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RV85DS2 - 整天想着我自己

0:44 Krishnamurti: Did you have a good sleep? 克:你们睡得好吗?
0:47 Student: Yes, sir.

K: Yes? Good. What are you going to do today?

克:是吗?很好。 你们今天打算做些什么?
0:53 S: Tell us something about yourself, sir. 学:告诉我们一些关于您自己的事情,先生。
0:58 K: No, I asked you what you’re going to do today? School? Class? 克:不,我问的是你们今天打算做些什么? 上学?上课?
1:18 K: Do we all sit quietly, silently, or do we talk? Tell me.

S: Talk.
克:我们所有的人是安静地、沉默地坐着呢,还是来交谈? 告诉我。

1:29 K: You talk – then talk. What would you like to talk about?

S: Talk about yourself, sir.
克:你们来讲- 那么就来讲吧。 你们想要谈些什么呢?

1:43 S: Tell us something about yourself, sir. 学:请告诉我们一些关于您自己的事情,先生。
1:46 K: About myself? Not very interesting. 克:关于我自己?那没什么意思。
1:50 S: It doesn’t matter, sir. 学:没关系,先生。
1:56 S: He said it doesn’t matter. 学:他说那没关系。
1:58 K: I know. It matters to me though. What would you like me to talk about myself? 克:我知道。但是对我来说有关系。 你们想让我来谈些关于我自己的什么事情呢?
2:14 S: The past.

K: About my past? Are you really interested in it?

S: Yes, sir.

克:关于我的过去? 你们真的对此感兴趣吗?

2:26 K: Why? You tell me why, and then I’ll talk. 克:为什么? 你们告诉我为什么,然后我来讲。
2:36 S: We’re curious.

K: You’re curious, and then what? If you’re curious, and I fulfil your curiosity, alright, then what?

克:你们很好奇,然后呢? 如果你们好奇,然后我来满足你们的好奇心 好的,然后怎么样呢?
2:57 S: Then we’ll be more curious. 学:然后我们会更加好奇。
3:01 K: More curious, you’re quite right. So, where shall we start? 克:更加好奇,你说得非常对。 那么,我们应该从哪里开始呢?
3:10 S: From the beginning, sir.

K: From the beginning. Look, most of my life I’ve forgotten. Really. Really, I’m serious, and I tell you most of my life is blank to me.

克:从头开始。(笑声) 听我说,我人生的大部分我都已经忘记了。 真是这样。 是真的,我是认真的 并且我要告诉你,我的大部分人生对我来说都是空白。
3:37 S: Sir, tell us what you remember. 学:先生,那告诉我们您记得的那些。
3:43 K: Ah – that’s good. You’re rather persistent, aren’t you? I’ll tell you what I don’t remember, what people have told me. Right? I really don’t remember, but what people have told me, either they’re exaggerated – you understand? – or truthful, or imaginary. I think what they told me about myself – sounds very funny, doesn’t it? – is more or less accurate because a lot of people have told me the same thing during the years. Right? Lord, I don’t know where to begin. All right, sirs. You know, somebody gave me personally 5,000 acres in Holland – you understand? – 5,000 acres is an awful lot, and a castle, and we had gatherings there, 6,000 people at one time, lots of people; curiosity, like you. Curiosity to find out what K was talking about and so on. I was against – K was against organisations. You understand? You don’t understand, that’s all right. You know what organisations are? To run a school, like Rishi Valley, you must have organisation. You must turn up punctually at 1 o’clock, or half-past 12, when you have your lunch. Right? You must go to classes, you must do this, play from 4 o’clock and on. The whole of that requires organisation. But – lord, how did we get into this? Hey, come and help me, Radhikaji! And I was against so-called religious organisations. Right? Do you understand what that means? No. Do you want to know all this? 克:啊 - 好的。 你们相当的坚持,不是吗?(笑声) 我会告诉你们我所不记得的事情 人们告诉我的那些事情。好吗? 我真的不记得了,但是人们告诉过我一些事情 那些事情或者有些夸大其词- 你们明白吗? 或者是真实的,或者是想象出来的。 我想他们告诉我的那些关于我自己的事情 这听起来很滑稽,不是吗 那些事或多或少是确切的 因为很多人对我讲了相同的事情 在过去这些年里对我讲的。对不对? 天哪,我不知道该从哪里说起。 好吧,先生们。 你们知道,有个人曾赠予我 位于荷兰的5000英亩土地 你们明白吗?- 5000英亩是非常大的一片土地 还有一座城堡 我们在那里聚会 一次有6000人,非常多的人;充满了好奇心 就像你们一样。 充满好奇心,想弄明白克会讲些什么 等等。 我当时反对- 克是反对各种组织的。 你们明白吗? 你们不明白,没关系。 你们知道什么是组织吗? 要运作一所学校,就像瑞希山谷学校,你必须有组织。 你必须在一点钟准时出现 或者在12点半出现,那时你要去吃午饭。 对吗? 你必须要去上各种课,必须做这个,必须从四点开始玩耍,等等。 所有那些都需要组织。 但是天哪,我们怎么会谈论这些的? 嘿,瑞迪卡吉,快来帮帮我! 我那时候反对那些所谓的宗教组织。 对不对?你们明白那是什么意思吗? 不理解。 你们想了解所有这些吗?
6:50 S: Yes, sir. 学:是的,先生。
6:52 K: Really?

S: Yes, sir.

6:55 K: Don’t say, ‘Yes, sir’, because... 克:不要说,“是的,先生”,因为
6:59 S: In many of your books it mentions Krishnamurti’s teachings but then you always say that you are not a teacher, always this contradiction. 学:在您的很多书里都提到克里希那穆提的教诲 但是您却总是说您不是一位老师 总有这种矛盾。
7:14 K: How does this come about that K’s teachings are religious teachings and K himself says he is not a teacher. Right? How do you account for it? How do you account for it? What do you say about it? I don’t have to account to you, sir. I was only joking, but I’m asking you how do you account for it? You asked that question, didn’t you? Yes, sir? What do you say about it? Is there a contradiction? Or K is not personally, as a body – you understand? – as an organism, as a physical entity, he is not important. What he says is important. Right? That’s all. Where are we? You’re interested in all this? 克:为什么会出现这样的情况 克的教诲是宗教性的教导 然而克自己却说他不是一位老师。 对吗?你如何理解这一点呢? 你要如何解释这一点? 你对这一点有什么看法? 我不需要向你解释,先生。 我刚才在开玩笑,不过我在问你 你如何理解这一点? 你问了那个问题,不是吗? 是吗,先生? 你对它有什么看法? 那里存在矛盾吗? 或者克作为一个身体存在 并没有什么特别之处- 你明白吗? 作为一个有机体,一个物理实体存在,他并不重要。 他所说的话才是重要的。 对不对?就是这样。 我们谈到哪里了? 你们对这些感兴趣吗?
8:43 S: No, sir. 学:不,先生。
8:45 K: Not specially. Right? I thought the older boys were going to sit here. 克:不是特别感兴趣。对吗? 我本以为年龄大些的男孩子今天会坐在这里。
8:55 S: Sir, why is our mind always so cluttered with thought? And why are we all so concerned about ourselves? 学:先生,为什么我们的头脑总是纠结于思想? 而且为什么我们都如此的关注我们自己?
9:09 K: Why are we so concerned about ourselves and... 克:为什么我们如此的关注自己,并且

9:18 S: Why is our mind always so cluttered with thought? 克:为什么我们的头脑如此纠结于思想。对吗?
9:27 K: Why is our mind so cluttered up with thought. Right? I’m not a brain specialist. You understand? I’ve talked to a great many scientists in America, in England, and so on, and I’ve also talked to a great many biologists and psychiatrists, and so on. Have you ever considered what our brain is? What’s your brain? Why is it so filled up with thought? Why is it that our brain is never quiet? Right? Why? I’m asking you. What’s the other question? 我不是大脑的专家。 你们明白吗? 我和非常多的科学家探讨过 美国的、英国的,等等这些国家的科学家 并且我也和很多的生物学家探讨过 还有精神病学家们,等等。 你们有没有想过我们的大脑是什么? 你的大脑是什么? 为什么头脑中充满了思想? 为什么我们的大脑永远无法安静? 是不是?为什么? 我在问你们。 另外一个问题是什么?
10:43 S: Why are we always so concerned... 学:为什么我们总是那么关注
10:45 K: Why are we so concerned about ourselves? Go on, you answer me. Why are you concerned about yourself all the time, most of the time? 克:为什么我们是如此的关注自己? 继续,你们来回答我。 为什么你总是关注你自己,大部分的时候都是如此?
11:01 S: We want the best for yourself. 学:我们希望自己得到最好的。
11:06 K: What do you call best? 克:你认为什么是最好?
11:09 S: We want to have all the privileges. 学:我们想拥有所有的特权。
11:11 K: You want to have all the privileges. What do you mean by that? What do you mean by privileges? 克:你想拥有所有的特权。 你说这话是什么意思? 你所说的特权是什么?
11:23 S: We want to have all the comfort. 学:我们想拥有所有的安逸。
11:30 K: You want all the comfort, all the land. 克:你们想要所有的安逸,所有的土地。
11:35 S: The advantages. 学:各种优势。
11:37 K: All the advantages, all the best things of the world. Right? Are we answering your question? No. You understand what that girl asked? She wanted to know why we are concerned about ourselves so much. Have you answered that question? 克:所有的优势,世界上所有最好的事物。 是吗? 我们在回答你的问题吗? 没有。 你们理解那个女孩的问题吗? 她想要知道为什么我们如此的关注自己。 你们回答那个问题了吗?

12:10 S: You are concerned about yourself because... I mean, you always think about yourself. 我是说你总是想着自己
12:15 K: Yes. I know that. Why are you so concerned about yourself? Everybody is – it’s not something unusual. There are very rare people who are not concerned about themselves – very rare. So, why are you concerned about yourself? 克:是的。我知道。你为什么如此的关注自己? 每个人都是如此- 那并非什么与众不同的事情。 只有相当少的人 他们不关注自己- 这样的人非常稀有。 所以,为什么你关注自己?
12:40 S: Sir, because everything you do is usually circled around you. 学:先生,因为你做的每一件事 通常都是围着你自己转的。
12:47 K: Everything you do is around you. 克:你做的每一件事都是围绕你自己的。
12:52 S: It concerns you. 学:那和你有关。
12:55 S: Speak louder. 学:大点儿声。
12:57 S: Sir, everything you do ultimately concerns you. 学:先生,你做的每一件事最终都是关于你自己的。
13:01 K: Everything you do ultimately concerns you. Right? What is you? Who are you? 克:你所做的每一件事最终都是关于你自己的。 是吗? 你是什么?你是谁?
13:17 S: I am the body.

K: Yes – what are you? The body, blonde hair, purple eyes, dark skin, light skin, your name might be, what? Mr Rao or Mrs Rao, or Miss Rao, I don’t know, whatever your name, that’s what you are, aren’t you? Your face, your body and beyond that, what are you? Are you your BA’s and MA’s? You’re all going to pass exams, aren’t you? Yes? I don’t know why, but you are going to pass exams like a lot of monkeys. And that’s what you are – BA, MA, PhD or a good lawyer, a good engineer, scientist – that’s what you are. All that is you, isn’t it? BA, MA, PhD, MAD. Right? All that’s what you are. Aren’t you? No? What are you then? You marry somebody, and you’re called Mrs after that. Right? Or Miss, or whatever you like to call yourself. So what are you? Why are you so concerned about yourself? I know you want all the advantages, all the privileges, all the earth, but who is ‘I’ that wants all this?

克:是的 - 你是什么? 你的身体,金色头发,紫色眼睛 深色皮肤,浅色皮肤,你的名字可能是,什么? 饶先生,饶夫人,饶小姐 我不知道,无论你的名字是什么 那就是你,不是吗? 你的面孔,你的身体 而除了那些,你是什么? 你是你的学士学位、硕士学位吗? 你们都会通过各种考试,不是吗? 对吗? 我不知道为什么,但是你们要通过那些考试 就像一大群猴子一样。 那就是你们 学士学位,硕士学位,博士学位 或者一个好的律师,好的工程师,科学家,那就是你们。 所有那些就是你,不是吗? 学士学位,硕士学位,博士学位。对吗?(笑声) 所有那些就是你们。 不是吗? 不是?那你们是什么? 你和某人结婚,从此以后人们称你为夫人 对吗?或者小姐,或者无论你喜欢如何称呼自己。 那么你是什么? 为什么你如此的关注自己? 我知道你们想要所有的优势,所有的特权,所有的土地 但是那个想拥有一切的“我”是谁?
15:32 S: Your mind. 学:你的头脑。

15:35 K: What do you mean by the mind? Don’t just throw out words. What do you mean by the mind? 不要只是抛出一些词语。 你所说的头脑是什么意思?
15:45 S: Your self, sir. Your soul. Our soul, sir. 学:你的自我,先生。 你的灵魂。我们的灵魂,先生。
15:50 K: Your soul. 克:你的灵魂。
15:54 S: You can see the mind is something that tells you, tells you what to do. I mean, there’s this thing called mind in you that keeps telling you, do this, do that, don’t do this. 学:你可以看到是头脑在告诉你,告诉你去做些什么。 我是说在你身体里,有一个被称作头脑的东西 它不断告诉你,做这个,做那个,不要做这个。
16:04 K: So what are you trying to say? 克:那么你想要说的是什么呢?
16:07 S: I want to know what the mind is. 学:我想知道什么是头脑。
16:08 K: You want to know what the mind is. Before you go in to enquire what the mind is, what is the brain, what’s your brain like? What, sir? 克:你想知道什么是头脑。 在你开始询问什么是头脑之前 什么是大脑,你的大脑是什么样子的? 什么,先生?
16:25 S: It helps you to think. 学:它帮助你思考。
16:27 S: Your brain helps you to think, sir. 学:你的大脑帮助你思考,先生。
16:31 K: Your brain helps you to think. Right? It’s getting rather complex, isn’t it? What do you mean by thinking? You are all thinking, aren’t you? Naturally. What do you mean by thinking? 克:你的大脑帮助你思考。 对吗? 这个话题正变得相当复杂,不是吗? 你所说的思考是什么意思? 你们都在思考,是吗? 自然是这样。 你们说的思考是什么意思?
16:55 S: The way you feel, your ideas and opinions. 学:你的感觉,你的各种看法和观点。
16:58 K: No, I said what do you mean by thinking. 克:不,我说的是你们所说的思考是什么意思?
17:04 S: To find out. 学:去发现。
17:11 K: Thinking, not finding out. You understand the difference between the two? I think this morning I’ll go for a walk. I think. You understand? Now what do you mean by thinking? 克:思考,不是发现。 你们明白这两者之间的区别吗? 我想今天早晨我要去散个步。 我想。你们明白吗? 那么你们所说的思考是什么意思?
17:32 S: It is the power to decide. 学:那是做决定的力量。
17:40 K: You’re not answering my question, old boy. I’m asking you, if you’ll kindly listen, what do you mean by thinking, not about something, not ask you to think about that, what do you mean by thinking? Perhaps this is too complex. You go to a class, there the educator tells you, ‘Now let’s study mathematics’. Probably you don’t like that subject, mind you, you have to study it. Now, you are learning from that book and what the professor, your educator tells you, so you memorise. Right? Am I saying something not right? You memorise, that is, you repeat over and over and over again till it becomes part of your brain. Right? So, you memorise, don’t you? You don’t know about physics, but you learn about it, that is, you memorise. You memorise your name. Right? Because you have repeated very, very, very often – my name is Smith, or Mr Rao, or Mr K. Right? So, our learning is memorising. Right? Are you... Do you agree to this? Our learning in a school, in a college, in a university is all the time memorising. I won’t go into the whole subject of it because it is very complex, I won’t put you through that. Now, you memorise in order to act skilfully. Right? If you’re a lawyer, you memorise all the previous incidents, judgements, and so on, and then you become a lawyer, and so on. A doctor, he must practise ten years, learn, then become an internee, and so on, so on. It may take 15 years to be a really first-class doctor, or a surgeon, or a scientist, and so on. So, what is happening to your brain? Tell me, don’t go to sleep. What is happening to your brain during those ten years or during those five years? 克:你没有回答我的问题,大男孩。 我在问你,如果你们能好好地倾听 你们所说的思考是什么意思,不是对什么的思考 我不是要求你们去考虑那一点,而是你们所说的思考是什么意思? 或许这太复杂了。 你们去上课,有教师会告诉你 “现在我们来学习数学”。 可能,你并不喜欢那个科目 但是得提醒你,你必须要学习它。 于是,你从书本上学习 以及学习你的教授,你的教师告诉你的内容 所以你记住这些。对吗? 我正在讲的事情有什么不对吗? 你记忆,也就是说 你一遍一遍又一遍地重复 直到那变成你大脑的一部分。 对吗? 所以,你记住这些,是吗? 你不了解物理,但是你学习它 也就是说,你记住它。 你记住自己的姓名。对吗? 因为你已经重复了很多,很多,很多次 我的名字是史密斯,或者饶先生,或者克先生。 对吗? 所以,我们的学习就是记忆。对吗? 你们你们同意这一点吗? 我们在学校里,学院里,大学里的学习 一直都是在记忆。 我不会深入探讨这整个话题 因为它非常的复杂,我不会让你们去经历这个过程。 那么,你记忆是为了能够技巧熟练地行动。 对吗? 如果你是个律师,你记住 所有以往的案例,判决,等等 然后你成为一名律师,等等。 一名医生,他必须要实践十年的时间,学习 然后成为一名实习医生,等等,等等。 要成为一名真正的一流的医生可能要花费15年的时间 或者成为一名外科医生,或者科学家,等等。 那么,你的大脑发生着什么变化? 告诉我,不要睡着了。 你的大脑发生了什么事情 在那十年的时间或者在那五年的时间里?
21:05 S: Your brain is getting filled up. 学:你的大脑在被填满。
21:08 K: Filled. Filled with what? 克:填满。被什么填满?
21:10 S: With information, sir. With information about what you are doing. 学:被信息,先生。 被那些你所做的事情的信息填满了。
21:15 K: Yes, your brain is being filled with a lot of information. Right? 克:是的,你的大脑被大量的信息填满了。对吗?
21:23 S: And knowledge.

K: And knowledge. What do you mean by that word ‘knowledge’?

克:还有知识。 你所说的“知识”那个词是什么意思?
21:30 S: Information about the topic. 学:关于那个题目的信息。
21:34 K: Yes, information about a certain topic, a certain subject, and your brain is filled with that. Right? I am a PhD, I know how... etc., etc. Right? Right, sir? Are you bored? It’s all right, be bored, go to sleep. I don’t mind, it’s a nice morning – why shouldn’t you go to sleep? So, your brain contains all that you have learned. Right? Your name, your face, your father, your mother, it’s a process of not only recognition, but also accumulation. Right? You understand my English? It is a process of gathering and spending what you have gathered. That’s you have gathered Sanskrit and you speak that, and so on. So, your brain is full of memories. Right? You know where you live, you know your father’s name, your mother’s name, you know your brother, so it’s filled with information as knowledge. Right? And you use that knowledge skilfully, or not skilfully, you can be a first-class engineer or a rather dull engineer, and so on. Indian administrative – what is it? 克:是的,关于某个题目的信息 某个题目,于是你的大脑充满了那些信息。 对吗? 我是一个博士,我知道如何做等等,等等。 对吗? 对吗,先生?你们觉得无聊吗? 那没关系,无聊吧,睡吧。 我不介意,这是个美妙的早晨- 为什么你不能睡觉呢? 那么,你的大脑包含了所有你已经学到的东西。 对吗? 你的名字,你的脸孔,你的父亲,你的母亲 那不但是一个认知的过程,也是一个积累的过程。 对吗?你理解我说的英语吗? 那是一个积累和使用的过程 使用你积攒下来的内容。 就像你积累了梵语的知识然后你讲梵语,等等。 所以,你的大脑装满了记忆。 对吗? 你知道你住在哪里 你知道你父亲的名字,你母亲的名字 你知道你的哥哥,所以你的大脑装满了作为知识的信息。 对吗? 你熟练地,或者并不熟练地使用那些知识 你可能成为一名一流的工程师 或者一名相当迟钝的工程师,等等 印度的行政管理人员叫什么来着?
23:44 S: Service. 学:公务员。
23:47 K: Yes, and so on, so on, so on. Right? So, you are always living within a circle, circle of what you have learned, what you have acquired as information, which becomes knowledge. So your brain contains all that you have acquired, all that you have learned, all that you have experienced. So that is full of knowledge, absurdities, imaginations, illusions, and this whole thing is me. Right? I may think I’m a great man – that’s me. I may sit very quietly – and that’s me. So, whatever I think and do is out of experience, knowledge. Right? And I can imagine I’m God, or I can imagine I’m a great painter, when I’m not, or when I’m... you know, and all that. Or, I can have fantasies that I’m the emperor of India. Right? I can have various fantasies, imaginations, ideas, illusions, and so on. I am all that – fear, pain, suffering, and so on. I am the... – all that accumulation, I am. Right? Are you clear? Don’t agree with me, that’s the last thing you should do. But find out if what we are saying is true or false. I can imagine there is God in me. But that may not be true. Right? So, I am this whole bundle of two million years gathered as me. Right? And I become very important. 克:是的,等等,等等的那些。对吗? 所以,你总是生活在一个圈圈里 那个你所学到的东西的圈子 你已经获取的信息,会变成知识。 所以你的大脑包含了所有你所获取的 所有你学到的,所有你经历过的那些。 所以它充满了知识 各种谬论,各种想象,各种幻想 那么所有这一切就是我。 对吗? 我可能会认为自己是个了不起的人,那就是我 我可能会很安静地坐着,那也是我。 所以,我所想所做的一切都来自于经验和知识。 对吗? 而且我可以想象我是上帝 或者我可以想象我是个了不起的画家,其实我并不是 或者当我你们了解的,所有的那一切。 或者,我可以发白日梦,认为我是印度的君王。 对吗? 我可以发各种各样的白日梦,有各种想象 各种想法,各种幻想,等等。 我就是所有那一切- 恐惧,痛苦,苦难,等等。 我是 - 所有那些的累积,我正是那样。 对吗? 你们清楚了吗?不要赞同我 那是你们最不应该做的事情。 但是请搞清楚我们所说的是真还是假。 我可以想象我的内在有个神。 但是那可能不是真的。 对吗? 所以,我是两百万年积累下来的 这一切,这成为了我。 对吗? 并且我变得非常重要。
26:34 S: Why, sir? 学:为什么,先生?
26:35 K: Because I am two million years old, I’ve learnt so much. That poor chap wandering up there in the garden doesn’t know much, but you know a great deal. You respect those people who have a great deal of knowledge and you despise those people who are there. Right? So, when you ask, ‘Why am I thinking about myself all day long?’ – because you have been trained that way, you have been conditioned that way. Society helps you to think about yourself, because if you didn’t, you might not get a job. So all the people help each other to think about themselves. Right? You are a Muslim, and you think about Allah. So, you build up all kinds of imaginary superstitious, illusory stuff, called Maya. Right? And there are people who say, ‘I must get away from all this, get away from myself’. Right? ‘I must forget myself, I must abandon myself, I must become something totally different from what I am’. But it is the same circle repeated over and over again because I’m thinking about myself. ‘I must meditate for two hours’, which is, I’m thinking about myself, and so on, so on. And your next question was – what was it? 克:因为我已经有两百万年的年纪了 我已经学习了那么多。 那个在花园里转悠的可怜的家伙 他不知道太多,但是你们知道很多。 你们尊敬那些拥有大量知识的人 你们轻视那边那些没什么知识的人。 对吗? 所以,当你问,“为什么我整天总是在想着我自己” 因为你们就是被训练成那样的 你们就是那样被局限的。 社会帮助你去考虑自己 因为如果你不想着自己你就可能找不到一份工作。 所以,所有的人互相帮助着让每个人都想着他们自己。 对吗? 你是一个穆斯林,那么你想着真主阿拉。 所以,你构建出各种各样的想象 各种迷信,虚假的东西,将其称为玛雅。 对吗? 并且有些人会说 “我必须脱离这一切,脱离我自己。” 对吗? “我必须忘记自己,我必须抛弃我自己 我必须成为和我自己完全不同的人”。 但那是在一遍又一遍地重复绕同样一个圈子而已 因为我总在想着自己。 “我必须冥想两个小时” 那就是,我在考虑我自己,等等,等等。 那么你刚才提的下一个问题是- 是什么?
28:52 S: Why is the mind always cluttered with thought? 学:为什么头脑总是纠缠于思想?
28:59 K: Why is the brain so occupied with thought? I explained just now, I see this thing in front of me – right? – and I call it microphone. Right? But the word ‘microphone’ is not that. I don’t know if you see that. That’s very important to see in life – very important – that the word is not the thing. You understand what I am saying? Or you are all nuts? It’s very important to learn that the word is not the thing. The door, the word ‘door’, is not the actual door. 克:为什么头脑总是被思想占据? 我刚才解释过了,我看到眼前的这个东西 对吗?- 我把它称作麦克风。 对吗? 但是“麦克风”这个词并非那件东西本身。 我不知道你们是否明白这一点。 人生中看清这一点,非常重要 非常重要- 词语并非事物本身。 你们理解我所说的话吗? 还是你们都很糊涂? 学到这一点,非常重要 那就是,词语并非所指之物。 那扇门,“门”这个词,并非真正的门。
30:00 S: Sir, why do you say that?

K: What?

30:03 S: That the door is not the door. 学:您说门并非是门。
30:06 K: Now, you didn’t listen. The word is different from the door. Is this too difficult? Look, my name is K. Right? But K is different from the actual. This becomes too difficult, does it? 克:那么,你刚才没有听我说。 那个词与门本身是不同的。 这太难了吗? 你看,我的名字是克。对吗? 但是克和实际的我是不同的。 这变得太难理解了,是吗?
30:35 S: Are you trying to say...

K: Now just a minute. Rishi Valley, the words ‘Rishi Valley’ is not the actual. Is this difficult? Why is the girl not... Why aren’t you... Why don’t you understand it? The word is not the actual. You understand? You, your name is something. Right? That name is not you.

克:现在,请等一下。 瑞希山谷,“瑞希山谷”这个词语,并非瑞希山谷本身。 这很难理解吗? 为什么那个女孩不是为什么你不是 你们为什么不理解这一点? 词语并非实际的事物本身。 你们明白吗? 你,你有一个名字。对吗? 那个名字并不是你。
31:21 S: What importance does that have? 学:那有什么重要呢?
31:27 K: Tremendous importance. The word is never the thing. I can paint a picture of the Himalayas, but the picture is not the actual. Right? I can describe New York, but New York is not what I describe. I can write about the Gita, or the Bible, or whatever it is, but what I write about is not the actual. I wish you’d get this deep into your brain because it’ll help you then to deal with things actually. I have pain in my leg – suppose – that pain is not the word ‘pain’. Do you see it?

S: I think so.
克:那至关重要。 词语永远都不是事物本身。 我可以画一张喜马拉雅山的图画 但是那张画并非真正的喜马拉雅山。 对吗? 我可以描述纽约 但是纽约并非就是我所描述的一切。 我可以描写梵歌,或者圣经,或者无论什么 但是我所描写的并非实际事物本身。 我希望你们能在头脑里深深地理解这一点 因为那将会帮助你去如实地应对事物。 我的腿疼- 假设 那疼痛并非“疼痛”这个词语。 你们明白这一点吗?

32:47 K: I get hurt, a thorn, the pain, the word ‘pain’ is different from the actual thorn and pain. If you once grasp this fact that the symbol is not the real. Right? Go to a temple, and there is some monstrous figure there and that figure is the symbol of something else. But you worship that symbol. Go to a church, and there is the cross, that’s a symbol of something else, but you worship that cross. Do you understand all this? 克:我受伤了,被刺到了,那疼痛 “疼痛”这个词和实际的那根刺以及真正的疼痛是不同的。 如果你真正掌握了这个事实 即象征并非真实之物。 对吗? 去一处寺庙,庙里有一座怪异的雕像 而那个雕像是另外一些事物的象征。 但是你膜拜那个象征。 你去教堂,那里有十字架 那是另外的事物的象征,但是你膜拜那十字架。 你们明白所有这些吗?
33:44 S: Sir, the symbol cannot describe the real thing. 学:先生,象征无法描述真正的事物。
33:47 K: Yes, the symbol cannot describe. The symbol is not the actual – right? – and so on. 克:是的,象征无法描述。 象征并非真正的事物- 对吗? - 等等的这些。
33:56 S: It just helps you identify with the real thing. It brings to your mind a picture of the real thing. It brings to your mind an idea of the real thing. 学:那只是帮助你识别真正的事物。 它给你的头脑带来实际事物的画面。 它给你的头脑带来关于实际事物的某个想法。
34:09 K: Does it? Is the idea a fact? The idea I’m going to climb the Himalayas. The idea is not fact, I’m not climbing it. 克:是吗? 那个想法是事实吗? 那个我想要爬上喜马拉雅山的想法。 那个想法并非事实,我没有在爬山。
34:25 S: No, but if you see a picture of the Himalayas 学:没有,但是如果你看到一张喜马拉雅山的照片
34:27 K: Ah, wait, that again is a symbol. 克:啊,等一下,那同样也是一个象征。
34:29 S: Yes, it makes you realise what the Himalayas look like. 学:是的,那会让你意识到喜马拉雅山是什么样子。
34:32 K: Yes, but you haven’t seen the Himalayas. So, the seeing is different from the picture. Right? The actual seeing, the Himalayan mountains, their valleys, the blue lights of a morning on there and the snow, is quite different from the picture. But we worship the picture. I don’t know if you’re following all this. So, your question is, why do we think about ourselves all the time? And the other question is, why are our brains filled with thought? Now you ask the older people what they think of it. There they are, sitting in chairs. I’ll wait, sir, till you ask. 克:是的,但是你没有见过喜马拉雅山。 所以,真正的看到和那张照片是不同的。 对吗? 真正的看到喜马拉雅山 那些山谷,那里早上蓝色的晨光 还有白雪,和照片上是相当不同的。 但是我们崇拜那些照片。 我不知道你们是否跟上了我说的这一切。 所以,你的问题是,为什么我们总是想着自己? 以及另外那个问题,为什么我们的头脑里装满了想法? 现在你来问一下那些年长一些的人们,他们是怎么想的。 他们在那边,坐在椅子上。 我等着,先生,直到你们来问。

35:53 S: Sir, our brain is like a box, sir, when we’re young the box is empty, so there are hardly any thoughts, when you grow up the box starts getting filled. 那个盒子是空的,所以大脑里没有什么想法 当你长大以后,盒子开始变满了。
36:02 K: That’s right. You are like an empty bottle, you are saying, and as you grow up that bottle gets filled. Filled with what? 克:正是那样。你就象一只空瓶子,你说的是 当你长大了,瓶子被装满了。 被什么装满了呢?
36:14 S: Thoughts. 学:各种想法。
36:16 K: With dirty water, clean water? 克:装满了脏水呢,还是干净的水?
36:21 S: Both.

K: Both, that’s right. Filled with dirty water, and clean water. Right? You can’t mix clean water with the dirty water, then the clean water becomes dirty. That’s what you are doing. So, you asked me to talk about myself. I have. If you could learn, as you learn mathematics, whether your mind can ever be quiet, your brain. Absolutely quiet.

克:都有,非常正确。 装满了脏水和干净的水。对吗? 你不能把干净的水和脏水混合起来 那么干净的水就变脏了。 那就是你们在做的事情。 所以,你们让我谈谈我自己。 我已经谈过了。 如果你们能够学习,当你学数学的时候 你的头脑,你的大脑究竟能否安静下来。 绝对地安静。
37:18 S: Then how do you get pure water, sir? 学:那么要怎样才能获得纯净的水呢,先生?
37:24 K: You don’t. He asked, how do you get pure water. Life doesn’t give you pure water, it gives you dirty water because you have pain, you have sorrow, you have grief, you’re ambitious, you want to be something or other. That’s all dirty water. 克:你无法获得。 他问,你如何获得纯净的水。 生活无法给你纯净的水,它给你的是脏水 因为你有痛苦,你有悲哀,你有伤心的事 你有野心,你想成为这样或者那样的人。 那些都是脏水。
37:46 S: But sometimes you get happiness, don’t you? 学:但是有时候你能获得幸福,不是吗?
37:53 K: Yes, sometimes you get happiness. Now what do you mean by that word ‘happiness’? 克:是的,有时候你会获得幸福。 那么,你说的那个词“幸福”是什么意思?
38:00 S: When my wish is fulfilled. 学:当我的愿望得到满足的时候。
38:02 K: Yes, when your wishes are fulfilled. Right? I want to live comfortably in a big house with lots of servants, and if you can wish, if those wishes can be fulfilled, you are happy. Is that it? Suppose they are not fulfilled, you are sad – right? you’re unhappy, you’re depressed. So what is the difference between happiness and depression? It’s too difficult for you, don’t bother. You understand, sirs, ladies, to me, religious organisations are silly. You understand? Going to church, going to temples, mosques, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat. What happens when you repeat? 克:是的,当你的愿望得到满足的时候。 对吗? 我想要舒服地生活在一所大房子里 有一大群佣人 并且如果你可以许愿,如果那些愿望 可以实现,你就开心了。 是那样吗? 假设你的愿望没有实现,你就很伤心 - 对吗? 你不开心,你很沮丧。 所以开心和沮丧的区别是什么呢? 这对你们来说太难了,不要费事去想它了。 你们明白吗,先生们,女士们,对我来说,宗教组织都是愚蠢的。 你们明白吗? 去教堂,去寺庙,去清真寺 重复,重复,重复,再重复。 当你在重复的时候,会发生什么事情?
39:18 S: You don’t find anything new, sir. 学:你不会发现任何新的事物,先生。
39:20 K: Therefore will you stop repeating? 克:那么你们会停止重复吗?
39:25 S: How do you stop that, sir? 学:怎么才能停止重复呢,先生?
39:27 K: Don’t ask me how I stop. Will you stop? You stop scratching your head. I mean, you start scratching, that becomes a habit. Right? And you can stop it, can’t you, by saying, ‘I won’t do it’. Right? Right? Will you do that? Don’t look at somebody else. 克:不要问我如何停止。你会停下来吗? 你停止挠你的头。 我是说,你开始挠头,那变成了一个习惯。对吗? 但是你可以停下来,不是吗,只需要说,“我不会那样做了”。 对吗?对吗? 你会那样做吗? 不要看别人。
39:57 S: It’s difficult, sir. 学:那很难,先生。
39:59 K: That’s right, it’s difficult. So, you’d rather keep on scratching. Right? 克:正是如此,那很难。 所以,你宁愿继续挠头。 对吗?
40:09 S: Sir, can we talk about the existence of god? 学:先生,我们能谈一下神的存在吗?
40:18 K: Jesus! How do you know if god exists?

S: That’s what I want to ask.
克:天哪! 你如何知道神是否存在?

40:27 K: You want to ask is there god. Right? 克:你想问 有神吗?是吗?
40:34 S: If there is, where is he, and why do we believe in him? 学:如果有神,他在哪,还有我们为什么要信神?
40:38 K: Where is he, and why do we bother about it? 克:他在哪,还有我们为什么要为这件事费心?
40:44 S: We want to be secure.

K: Yes, sir. First let me answer her question, – will you? – do you mind? Is there god? Right? What do you think?

克:是的,先生。 首先,让我来回答她的问题,可以吗 - 你介意吗? 神存在吗?对吗? 你怎么想?
41:05 S: I think there might be, but I don’t believe in god. 学:我想可能有神,但是我不信神。
41:08 K: Why, why don’t you believe? 克:为什么,你为什么不相信?
41:11 S: Because I have never seen, I have just heard about god. 学:因为我从来都没有见过,我只是听说过神。
41:17 K: Go on, tell me. 克:继续,告诉我。
41:21 S: It seems to me that god is something like a pillar of support. 学:对我来说,神就像一种支柱。
41:25 K: What, financial support? 克:什么,经济支持吗?
41:28 S: No, a pillar of support.

K: You are quite right. Yes, sir, yes, sir, but I said financial support was pretty good. That is, you rely, or you seek god when you are depressed, when you are unhappy, when you want something, when you pray. Right? Now, how do you find out if there is god, or not?

克:你说很对。 是的先生,是的先生,但是我刚才说的经济支持也相当不错。 那就是说,当你沮丧的时候,你依靠或者寻找神 还有当你不开心的时候,当你想要什么的时候,当你祈祷的时候。 对不对? 那么,你要怎样弄清楚神是存在,还是不存在呢?
42:08 S: When you actually see him, the person. When you actually see him.

K: Do you actually see him?
学:当你真正地看到他的时候,看到那个人。 当你真的看到他时。

42:15 S: No, you find more about him when you see him. You know he exists. 学:没有,当你看到他你就会更了解他。 你知道他存在。
42:21 K: Do you know the story of two Americans going to heaven? And they wander about in heaven, all over the place for weeks and months, and there is a sign says ‘God’. And they go up that path, and one of them says, ‘That’s too much climb, you go up there and tell me all about it’. So he goes up there and comes rushing back, ‘My god, it’s a woman!’ Right? Now, how do you know there is god? Because a 100 people say so? 克:你知道两个美国人进天堂的那个故事吗? 他们在天堂里转悠,到处转悠 转了好几个星期,好几个月,然后看到有一个牌子上写着“上帝”。 于是他们顺着那条路走上去,然后其中一个人说 “这条路太难走了,你上去吧,然后告诉我那里是什么样”。 于是那个人走了上去,然后狂奔而回 “天哪,是个女人!”(笑声) 对吗? 那么,你怎么知道神是存在的? 因为有一百个人这么说了吗?
43:16 S: Just because a 100 people say that there is god, doesn’t mean a thing. For all you know they might have heard from somebody else. 学:只是因为有一百个人说神存在,那并没有任何意义。 因为就你所知,他们可能也是从其他人那里听来的。
43:28 K: Quite right. So how do you know there is god? 克:非常对。所以你怎么能知道是否有神呢?
43:33 S: When you see him.

K: Where do you see him?

43:38 S: Then who created the world? 学:那么是谁创造了这个世界?
43:43 K: He asks, if god didn’t create the world... What do you mean by the world? You, the trees, the fishes, the water, the frogs, the elephants, the lion, the... 克:他问,如果神没有创造这个世界 你所说的这个世界是指什么? 你,树木,鱼儿,水,青蛙 大象,狮子,还有
43:58 S: All matter.

K: All matter. That is, all the rocks, the trees, the human beings, the valleys, the rivers, everything is created, you think, by god.

克:所有物质。 也就是,所有的岩石,树木,人类 山谷,河流 所有事物,你认为,都是由神创造出来的。
44:14 S: If it’s not god, who else could it be? 学:如果不是神,那还可能是谁呢?
44:17 K: If it’s not god, he asks, who else could be. 克:如果不是神,他问,又会是谁呢?
44:21 S: It could be a form of energy or something. 学:可能是某种形式的能量或者别的什么。
44:23 K: What?

S: It could be some form of energy.

44:27 K: How do you know? 克:你怎么知道?
44:28 S: I’m just guessing.

K: Guessing. That’s what they’re all doing. And so somebody guesses much more seriously, and says, ‘There is’. and then you accept it. Suppose you don’t accept your tradition that there is god, then what will you do, how will you find out? That’s much more important than believing. Right? Do you agree to that, it’s much more important to find out rather than believing. Right? Now, will you stop believing?

克:猜想。 那就是他们所有人都在做的事情。(笑声) 于是某个人猜了更多的东西 很认真地猜,然后说“神是存在的”。 然后你就接受了。 假设你不接受你的传统 不接受神的存在,那么你会怎么做,你将如何去探索去发现? 那要比相信重要多了。对不对? 你们同意吗,去探索去发现要比相信什么 重要得多。 对不对?那么,你们会停止相信吗?
45:21 S: I don’t believe in anything.

K: No, stop it. Therefore, you are free from certain conclusions that there is god. Right? Will you do that, or you’re frightened? No, don’t say ‘no’, we’re all frightened people.

克:不,停止它。 那么,你就能够从神是存在的那样的结论中解脱出来。 对不对?你们会那样做吗,还是你们很害怕那样做? 不,不要说“不”,我们都是充满恐惧的人。
45:43 S: Sir, we are frightened that, if we don’t believe in god, then suppose our mothers and fathers believe in god, then they might start talking about something... 学:先生,我们害怕的是,如果我们不信神 而假如我们的妈妈和爸爸信神 那么他们可能会开始说起一些事情
45:53 K: That’s right. 克:正是那样。
45:55 S: Sir, since we are children we are brought up to believe in god, sir. We start believing that, if we don’t believe in god, god will do something bad to us.

K: I know. But first find out why you want to believe in something. Don’t go to sleep! Why do you want to believe in something? Does it give you comfort, does it help you, does it cover up your sorrow, pain, and all that? That’s belief. Why do you believe in all this? What’s wrong with you?
学:先生,因为我们是孩子,我们是在对神的信仰中被抚养长大的,先生。 我们开始相信如果我们不信神的话 神就会对我们做一些可怕的事情。

克:我知道。 但是首先去探索你为什么想要去相信些什么。 不要睡觉啦!你们为什么想要相信些什么? 那给你们带来安慰吗,那会帮助你们吗 那会掩盖起你们的悲伤、痛苦,所有那一切吗? 那就是信仰。 你们为什么要相信这一切? 你们出了什么问题?
46:41 S: I think many people, including me, believe because they feel, after so many stories which so many people have told them about god helping this person and god helping that person, they feel that, if they also believe in god, they might also be helped in difficult situations. 学:我想很多人,包括我 相信是因为他们听过太多的故事 太多人都讲过关于神 帮助这个人,帮助那个人的各种故事 他们觉得如果他们也信神 当困难的情形出现时,神可能也会帮助他们。
47:01 K: But find out if they have really been helped first. 克:但是首先弄清楚那些人是否真的得到了帮助。
47:06 S: I haven’t been helped.

K: You’re too young. You’re too small. Don’t bother about god and belief. You see, that’s one of our peculiarities that we believe, right away. Right? Right? We believe. We never find out. Your belief will prevent you from finding out. You understand what I am saying?

克:你还太年轻。 你太小了。 不要为神和信仰费心了。 你们看,那就是我们的怪癖之一 我们相信,立即相信。是不是? 对不对?我们相信。 我们从不去弄清楚真相。 你的信仰会阻碍你弄清楚真相。 你明白我所说的话吗?
47:43 S: Sir, you believe when someone close to you believes it, like your mother. 学:先生,当你亲近的人,比如你妈妈相信的话,你就会相信。
47:54 K: Yes, yes, if your mother believes, she wants you to believe the same thing. Right? And you listen to her but you don’t have to believe. 克:是的,是的,如果你的妈妈相信 她就希望你相信同样的事情。 是吗? 那你就听她说,但是你并非必须相信。
48:06 S: Sir, some people are frightened that they might be excommunicated from the religion and they don’t want to do that. They will be excommunicated from the religion if they don’t believe in the god. 学:先生,有些人怕他们可能会被 逐出教会,他们不想那样做。 他们会被逐出教会的 如果他们不信神的话。
48:18 K: I know, of course. That’s playing games. 克:我知道,当然。那是一种游戏罢了。
48:22 S: Sir, does god help you, sir?

K: Me? Are you asking me? Has god helped me?

S: No, helped anyone.

克:我? 你在问我吗? 神帮助过我吗?

48:33 K: You’d better ask them. Better ask somebody who says, ‘God has helped me’. Be careful. If he says it has, what will you do? 克:你最好问问他们。 最好去问某个说过“上帝帮助过我”的人。 但是请小心。如果他说神帮过我,你会怎么做?
48:48 S: Believe in god.

K: Yes, that’s all. Some nut comes along in peculiar clothes, like me, and he says, ‘There is god, I know there is god’. Right? Will you believe him?

克:是的,就是那样。 某个神棍穿着奇特的衣服走过来,就像我一样 然后他说,“神是存在的,我知道有神”。是不是? 你会相信他吗?
49:12 S: No, sir.

K: Why?

49:15 S: We don’t believe unless we see it, sir. 学:我们不会相信,除非我们看到了这点,先生。
49:22 S: He’s got to prove it.

S: There is no proof.

49:26 K: Too many people talking at once. 克:太多人在同时说话了。
49:28 S: You’ve got to be very convincing. Only then can we believe. 学:你一定要非常有说服力。 只有那样我们才会相信。
49:35 K: You know, have you been to some of the magicians, some of the conjurers? Have you seen them?

S: Yes, sir.
克:你知道,你们见过一些魔术师吗 那些变戏法的人? 你们见过那样的人吗?

49:46 K: They will do something before you know what has happened. No, don’t go into all that, you’re all too small. What time is it? 克:当你们还不明白发生了什么的时候,他们已经变了戏法。 不,不要深入那个问题了,你们都太小了。 几点了?
50:04 S: Quarter past.

K: Nine.

50:06 S: Ten fifteen.

K: Ten fifteen. I’ve got fifteen minutes more? Too bad! What shall we talk about?

克:十点十五分。 我还有十五分钟的时间?太糟了! 我们该谈些什么呢?
50:17 S: Is there a way of thinking without using the past? 学:是否存在一种思考的方式是没有过去介入的?
50:25 K: Is there a way of thinking without the past? Is there a way of thinking without all the memories involved in the past? Right? To answer that question correctly, accurately, impersonally, you have to go into the whole structure, nature of thought. Right? Have you done it? No. Would you like to do it?

S: Yes.
克:是否存在一种思考的方式是没有过去的? 有没有一种思考的方式 不包含所有过去的记忆? 对不对? 要正确地回答那个问题,精确地,不带个人色彩地回答 你必须要深入思想的整个结构、本质。 对不对?你们那样做过吗? 没有。你们愿意那样做吗?

51:10 K: Would you like to listen to it? And would you like to follow it up after you have listened to it? 克:你们想听吗? 你们愿意在听过以后也那样去行动吗?
51:22 S: If it’s true. 学:如果那是真的。
51:25 K: If it is true. Right? What is the origin, the beginning of thought? How does thought arise? 克:如果那是真的。是吗? 思想的根源,起源是什么? 思想是怎么产生的?
51:42 S: From the past experiences. 学:产生于过往的经验当中。
51:47 K: So, are you saying that thought has its roots in the past experience? In past experiences, plural. So you are saying – are you? – that thought has its roots in experience? Right? Are you saying ‘yes’?

S: Yes.
克:那么,你是在说思想的根源在过往的经验当中吗? 过去的各种经验,复数的。 所以你是在说,是在说 思想的根源在经验当中吗? 对不对? 你是在说“是的”吗?

52:16 K: Be quite sure, don’t hesitate. If you had no experience, would you think? 克:要非常确定,不要犹豫。 如果你没有经验,你会思考吗?
52:32 S: Sir, like I told you, sir, our thought in the beginning is like an empty box and that has been filled up, sir, and that is all the past. If there is no past, sir, the box will be forever empty. 学:先生,像我对您说过的,先生 我们的思想最初就像一只空盒子 随后被填满了,先生,那就是所有的过去。 如果没有过去,先生,瓶子永远都是空的。
52:43 K: Quite right, sir. You come out here. You don’t mind? Do you mind coming up and sitting here? 克:非常对,先生。你到这里来。 你不介意吧?你介意到这里坐下吗?
52:52 S: No, sir.

K: Good. He’s saying, the bottle – you are going back to the bottle. You know what going back to the bottle means? Drinking. Where do you come from?

S: Bangalore.

克:很好。 他在说,瓶子- 你又回到瓶子那里了。 你知道,回到瓶子意味着什么吗? 喝水。 你从哪里来?

53:15 K: Bangalore? Good. Do you like it here?

S: Yes.
克:班加罗尔?很好。 你喜欢这里吗?

53:20 K: Have you told the teachers you like it here? 克:你告诉过老师们你喜欢这里吗?
53:23 S: My teacher asked that. 学:我的老师曾经问过我。
53:32 K: It’s like an empty bottle that has been filled with a lot of experience. Right? This is what he says. And, from that experience, from that past, all the things that have been filled in the bottle are memories, are remembrances, and so the bottle is always moving within itself. All right, sir, and then what? Tell me, go on! Your brain is like an empty box, empty bottle, and filled from childhood with problems. Right? How to pass, how to read, how to write and all that stuff, all through life. And so your brain, like a bottle, he says, is filled with all that. And when the bottle begins to move around, talk, the bottle, the contents of the bottle are remembrances, knowledge, which then are put into words, first thought, then words. Right? I wonder – don’t agree, you don’t learn anything if you agree merely. 克:那就像一只空瓶子 瓶子被大量的经验装满了。 对不对? 这就是他所说的。 并且,来自那些经验,那些过往 所有那些被装进瓶子的事情 就是记忆,就是回忆 所以那个瓶子总是在它自己的范围内运作。 好的,先生,然后怎么样呢? 告诉我,继续! 你的大脑像一只空盒子,空瓶子 从童年起就装满了各种问题。 是不是?如何通过考试,如何读书,如何写作 以及所有那些事情,终其一生都是如此。 所以他说,你的大脑像一个瓶子,装满了那些东西。 当那个瓶子开始走来走去,开始讲话的时候 那个瓶子,瓶子里的内容都是回忆 知识,随后被诉诸语言 首先是思想,然后是语言。对不对? 我想知道 - 不要赞同我,如果你仅仅是赞同,就什么也学不到。
55:06 S: Sir, pretend the box was empty, how did you get your first thought? 学:先生,假如那个瓶子是空的 你的第一个想法是怎么形成的?
55:13 K: How did the first man two million years ago, how did he begin to think? Have you seen that cartoon by a scientist, probably a biologist? You see the man – picture, a cartoon, a man who hunts, then hunts, eats, and sleeps. Right? Are you listening? Then the next cartoon is a little more advanced, he doesn’t hunt, but he gets somebody else to hunt. 克:两百万年前最初的人类 是如何开始思考的? 你们有没有看过一个科学家画的,也可能是一个生物学家画的漫画? 你看到一个人- 图画,漫画 一个人他狩猎,然后狩猎,吃掉猎物,然后睡觉。 对吗?你们在听吗? 接着第二个漫画是更进步了一点 他不狩猎了,但是他让别人去狩猎。
56:03 S: Because he knows it is dangerous. 学:因为他知道那很危险。
56:07 K: Yes, yes, yes. And the third picture is – he doesn’t hunt, but he’s learning how to use instruments, and so on. So, ultimately, he’s become very intellectual. Right? Like you, very intellectual, very... like us, you understand? First he begins by hunting and eating, then by making others hunt and eat, and third – he’s the picture of us. I don’t know if you understand all this, it doesn’t matter. So, what makes us behave as we do? This is too difficult for you. Have you ever sat quietly, not moving a muscle, not moving your eyes, have you done it? Would you like to do it? Sit absolutely quiet. Will you do it? 克:是的,是的,是的。 第三个画面是- 他不狩猎 但是他在学习如何使用工具,等等的事情。 所以,最终,他变得非常聪明。对吗? 就像你们,非常聪明,非常 就像我们一样,你们明白吗? 首先,他开始狩猎和吃掉猎物 然后他让别人去狩猎和吃掉猎物 第三步 - 他就变成了我们的样子。 我不知道你们是否明白这一切,那没有关系。 所以,我们为什么会有现在这样的举止呢? 这对你们来说太难理解了。 你们是否曾经非常安静地坐着 肌肉一动不动,眼睛一动不动,你们这么做过吗? 你们想这么做吗? 完完全全安静地坐着。 你们愿意这么做吗?
57:40 S: Sir, but what’s the use of that? 学:但是,先生,那有什么用呢?
57:45 K: Just to control your body, see if you can control your body. There is no use in anything; if you say, ‘Why should I eat, what’s the use of it?’ You die. Right? So, will you try and sit very, very quietly. Not blink, not move your eyes. Try it, old boy, try it for fun, you know, sit quietly, go on. Sit quietly. 克:只是控制你的身体,看看你能否控制你的身体。 任何事情都是无用的;如果你说 “我为什么要吃饭,那有什么用?” 你会死的。对不对? 所以,你们愿意非常,非常安静地坐着吗? 不眨眼,不移动你的眼睛。 试一下,大男孩,为了好玩试一下,你知道的 安静地坐着,继续。安静地坐着。
58:18 S: Life is fun, sir? 学:生活很有趣吗,先生?
58:21 K: Move over your leg – put the other leg over there, old boy. 克:移动一下你的腿- 把另一条腿放在那儿,大男孩。
58:30 S: Sir, is life fun, sir? 学:先生,生活有趣吗,先生?
58:36 K: It all depends. 克:那得依情况而定。
58:38 S: If we get dirty water, it’s no fun. If we get clean water, it’s fun. 学:如果我们得到的是脏水,生活就无趣了。 如果我们得到干净的水,生活就有趣。
58:42 K: Clean water is, if you like to call it fun, but it is mixed all with dirty water. Right? So, let’s see if you will sit quietly for a minute. 克:干净的水是,如果你愿意称它为有趣的 但是它和脏水都是混合在一起的。 对不对? 那么,让我们来看看你是否可以安静地坐上一分钟。