committed to it, work for it. Not just let things go by. If you hear the truth and not act, then that truth acts as a poison. It creates more trouble, more problems. 所以一个人问:如果思想是受限的 并且制造了世上这么多的混乱 那思想有什么意义呢? 你在问这些问题吗? 你明白吗? 讲者在用功吗?你也在用功吗? 你是不是也在想、在询问、在探索、在推进问题? 还是你只是坐在斑驳的树荫下 享受着群山 和此地的安宁,虽然这也不错 但倾听某件真实的事情 倾听一件 你自己发现是真实的事情。 然后全神贯注于其中,为之用功。 不要让事情就这么错过了。 如果你听到了真相而不行动,那么这真相就像毒药。 它会制造更多的麻烦,更多的问题。
1:14:34 So there must be the right place for thought. You cannot go from here to your house without thought. You cannot drive your car as soon as you leave this place... when you want to get home, you have to use thought. You have to use thought when you write a letter... you have to use thought when you do business and so on. So thought has a right place. But has thought any place at all... please listen to this... has it any place at all in the psychological area... any place at all in relationship with each other? You understand my question? Has thought in relationship a place at all? If it has then in that relationship there is a limitation... therefore there is division, therefore there is conflict. Right? In my relationship to a wife, or to a husband... or to a girl, a boy and so on... if in that relationship thought plays a great part... as thought being limited... then that very limitation creates a division between her and him... and therefore where there is division there must be conflict. As you know very well in all your relationships there is conflict... however much you may like another... I won't use the word love... however you may like the other, or have pleasure with the other... it is always limited, therefore breeding conflict. That's law, that's logic, that's truth. 所以,思想肯定有其恰当的地位。 你从这走到你的家,不可能不用到思想。 你一离开这个地方,要开车 回家的话,你必然会用到思想。 你写信的时候也得用思想 你做生意等等的时候也要用思想。 所以思想有其恰当的地位。 但是,思想到底有没有作用 请注意听这点 它到底在心理领域有没有作用 在彼此的关系中到底有没有作用? 你明白我的问题吗? 思想在关系中到底有没有作用? 如果有,那么关系中就有了局限 进而就有了分裂,有了冲突。 对不对? 在我和妻子,或者丈夫的关系中 和一个女孩,或者一个男孩等等的关系中 如果思想在其中起到了巨大的作用 因为思想是受限的 那么那局限就制造了他和她之间的界分 而只要有界分,就必然有冲突。 既然你很清楚地知道了在你所有的关系中都有冲突 不管你可能多么喜欢对方 我不会用爱这个词 不管你可能多么喜欢对方,或者跟对方在一起有多开心 那总是受限的,因而滋生了冲突。 这是规律,这是逻辑,这是真理。
1:17:17 So thought has its right place... in the world of technology, in the ordinary world... but psychologically, inwardly, thought has no place at all. Then there is a place that creates the self, the 'me'. And the 'me', the ego, the persona is very limited. It can imagine that it is marvellous... it can imagine it can do extraordinary things. But that imagination, that picture... is really still very, very limited, small. To see the truth of this - that's all... one has to do nothing but just see the fact of it. And that very fact, the perception of the fact... as you perceive something dangerous... like a dangerous animal, a dangerous precipice... if you see this as factually, as actually as that... then you break the whole chain of continuity of the self. Then only it is possible to live with another... without a single shadow of conflict. Because conflict is the very essence of violence. We think violence is out there... the terrorist, the kidnappers, the wars, the people who carry guns... as in this country everybody is allowed to carry guns... a most extraordinary country! You go into a shop and you can buy a gun. 所以,思想有其应有的地位 在科技世界,在平常世界的地位 但是心理上,内心里,思想根本就没有作用。 而确实有一个地方制造了自我,那个“我”。 那个“我”,自我,那人格是非常局限的。 它能想象自己是奇妙的 想象自己能做不可思议的事情。 但是,那想象,那画面 实在还是非常,非常受限和渺小的。 看到这个真相——那就是全部了 一个人什么都不必做只要看着这个事实就够了。 而那个事实本身,对那事实的觉察.. 就像你发觉一件危险的事情 比如一只危险的动物,一段危险的悬崖 如果你如实看到这些,真真实实地看到 那么你就打破了自我延续的整个链条。 那么才有可能真正地和对方生活在一起 不带一丝冲突的阴影。 因为冲突正是暴力的核心。 我们以为暴力在外面 恐怖主义者,绑架者,战争,持枪的人们 就像这个国家里每个人都可以带枪 真是个极其不可思议的国家啊! 你进一个商店就能买到枪。
1:19:48 So violence is not only out there... but violence in relationship exists... as long as there is division, as the 'me' and the 'you'. The 'me' pursuing my ambitions, my greed, my purposes... my achievements, and she also doing the same. Therefore we are always living in conflict. And realising the conflict you say, 'How am I to solve it?' So we come back... the brain being conditioned... to the solution of problems from childhood... so we say, 'All right, let's see how I can resolve... or change, or bring about the ending of conflict. That becomes a problem. Right? That's what you are doing now: how am I to end conflict? But if you saw the root of it, the cause of it, whatever has a cause... that cause can be changed, it can be removed. The cause of conflict is the sense of division... brought about by thought, which is limited. And whatever is limited... religions are limited... your beliefs are limited... anything that is put together by thought is limited... and therefore it must always create conflict. If you see the fact of that... the truth of it... then that very truth is the catalyst that will end conflict. 所以暴力不只是在外面 关系中也有暴力 只要有界分,分成“我”和“你”。 “我”追求我的野心、我的贪求、我的目标 我的成就,她也在做同样的事情。 所以我们总是生活在冲突中。 认识到了这冲突,你说,“我要怎样解决它呢?” 所以,我们回过头来 头脑被局限着 从儿时就开始用来解决问题 所以我们说,“好吧,让我们看看我要怎样解决 或者改变,如何带来冲突的终结。” 那就成为了一个问题。 对不对? 这就是你正在做的事情:我要如何终结冲突? 但是,如果你看到了它的根源、它的起因,无论什么都有个缘由 那起因可以被改变,可以被消除。 冲突的起因是界分感 那是思想带来的,而思想是受限的。 任何受限的东西 宗教是受限的 你的信念是受限的 思想造作的任何东西都是受限的 因此它必然总是制造冲突。 如果你看到这个事实 这真相 那么那真相本身就是终结冲突的催化剂。
1:22:11 I have finished for this morning. We shall continue tomorrow morning. If one may point out you must listen to the whole... not that I am inviting you to come again tomorrow... it's up to you, I am not interested if you come or don't come... and I mean it... but if you want to understand the whole issue... the whole totality of life, you must listen to the whole thing... it is a package, as you call it! Not just one chapter of it... it is a whole book you must read. It has got many chapters, many paragraphs. And that book is you. And as we are going to talk about all these matters... during the next week... if you are willing... one must listen to the totality of it. May I get up now? 我今天上午的讲话就结束了。 我们明天上午还会继续。 如果我可以指出来的话,你必须倾听整体 不是我在邀请你明天还来 这取决于你,我不关心你明天来还是不来 我说的是真的 但如果你想要明白这整个问题 这完整生命的整体,你必须倾听事情的全部 这是个一揽子的事情,正如这个说法那样。 不只是其中的一章 这整本书你都必须读。 它有很多章节,很多段落。 这本书就是你。 我们将在下一周 探讨所有这些问题 如果你愿意的话 就必须倾听这个整体。 我现在可以起来了吗?