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SA85Q1 - 公開問答(一)
1985年7月23日 瑞士沙南

1:00 We are a bit early! I have been told there are so many people who are sad at leaving, ending Saanen. If one is sad it is about time that we left! And as has been announced we are leaving. This is the last session at Saanen. 今天提早了一點 我聽說…有很多人 為了即將離開沙南而感傷 是因為剩下的時間不多嗎? 因為已經宣佈要離開了 這是沙南的最後一場
1:56 There are several questions that have been put, you can’t possibly expect all those questions to be answered – there are too many. Probably it would take several days to answer them, and I don’t think we will stand several days more. And the speaker has not seen these questions but they have been very carefully chosen. 有人提了幾個問題 你們不能指望我全部回答 問題太多了 或許要幾天的時間才能回答完畢 我不認為我們還能再忍受幾天 說者沒看過這些問題 問題是仔細挑選出來的
2:38 Before going into these questions which you have put, may I put you some questions? May I? Are you quite sure? 在回答你們提出的這些問題以前 我可以問你們幾個問題嗎? 可以嗎?你們很確定嗎?
2:56 Why do you come here? 你們為何來這裡?
3:03 That is a good question. What is the 'raison d’être', or the cause of your coming? We are asking the question. Is it curiosity? Is it the reputation the speaker has built for the last eighty years? Is it the beauty of this valley? The marvellous mountains, the flowing river and the great shadows and lovely hillside? Or the télésiège? What has brought us here? If it is serious, that is, we are concerned with our daily life, the way we are living it, the problems that we have, probably of every kind, old age, death, sex – you know, the whole invasion of problems our brain is so used to. Does one expect, – if one may ask seriously – for someone to tell how to live, how to examine, what to do, is that the reason you are here? Or is it that one wants to see what one is, actually, as we are sitting here, and examine that very closely and see if we can go beyond that – is that the reason? 這是個好問題 你們來這裡的理由或原因是什麼? 我在問你們 是出於好奇嗎? 是為了說者這80年來 建立的名聲嗎? 是為了山谷的美嗎? 那些神奇的山脈 河流和巨大的陰影 可愛的山坡嗎?或升降椅? 是什麼把我們帶來這裡? 如果你們態度認真 換言之我們關心自己的日常生活 我們的生活方式我們的問題 或許包羅萬象 年老、死亡、性 你們知道,我們的頭腦 已經習慣了問題的侵擾 你們期望…容我嚴肅地問一句 有人告訴你們如何生活 如何檢視、如何做嗎? 這是你們來此的理由嗎? 或者你們想 實際地看坐在這裡的自己 非常仔細地檢視 看自己能否超越那些問題 是為了這個理由嗎?
5:44 As you cannot possibly answer all those questions, the speaker is asking you, what is it all about? You understand? The speaker has been in this valley for twenty eight years and the thing has been going on in this Saanen for twenty five years. A great deal of time, of our life. And, if one may ask the question of you, at the end of it all, what remains, what is the content of our life? Is there any breaking of the pattern? Or the pattern or mould is being repeated over and over again. You understand my question? The constant concentrated habits that one has, seem so difficult to break. The habit of thought, habit of one’s everyday life. When we look at all that after twenty eight years, or twenty five, is there a breaking of that pattern in which we live? Or just carry on day after day, adding a little more, taking away a little more, and, at the end of one’s existence, regret, feel guilty that one has not lived differently? Is this the process that we are going through? I am asking the question. Here are all the questions you have put to the speaker! What is it all about? Our life. All the things that are happening around us, the appalling things that are happening in Afghanistan and so on, is it all just out there, far away from this lovely land? Where are we, as individuals, in this whole pattern of existence? Right? I am asking you. What is the residue that remains in the sieve? You know what a sieve is? When you wash vegetables or rice, other things. So what remains in us? 你們不可能回答所有的問題 說者要問你們這些問題問些什麼? 了解嗎? 說者在這座山谷住了28年 沙南的聚會也在這裡 舉行了25年 占據人生相當長的時間 容我問你們一個問題 聚會結束時會剩下什麼? 生命的內涵是什麼? 有人打破任何模式嗎? 或者那個模式或模型仍然一而再、再而三地重覆 了解我的問題嗎? 那些不斷集中的習慣 似乎很難破除 思想習慣、日常生活習慣 經過25或28年以後再回顧 我們有可能打破生活其中的習慣嗎? 或只是日復一日地因循稍微增加一點東西 或者稍微拿掉一些東西 到生命結束的時候 再為了沒有過不同的生活而後悔、愧疚嗎? 這就是我們經歷的過程嗎? 我在問你們問題 這些是你們問說者的問題 這一切是怎麼回事?我們的生活 發生在我們周圍的所有事物 發生在阿富汗那些令人驚恐的事件等 那些事件只發生在那裡 遠離這一片美麗土地的地方嗎? 在整個存在的模式裡 做為個體的我們在哪裡? 對嗎?我在問你們 你的篩子裡留下些什麼? 知道篩子是什麼嗎? 洗蔬菜或洗米等用的篩子 我們剩下什麼?
9:53 So I have stopped asking questions. Are we aware what is happening to us in our daily thought, is one aware of every emotion, reaction, response, habits? Or is it just flowing by like a river? 我不問你們問題了 我們有覺察日常思想中發生的事嗎? 有覺察自己的每一個情緒反應、回應和習慣嗎? 或者只是像河水一樣流過?
10:41 Which would you like to answer first of these questions? First question: 'What do you mean by creation?' Second question: 'Various teachers, gurus, say that essentially they are giving the same teaching as you. What do you say?' 你們要我先回答哪一個問題? (第一個問題)你說的創造是什麼意思? (第二個問題)不同的老師、上師都說 他們的教誨實質上跟你一樣 你有什麼看法?
11:07 You understand these questions? Third question 'What is guilt? One is desperate because the actions that caused the guilt can never be eradicated' Right? 了解這兩個問題嗎? (第三個問題)愧疚是什麼? 人會因為行動造成的愧疚 永遠無法消除而感到絕望
11:26 Right ? I can go on reading these questions. Which would you like to be answered first? The gurus? What is creation? Oh, I forgot. Guilt? Can we start with the various teachers? 對嗎?我可以繼續唸這些問題 你們要我先回答哪一個? 上師的問題? 創造的問題? 我忘了 愧疚 可以先回答各種老師的問題嗎?
11:59 'Various teachers, gurus, say that essentially they are giving the same teaching as you. What do you say?' 各種老師、上師說 他們的教誨實質上跟你的一樣 你有什麼看法?
12:13 'Various teachers, gurus, say that essentially they are giving the same teaching as you' How do you respond to the question, to that statement? Right? 各種老師、上師說 他們的教誨實質上跟你的一樣 你如何回應這個問題這個陳述?對嗎?
12:36 I wonder why they compare themselves with the speaker. One questions why they should even consider that 'what the speaker is saying is what we are also saying'. Why do they say these things? I know this is a fact, both in India, Europe and in America, there are various... trumped-up gurus, various groups that say, 'Yes, we are also going to the same thing, along the same river as you are doing'. This has been stated to the speaker personally and we have discussed this matter with these gurus, with these local, or foreign – what do you call them? – leaders. We have gone into this question. 我不懂他們為何要跟說者比較 我質疑的是他們何以會認為 說者說的話 就是他們說的話 他們為何說這種話? 我知道這是個事實 印度、歐洲和美國 有各式各樣的冒牌上師 各式各樣的團體都說 是的,我們也說同樣的話 也沿著同一條河前進 有人親自跟說者這麼說過 我們也跟那些上師 那些當地的或外來的上師 以及你們怎麼說的?領袖嗎? 我們討論過這個問題
14:07 First of all, why do they compare what they are saying with K? Why do they maintain that? You understand? What is the intention behind it? Is it to ride the same band wagon? You understand? Is it because they think they may not be ‘quite quite’ but by comparing themselves with K they might become ‘quite quite’? 首先 他們為何拿自己說的話跟 K 說的話做比較? 他們為何提出那個主張?了解嗎? 背後的意圖是什麼? 是為了趕同一股潮流嗎? 了解嗎? 是因為他們自認為還不到位 但透過和 K 比較 或許就會變得到位嗎?
14:54 So in talking over with them, with some of them, we went into it. First of all, I doubt what they are saying and I doubt the speaker’s own experiences. There is a doubt, disbelief, not saying, 'Yes, quite right, we are in the same boat'. 我與其中一些人談話時 我們探討過 首先,我懷疑他們說的話 我也懷疑說者自己的經驗 我懷疑、不相信 不是說,對,你說的很對我們在同一條船上
15:32 So if we could approach this question with doubt, with a certain sense of scepticism – on both sides. Those who say, we are rowing the same boat on the same river, perhaps they are far ahead and the speaker is far behind but it is still the same river. So in speaking with them, as they doubt, question, demand, and as you push further and further, deeper and deeper, they come to an end. And at the end of it, the speaker has heard many of them say, 'What you say is... is the truth. You embody truth', and all that business. So they say, etc. And they salute and go away saying, 'We have to deal with ordinary people so this is only for the elite'. I said, ‘Double nonsense!’ You understand? 如果我們能以懷疑的態度看這些問題 雙方都帶著某種懷疑的精神 那些說我們在同一條河 划同一條船的人 或許他們遠遠地超越了說者 但仍然是在同一條河裡 在跟他們說話時 他們懷疑、質問、要求 但當你不斷地逼問、深入時 他們就黔驢技窮了 談到最後 說者聽到許多人說: 你說的是真理 你是真理的化身之類的 說諸如此類的話 他們致敬,離開時說: 我們必須面對一般人 這只是講給菁英份子聽的 我說,這完全是胡說八道! 了解嗎?
17:10 So why do we at all compare, not only between various – ‘my guru is better than your guru’ – right? Why can’t we look at things as they are? Questioning, doubting, asking, demanding, exploring – right? Never saying: our side is better than your side, or this side is better than that side, or that we are all doing the same thing. The other day I heard, ‘What you are speaking so am I speaking, what is the difference?’ I said, 'None at all'. We use the same language, English or French, a little bit of Italian, we use the same language, but the content, the depth that lies behind the word may be quite different. We are so easily satisfied with explanations, with descriptions, with a sense of, you know, all the éclat, all the glory, all the paraphernalia, and we are impressed by all that. Our brains don’t work very simply. That is one of my questions I would like to ask you. 我們為何要比較,不只是各種… 我的上師比你的上師好,對嗎? 我們為何不能如實地看事物? 質問、懷疑、提問要求、探索,對嗎? 千萬別說我這邊比你那邊好 或這一邊比那一邊好 或我們都在做同一件事 我前幾天聽人說 你說的那些我也在說 有什麼差別? 我說,毫無差別 我們使用同樣的語言英語或法語 加一點義大利語我們使用同樣的語言 但言說的內容和背後的深度 也許大相逕庭 我們很容易滿足於解說 描述…你們知道的感覺 所有的展示、榮耀和綴飾 我們會被這些東西影響 我們頭腦不會用非常簡單的方式運作 我要問的問題是
18:57 Have you watched, seen how your brain works? Watched as an outsider watching your brain in action. You understand? Have you ever done it? Or the brain is carrying on in its old habits, beliefs, dogmas, rituals, or business and so on, just mechanically carrying on. If I may ask, is your brain like that? Silence. Have you ever watched one thought chasing another thought, a series of associations, a series of memories, holding on to your own experience? The other day, in America, a person whom we have known for some time said that he lived according to his experience, his experience has told him, his experience was real, actual, very deep – that experience is all important to him. We can’t compete with that! And we said, why don’t you doubt your experience? It may... It may be actual, it may be imaginary, it may be romantic, all the sentimentality and all the rest of it, why don’t you doubt that very thing that you say, ‘My experience tells me’? – inwardly. And one has not seen that person again – you understand? 你們觀察過、看過頭腦如何運作嗎? 像一個局外人一樣觀察頭腦的行動 了解嗎?你們有觀察過嗎? 或觀察頭腦如何在舊習慣 信念、教條、儀式或事業裡 只是機械化地運作著 容我問一句你的頭腦是這樣子的嗎? 沉默 你觀察過一個念頭追逐另一個念頭 形成一連串的聯想和記憶 緊抓著自己的經驗嗎? 前幾天,在美國 有一個認識了有段時間的人 說他跟隨著自己的經驗生活 他的經驗告訴他 說他的經驗是真實的、實際的非常深刻的 那個經驗對他重於一切 我們無法跟那個聲音較勁 我們說你為何不懷疑自己的經驗? 它也許… 也許是實際的,也許是想像的 也許是浪漫的 那些多愁善感之類的 你為何不懷疑自己說的 「經驗告訴我的」這句話?內在的懷疑 我們從此沒再見面了 了解嗎?
22:42 So is it not necessary to be aware of all these things: why they compare, why they say we are all in the same boat. We may be in the same boat, probably we are, all of us. But why assume we are in the same boat with you? You understand? Is it the desire to – oh, I don’t know. You know all about it, don’t you? So can we not accept any guru, any leader, including especially the speaker? Never accept anything psychologically except that we have watched ourselves in our relationship, we have watched our speech, the voice, the tone of the voice, the words we use – all that. Can one be all day, or some time of the day, be aware of all that? And then perhaps you don’t need any guru, any leader, any book, including that of the speaker. Then there is something totally different taking place when one is really attentive – right? 因此,你是否有必要 覺察這些事情? 他們為何要比較 為何要說我們在同一條船上? 我們也許在同一條船上或許我們都是 但為何要假設我們和你在同一條船上? 你了解嗎? 這是一種欲望… 我不知道你全都知道,對嗎? 因此我們能否不接受任何上師、任何領袖? 尤其是說者 永遠不要在心理上接受任何事物 除非我們在自己的關係裡觀察到的事 我們觀察過言說、講話聲 音調、用字遣詞之類的 我們能整天或某些時候 覺察到這一切嗎? 或許你就不需要任何上師領袖或任何書本了 包括說者的書在內 接著,當你真正關注時 一個全然不同的事就會發生 對嗎?
24:37 May we go to the next question? Good Lord. 可以進入下一個問題嗎? 老天爺!
24:58 Guilt. 愧疚
25:01 I don’t have to read the question. It is all rather mixed up here. 我不必唸問題的內容 念出來只會讓你們更覺混亂
25:18 Why do we feel guilty? You know what that word means. Culpability. Culpa. Why do we feel guilty? Many people do. It tortures their life. Then it becomes an enormous problem. Guilt is the background with many people. Guilt in not believing, guilt in not being the rest of the group. Guilt – you know, the feeling of guilt, not the word, the feeling behind that word that we have done something wrong and feel guilty about remorse, anxious, and therefore frightened, uncertain. And this guilt is a very distorting factor in our life. This is obvious. So why do we have this feeling? At Brockwood there are no trains! No aeroplanes. We can talk quietly together. But you will miss these mountains. Probably that is why you are sad. 我們為什麼有愧疚感? 你知道這個詞的意思 罪惡感、罪惡 我們為什麼有愧疚感? 許多人會有愧疚生活飽受愧疚的折磨 接著就變成一個巨大的問題 愧疚是許多人生活的背景 對不相信的愧疚 對不加入團體的愧疚 愧疚,你知道愧疚感 不是那個字是文字背後的感覺 我們犯了一個錯誤 於是感到愧疚懊悔 焦慮焦慮引起的害怕、不確定 這種愧疚是我們生活中一個帶來嚴重扭曲的因素 這一點很明顯 我們為什麼會有這種感覺? 英國的布洛克伍德沒有火車 沒有飛機 可以在一起安靜地談話 但你們會想念這些山脈 或許這就是你們傷感的原因
27:35 We are asking: why do we have this feeling of remorse? Is it that we have not done something which is correct, which is not pragmatic, which is not put together by environment, against which we have to go? The guilt of a man who feels, or a woman who feels, he hasn’t supported the war of his own country. You know the various forms of guilt and the causes of it. We are asking: why does this feeling exist? Is it because we are not responsible? You understand? We are not responsible, demanding the excellence of ourselves? You are following my... 我們要問的是我們為何會有這種懊悔感? 是因為沒有做正確的事嗎? 那些事不是實用的 不是環境拼湊起來的 它背離了我們必須做的事 一個男人或女人感到的愧疚 因為他不支持祖國的戰爭 你們知道愧疚的各種形式和它的肇因 我們要問的是這種感覺為什麼會存在? 是因為我們不負責任嗎? 了解嗎? 我們不負責任 不要求自己有卓越的表現嗎? 懂我的意思…
29:07 Now, just a minute, The speaker is asking, is it that we are lazy, indolent, inattentive and therefore slightly irresponsible? And, facing that irresponsibility we feel guilty? I have followed somebody, suppose I have followed somebody, my guru, who has indulged in all kinds of things, sex and so on, and I too have, as he does, but he changes his mind – he has become old – and he says, 'No more', and his disciples say, 'No more'. You understand? One has done all these things to follow that guru and the guru has got rather old and says, ‘No more’ and I feel, by Jove, I shouldn’t have done this, I have been wrong. You follow? The whole issue of guilt. Why and how do we deal with it? That is more important. 等一下 說者在問 是因為我們懶惰、放逸…不用心 因而輕忽了責任嗎? 在面對自己的不負責任時感到愧疚嗎? 我追隨某個人 假設我追隨我的上師 他沉溺於性之類的各種活動 我也像他一樣沉溺 但他改變了心意 他老了,他說,不玩了 他的門徒也說不玩了 你們了解嗎? 你為了追隨上師而做這些事 上師老的時候說,不玩了 我感覺,天啊,我本不該做這種事 我做錯了,你們懂嗎? 整個愧疚的議題 為什麼?我們該怎麼處理? 這一點比較重要
30:46 How do we know, or feel, have the remorse, of being... not what we are? And therefore doing things which cause us damage, and therefore... the mountains echo more noise, they create more noise. So let us find out how to deal with it. Let’s find out what to do about it, shall we? Not investigate the causes of it – we know. I have done something which is not proper, which is not correct, which is not true and I realise later the action which has produced that, is rather regrettable, unfortunate, causing unhappiness to others and I feel guilty. And various forms of the same thing having different causes – right? So what shall we do when we have guilt and how to deal with it – right? How would you deal with it? What is your approach to it? You understand my question? How do you come near the problem? Is it that you want it resolved? That you want it wiped away so that your brain is no longer caught in that? So how do you approach it? With the desire to resolve it? You understand? To be free of guilt? How do you come to it? That is very important, isn’t it, how you approach a problem. If you have a direction for that problem – it must be solved that way, or that way – as long as there is a direction, you follow, or a motive, then that motive or direction directs the issue. You understand? So do we approach a problem like this guilt without any motive? You understand my question? Or always approach any problem with a motive? I wonder, are we meeting this thing together? Is it possible to approach a problem without any sense of the background knowledge – which is motive – and look at it as though for the first time? Can we do that? You understand? 我們如何知道或感覺懊悔 沒有做自己 因而做了一些造成損害的事? 並因此… 山谷的回音會製造更多噪音 讓我們找出處理的方法 讓我們找出該怎麼做,好嗎? 不是探查它的肇因,我們知道 我做了一件不適當的事 不正確、不真實的事 後來才明白那個行為 相當令人遺憾、不幸 造成別人的不快樂我為此感到愧疚 以及同一類事的各種形式 各有不同的肇因,對嗎? 我們有愧疚時該怎麼做? 又該如何處理,對嗎? 你會如何處理? 你會採取什麼途徑? 了解我的問題嗎? 你要如何接近問題? 你想解決嗎? 想把問題消除 好讓頭腦不再受困其中嗎? 你如何接近問題? 帶著解決問題的欲望嗎? 了解我的問題嗎? 要擺脫愧疚? 你如何接近? 這一點非常重要,不是嗎? 你如何接近問題 如果你對問題有一個方向 必須用這個或那個方式解決 只要你有方向,你懂嗎?或者有動機 然後那個動機或方向就會引導那個議題 了解嗎? 我們是在沒有動機的情況下 接近愧疚的問題嗎? 了解我的問題嗎? 或者你始終帶著動機接近任何問題? 我不知道…關於這件事我們有交會嗎? 有可能接近一個問題時 沒有任何背景知識,也就是動機 就像第一次注視它一樣? 你做得到嗎?了解嗎?
35:16 So there are two things involved: how you approach and what is a problem. You have problems, don’t you? Many of them – why? Not only problems of money, sex – it is a lovely morning, clear blue sky without a cloud and they are having fun! What is a problem? Not that we are condemning the problem or saying it must be solved this way or that way, we are questioning the problem itself, the word, and the content of that word, an issue, something which you have to answer, whether it is a business problem, family problem, sexual problem, spiritual problem – sorry, quotes – ‘spiritual’ problem, problems of whom to follow, leader, political: it is a problem. Why do we have problems? Could we ask them to go somewhere else? All right. 這裡牽涉到兩件事 如何接近問題?問題是什麼? 你有許多問題,不是嗎? 許許多多的問題,為什麼? 不只是錢的問題、性的問題 這是個很美的早晨 晴朗無雲的藍天,而他們玩得很開心! 問題是什麼? 我們不是在譴責問題 或者說你必須用這種或那種方式解決 我們質問的是問題本身問題這個詞 以及這個詞的內涵,議題 一個你必須回答的東西 無論是事業問題 家庭問題、性問題或靈性問題 抱歉,是加引號的「靈性」問題 該追隨哪一個政治領袖 這是個問題 我們為什麼會有問題? 可以請他們飛去別的地方嗎? 好吧
37:26 So first let’s examine the word ‘problem’. According to the dictionary, a problem means: something thrown at you, Something propelled against you – right? A challenge, a thing that you have to answer – right? The meaning of that word is, something thrown at you. Right? And we call that a problem. Why does our brain have problems? You understand my question? May we go into it a little bit? Right? Please don’t accept anything the speaker says, anything. But let’s examine it together. Let us explore into this question, the problem. 先讓我們檢視問題這個詞 依照字典的解釋 問題意味著一個丟給你的東西 一個衝著你來的東西,對嗎? 一個挑戰一個你必須回答的東西,對嗎? 那個詞的意思是一個丟給你的東西 對嗎? 我們就稱之為問題 我們的頭腦為什麼會有問題? 了解我的問題嗎? 可以再深入一點嗎?好嗎? 請別接受說者的任何一句話任何話 而是讓我們一起檢視 讓我們探索這個問題,這個難題
38:54 From childhood when you are first... Can we all shout at him to buzz off? From childhood, when you send a girl or a boy to school, he has to learn how to read and write. Read, write, and the child has never read or written, so writing, reading becomes a problem to him – right? And as he grows up his brain has been trained to problems. Obviously. School, I have to learn mathematics, chemistry, biology, science, physics, then the whole college, high school, university, the whole process of that, learning all that is a problem and so the brain is conditioned in problems – right? This is a fact. My wife becomes a problem, to her I become a problem, business, God, everything is a problem. How to live, what to do, etc. So our brain, your brain is conditioned, educated to live with problems. This is a fact, not an invention by the speaker. It is so. So our whole life, living, becomes a problem. Right? So can we look at this as a fact, not as an idea, or a theory, but as a fact and see what we can do. Whether the brain can be free to solve problems, not approach it with a mind that is already crowded with problems. You understand my question? No? I have been to school. I have been to a school, there I am not interested in anything the teacher is saying. I am looking out of the window, enjoying myself. He bangs me on the head and I come to. And he says, ‘Write’. He holds my hand, guides it and I say, ‘Good Lord, I must learn’ – you follow? It becomes a problem to me. And I have to learn not only reading, writing, mathematics, geography, history, politics, you know, so my whole education – I am not against education but I am pointing out – my whole education becomes a tremendous problem. And if I can pass a Ph.D., become somebody, it is still a problem. So the brain from childhood is conditioned to live with problems – right? 當你小時候第一次… 我們能一起叫他滾開嗎? 小時候你送男孩或女孩去學校 他就必須學習讀寫,對嗎? 讀書、寫字 孩子從沒讀過書或寫過字 因此讀寫變成了他的問題,對嗎? 隨著他的成長他的頭腦也被訓練著去面對這些問題 很明顯的事 我必須在學校學習數學、化學 生物學、科學、物理學接著是整個… 高中、學院、大學 這整個學習過程學習這些就是一個問題 因此頭腦就被問題制約,對嗎? 這是事實 我的妻子變成問題對她來說,我也是一個問題 事業、上帝,樣樣都是問題 如何生活、該怎麼做等等 因此你的頭腦被制約了 被教育著去與問題共存 這是事實不是說者發明出來的 對嗎?本來如此 我們的整個生命、生活變成了問題 對嗎? 我們能否把它看作一個事實? 不是觀念或理論,而是事實 看我們能做些什麼? 頭腦是否能自由地解決問題 不是用一個塞滿問題 的心智來處理它 了解我的問題嗎?不了解? 我上過學 我念過一間學校 我對老師教的任何事物都沒有興趣 我在看窗外,自得其樂 他敲我的頭,我才回神 他說,寫字 他握著我的手寫字,我說 老天爺,我必須學習你懂嗎? 這變成了我的問題,對嗎? 我必須學閱讀、寫字 數學、地理、歷史、政治學知道嗎? 我的整個教育... 我不是反對教育,但我要指出 我的整個教育變成了一個巨大的問題 如果我拿到博士學位,變成某某人 這仍然是問題 頭腦從小就被制約 要與問題共存,對嗎?
43:23 Now, our question is: is it possible to be free of problems and then attack problems – you understand? There are problems. But I cannot resolve them unless the brain is free. If it is not free, in the solution of one problem other problems are created, like in politics. I don’t know if you are aware of it. The poor chaps solve one problem and there are a dozen problems involved in it. And they can’t deal with a dozen problems, they move away from that and tackle something else and keep on with this – right? So the speaker is asking: can we be free of problems, first, uncondition the brain which has been educated to live with problems. Right? Is it clear? At last! 現在,我們的問題是 有可能先擺脫問題 然後再對治問題嗎?了解嗎? 問題的確有 但除非頭腦是自由的我就無法解決問題 如果頭腦不能自由地 解決掉一個問題就會創造其他的問題 就像政治一樣 不知道你們是否覺察到 可憐的傢伙解決了一個問題 卻牽涉出十幾個問題 由於他們無法處理十幾個問題 就離開那些問題去對付別的東西 一直玩這一套,對嗎? 因此,說者要問 我們能否先擺脫問題? 解除被教育制約著 要與問題共存的頭腦 對嗎?清楚嗎?總算懂了
44:36 Now let’s proceed. Is it possible? You answer me. Is it possible to be free and then tackle problems? Good Lord, what a noisy place this is! How do you answer that question? Do you say it is possible? Or do you say, no it is impossible? When you say it is possible or impossible you have already blocked yourself. Right? You have already closed the doors. You have prevented yourself from investigating, going into the question. 讓我們繼續探討,有可能嗎? 你回答我 有可能自由地對治問題嗎? 老天爺,這地方真吵 你如何回答這個問題? 你認為有可能嗎? 或者說,不,不可能嗎? 當你說可能或不可能時 你已經阻礙了自己 對嗎? 你已經把門關上了 你阻止了自己的探究 進入問題,對嗎?
45:48 So we are saying, to free the brain from its educated world of problems, it is conditioned, can that brain be unconditioned? First I must understand the question, what the question involves. Investigate that. Then come to the point, can it be free from its conditioning – you understand? What do you do? Or not do? Don’t go to sleep, please. What do you do, or not do? That is, how do you listen to the noise of that train, the rattling, how do you listen to it? It is there. How do you listen to it? Do you resist it? Or... I won’t tell you further. Do you resist it? Or do you say, 'It is part of life, let it through'. You understand? This noise is going on: the rattle, the vulgarity, all the music, so-called music – it is pouring, right? Do you resist all that? Or let it flow, flow away – you understand? 我們要說的是 把頭腦從充滿問題的教育中解放出來 被制約了的頭腦 能解除制約嗎? 首先,我必須了解問題 問題牽涉了什麼?探究這個 接著就來到一個點頭腦能解除制約嗎? 了解嗎? 你該做什麼?或不做什麼? 請不要睡覺 你該做什麼?或不做什麼? 也就是說你要如何傾聽火車的噪音 那個轟隆聲,你如何傾聽? 聲音就在那裡 你如何傾聽它?你有抗拒嗎? 或者…我不多說了 你會抗拒嗎? 或者你說,這是生活的一部分讓它通過吧 了解嗎? 這個噪音繼續著 轟隆聲、粗話那些所謂的音樂 洶湧而來,對嗎? 你會抗拒那一切嗎? 或讓它流過,遠離 了解嗎?
47:54 So here is a question: is it possible to free the brain from the condition of this education which has brought about a state in which the brain is conditioned, and to be free of that conditioning? May I go into it – right? The speaker is going into it not to convince you of anything, just to show. You pass by a window and you look at the window, the shop, look at all the dresses and all the things that are in it, and you go away from it and look at another shop. You are window-shopping. You are not to do anything, just find out what he is saying, listen to what he is saying. Not accepting or denying, just look, listen. The brain is conditioned to this whole culture of problems, it is conditioned to that. That is a nice word – culture of problems. And is the conditioned brain different from the observer? You understand my question? Is the brain, my brain, different from me who is analysing, looking, tearing, examining, accepting, not accepting, is that observer, the person who says, ‘I am looking at it’, is he different from the brain? You understand my question? It is a very simple question, don’t complicate it. Is anger, greed, envy, different from me? Or I am anger. Anger is me. Greed is me. The quality is me, there is no difference. But culture, education, has made us separate the two – right? There is envy. I am different from it, I must control it, or indulge in it. And thereby there is conflict. I don’t know if you are following. Or is violence me? Violence is not something different from me, I am, ‘me’ is violent. Do you see this? Do we see this? Once one realises this fact there is no difference between the quality and me, then there is a totally different movement taking place. There is no conflict. You understand? There is no conflict. As long as there is separation there is conflict in me 因此,這裡有個問題 有可能從教育的制約裡 把頭腦解放出來嗎? 教育帶來一種狀態 使頭腦被制約在那個狀態裡 想解除那個制約… 我可以深入嗎? 說者在探討問題 不是想說服你任何事 只是為了展示 你經過一個櫥窗 看著櫥窗,商店 看著裡面的服飾和所有的商品 離開後又看另一家商店 你在逛街 什麼事也不用做只要找出他在說什麼 聆聽他在說什麼 不是接受或否認單純地看、傾聽 頭腦被整個「問題文化」制約了 它被那個制約了 「問題文化」是個很美的名詞 被制約的頭腦不同於觀察者嗎? 了解我的問題嗎? 頭腦,我的頭腦不同於正在分析 看、拆解、檢視 接受或不接受的我嗎? 那個觀察者,對嗎? 那個說「我在看」的人 他和頭腦不同嗎? 了解我的問題嗎? 非常簡單,不要弄複雜了 忿怒、貪婪、嫉妒不同於我嗎? 或者我就是忿怒忿怒就是我,貪婪就是我 這些素質就是我,對嗎?無二無別 但文化、教育已經把我們 一分為二了,對嗎? 我有羨慕 我與羨慕不同,我必須控制它 或沉溺其中,對嗎? 因此其中就有衝突不知道你懂不懂 或者暴力就是我? 暴力不是一個不同於我的東西 我就是,我是暴力 看到了嗎?我們看到了嗎? 一旦你認清這個事實 那個品質和我之間沒有差別 然後一個截然不同的活動就發生了,對嗎? 其中沒有衝突 了解嗎? 其中沒有衝突 只要有分離我的內在就有衝突,對嗎?
51:58 Now I’ve realised this, that I am the quality. I am violence. I, the ‘me’, is greedy, envious, jealous and all the rest of it. So I have abolished altogether this division in me. I am that. Not I am the Supreme – sanskrit, I won’t go into it. I am that quality. So can my brain remain with that fact, stay with that fact? You understand my question? Can I stay, can my brain, which is so active, so alive, thinking, watching, listening, trying, effort, can that brain stay with the fact that I am that? Stay with it, not run away, not try to control, because the moment you control there is a controller and the controlled, therefore it becomes effort. Please, it’s very simple. If you really grasp this truth, this fact, you eliminate altogether effort. Effort means contradiction. Effort means I am different from that – you know, all that business. So once you see the actual fact, not the idea but the actuality that you are your quality, your anger, your envy, your jealousy, your hate, your uncertainty, your confusion, you are that. Not verbally acknowledge, or verbally agree, then we don’t meet each other. But if you actually see this fact and stay with it – can you? When you stay with it, what is implied in that? Attention, right? No movement away from it. Just stay with it. Not, if you have acute pain you can’t stay with it, but if you psychologically stay with it, inwardly say, yes, it is so. That means no movement – right? No movement away from the fact. So when there is no movement away from the fact the essence is no conflict. Then you have broken the pattern of the brain. Because it says, ‘I must do something. what is the right thing to do, who will tell me the right thing to do, I must go to a psychiatrist’ – you know all that stuff that takes place. But when once you hold the jewel... It is like holding a jewel, marvellously put together, carved and you are holding it, you are looking at it, seeing all the inside, outside, how it is put together, the platinum, the gold, the diamonds, all that, you watch it, because you are the jewel, you are the centre of all this, most intricate, subtle jewel of which you are. The moment one sees that fact the whole thing is different, right? 我現在認清了我就是那個品質 我就是暴力 我,這個小我,就是貪婪、羨慕 嫉妒等所有的品質 因此我把內在的分化全部棄除 我是那個 我不是那個至高無上的 梵文的用語,我不詳細說 我就是那個品質 頭腦能停留在那個事實上 與那個事實同在嗎? 了解我的問題嗎? 我能停留在…我的頭腦 這個極活躍、充滿活力的頭腦 思考、觀看、傾聽嘗試、努力的頭腦 那個頭腦能否與「我是那個」的事實同在? 與它同在,不是逃跑也不試圖掌控 因為你掌控的那一刻 就分出了掌控者和被掌控者 進而變成了努力,對嗎? 請注意,這非常簡單 如果你真的掌握這個真相、這個事實 你就會消除所有的努力 努力意味著矛盾 努力意味著我與那個不同 你們知道那一套說詞 一旦你看見實際的事實 不是觀念而是「你是你的品質」這個現狀 你的忿怒、羨慕、嫉妒 你的憎恨、不確定、困惑 你就是那個 不是口頭上的承認或同意 那我們就沒有交會了 但如果你實際地看這個事實並與它同在 你能嗎? 當你與它同在時其中隱含了什麼? 關注,對嗎? 沒有離開它的活動 對嗎?只是與它同在 不是…如果你有劇痛你無法與劇痛同在 但如果你心理上與它同在 內心裡說,是的,本來如此 這意味著沒有活動,對嗎? 不知道你懂不懂…沒有遠離事實的活動 當你沒有遠離事實的活動 它的本質沒有衝突 你就打破了頭腦的模式,對嗎? 因為頭腦會說,我必須做什麼什麼是正確的事 誰告訴我該做什麼正確的事 我必須去看精神科醫生 你知道那些會發生的事 一旦你握著珠寶… 就像手裡握著珠寶 經過神奇的拼接和雕琢的珠寶 你握在手裡,看它 裡裡外外地看看它是如何拼接起來的 白金、黃金、鑽石等 你注視著它 因為你是那個珠寶 你是這一切的中心 最細緻、精微的珠寶就是你 你看到事實的那一刻 整個事情就改觀了,對嗎?
57:10 So, guilt – sorry we have gone away from it. We had to. Guilt. It is not a problem – you understand now? It is a fact. It is not a something to be resolved, something to be got over. You have done something, which is a fact, and you feel guilty, that is a fact, and you stay with it! Like a jewel you stay with it, a rather unpleasant jewel, but it is still a jewel. So you stay with it. When you stay with it, it begins to – please listen – it begins to flower and wither away. You understand, sir? Like a flower, if you keep on pulling, to see if the roots are working properly, the flower will never bloom, but once you see the fact, which is the seed and then stay with it, then it shows itself fully. All the implications of guilt, all the implications of its subtlety, where it hides, it is like a flower, blooming. And if you let it bloom, not act, say, ‘I must do, not do’ then it begins to wither away and die. Please understand this. With every issue you can do that. About God, about anything. Then you have an insight into all that. That is insight. Not merely remembrance, adding. Is this clear? If you discover it, if this is so, it is something psychologically enormously a factor that frees you from all the past struggles and present struggles, and efforts. 因此,愧疚抱歉,我們不得不離題這麼久 愧疚 就不是問題了,現在了解了嗎? 它是事實 不是一個有待解決 有待克服的東西 你做了一件事,這是事實 你感到愧疚,這是事實你與這個事實同在 就像與一個珠寶同在一樣令人很不愉悅的珠寶 但仍然是珠寶 因此,你與它同在 當你與它同在的時候它就開始…請聽好 它就開始綻放和凋萎 了解嗎,各位? 就像一朵花如果你一直拔出來 想看樹根的運作是否適當 那朵花永遠不會綻放 一旦你看見事實,也就是種子 接著與它同在它就會全然展現自己 愧疚隱含的所有意義 它隱含的所有幽微的奧義 就像一朵花的綻放 如果你讓它綻放不是「我一定要做或不做」 這一來,它就開始凋萎死亡了 請了解這一點 每一個問題都可以如此處理 與上帝或任何相關的事情 接著你就對這一切有了洞見 這就是洞見不只是回憶、添加 這樣說清楚嗎? 如果你發現了,如果是這樣 這是具有巨大心理意義的因素 它讓你從過去與現在的所有掙扎 和努力中解脫出來
1:00:06 'What do you mean by creation?' 你說的創造是什麼意思?
1:00:10 Shall we go into that? It is a rather complex problem. I will read the question again. 'What do you mean by creation?' – what the speaker means. I would rather like to put to you that question. 要探討這個問題嗎? 這是個相當複雜的問題 我再把問題唸一遍 你說的創造是什麼意思嗎?說者的意思是什麼? 我倒想反問你這個問題
1:00:34 A lot of people talk about creation, they are all talking about it, the astrophysicists and the philosophers, and the theoretical philosophers – right? God created and so on. This is a very serious question. The ancient Hindus, the ancient Hebrews have put this question, not merely recent scientists. This has been a tremendous problem, an issue that they want to understand. May we go into this? Are you interested in this? 許多人談創造,對嗎? 大家都在談 天體物理學家、哲學家 還有理論哲學家,對嗎? 上帝創世之類的事 這是個非常嚴肅的問題 古印度人和希伯來人都提出過這個問題 不只是近代的科學家 這一直是個重大的問題 他們想了解的議題 我們可以探討嗎?你有興趣嗎?
1:01:25 What is creation? When you ask that question you must also ask the question, what is invention? Is invention creation, you understand? A scientist in a laboratory, is experimenting. And he comes upon something new. He patents it. And makes money out of it and all the rest of it. The invention, that is, to invent something new, is that creation? Careful please, don’t agree or disagree, just look at it. Invention is based on knowledge, right? You are following this? It is based on somebody else’s previous experiments, all those experiments are knowledge in the present, and you add to it. This is so. The man who invented the jet, without the propeller. First, he knew all about the propeller, internal combustion machinery and the propeller, then that knowledge was not enough. He put aside that knowledge, waited, and then got an idea from the knowledge. First he had to have knowledge about the propeller, internal machinery, then a new idea came in, which is the jet. Right? I may be putting it incorrectly, or exaggeratedly, but this is so. That is, the theoretical physicist, or scientist of every kind, first have knowledge, even minute knowledge, or a great deal of knowledge, from that a new inspiration comes. And that inspiration is an invention. So we are adding all the time. And is that creation, which is based on knowledge, and the consequences of knowledge? You understand? Is that creation? Or creation has nothing to do with knowledge? You understand my question? Either creation is a series of inventions – in the universe, a black hole or they discover something new and they are adding, adding to that previous knowledge. And obviously when they look at Mars, Mercury, Venus, Saturn and go beyond, they know what Venus is made of, various gases and so on, but what they have translated as gases, that is not Venus! You understand? Come on, sirs. The word 'Venus' is not Venus. The gases made up which constitutes Venus, is not that beauty which you see early in the morning, or late in the evening. Right? 創造是什麼? 你必須同時問另一個問題 發明是什麼? 發明是創造嗎?了解嗎? 實驗室裡的科學家做試驗,對嗎? 他弄出一個新東西 申請專利 用那個東西賺錢之類的事 發明,也就是發明一個新東西 這是創造嗎? 請小心,不要同意或不同意單純地注視 發明是以知識為基礎,對嗎? 聽懂了嗎? 是以別人先前的實驗為基礎 所有的實驗都是現在的知識 你再添加東西,事實就是如此 發明噴射機的人 沒有螺旋槳的飛機 首先,他得了解螺旋槳的一切 內燃機的結構和螺旋槳 接著他的知識還不夠 他放下知識,等待 後來又從知識裡獲得一個觀念懂嗎? 他先要具有螺旋槳 內燃機的知識,然後新觀念出現了 也就是噴射機,對嗎? 也許我說的不正確或者誇大其詞 但本來就是如此 換言之,理論物理學家 或各種科學家 先要有知識 哪怕是一點點的知識 或一大堆知識 新的靈感便從知識裡冒出來 那個靈感就是發明 我們無時無刻地在添加,對嗎? 這是創造嗎? 這種以知識為基礎 又以知識為結果的東西 了解嗎?這是創造嗎? 或者創造與知識毫無關係? 了解我的問題嗎? 創造若不是一系列的發明 宇宙、黑洞或新發現 科學家會在先前的知識上添加 顯然當他們觀看 火星、水星、金星、土星和更遠的星體時 他們知道構成金星的各種氣體等成份 但他們轉譯為氣體的不是金星 了解嗎?說呀,各位 金星這個詞不是金星本身 構成金星的氣體 不是你清晨或黃昏 看見的那個美麗之物,對嗎?
1:06:06 So we are asking: is invention totally different from creation? Which means creation has nothing whatever to do with knowledge. You are going to find this rather difficult, if you don’t mind, if you will kindly, if you are not too tired, if you have still the energy to investigate, we will go into it. We are asking – we know what invention is. Don’t accept what the speaker is saying, that would be terrible. It would destroy you merely say, yes, yes. It would destroy your brain, as it has been destroyed by others. The speaker has no intention to destroy your brain, or add to the already damaged brain. Right? So he says have scepticism, question, don’t accept or deny, just find out. We know what is invention, at least to the speaker it is very clear. That doesn’t mean it is clear to you. We are asking what is creation? We have to answer this question in ten minutes! 因此,我們要問 發明是否與創造截然不同? 這意味著創造與知識沒有任何關係 你會發現這個相當困難如果不介意的話 如果你沒有太累 如果你還有探查的能量 我們會深入探討 我們要問的是我們知道發明是什麼嗎? 不要接受說者的話 這未免太可怕了,它會摧毀你 只是說,是的,是的 會摧毀你的頭腦 已經被別人摧毀的頭腦 說者無意摧毀你的頭腦 或在你已毀掉的頭腦裡再添加東西 對嗎? 他說,要有懷疑的精神,質疑 不要接受或否認,只要找出來 我們知道發明是什麼 至少對說者來說,是很清楚的 這不意味著你也很清楚 我們要問:什麼是創造? 我們得在十分鐘內回答這個問題
1:07:48 What is creation? Is it related to man’s endeavour? Is it related to all his experiences? To the million years of duration of time? Please examine all this. Which means, is it related to war, to killing, to business, to all the memories that man has accumulated, acquired, accumulated, gathered? If it is, then it is still part of knowledge, right? Therefore it cannot be creation. So what is creation? Is it related – please listen, listen, don’t do anything about it, you can’t – is it related to love? That is, love is not hate, jealousy, anxiety, uncertainty, the love of your wife, which is the love of the image that you have built about your wife, or your husband, your girlfriend, or the image you have built about your guru for whom you have great devotion, or for the image in a temple, mosque, and churches. So we are asking: is love necessary for creation? Or is love, which is also compassion, is that love, compassion, creation? And is love related to death? You understand all these questions? You understand? I am sorry to say, 'Do you understand?' – I withdraw that. You’re just listening. 創造是什麼? 創造與人的努力有關係嗎? 與人的經驗有關嗎? 與幾百萬年的時間有關係嗎? 請檢視這些問題 也就是說,它與戰爭、殺戮、事業 人類累積的所有記憶有關嗎? 獲取、累積、收集來的記憶 如果有,那還是知識的一部分對嗎? 因而就不可能是創造,對嗎? 那麼創造是什麼? 它是否與…請傾聽 傾聽,不要做任何事因為你做不到 它與愛有關嗎? 換言之愛不是恨、嫉妒、焦慮 不確定,不是對妻子的愛 你愛的是你建立的形象 妻子、丈夫、女朋友的形象 或你為上師建立的形象 你對他有極大的虔敬 或寺廟、清真寺、教堂的形象 我們要問的是 愛是創造所必要的嗎? 或者愛,也就是慈悲 那個愛、慈悲是創造嗎? 愛與死亡有關嗎? 了解這些問題嗎? 了解嗎? 抱歉,我這麼問你 我收回,你只是在傾聽
1:10:39 So is love free from all the humans beings that has given specific meaning to that word, free from all that? Is love related to death? And is love, compassion and death, is all that creation? Can there be creation without death? That is, ending! Ending all knowledge – Vedanta. You have heard that word, I am sure. The word 'Vedanta' means the end of knowledge, not all the theories, commentaries and all that. That is not. But the end of knowledge, which is death, which means no time, timeless, which is love. You understand? I’m sorry, I won’t repeat that. Stupid of me to repeat! 愛是否擺脫了人類… 賦予這個字的意義 是否擺脫了這些? 愛與死亡有關嗎? 愛、慈悲和死亡 這些是創造嗎? 沒有死亡會有創造嗎?也就是結束 所有知識的終結 吠陀哲學(Vedanta) 我確定你們都聽過這個詞 Vedanta這個字意味著知識的終結 沒有那些理論、評論之類的 那都不是 而是知識的終結,也就是死亡 這意味著沒有時間 沒有時間,也就是愛 你們了解嗎? 抱歉,我不會重覆 重覆太愚蠢
1:12:22 So love, death. Love means compassion. Love, compassion means supreme intelligence, not the intelligence of books and scholars, experience. That is necessary at a certain level but that intelligence, quintessence of all intelligence, when there is love, compassion. There cannot be compassion and love without death, which is the ending of everything. Then there is creation. That is the universe, not according to the astrophysicists and scientists, but the universe is supreme order. Of course. Sunrise and sunset. Supreme order. And that order can only exist when there is supreme intelligence. And that intelligence cannot exist without compassion and love and death. This is not a process of meditation but deep, profound enquiry. Enquiry with great silence – not 'I am investigating'. Great silence, great space, that which is essentially love and compassion and death, there is that intelligence which is creation. Creation is only there when the other two are there, death and love. Everything else is invention. 愛、死亡 愛意味著慈悲 愛、慈悲意味著至高的智慧 不是書本、學者或經驗的才智 這些在某個層面上有其必要 而是那種智慧 有愛、有慈悲時 所有智慧的精髓 沒有死亡就不可能有慈悲和愛 死亡是一切的終結 接著就有創造 也就是說,宇宙... 不是天體物理學家和科學家所說的宇宙 而是至高秩序的宇宙 當然了,日出日落,至高秩序 只有當至高智慧存在的時候 那個秩序才會存在 沒有慈悲、愛和死亡 那個智慧就無法存在 這不是冥想的過程 而是…一次深層、深入的參問 在極大的靜默中參問 不是說我要探查 極大的靜默、極大的空間 也就是說它的本質就是愛、慈悲和死亡 存在著那種智慧——它就是創造 只有當死亡和愛都在的時候 才會有創造 其他的一切都是發明