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OJ84T3 - 注意力就像火焰

1:01 What a lot of people, aren't there! I suppose we are really concerned... with what we are talking about... and that's why you are here. This is not, as we have often repeated, an entertainment... either intellectual... verbal twistings and innuendoes... nor some romantic theories and speculations... and sentimental nonsense. We are dealing with facts. As we said, facts are those which have happened... and that which is happening now - those are facts. And what is happening tomorrow is not a fact... or a thousand tomorrows. We are only dealing with facts. And if we can understand those facts profoundly... not from any particular point of view... or a particular bias or direction... then perhaps we can examine the facts closely... carefully... and not only superficially... but also profoundly, deeply. 来的人可真多,不是吗! 我想我们是真的关心 我们将要讨论的这些事情 所以你们来到这里。 我们一直反复强调,这并非是一场娱乐 并非什么智力游戏 文字的周旋或者含沙射影 更不是什么浪漫的理论或者揣测 也不是什么感伤的无稽之谈。 我们在此考虑的是事实。 我们曾经讲过,事实是那些已然发生 以及正在发生的事情,-这些是事实。 而明天将要发生的事情并非一个事实 如此的一千个明天发生的事情都非事实。 我们在此只考虑事实。 那么如果我们能够非常深入的理解那些事实 不是从某一个特殊的角度来看 不带偏见地看,没有特定指向地看 那么或许我们可以做到细致地检查这些事实 一丝不苟地 不但作表层的理解 更要深入地,深刻地理解它。
3:10 As we have been saying during these talks... we are taking a journey together, you and the speaker... a very long, wide journey... not into the future, but into the present. The present, as we pointed out, contains all time. The present is not only the past... all the memories, all the incidents... stored in the brain, recorded... but that past is now also. It is fairly obvious. And the future is what is now. The future will be exactly... perhaps slightly modified... is in the present, in the now. So what one is now... one will be tomorrow, a thousand tomorrows. And if there is no fundamental radical psychological revolution... not evolution... a revolution... a mutation, deep fundamental change... tomorrow will be exactly what we are now. So all time, the past, the present and the future... is contained in the now. This is not a theory, not a speculative... philosophical concept, but an actuality. If one looks at oneself very carefully... what is happening... what is happening now is what we have carried... through thousands and thousands of years... psychologically, and both biologically also. And that burden of the past... with all its memories, experiences, knowledge... is now, is what we are now. And we will be tomorrow what we are now. So, please, the now contains all time. 正如我们在讲话里一直在说的 我们将共同踏上这段旅程,你和讲话者 这将是一段漫长,宽广的旅程 它不通向未来,只着眼现在。 现在,象我们已经指出的,包含了所有的时间。 现在不但是过去一切 所有的记忆,所有储存在大脑中 发生过的事件,所有记录下的内容 而且那个过去就是现在。 这是相当明显的事实。 而且未来即是现在。 未来将完完全全 或许有些微的调整 就是现在的样子,是此刻的样子。 那么,一个人现在的样子 也会是他明天的样子,也会是他一千个明天的样子。 那么如果没有一场根本的,颠覆性的心理革命 不是一场进化 而是一场革命 一场突变,深刻彻底的改变 明天将保持一成不变,和现在完全一样。 所以,所有的时间,过去,现在和未来 都包含于此刻。 这并非一个理论,并非什么推理 并非哲学概念,而是事实的本来面目。 如果一个人能够非常仔细地观看自身 究竟正在发生什么 现在正在发生的就是我们所背负的 经过上千年的时间 在心理上背负的,同时也是在生理上背负的。 这个来自过往的重担 它承载着所有的记忆,所有的经验和知识 它就是现在,就是我们当下这一刻的全部。 并且明天的我们仍会是我们今天的样子。 所以,请你们注意,现在包含了一切时间。
6:50 And in relation to that, what is action? And it is a fact that all time... is in the now, in the present... what then is action? You understand? Can we go along with this for a while? Please, we are investigating together... the speaker is not instructing or informing. We are together, you and the speaker are investigating... exploring, examining, not analysing. There is a difference between analysis and perception. Analysis implies an analyser... the analyser is the past... and he is examining the present, what is happening now. What is happening now... or what is psychologically taking place... is what the observer has been, or is. Are we together in this? The observer, the analyser... is the result of a great many... accumulations of information, knowledge, incidents, experiences... so the analyser is examining that which is happening now... or examining that which has happened. Right? So the analyser is the analysed, which is the present. Am I talking to myself... or are we somewhat together in this matter? 那么与此相关的,什么是行动? 如果我们已经认清这个事实,所有的时间 都存在于现在这一刻,存在于当下 那么什么是行动? 你们能理解吗?我们是否应该继续讨论一下这个话题? 请你明白,我们是在共同探索这个问题 讲话者并非在教导或者告知。 我们一起,你和讲话者共同来探索 深入的探究,检查,而并非分析。 分析和觉察是不同的。 分析意味着会存在一个分析者 那个分析者即是过去 而他却在检查现在,检视现在正在发生的事情。 正在发生的一切 或者说在心理上正在发生的一切 就是观察者已然成为的样子,或者说是观察者现在的样子。 我们都能理解这一点吗? 观察者,分析者 是许多的,积累下的 信息,知识,事件和经验的结果 所以这样的分析者在检视,现在发生的一切 或者说,检查究竟发生了什么。是这样吗? 所以说,分析者即被分析之物,即现在的一切。 我在自言自语吗 或者我们或多或少地在共同讨论这个问题?
9:33 I think this is rather an important question to understand... because when we divide the analyser... as something separate from the analysed... then in that process of division... there is contradiction, there is conflict... either there is suppression... or examination as something outside. But the analyser is the analysed. When one is violent, when there is violence... and you analyse violence... one can very easily analyse violence... from the distant cousins, the apes... until now... we have inherited all the violence... of all the thousand years of continuity of violence, and so on. We can easily examine and analyse violence. Is violence different from the examiner, the analyser? Is not the analyser also part of that violence? Right? 我认为,理解这个问题至关重要 因为当我们分离出一个分析者 将他与被分析之物分离开 那么在这个分离的过程中 就会存在矛盾,就会存在冲突 这或者是一种抑制的活动 再或者仿佛是从外部对所分析之物进行检视。 但是,分析者即被分析之物。 当一个人充满了暴力,当暴力存在 然后你分析这暴力 分析暴力是非常简单的事情 作为远房的表兄妹去分析,人类从人猿 直到今天 我们已经继承了所有的暴力 千年以来无休无止的暴力,等等。 我们很容易就可以检查和分析暴力。 暴力本身与检查者,分析者有别吗? 难道分析者不正是这暴力的一部分吗?对不对?
11:14 So the analyser is the analysed... it is not something separate from the analyser... therefore there is no division... between the analysis and the analyser, they are one. And when we understand that... conflict exists only when there is division... division between your ambition and somebody else's ambition... division between you and your wife, your husband... your neighbour and so on, division brought about... through nationalities, through religions and so on... not only psychologically but linguistically also, and so on. So the analyser is the analysed, and so we said... we are not analysing... we are perceiving directly. Is this somewhat clear for us, can we go on from there? I wish one could talk this over together quite simply... not you sitting there and the speaker sitting on a platform... but two friends looking at the whole problem of existence... amicably, in a sense of affection and care... looking at all this travail of man, the travail of each one... it would be very simple to do that, have a good dialogue. But when there are so many people here... that is not possible, unfortunately. But you as a person and the speaker... can think together... not along any particular line... or a particular point of view... or strengthen one's own opinion which becomes obstinacy... but rather as two friends... who have known each other for some time... not only understand the verbal significance but go beyond the words. If we could do that together... then perception becomes very easy, to perceive. Not I perceive and the speaker is persuading you... to perceive in a particular way, to perceive. In that perception... you and the speaker disappear... because we are only perceiving... but when there is a motive for that perception, a direction... a sense of bigotry, obstinacy... then perception is distorted... therefore you perceive differently from another. I hope this is clear. 所以说,分析者即被分析之物 被分析之物与分析者是不分的 因此分别是不存在的 被分析之物与分析者不二,两者本为一物。 那么当我们理解这一点 只有当分别存在时,冲突才会存在 你的野心与其他人的野心之间的分别 你和你的妻子之间的分别,和丈夫间的分别 和邻居间的分别,等等,分别贯穿于 国家之间,宗教之间,等等 这种分别不但是心理上的,同时也是语言上的,等等。 所以,分析者即被分析之物,正如我们刚才说的 我们并非在分析 我们直接地看到。 这听起来清晰吗?我们可以就此继续吗? 我希望我们能够共同,非常简单地来探讨 而不是你坐在那里,讲话者坐在讲坛上 而是两个朋友共同面对生存的问题 以友善的态度,带着爱和关注 面对人类的所有的艰辛,面对每一个人的艰辛 这样做会非常简单,我们进行一场很好的对话。 但是当这里有如此之多的人 很可惜,这样的对话是不可能的。 但是作为你个人,你和这个讲话者 能够共同来思考 不是遵循某一线路 不是心怀某一种观点 也不是固执地强调某个人自己的观点 而是作为两个朋友 已经彼此了解了一段时间了 不仅仅了解话语的重要性,而且能够超越语言。 如果我们可以一起这样做 那么觉察将是很简单的事情,一起去觉察。 并非我来觉察,讲话者在说服你 以某一种特别的方式去觉察。 在那样的觉察中 你和讲话者都消失了 因为我们只是单纯地在觉察 但是如果一个动机在觉察中升起,一种方向出现 一种偏执,固执感出现 那么觉察就被扭曲了 因此你就会产生与别人不同的觉察。 我希望这是清楚的。
15:36 So we are asking, when all time... is in the present, now, which is a fact... not an abstraction or an ideology... or some ideal, but it is a fact... and when there is that fact what then is action? You understand? This is an important question to understand. We are also going to talk over together not only that... but also the whole problem of becoming... psychologically. And what is action in relation to that becoming? And also if we have time we are going to talk over together suffering... and perhaps, which is part of life, of our daily life - death... death not as a morbid incident... but an extraordinarily important problem in one's life. 所以我们询问,当所有的时间 都存在于现在这一刻,这一点是事实 并非抽象的概念或者意识形态 或者某种理想,而是一个事实 当我们认清这个事实,那么究竟什么是行动? 你们明白吗? 理解这个问题非常重要。 不仅如此,我们还将共同 讨论整个变成的问题 心理上的想变成的问题。 行动和心理上想变成的想法有什么关系? 并且如果有时间的话,我们也将共同探讨苦难 或许还有我们生活的一部分,日常生活的一部分-死亡 死亡并非什么恐怖的事件 而是我们人生当中至关重要的一件事情。
17:14 So we are going to talk over together... action, daily action... and the question of becoming. And in that becoming we all want to be secure. Security is very essential to all of us. The brain cannot function fully... with all its capacity energy and drive... if the brain is not completely secure. Right? No? If one is confused, uncertain... with a thousand problems... how can the brain be secure? If you have many, many illusions, as most people do... the brain becomes then rattled, uncertain, confused. So the brain to function efficiently... not only technologically... but much more seriously which is psychologically... the brain needs extraordinary stability... the brain needs to be absolutely clear... firm, unshakeable. And we are going to go into all that if you have the patience. And if you are not interested... because you are interested in so many things... boating, driving, interested in reading a book... but giving attention... which is totally different from interest. 所以我们将共同探讨 行动,每一天的行动 以及变成的问题。 在那个变成的想法中我们都想获得安全。 安全对我们所有人来说都是必需的。 我们的头脑无法充分地运作 无法发挥它所有的能力所有的能量和动力 如果大脑无法处于彻底的安全之中。 是不是? 不是? 如果一个人感到困惑和不确定 头脑中充满了一千个问题.. 他的大脑如何能够安全? 如果你头脑中充满了各种幻想,正如大部分人一样 头脑就会慌乱,不确定,迷惑。 所以大脑要想有效地运作 不但是技术上 而且更重要是在心理上 大脑需要非同寻常的稳定性 大脑需要有绝对的清晰 坚定,毫不动摇。 那么如果你们有足够的耐心,我们将深入探讨这所有的一切。 如果你对此并不感兴趣 因为你已经对那么多的事情感兴趣了 驾船出海,驾车出游,对阅读一本书感兴趣 但是投入注意力 是与兴趣完全不同的。
19:51 Most of us, perhaps almost all of us... are attempting to become something psychologically. Outwardly, externally... you can understand... a student becoming an engineer. He becomes an engineer, earns a livelihood... and keeps becoming more and more expert in engineering. And psychologically we have the same concept... that I am this now... but I will become that. Yes? Somebody I will talk to, right? Don't agree with the speaker: question, doubt... don't follow anybody... psychologically... of course you have to follow a doctor's instructions if you are ill. But psychologically, inwardly... to obey any kind of authority... any kind of expert, professional... destroys the integrity... of one's own perception. Psychologically we are all attempting to become something. Right? That is an obvious fact. One is greedy, or violent... and one is trying not to be, that is to become. There are wars... and through United Nations and all those organisations... we are trying to unify the world... to become something in the future. I won't go into the contradictory nature... of various nations becoming united, which is impossible... but that is the political activity... of those who are concerned... with their own ambitions, the perpetuation of particular systems. But one can see that... there is always an attempt... on the part of each one of us... that we want to change from this to that. The 'that', the future, is in time, far away or very near... but it is still a movement of becoming... gaining, losing, getting reward or punishment. This whole process of becoming... always with the intention... with the motive, the better, the more... the gain, the fear of loss. That's clear. 我们大部分人,可能几乎是所有的人 都试图在心理上变成什么。 从表面上,从外部 你能够理解 比如一个学生变成一个工程师。 他变成一个工程师,以此谋生 并且在工程领域变得越来越专业。 在心理上,我们有相同的概念 现在我是这个样子 但是我会变成那个样子。 是这样吗? 那个和我对话的人,是这样吗? 不要赞同这个讲话者:提出问题,质疑 不要对任何人言听计从 心理上不要依赖 当然当你生病时你要听从医生的指导。 但是心理上,内心世界 去听从任何一种权威 任何一种专家,任何一种专业人士 都将会摧毁完整性 一个人自己觉察的完整性。 心理上,我们都试图变成什么。 是不是?这是一个显而易见的事实。 一个人,他贪婪,或者充满暴力 于是他试图不贪婪,不暴力,这就是心理上想变成的活动。 因为发生了战争 所以通过联合国以及所有那些组织 我们试图统一世界 试图在将来变成另外的样子。 我不会深入探讨想要把不同的国家 统一在一起这件事情的矛盾本质,那是不可能的 但是那确是一些人的政治行为 那些人关注他们自己的野心 关注他们各自所属的特定体制的不朽。 但是每个人都可以看出 人们总是试图 我们每个人都是这样 我们想要从这样改变成那样。 这个“那样”,这个未来的描述,是在时间里的,无论远近 它都是一种变成的活动 获得,失去,得到回报或者受到惩罚。 这整个变成的过程 永远都伴随着目的 伴随着动机,想要变得更好,想要获得更多 想要得到,害怕失去。 这是明了的事实。
23:53 Now is it a fact that... to become something involves time? Right? I am this now but give me a year... or two days - I will be different. Which is, time is involved... but that time is now. You understand? The future is now. Is this a puzzle?

Q: Yes.
那么事实是否是 想要变成就牵扯到了时间? 是不是? 我现在是这个样子,但是请给我一年 或者两天-我将变得不同。 那么时间就介入了 但是那个时间就是现在。你们明白吗? 未来就是现在。 这是一个难题吗?

24:38 K: Yes? I am glad! Then we can go more slowly into it. As we said, sir, we are the past. Right? All our memories which have been recorded in the brain... all that we have done... not only fifty years ago but yesterday... so the past is now. Right? And what is now... if there is not a radical change... will be tomorrow, which is time. The future is therefore in the now. Right? So where is becoming then? You are following? Please, this is really fascinating... very serious. We are accustomed to the idea of evolution. That is, man has reached the stage now... after forty, fifty or a million years ago... our brain has evolved from the ape... until we are now so-called civilised people... which I question, but that doesn't matter. And that has taken immense time. That time of forty thousand years is now... because what you are now. And the future is what you are now... perhaps slightly modified... but the future is also in the now. So unless there is a radical change now... the future will be what you have been, tomorrow. It is simple enough. Now don't let's beat the dead horse, it is clear. If it isn't clear think it out if you have the time and the inclination... you know, all the rest of it, if not, drop it. Probably you will, which is most convenient and easy. But if you are interested... if you really want to discover for yourself... a radical psychological, deep change... that change cannot have time. It must happen now. Clear? 克:是个难题?我很高兴!那么我们慢慢来深入探讨。 如我们提到的,先生,我们就是过去。是不是? 我们所有的记忆都存储在我们的大脑当中 我们所做过的一切 不但包括五十年前的事情,也包括昨天的事情.. 所以,过去就是现在... 是不是? 那么现在 如果现在没有一个根本性的改变 现在就会是明天,也就是时间。 因此未来就在现在当中。是不是? 那么究竟哪里有什么变成呢? 能听懂吗? 请你明白,这是非常令人着迷的 非常严肃的事情。 我们已经习惯于进化的理论了。 也就是说,人类已经进入一个阶段 经过四十,五十或者一百万年的进化 我们的头脑已经从猿的头脑 进化到我们现在称作所谓文明人的头脑了 我质疑这一点,但是那也无关紧要。 这个过程耗费了无数时间。 那四万年的时间就是现在 因为它就是现在的你。 未来也是现在你的样子 或许有些微的调整 但是,未来仍然包含在现在当中。 所以除非现在就发生一个根本的改变 否则未来即是你已经成为的样子,明天你还是那样子。 这是足够简单的事实。 那么我们不要再提了,这已经足够清晰了。 如果你仍然不清楚,当你有时间和意愿时把它想明白吧 你知道,把剩下的想明白,如果没有时间或意愿,丢开它。 或许你就此放弃,因为那么做极其方便和简单。 但是如果你感兴趣 如果你真的想要自己去揭示 什么是心理上根本的改变 这样的改变不能有时间的存在。 它必须在现在这一刻发生。明白吗?
28:17 If you have got toothache, pain, you don't say... 'I'll wait until next week, it is part of evolution'... and all the rest of it, there is instant action. So if we don't realise the danger... of allowing time to interfere with action... then that action breeds... all kinds of complications, obviously. So our question is this... the brain to function efficiently... clearly, without any kind of confusion... must understand what is security... what is stability... a sense of firmness... so that it is not wishy-washy, wobbling all over the place... as most brains are. Right? So we must examine if there is any security at all... psychologically. Of course we must have security physically... which is becoming more and more difficult for economic reasons... and those economic reasons are: each country thinks... my economy first... as each person thinks, me first. The economic situation of the world is very serious... they tell you everyday about it... on the television, if you have observed... or in the newspapers... and they are trying to solve these problems... and they have not succeeded so far, and they never will... because each group, each community... each nation thinks... they are something separate from the rest of the world. Therefore the economic situation... becomes very limited, small, ineffectual. It is the concern of the rest of humanity... everybody throughout the world... desires to be secure... physically, economically... and that is not possible when there are wars... the threat of war... when there is division as religious divisions... national divisions, ideological differences... dialectical dissection of history... coming to a conclusion... as Marx, Engles, Lenin and Stalin on one side... and on the other side Democratic, and so on. I know you will get bored with this... but unless we radically change this narrow pattern... we are going to have more and more wars... economic problems, it is becoming more and more dangerous. It's up to you. And all this can end only when you drop your own particular... conditioning as an American, Russian, Indian... French and British and so on... so that we are one humanity... as our consciousness is the rest of humanity. I have gone into that, I won't go into it now. 如果你感到牙痛,疼痛感,你不会说 “我会等到下周再说,这是进化的一部分” 诸如此类都是说辞,你必须在现在这一刻立即采取行动。 所以如果我们不能马上意识到危险 让时间来干涉行动的危险 那么这样的行动将造成 各种各样的复杂情况,这是显而易见的。 所以我们要问的是 大脑若想有效地运转 清晰明澈,不带任何的困惑 它必须明白什么是安全 什么是稳定 一种坚定感 所以那将不是一个缺乏信心,随时摇摆不定的大脑 众人往往拥有那样的大脑。是不是? 所以我们必须来检视究竟是否存在着安全 心理上的安全。 当然生理上的安全是必须的 但是因为经济上的原因这已经是越来越困难的事情了 那些经济上的原因是:每一个国家都认为 我们的经济利益是第一位的 正如每个人认为,我的经济利益是第一位的。 当今世界的经济形势是非常严峻的 人们每天都在谈论这样的事情 如果你观察到,电视上是这样 报纸上是这样 并且人们试图解决这些问题 直到现在问题也没有解决,他们永远也无法解决 因为每个团体,每个社会 每个国家都认为 他们是独立于世界的其他部分而存在的。 因此,经济的形势 变得非常局限,狭小和缺乏效率。 这是关系到全人类的事情 遍布全球的每一个人 都渴望安全 身体上的,经济上的 而这是不可能实现的,只要仍然存在战争 存在着战争的威胁 存在宗教派别间的界分 存在国家之间的分别,意识形态上的差异 存在对历史辩证的解析 只要存在某种结论 如马克思,恩格斯,列宁和斯大林保持一种立场 民主主义者又保持另一种立场,等等的这一切。 我知道你会觉得这些非常无聊 但是除非我们能够根本改变这种狭隘的模式 我们将会面临越来越多的战争 经济上的问题,正变得越来越危险... 这一切都决定于你。 所有这一切的结束,只有当你放下你特定的分别想法 不再局限于是否一个美国人,或者俄国人,印度人 法国人或者英国人等等 那么我们是同一个人类 正如我们的意识也是整个人类的意识。 我们已经探讨过这一点,所以我们现在不再深入进去。
33:11 So the brain can only be stable... have complete security... when we understand the whole process of becoming. Becoming implies duality... and where there is duality... there must be conflict... the Arab and the Jew, the Muslim and the Hindu... the Catholic and the Protestant... the perpetual state of conflict human beings live in. So where there is becoming... there is duality and therefore conflict. And the brain cannot perpetually live in conflict... it then becomes neurotic, psychotic... and pursues every kind of illusion... and therefore the multiplication of psychologists, therapeutists... and psychiatrists, you know they are multiplying all over the world. I am sorry, there are psychologists here! 所以要想使大脑处在稳定的状态 拥有完全的安全 就必须理解变成的整个过程。 变成意味着二元性 只要存在二元性 就必然存在冲突 阿拉伯人和犹太人,穆斯林和印度人 天主教徒与新教徒 人类永恒的处在冲突之中。 所以只要存在变成的想法 就会存在二元性,就会存在冲突。 大脑无法永远生活在冲突当中 于是它变得神经质,变得精神失常 然后追逐各种各样的幻象 于是由此产生了不计其数的心理学家,心理治疗师 还有精神分析学家,你知道他们在世界各地不断增加。 很抱歉,我想在座有的是心理学家吧!
34:45 So to see that fact, not the idea of the fact... you understand the difference? One sees the fact and one then makes an abstraction of it... which is called the idea of it... and we pursue the idea and not the fact. Right? Are we together in this? So we must be very clear in this matter, we are dealing with fact... not with the idea, the symbol of the fact... or the word of the fact. When you see the fact... that time is not the solution... or brings about a radical change... then you are stuck with the fact. Right? You are with the fact. And the fact is not different from you, you are the fact. You are the fact that you are violent... brutish, thoughtless, anxious... and all the rest of it... the whole content of one's consciousness... which is in a turmoil, constantly in conflict... like the consciousness of every human being in the world. So we are essentially all humanity... each one of us is all humanity. And if you change, not tomorrow... there is no time... time is the enemy of change... I wish you could realise this. Do consider it seriously please, if you are at all serious. Then what is action? If there is only all time contained now... then what is action in the now? You understand my question? Are you puzzled a little bit?

Q: Yes.
所以要看到这个事实,而非把事实当成一种概念 你明白两者的不同吗? 当一个人看到这个事实,随之又将这个事实抽象化了 这个抽象化的就是概念 我们往往追随概念而非事实本身。 是不是?我们能够保持同步码? 所以我们必须对此保持绝对的清醒,我们要面对的是事实 而非概念,事实的某种象征 或者代表事实的词语。 当你看到这个事实 时间不是解决办法 时间不能带来根本的改变 然后你就与事实同在了。 是不是? 你就和事实在一起了。 并且这个事实和你是不二的,你即事实。 你就是事实:你是充满暴力的 你是粗野的,轻率的,焦虑的 诸如此类的种种 一个人意识当中的全部内容 即混乱,即无休止的冲突 正如世界上每一个人类的意识一样。 所以本质上,我们就是所有的人类 我们每一个人都是整个人类。 那么如果你改变,不是明天 已经没有时间了 时间是改变的敌人 我希望你们能够意识到这一点。 请你一定要严肃地考虑这一点,如果你真的是认真的。 那么什么是行动? 如果只有这个包含一切时间的现在 那么在现在的行动是什么呢? 你们明白我的问题吗? 你们是不是有点迷惑?

37:36 K: Good! So we can explore more. What is action? Every day action, going to the office, going to the factory... talking to your wife or husband... rowing, walking, jumping... chasing ideas, or chasing gurus, which is the same thing. You are acting. Life is action... as relationship is action. So what is action? Our action is based on reward and punishment... to put it very, very simply. Right? I like life if I can get something out of it. And I will be punished if I don't act rightly... therefore I attempt to act rightly. So our action is based on reward and punishment... our action is based on some futuristic concept, on an ideal... and action according to that ideal, conforming... adjusting to that ideal therefore conflict. All our action has a motive... a direction, selfish generally... self-interest, self-concern... which is reward and punishment... a reward in the future... if I do this I will get that. Right? And if I don't it I might lose... therefore the fear of losing. So our action is always in this area of gain and reward... punishment and fear. Right? Reward is always in the future. Punishment also might happen in the future. So there is never action per se. You understand? Action for itself. Like a good carpenter who will make you... a marvellous cabinet, the love of it itself... not the reward, the punishment, the gain. 克:好的! 那么我们可以再深入一些。 什么是行动? 每天的行动,去办公室,去工厂上班 和你的妻子或者丈夫谈话 划船,散步,跳跃 追逐各种观点,或者追随上师,其实两者是一样的。 你在行动着。生命就是行动 正如人与人的关系也是行动。 那么,什么是行动? 我们的行动是基于奖惩机制的 如果非常非常简单的概括的话。 是不是?我能够享受人生,如果我能从中获得一些什么。 并且如果我的行为不正确,我将受到惩罚 因此我试图正确地行动。 所以我们的行动是建立于赏罚制度之上的 我们的行动是基于某种未来化的概念或理想的 依据理想行动,顺从于它 依照理想调整行动,因此冲突便产生了。 我们所有的行动都带有某个动机 某个方向,总是自私的 自己的利益,自己关心的事情 也就是奖励和惩罚 未来将获得的奖励 如果我这么做,我就会获得那个。是不是? 如果我不做,就会有所失 因此产生害怕失去的想法。 所以我们的行动一直围绕着获得和奖励 惩罚和恐惧。是不是? 回报永远存在于未来。 惩罚同样可能在未来出现。 所以从来就没有单纯的行动。你明白吗? 纯然的行动本身。 就像一个出色的木匠为你制作 一个不同凡响的壁橱,出于对制作本身的爱 而非什么回报,惩罚或者获得。
40:47 So action in relation to time breeds conflict. Right? This is clear? And is there action which is for itself? Is love the action in itself? Not the love that has jealousy, hate, amusement... fun and excitement, sex, pleasure... love is not all that surely. You see when there is love there is action without conflict. And love is not a slave to time. So, that is, if you can understand that, explain and deeply grasp the truth of it... then the brain becomes extraordinarily vital, strong... not confused in any way... because then you are living now completely... fear of the future and the past disappear. 所以当时间介入行动,就滋生了冲突。 是不是?这样说清楚吗? 那么是否存在纯然的行动呢? 爱是纯然的行动吗? 不是那种爱,有嫉妒,仇恨,取悦 娱乐和刺激,性,快感的那种爱 爱当然不是以上的那些。 你看,如果有了爱,自然会有毫无冲突的行动。 并且,爱绝非时间的奴隶。 就是这样。 如果你能够理解,诠释,深入地掌握其中的真理 那么大脑将变得无与伦比的活力充沛和强大 毫无困惑 因为那样你将完完全全活在现在 对未来和过往的恐惧已经烟消云散。
42:30 We ought also to talk over together... the question of suffering... which is part of our life. There isn't a single human being in the world... not a single human being... whether he is in a monastery... or a monk in the Himalayas... a man in the street, and you... and every human being on earth suffers. And we make others suffer. That's our cycle. And there is the suffering brought about by war. Wars have existed for six, seven or ten thousand years. And during that long duration of time, killing each other... in the name of god, in the name of peace, in the name of gain... and profit and so on... man has brought upon himself and others... great sorrow, tears. There isn't one human being who has not cried... shed tears... and the pain of loss. Millions maimed because we are so conditioned... to stick to our own... particular point of view... to our own particular religion... to our own particular ideology... I believe and I hold to that. And you believe something contrary... therefore I am willing to kill you. This is going on. The Russian ideology, the democratic ideology... and they are willing to kill each other... blow each other to smithereens. And this has been going on... for thousands upon thousands of years... protecting my country, my god, my... oh, not here, there is no king here! This is very serious, sir, you may laugh it off... but if one's wife or husband, son is destroyed by war... then you will know what it means. We all know what it means but yet we go on... in the same old pattern. 我们还应该一起来探讨 人类苦难的问题 苦难是生活的一部分。 这个世界上没有哪一个人 没有任何一个人 无论他是身居修道院中 或者是喜马拉雅山深处的僧侣 大街上的某个人,还有你 这个地球上的每一个人类都遭受痛苦。 并且我们使他人痛苦。 我们如此循环往复。 战争会带来痛苦。 战争已经存在了六千,七千又或者一万年了。 在这个漫长的时间段里,人类互相残杀 以上帝的名义,以和平的名义,以获利的名义 为了获得利益等等 人类已经给其自身和他人 带来了巨大的悲痛,无尽的泪水。 没有任何一个人类是不曾落泪的 人们流下泪水 还有失去的痛苦。 数百万的人伤残,因为我们是如此局限 因为我们坚持 各自不同的观点 坚持各自不同的宗教 坚持我们各自不同的意识形态 我信仰它,并且抓住不放。 那么如果你的信仰与我的相反 我将愿意因此杀死你。 这就是正在发生的事情。 俄国的意识形态,民主的意识形态 他们因此愿意彼此杀戮 将对方粉身碎骨。 这样的局面延续着 已经长达成千上万年了 为了保卫我的国家,我的上帝,我的 哦,这里没有,这里没有国王! 这是非常严肃的事情,先生,你可能一笑置之 但是如果一个人的妻子,丈夫或者儿子被战争毁掉了 那么你就明白了这意味着什么。 我们都明白那意味着什么,但是我们一如既往 继续着旧有的模式。
46:06 And so there is the sorrow of mankind... the sorrow of humanity. And also what we think is our own particular sorrow... my son is dead... my wife has left me... there is the sorrow... of seeing another suffer... the sorrow of those who can never read or write... those who are extraordinarily poor. All that is sorrow... not only the sorrow of mankind... but also the sorrow of each one. Each one thinks, it is my sorrow, not yours. But sorrow is sorrow... not yours or mine, it is sorrow. To understand this requires... freedom to observe, to perceive... but we have become so individualistic... so narrow, so small... we reduce everything to our own limited backyard. Sorrow is sorrow of all humanity... it is not yours or mine. 所以这就是人类的悲伤 人性的悲哀。 并且,我们考虑的是我们各自不同的特定悲伤 我的儿子死了 我的妻子离开了我 当我看到有人受苦 我感到悲伤 为那些从来无法阅读和写作的人感到悲伤 为那些赤贫的人感到悲伤。 所有的那些都是悲伤 不但是全人类的悲伤 而且是每个人各自的悲伤。 每个人都认为,这是我的悲伤,不是你的悲伤。 但是悲伤就是悲伤 并非你的或我的,悲伤就是悲伤。 要明白这一点 需要观察的自由,要去觉察 但是我们已经变得如此个人主义 如此狭隘,如此渺小 我们把一切都缩减并塞入我们狭小的后院中。 悲伤是全人类的悲伤 不是你的或者我的。
48:10 And one asks: can that sorrow ever end? Or it is the lot of human beings... to kill nature, animals... to kill each other? Not only kill verbally... kill by a gesture... kill millions with one bomb... destroy millions and millions. So all this is sorrow. And sorrow of disease, pain... sorrow of not gaining, losing... take all that in, it isn't just the sorrow of my son dying. Can this sorrow ever end? Sorrow is not sentimental... sorrow is not something romantic... it is a dreadful thing. It is something that is so directly... concerned with every human being... the loneliness of sorrow... the pain of it... the anxiety and so on. Can all that end? Probably we have never asked that question... we have never faced it... we all want to escape from it... take a drug in order not to suffer... get drunk... escape... because we never actually have faced the problem... the seriousness of it... that is, to give our complete attention to sorrow. Not veil it through words, through some kind of speculative hope... and so on... but actually live with it... without becoming morbid. That is to give one's whole complete attention to it. 那么有人问:那样的悲伤可以结束吗? 又或者它是人类的命运 我们一定要破坏自然,杀害动物 彼此杀戮吗? 我们不仅仅用言辞杀人 用手势杀人 用一颗炸弹杀死成百万的人 无以计数的人被毁掉了。 所以所有这些都是悲伤。 还有疾病带来的悲伤,疼痛 无法获得的悲伤,失去的悲伤 所有的都考虑在内,不仅仅只是我死去儿子的痛苦。 这样的悲伤可以最终结束吗? 悲伤并非多愁善感 悲伤并非什么浪漫的事情 它是可怕的事情。 它直接关系到 每一个人类 来自悲伤的孤立无援 来自它的痛苦 来自它的焦虑,等等。 这一切可能结束吗? 或许我们从未问过这个问题 我们从未直面过它 我们都想从中逃离 我们服药但求没有痛苦 我们醉酒 逃避 因为我们从未直面过那个问题 那个问题的严肃性 那就是,将我们全部的注意力都投注其中。 不文过饰非,不用虚假的希望蒙蔽自己 等等 而是真正与它共处 却不因此而变得病态。 那就是将一个人完整充沛的注意力全神贯注于其中。
51:24 Attention is like a fire... when that attention is there... that thing which is sorrow, the loneliness... the pain, the anxiety, the tears... when there is that complete attention all that goes, disappears. Attention is a flame. 注意力就像火焰 当那样的注意力存在 悲伤,孤独 痛苦,焦虑和眼泪 都将在那样全然的注意力中消失无踪。 注意力是熊熊的火焰。
51:52 Sorrow, the root meaning of that word, is also passion. The ending of sorrow is passion, not lust. And we never have passion... we want pleasure. Passion is something extraordinarily different. Where there is the ending of sorrow there is passion... it is not your passion or my passion, it is passion. And that's part of love. Where there is love there is compassion. And where there is this extraordinary passion of compassion... there is intelligence... and that intelligence acts... that intelligence is not yours, or mine, or X, Y, Z's. 悲伤,这个词的本意,也指热情。 终结悲伤的是热情,而非欲望。 然而我们从没有热情 我们只求愉悦自我。 热情是完全不同的东西。 当悲伤结束,热情便产生了 它并非你的或者我的热情,它就是热情。 并且它是爱的一部分。 当爱存在时,就会有慈悲。 当那不同凡响的慈悲的热情存在时 智慧就产生了 那样的智慧是有行动力的 那样的智慧不是你的或者我的,或者甲乙丙丁的。
53:21 And if we have time... 那么如果我们有时间
53:31 we ought to talk over together... a very serious problem, which is death. On a lovely morning like this... to talk about death seems absurd. I wonder if we can talk first about beauty. What is beauty? My friend says, 'I am not interested in that... beauty doesn't much matter.' Where there is love there is beauty... freedom, goodness... which has been one of the problems of humanity... freedom, justice, goodness. Where there is love, do what you will, it will be right. Let's leave beauty until tomorrow, it is too complex. We ought to talk over together... this enormous problem of death. One thing is absolutely certain, irrevocable... that we are all going to die one day, that is a fact. And we have never gone into the question... because most people are afraid of it... what is death... what is it to die? And why have we made death... something far away from life, living? Do you understand my question? We are living now... and death may come to us when we are ninety... a hundred or later, much, much later - I hope for you. So there is a long wide gap between the now... you understand what I am saying?.. between the now and the future. Knowing that the now contains the future... therefore death is the now. I wonder if you understand all this. I know, you don't... 我们应该一起探讨 一个非常严肃的问题,死亡。 在今天这样一个美好的早晨 谈论死亡似乎是荒谬的。 我想我们可以先来探讨一下美。 什么是美? 我的朋友说,“我对此不感兴趣 美没有什么重要的。” 当爱存在,美就存在 自由和善良就存在 这些都是人类面临的问题 自由,公正,善良。 当爱存在,不管你做什么,一切行为都将是正确的。 我们明天再来谈美,这个问题太复杂了。 我们应该一起来探讨 死亡这个的巨大问题。 有一件事是绝对必然的,是不可逆转的 那就是,有一天我们都会死去,这是一个事实。 但是我们从未深入这个问题 因为大部分人害怕死亡 什么是死亡 死究竟是怎么一回事? 为什么我们将死亡 从这生命,从我们的生活中远远抽离? 你们明白我的问题吗? 我们现在活着 死亡将在我们九十岁时来临 或者一百岁时来临,我希望死亡越晚降临在你身上越好。 那么它与现在之间会有巨大的间隔 你明白我所说的吗? 现在与未来之间的间隔。 了解到现在包含着未来 因此,死亡就是现在。 我不确定你们是否了解这一切。我知道,你们不了解...
57:02 Let's go into it slowly. I just saw something which I have never seen before. What is it, and why is it that we are frightened of death? We are frightened of living, obviously. What we call living is a fearful turmoil... conflict, struggle, pain... anxiety, economic stringency... perpetual disagreement with each other... one opinion opposed to another opinion... the everlasting, constant waking up in the morning and getting ready... and rushing off to the office... or to the laboratory, or to a factory. I wonder if you realise... how we spend our days and our years. One may call it a jolly life; if you are very successful... have plenty of money, and a great deal of amusement... you say, 'I have had a jolly good life'... most people do... when they have money, power, position, all the things they want. But those are very, very few in the world, fortunately. But the vast majority, all of us... rush off on Sundays to church... just to show up that we are there for god to look at us. And go to the office... from the age of twenty until you die... work, work, work... the responsibilities, the duties... the pain, the fear, the anxiety, the loneliness. I wonder if one is aware of all this. You may be a successful actor, a lot of money... but there is always the end of it too, death. 让我们慢慢来解释。 我刚刚看到一些我从未看到的东西。 究竟因为什么,我们如此恐惧死亡? 我们恐惧生存,很明显,这就是原因。 我们称作生存的东西,充满了令人恐惧的混乱 冲突,斗争,痛苦 焦虑,经济的压迫感 人与人之间永远无法达成共识 一个人反对另外一个人的想法 日复一日的早起,准备去工作 匆忙地赶去办公室 或者是去实验室,去工厂。 我想知道,你是否意识到 我们是如何度过一天又一天,一年又一年的。 如果你很成功,或许你称这为快乐的生活 有足够的钱,有大量的娱乐消遣 你说,“我度过了快活而美好的一生” 大部分人会这么认为 当他们有钱,有权,有地位,拥有他们渴望的一切。 但是不幸的是,世界上这样的人是非常非常少的。 大部分的人,我们所有人 周日赶往教堂 仅仅是为了向上帝表明我们到场了。 我们去办公室 从我们二十岁到我们死去 工作,工作,工作 各种责任,职责 充满了痛苦,恐惧,焦虑和孤独。 我不知道你们是否意识到了这一切。 你可能是一个成功的演员,有一大堆的钱 但是那一切风光终会结束,死亡会到来。
59:58 So what we call living... is a very painful, confused, anxious life. Right? This is what we call living... and we cling to that because that is all we know. And we want to escape from that... so we have a tremendous industry of entertainment... sports, entertainment, football... you know, the entertainment industry. And also the religious entertainment. Don't say, one is not an entertainment... and the other is more holy... it is still entertainment. It is a sensation. Please don't think one is blasphemous... we are just facing facts. 所以我们称作生存的东西 是一场非常痛苦,迷惑和焦虑的生活。 是不是?这就是我们称作生存的东西 我们抓住它不放,因为那是我们知道的全部。 并且我们想从中逃脱 所以我们有超大规模的娱乐产业 各种体育竞技,娱乐,足球 你们都知道,娱乐行业。 还有宗教的娱乐。 不要说这个不是娱乐 那个更加神圣 那还是娱乐而已。 这是一种感官享受。 请不要以为讲话者在亵渎神灵 我们只是直面那些事实。
1:01:23 So from the moment you are born until you die... problem after problem, and the solution of the problem... and in the solution of the problem... you have ten different other problems. When a brain has been trained... from childhood to resolve problems... mathematical problems, geographic problems... technological problems, engineering problems... so our brains are conditioned... from childhood to resolve problems... not to understand problems, see what problems are... what is a problem, but to the resolution of it. And in the resolution of the problem organise in a different way. Right? One organisation after another. This is our life - political, economic, social... and we are never for a moment free. And specially in this country... you are talking about freedom all the time... freedom to choose... freedom to go from this little place to another place... change jobs... change wives. So choice we think is freedom. But it isn't, is it? Choice exists only when the brain is uncertain. When it is clear there is no choice at all. And so this great deep confusion... uncertainty, loneliness, despair, depression... you know, the whole cycle of our living. 所以从你生下的那一刻直到你死去... ..是一个接一个的问题,以及试图解决这些问题 在解决问题的过程中 又产生了十个新问题。 我们的大脑所接受的训练 从儿时起就是为了解决种种问题 数学问题,地理问题 科技问题,工程问题 所以我们的大脑被局限于 从小就局限于解决问题 而不是了解问题,看看问题究竟是什么 不了解问题本身,而只考虑解决问题的办法。 并且在解决问题的过程中,形成不同的组织。 是不是?一个接一个的组织。 这就是我们的人生-政治的,经济的,社会的 我们没有一刻是自由的。 特别是在这个国家 你们时时刻刻在谈论自由的问题 选择的自由 从这个小地方到另一个地方的自由 换工作的自由 换妻子的自由。 所以我们认为选择的权利就是自由。但是这并非自由,不是吗? 只有在头脑不确定的时候选择才会存在。 然而非常清楚的事实是我们根本没有选择。 所以这种巨大的深深的困惑感 不确定,孤独,绝望,抑郁 你们知道,我们生活的整个恶性循环。
1:04:02 And when death comes we are blown off, there is nothing else. And so we invent reincarnation. Do you believe in reincarnation? If you do, then live rightly. Live now rightly, because if you don't live now rightly... the next life will be exactly the same thing as you are now. Naturally, because time, whether it is a thousand years or now... there is no right action... which can only take place where there is this quality... this perfume, this extraordinary thing called love. If that is not there the next life will be exactly the same thing... as you are now, only slightly modified... perhaps a bigger house... that is all what you want: the bigger car... more pleasure, but it is the same thing continued. 于是当死亡来临时,我们灰飞烟灭,什么也没剩下。 于是我们发明了轮回转世的说法。 你相信轮回转世吗?如果你相信,那么以正确的方式生活吧。 现在就正确的生活,因为如果你现在做不到 下辈子你将和现在的你完全一样。 这是很自然的事情,因为时间,无论是一千年还是现在这一刻 都没有正确的行动 只有当一种品质存在时,才会有正确的行动 这种品质是一种芬芳,是一种非凡之物:爱。 如果爱不存在,下一世将和这一世完全一样 就是你现在的样子,可能有些微的调整 可能下辈子会拥有更大的房子 那就是你们所渴望的一切:更大的车子 更多的欢愉,但是那都是相同内容的延续而已。
1:05:23 So what is death? We have understood what life is, at least what we consider life is... a tremendous bondage to time. And what is death? There is death to the organism... we are all getting older every day... from the moment we are born... we are getting older and older and die. And we have never asked... what is death, what does it mean... while living - not when we come to the end of it. While living we have never asked what is the meaning... the significance, the depth of death. We have never asked what is the depth of life, living. It must have something enormously significant, living... but we have reduced it to such a potty little affair. So we have never asked there... and we never ask certainly what death is. And as two friends let's look at it... not frightened... because then you will never understand it. 那么什么是死亡? 我们已经知道了什么是生命,至少理解了我们认为的生命 被时间无休止奴役的生命。 那么什么是死亡? 有机体会死亡 我们每一天都在老去 从我们出生的那一刻起 我们逐渐衰老然后死去。 然而我们从未问过 什么是死亡,死亡意味着什么 当我们还活着时发问-而非临死前。 当我们还活着时,我们从未问过死亡的意义 死亡的重要性,死亡的深邃含义。 我们从未问过生的深邃含义,生存是什么。 生必然有它巨大的重要性,生存的意义 但是我们却把它缩小为一件微不足道的事情。 所以我们从未问过 当然我们也从未问过死亡是什么。 那么作为两个朋友,我们一起来看一下 不要心存恐惧 否则你永远无法理解它。
1:07:27 So as we went into the question of fear last week... and the ending of fear... there must be the end of fear to understand... the nature and the quality and the depth of death. As we said, biologically, organically... we are wasting, day after day, the organism. We are living wrongly, all the travail, all the misery... the confusion, the pleasure, the pain... tremendous wastage of energy... and that is coming to an end, that is part of death. And also what is it that is dying... apart from the physical, biological existence... what is it that is dying? What is the 'me'... that is the 'I', the ego, the person, the persona... the self - let's stick to that one word... what is that self, the 'me'... that is going to die? Right? And that is what we are frightened of, not of death. The 'me' which has been accumulated... in this life as memory, knowledge... experience, the 'me'... my selfishness, my greed, my ambition... all the recording, records... which is stored in the brain, the 'me'... and we are frightened that me is going to come to an end. So we have to examine closely what is the 'me'. Who are you, apart from your name and your bank account... where you live and all that kind of stuff... apart from the physical me, the physical body... you are tall, short - apart from all that, what are you? Have you ever faced it? Let's face it now, don't be frightened. 所以上一周,我们深入探索了恐惧的问题 以及恐惧的终结 恐惧必须终结,我们才能理解 死亡的真相,本质和深邃。 像我们所说的,生物学上,有机体上 我们都在耗损,一天又一天,有机体都在耗损。 我们生活的方式是错误的,所有的辛苦,所有的不幸 所有的困惑,欢愉,所有的苦痛 能量的巨大浪费 这一切都将走向终结,那都是死亡的一部分。 那么究竟是什么在死去 除了物理上,生物意义上的死亡 是什么在走向死亡? “我”究竟是什么 那个“我”,我的自我,我这个人,我这个角色 我自己-让我们继续使用这个词 究竟什么是我自己,什么是“我” 这个要死去的我究竟是什么? 是不是? 这才是我们真正恐惧的东西,而非恐惧死亡。 这个“我”一直在积累 人生中的记忆,知识 经验,积累“我”的感觉 我的自私,我的贪婪,我的野心 所有的记录,所有记录下的内容 这一切都存储在我们的大脑中,在“我”中 于是我们恐惧这个我有一天会走到终点。 所以我们来细致地观察下什么是“我”。 你是谁?除了你的名字,你的银行户头 你住的地方,诸如此类的东西 除了这个身体上的我,这个物理存在 不管你是高是矮,除了那一切,你是谁? 你有面对过这个问题吗? 让我们现在来直面它,不要恐惧。
1:10:35 What are you? Are you not all the accumulated memories... memories, pleasurable, pain... the fifty years, or thirty years, or ten days of memory... aren't you all that? Memories of your pleasure... the pain and anxiety of your desire... the loneliness... the depression... the struggle, aren't you all that? Which is all memory. Right? Look at it as it is now, don't say... 'Isn't there something superior beyond memory?' I know that game! You can invent something superior... that there is a soul... and the Hindus call it the atman, and so on... superior consciousness, something divine... something very, very clear. Which are all theories, absurdities... the actuality is what you are... this vast collection of humanity... of memories of human beings. If you are a great technician... putting the atom bomb together... the neutron bomb... you have to accumulate a great deal of knowledge... and death may come and you just say... 'Wait a minute, let me finish it.' Which is all the process of gathering... dispensing, gathering. Right? You are that. That's a fact. But we don't like to look at the fact. We like to say, 'No, I am something more.' This 'something more' is the desire, is thought saying... 'That is too small, surely I am something... much more important than that.' So that too is the invention of thought. So you are the bundle of memories put together by thought. Face it! And death comes along and says, 'My friend, that's the end.' And you say, 'Wait, please, let me live a little longer.' 你是谁? 难道你不就是那些积累的记忆吗 愉快的记忆,痛苦的记忆 五十年的记忆,三十年的记忆,或者十天的记忆 你不就是那些记忆吗? 愉快的记忆 痛苦,欲望带来的焦虑 孤独感 抑郁 挣扎,难道你不就是那些吗? 所有的那些就是记忆。 是不是? 看到事情的本来面目,就在现在,不要说 “难道没有超越记忆更高的东西吗?” 我了解那个游戏! 你会发明一些更高等的东西 你会说,人们是有灵魂的 印度人称作生命本源,等等的说法 更高等的意识,神圣的存在 非常非常清澈的存在。 所有的那些都是理论而已,非常荒谬 事实真相是你现在的样子 所有人类 所有人类的全部记忆。 如果你是个了不起的技术人员 制造了原子弹 中子弹 你必须积累大量的知识 死亡即将来临,你会说 “等一下,让我完成它。” 这就是一个积攒的过程 分发,积攒。是不是? 你就是你的记忆。 这是事实。 但是我们不喜欢面对这个事实。 我们喜欢说,“不,我还有更高的价值。” 这个“更高的价值”即欲望,就是我们的思想在说 “那些太渺小了,我当然是 比那些更伟大的存在。” 所有那些都是思想的发明而已。 所以你就是由思想拼凑在一起的一大堆记忆而已。 直面这个事实吧! 接着死亡降临了,它说,“我的朋友,该结束了。” 你说,“请等一下,再多给我一点时间。”
1:14:03 So, please follow this closely and you will see it for yourself. Time is now. Time is contained, the past, the future is now. So death is now. That means, if I am attached to my wife... to my something or other, to my furniture... Right? Aren't you attached to something? And death comes and says, 'That is the end of it.' Cuts it. So can you be free of the attachment? Therefore you are living then... living and dying at the same time. You understand this? Oh, no! Do it, sir, and you will see what an extraordinary thing it is then. If you are attached to your memories, to your experience... to your failure, to your ambition... all that is going to come to an end. So can you live... with death, which is to end your ambition now? And to live without ambition means tremendous energy... not to do more mischief. 所以,请仔细地听,你会亲自看到事情的本来面目。 时间就是现在。 时间包含在现在,过去,未来都是现在。 所以死亡就是现在。 这就是说,如果我依恋我的妻子 离不开这个或那个,离不开我的家具... 是不是? 你们难道不是都依恋一些什么东西吗? 那么当死亡降临,说:“一切都结束了。” 了断了。 那么你能够放下一切牵绊吗? 如果你能放下,那你便开始生活了 生与死是同在的。 你们明白吗?哦,不! 去做,先生,你将会看到这是多么不同凡响的事情。 如果你仍然纠缠于你的记忆,你的经验 你的失败,你的野心 那一切都是会结束的。 所以你是否可以 与死亡同在地生活,也就是在现在这一刻就终结你的野心? 不带野心的生活需要巨大的能量 不是去制造更多的危害。
1:15:52 So death and life are always together. And when this happens, actually, not theoretically... not imaginatively, not wishing for it... but actually doing it... to whatever you are attached. I know it is difficult if the husband says to his wife... 'Darling, I am not attached to you any more.' He will have a lot of trouble. And that raises another problem, a tremendous problem. You may be free from attachment and she is not... or she is and you are not. Then what is relationship? Is relationship merely the accumulation of memory... as pleasure, pain? Is relationship then merely a sensation? The image of each other, is that relationship? And so when there are... these separate images... there is conflict, pain, and anxiety. So where there is pain, anxiety, fear, love is not. 所以生与死是永远同在的。 当这一切发生时,真正发生,而非理论上 而非想象中发生,希望它发生 而是真正的去实践它 放下所有的牵绊。 我知道这是很困难的,如果丈夫对妻子说 “亲爱的,我再也不依赖你了。” 那么他就有大麻烦了。 于是又产生了一个非常严重的问题。 你可能已经放下牵绊,但是她还没有 或者她已经放下,但是你没有。 那么这是什么样的关系呢? 人与人的关系是否仅是记忆的积累呢 愉快的记忆,痛苦的记忆? 是否人与人的关系仅仅是感情呢? 心中存有对方的某种形象,那是人与人的关系吗? 所以只要存在 这些互相分离的形象 就会存在冲突,痛苦和焦虑。 所以当痛苦,焦虑和恐惧存在,爱就不存在。
1:18:00 So death and life always march together. Then there is that sense of absolute freedom... from the little travail of myself. And that is necessary... to understand that which is timeless... if there is such a thing as eternity. We will talk about it another time... but to see all this as a movement of life... dying and living. Therefore in that sense you will never kill another... never deliberately hurt another. Right, sirs, finished. 所以生与死是同时并进的。 然后全然的自由就产生了 从我自己琐细的痛苦中完全解脱的自由。 并且必须要 了解什么是不依赖时间的 是否存在一种永恒。 我们会在下次谈到这个问题 把所有这些都看做是生命的运动 生命和死亡。 那样的话,你们就不会互相残杀 永远不会有意去伤害别人。 好的,先生们,结束了。