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SA80Q5 - 第五次问答会

0:08 Krishnamurti: This is the last meeting. Perhaps we shall meet again next year. 这是最后一次的聚会。 也许明年我们会再见面。
0:28 There are many questions, and some quite absurd, with very little meaning, and others are rather superficial, like the one that I am going to read presently. And there are some rather serious and worthwhile questions. As we said the other day, and if we may repeat it again, the root of the meaning... The root meaning of the word ‘question’ means to seek. And in answering some of these questions, we are sharing it together. It is not that the speaker is answering them, and that you must accept them or deny them, but rather together, in a kind of good relationship, amicable, and try to understand together the depth of these questions. 我们有很多问题 而有一些却很荒谬而且意义不大 其他的也相当肤浅 正如我目前要读出来的这个一样... 也有一些相当严肃而有价值的问题。 正如我们那天所说,如果我们可以重复一遍 意义的根源... '问题'这个词的根本含义是指去寻求... 而在回答其中这些问题时 我们是在一起分享。 并不是发言者去回答它们 而你必须去接受或拒绝它们 而是我们一同,以一种良好的关系,友好地 共同去深入理解这些问题。
1:58 I’ll read the first one, rather. 还是,让我来读第一个...
2:02 1st Question: There are many people in this tent who have seats reserved for them. Many are from K. Foundation. If people close to you cannot change, are still superficial and proud and unaware, what is the answer? 第一问题:在这个帐篷里有许多人 他们享有保留的席位。 很多都是属于K基金会的。 如果你身边的人都无法改变 仍然是肤浅和孤傲而不能觉察,答案是什么?
2:25 The people who have reserved seats come at the last moment. They have been working. They have been doing a great many other things, connected with the Foundation, with the tent and all the organisation of this gathering. And also, some seats are reserved for those who are not too well. And it is rather unfortunate to judge superficially that many of these people are rather proud, vain, and all the rest of it. I don’t think that question need be answered. 这些有保留席位的人到最后一刻才到来。 他们一直都在做。 他们一直在做很多其他的事 与基金会有关的事 关于设立帐篷和举办这次聚会。 也有些座位是保留给那些身体不太良好的人。 而相当不幸的,我们不能从表面来判断 这些人很多是相当傲慢 徒劳而无功,等等。 我不认为这个问题需要去回答。
3:13 2nd Question: I have a young child. How do I educate him so that he will live a different sort of life, without being so different from society which will destroy him? 第二问题:我有一个年轻的孩子。 我该如何教育他 以便他将来能过着另一种生活 而又不会太不同以致社会将他摧毁?
3:32 I have a young child. How am I to educate him so that he will live a different sort of life, without being so different, that society will destroy him? 我有一个年轻的孩子。 我该怎么教育他 以便他将来能过着另一种生活 而又不会太不同以致社会将他摧毁?
3:52 You know, there are many schools in India. We have six schools in India. There is one at Brockwood, one in Canada, one in California, Ojai. First of all, it is very difficult to get the right kind of teachers. When they come to teach, the difficulty is they have all kinds of opinions, how it should be done, how should not be done, the teaching, and so on – they project their own desires and volitions and their own prejudices. They may be very capable of transmitting information, knowledge, but they also project their own personalities, their own peculiar idiosyncrasies. So it is a constant trouble to get the right kind of teachers, who is really interested in teaching, not only the academic subjects, but teaching something much more: teaching how to live a life as you go along, older, adolescent, and so on, how to live a life rational, not superstitious, not confused, and so on. It is very difficult. And when we were in India with these six schools, we sent a letter to all the parents, saying that these schools intend and are doing as much as possible, to free the mind of the child, the student, from fear, from confusion, and have integrity. So when the parents came, not many of them, they were really not interested in their children, except the mothers. The fathers wanted them to go on to earn a livelihood, you know, follow the old usual routine, but the mothers were a little bit concerned. But perhaps the parents of the children are really responsible. Perhaps they may destroy their children. 你知道在印度有很多学校... 我们有六所学校在印度。 有一所在布罗克伍德,一所在加拿大,一所在美国加州,奥贾。 首先,要找到对的教师是很难得的。 当他们来教导时 困难的是他们有各种各样的意见 应当如何去做,不应该怎样做,教学法 等等 - 他们投射出自己的欲望和意愿 和自己的偏见。 他们可能很有能力去传递信息,知识 但他们也投射出自己的性格 他们独特的性质。 所以要找到对的教师是一个持续不断的难题 那些真正对教学感兴趣的 不仅是学术学科 而是教导更多的东西: 教导如何去生活,当你不断成长,变老 青少年,等等,如何去活得有理性 不迷信,不糊涂,等等。 这是非常困难的。 而当时我们在印度设立的六所学校 我们寄了一封信给所有的家长 说明这些学校有意和正在努力 竭尽所能,去释放儿童,学生的心 免于恐惧,混乱,而且正直有诚信。 所以,当那些父母前来时,他们并不很多 他们其实对他们的孩子不感兴趣 除了母亲... 父亲们都希望他们继续学习去如何谋生,你知道 按照旧的例行常规 但母亲们却有点担心。 但是也许家长和那些...确实要负责任。 他们也许有可能会毁掉自己的孩子。
6:52 And when one has a small child, how are you going to educate him? This is a great... it’s a great problem. And we are trying, at Brockwood, to answer this question. Perhaps we shall have young children, but we are going to go into it. But the difficulty is society is so strong. The temptations of the young person who wants to be with other young children, who are already corrupt, who have already, you know, have accepted all the nonsense of society. And it becomes extremely difficult to bring up a child who will not yield to the tremendous weight of society. 而当我们有一个小孩时,你要怎样去教育他? 这是一个很大...它是一个很大的问题。 而我们在布罗克伍德时也试图去回答这个问题。 也许我们将会有年幼的孩子,但我们现在就要进入探讨它。 但其困难是,社会是如此的强大... 那个诱惑年轻人希望去参与 其他已经生活腐败的年轻人... 他们已经,你知道 接受社会上全部的无稽之谈... 因此它变得非常困难,去教养一个 不会屈服于社会巨大重压的孩子。
8:00 So it beholds not only on the part of the teachers, but also on the part of the parents. It is a cooperative business, it isn’t just – you send the child to the school and forget all about it. Here in these schools, they are strict vegetarians. And when they go back they eat meat, so the conflict begins – you know, all the rest of it. And this is a question that cannot be so easily answered because to run these schools you have to have plenty of money. And these schools survive just on a shoe string. And the parents are only too willing to send them there, and the responsibility, the work, the immense concern is there, it is not there – it is there. We have been through it, year after year. And this requires not only cooperation from the parents, but also good teachers who are capable of understanding, not only the academic subjects, but also something much more serious. 因此,它不仅需要教师作好本分 也必须依赖父母的配合。 这是一个互相合作事业,它不只是 你送孩子到学校来,然后忘掉一切。 在这些学校里,他们是严格的素食主义者... 而当他们回到家里,他们却吃肉 所以冲突开始 - 你知道其他的一切。 而这是一个不那么容易回答的问题 因为这些学校的运行,你必须要有很多钱... 而这些学校是生存在一条鞋绳上。 而家长都太过愿意送他们到那里 而那些责任,工作,那巨大的关注时有 时无 - 时有... 我们已经如此度过了一年又一年。 而这不仅需要父母的合作 也要靠那些好老师,他们能够理解 不仅是学术学科 也包括那些更加严肃的东西。
9:35 3rd Question: I think I can solve my problems. I do not need any help. I have the energy to do it. But beyond this, I come to receive, and if you don’t like that word, to share something measureless to man, something that has great depth and beauty. Can you share that with me? 第三个问题:我想我能解决我自己的问题。 我不需要任何帮助。 我有精力去做。 但除此之外,我是来接收 如果你不喜欢这个字眼,来分享 某种人类无法衡量的东西 某种极深和极美的东西。 你能和我分享吗?
10:12 I think I can solve my problems. I do not need any help with them. I have the energy to resolve them. But beyond this, I come to receive, and if you don’t like that word, to share something measureless to man, something that has great depth and beauty. Can you share that with me? 我想我可以解决我自己的问题。 我不需要任何帮助去处理它们。 我有精力来解决这些问题。 但除此之外,我是来接收 如果你不喜欢这个词,来分享某种东西 人类无法衡量,某种极深和极美的东西。 你能和我分享吗?
10:43 It is a quotation from Xanadu by Coleridge: ‘measureless to man’. That phrase ‘measureless to man’ is a poem written by Coleridge called Kubla Khan. And the questioner says, I can solve all my problems. And problems can be solved without the help of others, because the problems are created by oneself in relationship to another, and these problems, however subtle, however superficial, however grave, they can be solved, if one applies one’s mind and heart to resolve them. That is fairly clear. That is, if one has energy, not be slack, lazy. And if one really wants to solve them, they can be solved. The questioner said that is simple. But he wants to go much further. He says, I can do all that. And I’ve come here to share something, as he calls it ‘measureless to man’, something beyond all measure, something that is not given in churches, and you know, all the rest of it. 这是柯尔律治的‘上都’里的一段话:'人类无法衡量’。 '人类无法衡量'这句话 是由柯尔律治写的一首叫‘忽必烈’的诗。 而提问者说,我可以解决我所有的问题... 以及问题可以在没有别人的帮助下解决 因为这些问题是由自己创造的 关系到其他,而这些问题 就算是很微妙,很肤浅,很严重 它们都可以得到解决,如果我们用思想 用心去解决它们。这是相当清楚的。 也就是说,如果我们有能量,不懈怠,懒惰。 而如果我们真的想要解决这些问题,它们就可以被解决。 提问者说,那很简单。 但他想走得更远。 他说,我可以做到那一切... 而我到这里来分享一些东西,他称之为 '人类无法衡量',超越一切衡量的东西 某些教堂不提供的东西 你知道,其他一切。
12:22 First of all, we are sharing this together. I am not a Delphic Oracle. There is no authority here. I happen to sit on a platform for convenience, so that everybody can see – if you want to see. And that little height doesn’t give him any authority whatsoever. And I really mean this. You are not my followers, and all the rest of it. So, first thing is to realise what do we mean by ‘measure’ – because he uses the word ‘measureless’. You are following all this? Thought can be measured. Distance can be measured: from here to there. And the so-called progressive evolution can be measured: one was this yesterday, through meeting the present, what was yesterday is modified, and the movement to the future – that can be measured. Measured: if you are good today, and tomorrow you might not, and that can be measured. And thought, which is a material process, can also be measured. The shallowness of one’s thinking, the superficiality, the deeper and the deepest. As long as there is the more and the less, that can be measured. Comparison is a process of measurement. Please, follow all this if you are interested. And imitation can be measured. Conformity can be measured. And the word ‘measure’, in Sanskrit too, means to regulate, to measure. Meditation, that word not only – means not only ponder, think, investigate, observe, but also it means to measure, from the Sanskrit word Ma – I won’t go into all that. 首先,我们是在一起分享。 我不是一个德尔菲神谕。 在这里没有权威。 我正好坐在一个方便的平台上 好让每个人都可以看到我 - 如果你想看。 而这一点点高度不赋予他任何权威。 而我真的这样认为。 你们不是我的追随者,以及其他一切。 因此,首先要看清的是 我们所说的'衡量'是指什么 因为他应用了'无法衡量'这个词。 你跟进这一切吗? 思想可以衡量。 距离可以衡量:从这里到那里。 而所谓的渐进演化可以衡量: 昨天的曾经是这样 通过接触现在,昨天的已被修改 而进入未来的运动 - 那可以衡量。 衡量:如果你今天很好 而明天你可能不是,那也可以衡量。 而思想,它是一个物质的过程,也可以衡量。 我们的浅薄想法 肤浅,深入和最深入。 只要有增加有减少,就可以衡量。 比较法是一种衡量过程... 请跟进所有这一切,如果你有兴趣... 而模仿可以衡量。 顺应可以衡量。 而'衡量'这个词 在梵语也是指去调节,去测量。 冥想,这个词不仅 不仅意味着思索,思考,调查,观察 但也意味着衡量 源自梵文的Ma - 我不详谈这些。
16:02 So as long as there is measurement, the mind can only function in that measurement, whether it is long or short, whether it is wide or narrow, it can only function in that which is measurable. Right? I wonder if you understand all this. And the word ‘meditation’, in that word is implied also measurement. Now, the mind, the brain has been trained, accustomed, fallen into a habit of measurement, obviously. And is something which is not measurable, if there is such thing, can the mind, the brain and the heart – they are all one – can that whole structure be free of measurement? You follow? Then only you can find out. Are you meeting? 所以,只要有衡量 我们的心只能在衡量中操作 无论是长或短,无论是宽或窄 它只能在那可衡量之中操作。 对吗? 我不知道你是否明白这一切。 而'冥想'这个词 在这个词中也意味着衡量。 现在,心,大脑已经被训练,习惯 陷入了衡量的习惯 明显的。 而是否有不能衡量的东西 如果有这样的东西,思想,大脑和心能不能 他们是一 - 整个结构能不能从衡量中解脱出来吗? 你跟进吗?只有那时你才可以找到答案。 你们有会意吗?
17:47 The brain is, as we pointed out several times, and the scientists are beginning to agree too, so perhaps you will also accept it, because the moment you talk about scientists you worship them and you think they have achieved something, and when they also say, ‘Yes, partly you are right’, then perhaps you will also come along. You see, the brain, as we said, is not your brain. It is the brain which has evolved through time, millions and millions of years. And that brain is the common brain of humanity. You may not like to see that, because we are accustomed to the idea that we are individual, our brains are individual – ours, mine, not yours. And that concept has been a constant tradition through millennia, and so the brain is conditioned to that, and that brain is constantly measuring – the more, the less, the better and the best, the very word ‘better’ is measurable. So this brain is constantly functioning in that pattern. I don’t know if you have observed yourself, you can see this in yourself. Physically, objectively, you can see that a workman becomes a foreman, and if he is good, he is a manager. A priest becomes a bishop, cardinal, pope. The apprentice, then the master, the master carpenter. This is the whole pattern of our existence, which are all measurable. And the questioner says: is there something beyond measure, measureless to man? 大脑是,正如我们多次指出 而科学家也开始认同 所以也许你也会接受 因为当你们谈到科学家时 你们崇拜他们,你们认为他们已经取得某种成就 而当他们也说,'是的,部分上你是对的' 那么也许你也会跟着他们一样。 你看,大脑,正如我们所说,并不是你的大脑。 它是通过长时间进化的大脑 几千万几百万年。 而这大脑是人类共同的大脑。 你可能不喜欢看到这 因为我们已习惯我们是个人的想法 我们的大脑是个人的 - 我们的,我的,不是你的。 而这一概念几千年来已成为不变的传统 因此大脑已被调教成那样 而这个大脑在不断地衡量 更多,更少,更好,以及最好 '更好'这个词本身就可以衡量。 因此,这是大脑不断地依照这个模式运作。 我不知道你有没有观察过自己 你可以在本身中看到这一点。 在身体上,客观地 你可以看到,一个工人成为一个工头 如果他很行,他是经理... 一个传教士成为主教,枢机主教,教宗... 徒弟,然后师傅,主木匠。 这是我们存在的整个模式,这些都是可以衡量的。 而提问者说 是否有某种东西是超越衡量的,人类无法衡量?
20:47 Now, how are you going to find out? We will share this together, as the questioner says, share it with me. How are we going to find out if there is something beyond all measure, that is, beyond all time? Because time is measurement – yesterday, today, tomorrow; 10 o’clock, 11 o’clock – measurable, distance, measurable. And as thought is measurable, if you have gone into it, which you are doing now, please. Whoever the questioner is, please, do listen. Is there something beyond time, which is thought? Time is movement – right? And thought is movement, so time is thought. Thought is born out of memory, experience, knowledge. That is the process of memory, of thought. And this process is a material process because in the brain is... In the very cells of the brain are the memories, so it is material process, and everything that it creates is a material process. Right? Please, follow this, not accepting or denying, but logically, observing it in oneself, and also observing externally. 现在你打算怎么去发现? 我们将一起分享这个 正如提问者所说,与我分享。 我们要如何去找出 如果有某个超越一切衡量的东西 超越一切时间的东西? 由于时间是一种衡量 昨天,今天,明天上午10点,11点 - 衡量 距离,可以衡量。 而因为思想是可以衡量的 如果你曾经深入思考它,而你现在也应如此做,拜托。 不管提问者是谁,请你聆听。 有没有超越时间的东西,它也是思想? 时间是运动 - 对吗? 而思想也是运动,所以时间就是思想。 思想是产生自记忆,经验,知识。 那是记忆的过程,思想的过程。 而这个过程是一个物质的过程 因为在大脑中... 在大脑细胞本身中是记忆 所以它是物质的过程 因此它创造的一切,都是一种物质的过程。 对吗? 请跟进这个,不去接受或拒绝,但在逻辑上 在自己内心观察它,并观察外部。
23:11 So, as long as thought is measuring, moving in measurement, there can be no other than measurement. Right? Obviously. Now, the question is: can all measure end? Measure as comparison, comparing oneself with somebody else – the hero, the example, the ideal, the perfect one, and so on, so on, so on. If you observe for yourself, from childhood, we are trained to compare – better marks in a school, the various classes, college, university, a degree – it is all measurements, which is essentially comparative. Right? Now, can you, the questioner who is sharing this with us, stop comparing completely? That is, psychologically. Naturally, the other thing is – academically, you have to. So, can you, psychologically, end immediately, not tomorrow, another day, but immediately, all sense of comparison? If you want to go, if the mind wants to go much further. And imitation, conformity, which are all the same movement: comparing, conformity, imitation are all the same movement. Can that movement end totally? In comparison, there is aggression, there is competition – I am better than you, and all that. And, as we talked about it yesterday, have an insight into measurement. 因此,只要思想在衡量 在衡量中运动,除了衡量不可能有其它。 对吗?显然的。 现在的问题是:所有的衡量能结束吗? 衡量作为比较 与别人比较自己 - 英雄,榜样 理想,最完美者,等等,等等,等等。 如果你自己去观察 我们从小就被训练去比较 在学校里,更好的分数 各种的班级,大专,大学,学位 全都是衡量,基本上是去比较优势。 对吗? 现在你能不能,与我们一起分享的提问者 完全停止去比较? 也就是说,在心理上。 当然另一点是 - 在学术上你必须。 所以,在心理上你能不能立即结束? 不是明天,另一天 而是立即停止一切去比较的意识... 如果你想去得...如果你的心想去得更远。 而模仿,顺应,这些都是相同的运动 比较,顺应,模仿,都是相同的运动... 那个运动能不能完全结束? 在比较中有侵略性 有竞争... 我比你更好,那一切。 而且,正如我们昨天说过 去深入洞察衡量。
26:19 I explained very carefully yesterday, if I may repeat it again briefly: insight has been, as man, a scientist and others have experimented, insight is the accumulation of knowledge, as I told you about the monkeys, and so on, and from that accumulation of experience, knowledge, have an insight into the understanding of the structure. That is based on the past. Now, we are saying that is not insight. Insight is total perception of the whole complex movement of measurement. And you can have only that insight when you perceive it without previous knowledge. Then if you are using the knowledge, then it is comparative, it is measurable. Insight is not measurable. You get it now? Then when there is that measureless insight, the whole the unfolding of the whole movement of comparison, – all that – not only seen but ends immediately. You can test it out. You don’t have to accept the speaker’s word for it, you can test it out. 昨天我解释得非常细心 如果我可以简单地重复一遍: 洞察已被误解 作为人类,一个科学家和其他人曾经实验 洞察是知识的积累 正如我告诉你关于猴子等等 而从那个经验和知识的积累 形成一个洞察深入那个结构的理解。 那是基于过去的。 现在我们说,那不是洞察。 洞察是完全觉知 整个衡量复杂的运动。 而你只能有这种洞察 当你觉知它时,毫无任何以前的知识。 但是如果你应用知识 那么它就是比较,它是可以被衡量。 洞察是无法衡量的。你明白了吗? 那么,一旦有了无可衡量的洞察 整个...整个比较的运动会被摊开来 那一切,不仅是历历在目,而且立即结束。 你可以去测试它。 你不必接受发言者的一面之词 你可以去测试它。
28:20 So, what is beyond measure, there must be freedom from fear, naturally, deep rooted, conscious or unconscious fear. That is a problem which can be observed, resolved, because the root of fear, the root, not the various branches and the leaves of that tree, the root of that fear is time. Right? I am afraid of tomorrow. I am afraid of what has happened. The physical pain, which I have had, gone, and the fear it might occur again. The whole physical phenomena of pain. And psychologically too, one has done something wrong, not right, not honourable, ‘honourable’, I am using the word in its dictionary meaning, not what you call honourable. And psychologically, fear is time. I am afraid of dying. I am living, but I dread what might happen. Which is the measurement of time. So the root of fear is time and thought. Right? Now, to have an insight into that is the ending of totally fear. When one ends fear, you will say, ‘What is there?’ You follow? We will go into that later. 那么,凡是超越衡量 必定有脱离恐惧的自由,理所当然 根深蒂固,有意识或无意识的恐惧。 这是一个可以观察到,得到解决的问题 因为恐惧的根源 根源,而不是那棵树的各种树枝和树叶 那恐惧的根源是时间。 对吗? 我害怕明天。 我害怕已发生的事。 我以前身体上的疼痛,????没有了 而我担心它可能会再次发生。 整个身体的疼痛现象。 以及心理上的 我们做错了事,不正确,不光荣 '光荣',我使用的是它在字典的含义 不是你们所谓的光荣... 而心理上的恐惧的是时间。 我怕死。 我活着 但我怕会发生什么。 这是时间的衡量。 因此,恐惧的根源是时间和思想。 对吗? 现在,去深入洞察它 就是整个恐惧的结束。 当我们结束了恐惧,你会说,'那里有什么?' 你跟进吗?我们稍后再进入探讨它。
31:11 So, the ending of fear, which means the understanding of time and the ending of sorrow. If this is not cleared, If the mind, the brain are not afraid, then there may be something more. But you see, we want to be assured. We want it guaranteed, like a good watch, especially in Switzerland – like a good watch, you want it guaranteed, that will last at least three years. In the same... We have the same attitude, that if I do this, what will I get? That is commercial mentality. Right? If I do this, will you guarantee me that? There is no guarantee, and that is the beauty of it. This is... you have to do it for itself, not for something. And that is very difficult for people. One gives up this in order to reach that – nirvana, heaven, whatever it is – which are all acts of measurement. 因此,结束恐惧,意味着对时间的认识 以及悲哀的结束。 如果这不被清除... 如果心,脑都不怕 那么可能有更多的东西。 但是你看,我们希望得到保证... 我们希望它有保障,正如一个好手表 特别是在瑞士 - 就像一个好手表 你想要它有保证,持续操作至少三年。 同样的... 我们有同样的态度,如果我这样做我会得到什么? 这是商业的心态。对吗? 如果我这样做,你保证我吗? 此处没有保证,而这就是它美丽之处。 这是...你必须为它本身而做,不为其他。 而对于人类,这是非常困难的。 我们放弃这个是为了达到那个 涅磐,天堂,不管它是什么 全都是衡量的行动。
33:30 So can the mind – we are sharing this together – can the mind be free of all measurement, in your relationship to another, which is much more difficult? And to be free of all that is to be measureless, and then something totally different takes place. When that is described, that which has taken place beyond measure, that which is described is not ‘what is’. You understand what I am saying? You can describe the mountain, shape of it, the line of it, the shadows. You can paint it, make a poem of it, describe it – all that is not the mountain. We sit in the valley, and say, ‘Please, tell us about the mountain’. We don’t walk there. We want to be comfortable. So there is a state – not a state – there is something beyond measureless, beyond all measure. 所以心能不能 - 我们是在一起分享这个 心能不能摆脱所有的衡量 在你们之间的关系中,这是更为困难吧? 而去摆脱所有那些就是等于无法衡量 然后就会有全然不同的东西发生。 但当那个东西被描述出来,那个超越衡量而产生的东西 那个所描述出来的东西已不是那个'如是'了。 你明白我的意思吗? 你可以去描述山峦 它的形状,它的线条,阴影... 你可以画它,为它写一首诗 描述它 - 所有那些都不是山。 我们坐在山谷中 说:'请告诉我们关于山峦'。 我们却不走到那里去。 我们要舒服地坐着。 所以,有一个状况 - 不是状况 有一个东西超越,无法衡量,超越一切衡量。
35:51 4th Question: What is our consciousness? Are there different levels of consciousness? Is there a consciousness beyond the normal one we are aware of? And is it possible to empty the content of our consciousness? 是否有不同层次的意识? 是否有一个超越我们所觉知的正常意识的意识? 并且,是否可能去空掉我们意识的内容?
36:13 What is consciousness? Are there different levels of consciousness? Is there a consciousness beyond the normal one we are aware of? And is it possible to empty the content of our consciousness? 什么是意识? 是否有不同层次的意识? 是否有一个超越我们所觉知的正常意识的意识? 并且,是否可能去空掉我们意识的内容?
36:41 Sorry. Please, we are sharing this together. I may use the words, the description, but what is described is not the fact. So don’t be caught in descriptions, in explanations. 抱歉。 (飞机声) 拜托,我们是在一起分享这个。 我可能应用文字,应用描述 但所描述出来的并非事实。 所以,不要陷入那些描述中,解释中。
37:33 What is our consciousness? To be conscious of, to be aware of what is going on, not only outside but also inside. It is the same movement. So when we say we are conscious, we are aware, we are... our consciousness is the product of society – right? – our education, our culture, racial inheritance, and the inheritance of one’s own striving, the result – and our beliefs, our dogmas, our rituals, our concepts, our jealousies, anxieties, our pleasures, our so-called love – all that is our consciousness. Right? Right? That you cannot, nobody can dispute that. You can add more to it, or expand it, but that is the structure, which has evolved through millennia after millennia – wars, tears, anxieties, sorrow, depression, elation – all that is part of us. Right? And the content, which is all this, make up our consciousness. Right? Right, sirs? You are following this? I believe I am a Hindu, with all the Brahmanical superstitions, with their rituals, with their absurdities, with their gods, with their beliefs in this and that and the other thing. That is the consciousness of a Hindu born in that country. In the West, the consciousness is the content – the Christian, the Saviour, the whole hierarchical system: the soul, the redeemer, the original sin. and so on, so on, so on. If you are a Communist, you will say according to Marx: environment, which is economy, has shaped your consciousness. And there are those people who say you can’t change it. You can modify it, you can polish it up, but you have to accept it, make the best of it, but it is there. You are following all this? 我们的意识是什么? 去觉知 去察觉不仅是外在也包括内在所发生的一切。 它是同一运动。 因此,当我们说我们有意识,我们有察觉,我们有 我们的意识是社会的产物 - 对吗? 我们的教育,我们的文化,种族传承 以及我们本身努力的传承 其结果 - 以及我们的信念,我们的教条,我们的礼仪 我们的理念,我们的嫉妒,焦虑,我们的乐趣 我们所谓的爱,那些全是我们的意识。 对吗? 对吗? 这你不能...没有人能否定这。 你可以添加,或开展它 但那是它的结构 经历几千年的演变 战争,眼泪,焦虑,悲伤 抑郁,兴奋,所有这些都是我们的一部分。 对吗? 而它的内容,就是这一切,形成我们的意识。 对吗?对吗,各位? 你跟进这个吗? 我相信我是印度教徒,信奉所有婆罗门的迷信 他们的仪式,他们的谬论,他们的神祗 他们信这个信那个以及其他的信仰。 这是一个土生土长的印度教徒的意识。 在西方,意识的内容是 基督教,救世主,整个等级制度 灵魂,救赎,原罪 等等,等等,等等,等等。 如果你是一个共产党员,你会按照马克思说话 环境,也就是经济,塑造了你的意识。 而有些人说你不能改变它... 你可以修饰它,你可以擦亮它 但你必须接受它,好好应用它,但它必然存在。 你有跟进这一切吗?
41:31 And, as we said, the content makes its consciousness. Without the content, consciousness as we know, it doesn’t exist – obviously; if I have no belief, no dogma, no this and no that... And the question is, the questioner says: is it possible to empty all the content? You understand my...? The sorrow, the strife, the struggle, the terrible human relationship with each other, the quarrels, the anxiety, jealousies, the affection, the sensuality – you follow? – all that is our consciousness with its content. Can that content be emptied? And if it is emptied, is there a different kind of consciousness? And has consciousness different layers, different levels? 而且,正如我们所说,内容组成意识。 没有内容 意识,如我们所知,就不存在了 - 显然 如果我没有信仰,没有教条,没有这个也没有那个。 而问题是,提问者说: 是否有可能去空掉所有的内容? 你明白我的...? 悲伤,纷争,斗争 可怕的人与人之间的关系,争吵 焦虑,嫉妒,感情,感性... 你跟进吗? - 所有这些都是我们的意识与其内容。 这些内容可以被清除掉吗? 如果它被空掉,会不会产生一种不同的意识呢? 并且,意识有没有不同的层次,不同的等级?
42:56 In India, they have divided consciousness – clever people they are, the ancient people – into lower, higher, higher, higher, I won’t use the Sanskrit words, and so on – it is divided. And this division is measurement. I don’t know if you are following all this. The moment there is division there must be measurement. Division between the Arab and the Jew, the Englishman, the Frenchman – it is all measurement, and where there is measurement there must be division, and effort, wars, all the rest of it follows. Whether that consciousness has different levels, this consciousness is still within consciousness. I don’t know if you follow it. It has been divided by thought, by clever people, by so-called people who have gone into this – it has been divided. That division is measurement, therefore it is thought. Whatever thought has put together is part of consciousness. Right? Whether you divide that consciousness as the highest supreme, it is still the movement of thought. Right? You agree? We are moving along together? 在印度,他们把意识分为 他们是聪明人,古代人 分为低级,高级,更高级,更高级... 我不会去用那些梵文词等等 - 它被分门别类... 而这分门别类是衡量。 我不知道你是否有跟进这一切。 一旦有了分门别类,就一定有衡量。 分别阿拉伯人和犹太人,英国人 法国人,这些都是衡量 而哪里有衡量,那里就有分裂 和努力,战争,其余的一切随之而来。 意识是否有不同的程度 这个意识仍然在意识之中。 我不知道你是否跟进它。 它已被思想分割,被聪明人分割 被所谓深入了解的人分割 - 它已被分割。 那些分割是衡量,因此它是思想。 由思想组合成的任何东西,都是意识的一部分。 对吗? 无论你把它分类为最高至上的意识 它仍然是思想的运动。 对吗? 你同意吗?我们正在同步思考吗?
44:42 Now, the question is: can the content be emptied? Can sorrow be ended? Not only your personal sorrow, but the sorrow accumulated through millennia of mankind. The personal sorrow – I mean the immediate sorrow – I have lost a son, I have lost this, or – you know, the tears, the despair, which is momentary. But there is this vast sorrow of mankind, which has been accumulated through 5000 or 10000 years of wars, tribal divisions, tribal hatreds, the various aspects of religion, organised, not organised, those who believe, those who don’t, and so on, so on, so on. Can all that be emptied? Must you take – please, listen – must you take one by one and resolve them – you understand? – fear, conformity, pleasure, the nature of pleasure? The whole movement of pleasure and sorrow... Can all that… Will we take one by one and resolve these? That will take one’s whole lifetime. I don’t know if you are following all this. Or can one have a total insight into all of it? You understood? We have explained what insight means, not the insight of remembrance, not the insight of knowledge, time and action. I wonder if you are following all this. I am afraid you are not. Please, don’t meditate now. Don’t go off into kind of some... This is very, very serious because it affects your life. 现在的问题是:那内容可以被空掉吗? 悲伤可以结束吗? 不仅是你个人的悲伤 而是人类积累了几千年的悲伤。 个人的悲伤,我是指直接的悲伤... 我已经失去了一个儿子,我失去了这个 或者,你知道,眼泪,绝望,那是暂时的。 但是,我们有人类的巨大悲痛 它已积累了5000或10000年,其中有战争 部族分裂,部族仇恨 宗教的林林总总,有组织的,没有组织的 信仰者,不信者,等等,等等,等等。 这一切可否被空掉? 你必须 - 请听好... 你必须逐一去解决它们... 你明白吗? - 恐惧,顺应 乐趣,乐趣的本质... 乐趣的整个运动 和悲伤... 那一切能结束吗?我们能逐一去解决这些吗? 这将用上我们的一辈子的生命。 我不知道你是否有跟进这一切。 或者我们可以全面地洞察所有这一切? 你明白吗? 我们已经解释了什么是洞察 不是记忆的洞察 不是知识的洞察,时间和行动的洞察。 我不知道你是否有跟进这一切。 恐怕你没有。 拜托,现在不要冥想。 不要进入某种状态... 这是非常,非常严重,因为它会影响你的生活。
47:39 And I say, we say, it is possible to empty this content completely. The essence of this content is thought which has put together the ‘me’, the me which is ambitious, the greedy, aggressive – all that. That is the essence of the content of consciousness. Can that ‘me’, with all this structure, selfishness – you know, all that – can that be totally ended? The speaker can say, yes, it can be ended, completely, which means no centre from which you are acting, no centre from which you are thinking. The centre is the essence of measurement, which is the becoming. Can that becoming end? And we say probably it can, but what is at the end of it? You understand? That is, if I end this becoming, what is then being? I wonder if you follow all this. 而我说,我们说,我们有可能去空掉全部内容。 这些内容的实质是思想 思想组合了'我' 那个雄心勃勃,贪婪,好斗的我,那一切。 那就是意识内容的本质。 这个'我',以及它所有的结构,自私心 你知道,所有那一切,能不能完全被结束? 发言者可以说,是的,它可以完全被结束 这意味着没有中心,作为你的行动的起点 没有中心让你的思维生起。 这个中心就是衡量的本质 它是成为。 这个成为能不能结束? 而我们说或许它可以,但在它结束时又会是什么呢? 你明白吗? 也就是说,如果我结束这个成为,那么存在的又是什么? 我不知道你是否有跟进这一切。
49:36 First of all, find out for oneself if this becoming can end. Can you drop, end something which you like, that gives you some deep pleasure? Without a motive, without saying ‘I can do it if there is something at the end of it’. Can you do something immediately, end something that gives you great pleasure? You see how difficult this is? Like a man who smokes, his body has been poisoned by nicotine, and when he ends, the body is craving for it, and so he takes something else to satisfy the body. So to give up some... to end something, rational, clear, without any reward or punishment, just to say – finished. 首先,你自己去找出 如果这个成为可以结束。 你能否放得下,去结束你所喜欢的东西 它带给你某些深层次的乐趣? 没有动机,没有去说 '我这样可以做,如果在它结束后会有某个东西'。 你能否立即去做 去结束那些带给你巨大乐趣的东西? 你看,这是多么困难呀? 就像一个抽烟的人 他的身体已经中了尼古丁的毒 当他结束抽烟,他的身体却还有烟瘾 所以他去服用别的东西来满足身体。 因此,要去放弃某些...去结束某些东西,合理的,明确的 没有任何奖励或惩罚,只是去终止。
51:19 Selfishness hides in many, many ways: seeking truth, social service, surrendering oneself to something – to a person, to an idea, to a concept. It also hides itself in social work, in devotion to nationalism, to God. Right? One must be so astonishingly aware of all this, and that requires energy. And that energy is now being wasted in conflict, in fear, in sorrow, in all the travails of life. That energy is being wasted in so-called meditation. And this requires enormous energy, not physical energy – that is fairly easy – but the energy that has never been wasted. Then can go... consciousness can be emptied, and if it is emptied you will find if there is something more or not – it is up to you. We like to be guaranteed that; there is no guarantee. 自私隐藏在很多,很多地方: 寻求真相,社会服务 把自己交出来 交给一个人,一个点子,一个概念。 它也隐藏在社会工作里 在献身给民族主义中 献身给上帝中。 对吗? 我们必须如此震惊地察觉这一切 而这需要能量。 而现在能量却不断地被浪费掉 在冲突中,恐惧中,悲伤中,在所有的艰辛生活中。 那能源被浪费在所谓的冥想中。 而这需要巨大的能量 不是体能,那相当容易 而是那从来不曾被浪费的能量。 那么就可以去...意识就可以被空掉 如果它被空掉,你将会发现 到底有没有更多的东西 - 完全由你去决定。 我们喜欢获得那样的保证;却没有保证。
53:34 5th Question: Why is it that almost all human beings, apart from their talents and capacities, are mediocre, including Beethoven, Mozart and Bach and all the rest of them? I know I am mediocre. I don’t seem to be able to break through this mediocrity. 第五个问题:为什么几乎所有的人 除了他们的才华和能力,却是平庸的 包括贝多芬,莫扎特,巴赫和所有其他人? 我知道我是平庸的。 我似乎没有能力去突破这个平庸。
54:06 Why is it almost all human beings, apart from their talents and capacities, are mediocre? I know I am mediocre, and I don’t seem to be able to break through this mediocrity. 为什么几乎所有的人 除了他们的才华和能力,却是平庸的? 我知道我是平庸的 我似乎没有能力去突破这个平庸。
54:31 First of all, are we aware that we are mediocre? Sir, you answer it for yourself. Mediocre means neither high nor low, just hovering in between. The great painters, the great musicians, the great architects, they have got extraordinary capacities and talent, but in their daily life, they are like you and me and like everybody else. Like Haydn, when he composed, he put on his best clothes, and when we go to church we put on the best clothes. You understand what I am saying? So – was it Haydn? – doesn’t matter so much. 首先,我们有没有察觉自己是平庸吗? 先生,你自己回答自己。 平庸是指不高也不低,只是在之间徘徊。 伟大的画家,伟大的音乐家,伟大的建筑师 他们有非凡的能力和才华 但在日常生活中 他们就像你和我和其他人一样。 好像海顿,当他编曲时,他会穿上最好的衣服 而当我们去教堂时,我们也会把最好的衣服穿上。 你明白我的意思吗? 所以 - 是不是海顿?那不很重要。
55:44 If I am aware that I am mediocre – just a minute, go into it slowly with me, please, let’s share it – if I am aware I am mediocre, what does that mean? I am neither hot nor cold – right? – neither passionate, I may be lustful, and I cool off. I may have great talent – writer, painter, sculptor, musician, teacher – those are all outward dress, outward show of inward poverty. Being poor inwardly, we are always struggling to become rich, not financially, but in knowledge, in understanding, in striving to something nobler, nobler, nobler. This sense of insufficiency and trying to fill that insufficiency with the latest gossip about politics, with the latest rituals, latest meditation, latest this and the... All that is an act of mediocrity. Right? Please, don’t get angry with me, we are just sharing it, pointing out to each other. 如果我察觉我是平庸的 - 只要一分钟 跟我慢慢地进入它,拜托,让我们分享它... 如果我知道我很平庸,那是什么意思? 我不热也不冷 - 对不对? - 也不热情... 我可能淫荡,而我冷静下来。 我可能有很大的才华 作家,画家,雕塑家,音乐家,老师 这些都是外在的衣装,是贫乏的内心向外的展示。 有贫穷的内心,我们就会一直努力去成为富有 不是在经济上,而是在知识,理解方面 去努力争取更高贵,更高贵,更高贵的东西。 这种不足感 以及去填补这个不足的企图 去谈论关于政治的最新八卦 参与最新的仪式,最新的冥想,最新这个和最新... 所有这些都是平庸的行为。 对吗? 请不要生我的气 我们只是分享它,向对方说明而已。
57:58 And this sense of mediocrity, if one is aware of it, shows itself in outward respectability. Right? Or the revolt against the mediocrity – the hippies, the long hair, the unshaved, the latest fallouts. It is the same movement. You understand? I can join a community, a commune, because inwardly there is nothing in me, and by joining I become important, there is something, there is an action. So when one is aware of this mediocrity, which is this utter sense of insufficiency, this sense of deep frustrating loneliness, which is covered over by all kinds of activities. If you are aware of that, then what is insufficiency? You understand my question? What is loneliness? How do you measure this insufficiency? You follow? The moment you measure, you are insufficient. I wonder if you capture it. Do you see that? Right? No, don’t agree, but don’t measure. See, like depression is measurement. Don’t reduce everything to measurement. That is another catchword. You are good at catching words and repeating it and worthless, it becomes worthless. But we are saying, this insufficiency comes into being as long as there is comparison. Right? And this measurement is limitless – you can go on measuring, measuring, measuring. Not ‘limitless’. Sorry, I used that word. It is a constant movement from a human being who is insufficient in himself. Now, can that comparative observation end? Then is there insufficiency? You are following what I am saying? No, come on, sirs. 而这种平????庸的感觉,如果我们能意识到它 就会向外显示其体面性。 对吗? 或者是去反抗平庸 嬉皮士,长头发,不剃胡须,最新的反潮流... 这是相同的运动。你明白吗? 我能加入一个社区,一个公社 因为在我内心空无一物 而加入使我变得重要 有了一些东西,有了行动。 所以,当我们察觉这个平庸时 它是这种彻底的不足感 深切地令人沮丧的孤独感 被各种各样的活动掩盖着。 如果你已察觉这一点,这个不足又是什么呢? 你明白我的问题吗? 什么是寂寞? 你如何去衡量这个不足?你跟进吗? 你去衡量的那一刻,你就是不足了。 我不知道你是否捕获它。 你看到了吗? 对吗? 不,不要同意,但也不要衡量。 你看,像抑郁是衡量。 不要把一切都降为衡量。 (笑声) 这是另一个醒目语。 你们都很在行去捕抓醒目语,然后去重复它 那就不值钱,它就变得一文不值。 但是,我们说,这个不足 会应运而生,只要有比较。 对吗? 而这种衡量是无尽的 你可以继续去衡量,衡量,衡量。 不是'无尽'。 对不起,我用了这个词。 它是一个不断的运动 一个对自己感到不足的人的运动。 现在,那个对比的观察会结束吗? 那时有没有不足? 你在跟进我所说吗? 不,拜托,各位。
1:01:38 I compare myself with you, and I realise that you are much cleverer than I am, much more intelligent, nicer, alive, full of this and that. I compare myself, and then I say to myself how dull I am in comparison. So I strive to compete with you. But if I don’t compare with you who are very clever, – the ‘very clever’ is already comparison, I don’t know if you follow – if I don’t compare, am I dull? Or am I aware of what is actually taking place in me? When I compare, I am avoiding the fact of ‘what is’. Is this too much of a thing for a morning? Perhaps for some of you it is. 我去跟你作比较 而我发觉你比我聪明得多 更有知识,更漂亮,有活气,充满着这个那个。 我自己去作比较 然后我对自己说,比较上我是何等的沉闷没趣。 所以我努力与你竞争。 但如果我不去跟非常聪明的你们比 '非常聪明'已是比较 我不知道你是否有跟进 - 如果我没有去作比较,我会是沉闷吗? 或者我会察觉到在我内心真实发生的一切? 当我去比较时,我就回避了‘如是’的事实。 在一个早上,这些讲解否太过多呢? 也许对你们有些人来说,它是。
1:03:02 So, this mediocrity that all of us seem to have can be broken through when there is no sense of comparison, measurement. It gives you an immense freedom. Where there is freedom there is no mediocrity. Right? Do see it, sirs. The more – not ‘the more’ – where there is complete psychological freedom, there is no sense of mediocrity – you follow? – you are out of that class altogether. Not ‘you’ – something totally different, state of mind exists. 因此,这个我们大家似乎都有的平庸 可以去突破 当我们没有比较,衡量的意识时。 它会给你一个巨大的自由。 哪里有自由,那里没有平庸。 对吗? 要看到它,各位。 越是 - 不是'越是' 哪里有完整的心理自由 那里就没有平庸的意识 - 你跟进吗? 你已经脱离那个分类... 不是'你' - 而是某种完全不同的精神状态正存在着。
1:04:14 6th Question: Attachment brings about a kind of emotional exchange, a human warmth. This seems a fundamental need. Detachment produces coldness, lack of affection, a break in relationship. It can also deeply hurt others. Something seems to be wrong with this approach. What do you say? 第六个问题:执着带来 一种情感交流,一种人类的温暖。 这似乎是一个基本需要。 脱离产生冷淡 缺乏感情,关系破裂。 它也能深深伤害别人。 这种做法似乎有点不对。你怎么说呢?
1:04:59 Attachment brings about a kind of emotional exchange, a human warmth. This seems a fundamental need. Detachment produces coldness, lack of affection, a break in relationship. It can also deeply hurt others. Something seems to be wrong with this approach. What do you say? 执着带来 一种情感交流,一种人类的温暖。 这似乎是一个基本需要。 脱离产生冷淡 缺乏感情,关系破裂。 它也能深深伤害别人。 这种做法似乎有点不对。 你怎么说呢?
1:05:27 I don’t have to say anything. 我不须说什么。 (众笑)
1:05:39 I am attached to you. The word ‘attach’ means to cling, to hold, attaché the feeling that you belong to somebody, and that somebody belongs to you – to hold, to cling, to adhere, like a plaster – sorry! All that is implied in that word. And the questioner says: cultivating detachment breeds lack of affection, a coldness, a break in relationship, the cultivation of the opposite. Naturally, it will. You understand? If I am attached to you, the audience, and I feel this attachment is dangerous, because I know I will be unhappy if I don’t meet all of you and talk to all of you, which is my fulfilment, which is called attachment, then seeing the danger of that – depression when I don’t meet a large audience, if I meet two people and, you know, go through all that ugly business – and seeing all that, I say I must cultivate detachment. So I must break from you, I must break my relationship if I have a wife or a husband, or a girl or boy, or whatever it is. So I gradually withdraw. And in this process of isolation I hurt others. Right? I hurt my wife or my father, I hurt lots of people, and so on. 我执着你们。 '执着'这个词是指抱住,抓着 贴着? - 那种你属于某个人的感觉 以及某个人属于你 抓着,抱住,贴着,像一片胶布 - 对不起! 所有那些都隐含在这个词里。 而提问者说 去培育脱离会引起亲情的缺乏,一种冷感 关系的断裂,对立的滋养。 当然,会这样。 你明白吗? 如果我执着你们,观众们 而我觉得这个执着很危险 因为我知道我会不高兴,如果我没有见到你们全部 和你们交谈,这是我必须履行的事情 这称为执着 然后,看到那个危机 没有大批观众而使我消沉的危机 如果我只见到两个人,你知道 经历那一切丑恶的事情... 而看到那一切后,我说我要去培养脱离。 所以,我必须摆脱你们... 我必须打破我的关系,如果我有妻子或丈夫 或女孩或男孩,或是别的什么。 因此,我逐步撤离。 而在这个隔离的过程中,我伤害到别人。 对吗? 我伤害了我的妻子或我的父亲,我伤害了很多人,等等。
1:08:21 Now, is there – please, listen – is there an opposite to attachment? If detachment is the opposite of attachment, that detachment is an idea, is a concept, is a conclusion that thought has brought about, realising that attachment produces a lot of trouble, a lot of conflict, jealousy, anxiety, and so on, so on. So thought says, by Jove, much better be detached. Detachment is a non-fact – right? – whereas attachment is a fact. I don’t know if you are following all this. Please, don’t go to sleep. Another ten minutes or quarter of an hour keep awake, and then you can go to sleep or meditate afterwards. 现在,有没有 - 请聆听 我们有没有与执着相反的东西? 如果脱离是执着的相反 那个脱离就是一个理念 是一个概念,是一个结论,是思想所带来的 察觉到执着会产生许多麻烦 冲突,嫉妒,焦虑等等,等等。 所以念头说,哎哟,还是脱离比较好。 脱离是一个非事实 - 对吗? 但是执着是一个事实。 我不知道你是否有跟进这一切。 请不要睡着。 再多十分钟或一刻钟 保持清醒,然后你就可以去睡觉 或去冥想。
1:09:34 Look, the speaker has done this. Not attached to a thing – the house, the audience, the books, the speaking, people – he has been like that from childhood. So, he is a freak, biological freak, so leave him alone. But we can see clearly the fact and that which is not. Right? That which... When attachment is there, to cultivate detachment is a movement towards illusion. And in that illusion, you become cold, because that is illusion, it isn’t reality, you become cold, hard, bitter, isolated, without any sense of affection. That is what we are all doing. We are all living in non-fact. 你看,发言者已经做到了。 不执着任何东西 房子,观众,书籍,演讲,人们 他从童年就已经这样。 因此,他是个怪胎 反常的生物,所以不要去打扰他。 但是,我们可以清楚地看到 事实和非事实。 对吗? 那个...当我们有了执着 去培养脱离是朝向幻想的运动... 而在这个幻想中,你会变得冷漠,因为那是幻想 它不是现实,你会变得冷漠,死硬,苦涩 孤立,没有任何感情。 这就是我们全部所做的。 我们都生活在非事实里。
1:11:07 So, can you face the fact that you are attached? It is not only to a person, to an idea, to a belief, to your own experiences, which is much more dangerous. Your own experience gives you such a sense of, you know, excitement, sense of being alive. So are we aware that we are attached to something or other? And you may be attached to a furniture, a piece of furniture. It is old, polished, well kept, 15th century, and it is immensely valuable, and you are attached to it. See what happens. When you are attached to a piece of furniture, you are that furniture. Right? Yes, sir. Go into it. 所以,你能不能面对你有所执着的事实? 它不仅是执着一个人,一个理念,一个信仰 执着你自己的经验 - 这是更加危险的。 你自己的经验给了你这样的感觉 你知道,兴奋,活着的感觉。 那么,我们有没有察觉,我们都是在执着某个或其他的东西? 而你可能执着一个家具,一件家具... 它是旧的,磨光了,保存完好 15世纪 而它非常宝贵,而你执着它。 看看发生什么。 当你执着一件家具时 你就是那个家具。对吗? 是的,先生。深入思考它。
1:12:32 So, if one is aware that one is attached and see all the consequences of that attachment – anxiety, lack of freedom, jealousy, anger, hatred – follow the whole consequences of human attachment to something or other. In that attachment to something, there is safety. There is a sense of stability, a sense of being guarded, protected. And where there is being possessed, and possessor, and the possessed, there must be jealousy, anxiety, fear, all the rest. Now, do you see the consequences of all that? Not the description of it but the actuality of it. If I am attached to you, and that attachment takes place out of my loneliness, and that attachment and that loneliness says, I love you – you understand? – I feel a communication because you are also in the same position. Right? Two people clinging to each other out of their loneliness, out of their depression, out of their unhappiness, out of their – you know, all the rest of it. So what happens? I am clinging not to you but to the idea. You follow? You understand what I am saying? So I am clinging to something which will help me to escape from myself. Right? Right, sirs? Don’t agree with me, just observe it. 所以,如果我们察觉我们有执着 也看到执着的一切后果 焦虑,缺乏自由,嫉妒,愤怒,仇恨 跟随人类执着的整个后果 去到某个或其他东西。 在这对某个东西的执着中,有安全... 有一种稳定感 一个被守卫,被保护的感觉。 而哪里有被拥有的 拥有者和被拥有者 那里一定有嫉妒,焦虑,恐惧,和其他一切。 现在,你看到那一切的后果了吗? 不是它的描述,而是它的现实性。 如果我执着你 而那个执着的产生是因为我的寂寞 而那执着和那寂寞说,我爱你... 你明白吗? - 我感觉到一个交流 因为你也是在相同的位置上。 对吗? 两个人因为孤独而紧抱住对方 因为他们的抑郁,因为他们的不快乐 因为他们的 - 你知道,其他的一切。 所以这是发生什么呢? 我抱住的不是你,而是那个理念。你跟进吗? 你明白我的意思吗? 所以我抱住某个东西 它能帮助我摆脱我自己。 对吗? 对吗,各位? 不要同意我,只是去观察它。
1:15:20 You are attached to your experience, an incident which has given you great excitement, a great sense of elation, a sense of power, a sense of safety – you cling to that. That experience – please, listen to it, if you are interested – that experience which you have had, what is it? Either you have projected it – right? You want some kind of experience, and you will get it because that is what you want. And then that experience is registered in the mind and hold it. That is, something that is dead, you are holding on to. Right? So, what you are holding... and so, that which you are holding, which is dead, you also become dead. I wonder if you see all this. So, if you see all this, without any direction, without any motive, observe it, then you will see, if you observe, that insight shows the whole thing as a map. When once there is the insight, the thing disappears completely, you are not attached. You have been attached to this and let go, and you are attached to something else. Attachment is the ending of attachment. 你执着你的经验 一个曾经给你带来大刺激的事件 一个强大的喜悦感,权力感 安全感,你就紧抱不放。 那个经验 - 请聆听,如果你有兴趣... 那个你曾经有过的经验,它是什么呢? 或者是你自己投射它出来 - 对不对? 你想要某些经验 而你会得到它,因为那是你想要的。 然后,那个经验被记录在心里,保留起来。 也就是说,某个死去的东西,被你紧抓不放。 对吗? 所以,你抓着 而因为你所抓住的是死的 你也成为死的。我不知道你是否看到这一切。 因此,如果你看到这一切 没有任何方向,没有任何动机,观察它 那么你就会看到,如果你去观察 那个洞察将如地图般显示出整个事情。 一旦有了洞察 那个东西将完全消失,你就不再执着了。 你曾经执着它却放下了 而你又去执着别的东西。 执着是执着的结束。
1:17:40 7th Question: You pointed out yesterday, being uncertain, we seek certainty through different channels, trusting them, then distrusting them. Is there an absolute, irrevocable certainty? 第七个问题:你昨天指出 因为不确定,所以我们寻求确定性 通过不同的渠道,信任他们,然后又不信任他们。 是否有一个绝对的,不可撤销的确定性呢?
1:18:00 As you pointed out yesterday, being uncertain, we seek certainty through different channels, trusting them, then distrusting them. Is there an absolute, irrevocable certainty? 正如你昨天指出 因为不确定,我们通过不同的渠道去寻求确定性 信任他们,然后又不信任他们。 是否有一个绝对的,不可撤销的确定性呢?
1:18:30 Isn’t it odd that I am sitting here and you are listening? Isn’t it odd? I feel it's rather odd, but doesn’t matter. 难道不是很奇怪,我坐在这里而你们在聆听? 这不是很奇怪吗? 我觉得这相当奇怪,但没有关系。
1:18:51 We move from certainty to uncertainty, then from that uncertainty to another certainty – trust this person, and then later on discover that he is not worthy of your trust, and move to another, and again put your trust in him, then discover he is untrusting – that’s our life. Right? Please, you’re not putting your trust in me. Be very clear. I won’t have it. To me that is the beginning of corruption. Avoided all my one’s life, this life – not to be corrupted. I won’t be corrupted. 我们从确定性移到不确定性 然后从那个不确定性,移到另一个确定性 信任这个人 然后发现他不值得你去信赖 就转移到另一个 并再次把你的信任放这他身上 然后又发现他是不可信任的,这就是我们的生活。 对吗? 拜托,你千万不要把你的信任放在我身上。 这要很清楚。 我不要它。 我认为那是腐败的开始。 我要避开所有...我的生命,这个生命,不会被腐化。 我不会被败坏。 因此,正如我昨天指出
1:20:13 So, as I pointed out yesterday, various types of experiments have been made on animals: pigeons, monkeys, rats, and these monkeys, pigeons and rats, by pressing a button get their food. But if you keep changing the buttons all the time, the bird, the monkey, the rat gives up – they die. You understand? This constant movement from certainty to uncertainty, from trust to trust. This is what has happened to all of... to human beings. This has been the movement from time immemorial. You understand, sirs? You trusted the priest, the whole hierarchical structure of organised religion, you discard it, then go to another – it is the same thing in a different garb. There you put your trust, and again discover later on: ‘Good lord, what have I done?’ And always seeking outside somebody who will give you hope, trust, certainty, either in books, in philosophers, in priests, or in scientists, or in politicians. Right? And none of them have given... extreme left, right or centre. 各类实验已在动物身上进行过: 鸽子,猴子,老鼠 而这些猴子,鸽子和老鼠 按下一个按钮就会得到他们的食物。 但是,如果你不断地改变那些按钮 这些鸟,猴子,老鼠就会放弃,然后死亡。 你明白吗? 这个不断地从确定性到不确定性 从信任到不信任的运动。 这就是发生在所有...人类身上的事情。 从远古以来,一直都是这样的运动。 你们明白吗,各位? 你曾经信赖传教士 整个有组织的宗教层次结构 你却放弃它 然后去信赖另一个 - 它却是不同包装的同样东西。 你把你的信任放在那里 同样的,稍后又再发现:'天哪,我做了什么?' 而一直都是往外寻求 能够给你希望,信任,肯定的某某人 无论是在书中,哲学家,祭司 或科学家或政治家。 对吗? 但是他们谁对都没有给到你 极左,右或中立。
1:22:32 So, what is wrong with us? Why are we doing this all the time? Or if you don’t do it, you become cynical, bitter, say, ‘Not worth it’, and lead your own narrow little ugly life and that is that. But if you are asking for certainty, which you are, where do you find it? In a human being? In a priest with his garb and with his mitre, with his – all that? Or in India? Where do you find it? What is uncertainty? You follow? Where do you find it? In somebody else? In... Sorry. Not hysterics. In somebody else? In idea? In a concept? In the state? You understand what I’m asking? In having plenty of money and feeling completely safe? There is no such person anymore. So where do you seek certainty? Please, if you seek it, you won’t find it. Right? Because you have sought it in everything around you. 我们到底出了什么问题? 为什么我们一直都在这样做? 或者,如果你不这样做,你就会变得愤世嫉俗 苦涩,说:'不值得' 然后去过着自己狭隘的丑陋孤独生活,就如此了结一生。 反之,如果你要求的是确定性,而你是如此要求 你要到哪里去找它呢? 从某个人身上? 从一个传教士和他的长袍以及法冠,和他的 - 所有的一切? 还是在印度? 你到哪里去找它? 什么是不确定性?你跟进吗? 你到哪里去找它? 在别人身上,在(叮当声)对不起。 没有歇斯底里。 在别人身上? 在理念中? 在一个概念里?在某个状态中? 你明白我在问什么吗? 在有了足够的钱财和感到完全安全的状态中? 已经没有这样的人了。 那么,你要到哪里去寻找确定性? 拜托,如果你去寻找它,你就不会找到它。 对吗? 因为你已经在你周围所有的一切找过了。
1:24:54 I used to know a man who one day, walking... He was walking one day along the beach. Let no other dog bark! You know that saying? It doesn’t matter. He was walking along one day along the beach, and he found a piece of wood washed by the sea for many, many, many years. A piece of wood which looked like a human head with face and eyes. It was the most beautiful thing, polished wood, and he took it home and put it on the mantelpiece and said, ‘What a beautiful thing that is, I’m glad I found it’. And as he looked at it, week after week, one day he put a flower, and then a few days later – incense, and began to worship it. And by some misfortune, by the maid or somebody, by misfortune burnt it: push it into the fire, burnt it. He came to me and explained to me the whole thing, and he was literally a grownup man in tears. You understand what I am saying? There was his certainty, in a piece of wood. 我曾经认识一个人,有一天,他正走着... (狗叫声) 一天,他沿着海滩走着... 不要让其他的狗吠! 你知道这个谚语吗?那不要紧。 有一天他走着走着,沿着海滩 他发现一块木头被海水冲洗了 很多,很多,很多年。 一块有如长着脸和眼睛的人头木头。 它是最美丽的东西,抛光木头 所以他把它带回家,放在壁炉架上 然后说:'它是多么美丽的东西呀,我很高兴我找到它'。 而当他观赏着它,一周接一周 一天,他插上一朵花 几天后,他插上香,并开始膜拜它。 而因为某种不幸,他的女佣或某个人 不幸地烧毁了它; 推它入火中,烧毁它。 他来找我,向我解释整个事情 他简直就是一个泪流满面的成年人。 你明白我所说吗? 那是他的确定性,在一块木头上。
1:26:56 So, where do you seek it? If you don’t seek it anywhere outside you, then what happens? You understand my question? Apply it to yourself – we are sharing this thing together. What happens if you don’t seek certainty in anything that thought has created? In God, in illumination – you know, in the whole thing. So you don’t ask for certainty. I don’t know if you follow. You’ve asked there and you found none, and you are going to ask if there is here, inside your brains, your mind, your heart. And you know your brain is volatile, moving, changing, adjusting, breaking one pattern, taking another pattern. The same phenomenon which was out there is happening inside. I wonder if you understand all this. 所以,你要到哪里去寻找它? 如果你不往身外任何地方寻找它 那时什么会发生? 你明白我的问题吗? 将它应用在自己身上 - 我们是在一起分享这个东西。 什么会发生,如果你不寻求确定性 不在任何思想创造的东西之中寻求它? 上帝,圣光,你知道,全部东西。 所以你不必要求确定性。 我不知道你是否跟进。 你曾经在别处寻求过,你却一个也没有找到 而你要问这里有没有 在你的脑袋里,你的思想,你的心。 而你知道你的大脑是波动的 移动的,变动的,调动的 破除了一个模式,又采取另一个模式。 同样的外在现象,在内心发生。 我不知道你是否明白这一切。
1:28:35 So, the moment you don’t seek certainty, certainty is. That means you have really stopped seeking any kind of permanency, in yourself or in there. If you have sought it there, you turn inward, and you discover it is the same thing. Can I trust myself? I can when I’m doing a technical work, but can I trust myself? Myself which has been put together by thought? And thought has put trust in you, and thought has discovered there is no trust there. You follow? It is the same movement. So when you don’t seek certainty, there’s something far greater than certainty. 所以,一旦你不再去寻求确定性,你就有确定性。 这表示你已真正 停止去寻求任何种类的永恒,在本身内或在别处。 如果你曾经向外寻求它 你转向内观,你会发现它是同一个东西。 我能相信自己吗? 我能,当我在正做一个技术工作 但我是否能相信我自己 那个由思想组合起来的我自己 而思想曾经对你信任 而思想已发现那里并没有任何可以信任的。 你跟进吗?这是相同的运动。 所以,当你不去寻求确定性时 那里就会有远远超过确定性的东西。
1:30:07 Are you all tired? Spoken for an hour and a half. There’s one last question. 你们都累了吗? 讲了一个半小时。 还有最后一个问题。
1:30:21 8th Question: Are there different paths to truth? 第八个问题:是否有不同的通往真理之路?
1:30:39 Are there different paths to truth? 是否有不同的通往真理之路?
1:30:46 The speaker has said 60 years ago truth is a pathless land. The ancient Hindus have laid down paths according to the tendency of human beings. They said that truth can be attained through knowledge, that truth can be attained through work, that truth can be attained through devotion, romance, imagination – you see? – gratifying each human being according to his state, according to his idiosyncrasies. And that is well-established. And there have been volumes written on each path. Which is, the clever birds at that time laid down these paths for the convenience of human beings, for the comfort of human beings. ‘I am devotional, romantic, idealistic, and there is a path for me’. You follow? So this idea that there are different paths to truth is utter nonsense. Follow the idea – the path leading to a point. I wonder if you understand this. That truth is fixed, and this path will lead you there, or that path – devotion, action, knowledge. I think there are four – I have forgotten. It doesn’t matter, it is not important. So, the Christian path, the Hindu, the Buddhist, the Tibetan, the Muslim – you follow? Then you are safe, you don’t have to give up your path. It is a game they play. 发言人曾在60年前说过 真理是无路可循的国度。 古代的印度教徒 根据人类的倾向,建造了各种道路。 他们说,真理是可以通过知识获得的 真理可以通过努力获得 真理可以通过奉献获得 通过浪漫,通过想象 - 你看? 令每个人都感到心满意足,依据他的状态 依据他的特质去满足他。 而这已经是完美地建立起来了。 关于每一条道路,也被写成许多的典籍。 也就是说,当时的聪明鸟儿奠下了 这些道路使人类方便 使人类得以舒适。 '我是虔诚的,浪漫的,有理想的 有一条路是为我而设'。你跟进吗? 所以这个理念 说有不同的道路可以通达真理,完全是一派胡言。 按照这个理念 - 这条道路通往一个点。 我不知道你是否明白这些。 那个真理是固定的,而这条道路将引领你到那儿 或那条道路 - 奉献,行动,知识。 我想应该有四个 - 我已经忘记了。 没关系,这并不重要。 因此,基督教的道路... (笑声) 印度教,佛教,西藏,穆斯林 - 你跟进吗? 那么,你就很安全了,你不必放弃你的道路(笑声)。 这是一场他们所玩的游戏,。
1:33:35 So truth is not something that’s fixed, and therefore there is no path to it. Which means the mind must be free from all movement. You understand? Path means gradual arrival, and you can take your time. If you can’t do it this life, perhaps next life. If you want to do it quicker, go to somebody who will help you. But it is still the movement of walking, striving, moving towards an idea. And when you see the falseness of it – it is really utterly false that there is your way and my way. You see, because your mind is the mind of humanity, it is not your mind. Therefore it is not your path. It is the human path. Human life – the way we live, the way we meet life, not according to your temperament and my temperament, or my idiosyncrasy or your idiosyncrasy, which is what we are doing now – it is the human mind common to all of us. And when one realises that, not verbally – actually, inwardly – the feel of it, the beauty of it, the depth of it, the extraordinary width of such a thing, then one realises there is no path. There is no striving for that. There is only this, the transformation of ‘what is’. The transformation of hate, jealousy, fear, sorrow, all the travail of our daily human existence. 因此,真理不是某个固定的东西 因此没有通往它的道路。 这表示我们的心必须摆脱所有的运动。 你明白吗? 道路意味着逐渐抵达 而你可以慢慢来。 如果你不能在这一世做到,也许下一世。 如果你想要更快做到,去找某个可以帮助你的人。 但它仍然是运动 行走,拼搏,朝着一个理念前进的运动。 而当你看清它的虚假面目时 那真是大错特错去误以为那里有你的路和我的路。 你看,因为你的心是全人类的心 它不是你心。因此,它不是你的道路。 它是人的道路。 人的生命 - 我们生活的方式,我们迎接生活的方式 不是按照你的脾气和我的脾气 或者我的特质或你的特质 这就是我们现在所做的 - 它是人的心 是我们大家共同的。 而当我们意识到这一点 - 不是在口头上 - 而是实际上,内心里 它的感觉,它的美丽,它的深度 这样一个东西的异常宽度 我们就会意识到那里没有道路。 没有去争取它的努力。 只有如此,'如是'的蜕变。 仇恨,嫉妒,恐惧,悲伤的转化 所有人类日常生活的辛劳苦楚的转化。
1:36:27 And if there is no love and compassion, nothing exists. You understand? The love that we have is not love. It is based on pleasure, maternal instinct – you understand what I am saying? – which you have derived from the animals. The love of one's wife or one's husband or one's children is still me and you. And with that love and compassion goes intelligence. Without this, do what you will, you will never have that thing. 如果没有爱和慈悲,什么都不存在了。 你明白吗? 我们现有的爱不是爱... 它是基于乐趣,母性的本能... 你明白我的意思吗? 你们现有的爱都源自于动物。 我们对自己的妻子或丈夫或孩子的爱 仍然是我和你。 而有了那个爱和慈悲就会有智慧。 没有这个,你做什么都好,你也永远无法拥有那个东西。
1:37:34 Goodbye, sirs. A pleasant journey. 再见,各位。 祝大家旅程愉快。