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SA85Q2 - 公開問答(二)
1985年7月24日 瑞士沙南

1:30 Shall we go on with our questions? Let’s forget for the moment the questions. We will come back to it. 要繼續回答問題嗎? 讓我們暫時把問題忘掉 我們會再回到問題上
2:00 What is happening to all of us, living in this world which is quite terrible? If you have travelled at all you will see the danger of travelling – airport explosions, terrorists, etc. When you look at it all, how do you face the world? We may be old, but the coming generation, grandchildren, children, what is going to happen to them? Do you consider that at all? What is the future of the coming generation, of which you are a part? How do we educate them, what is the purpose of education? We are all presumably educated, we have been to school, college, university, if we are lucky, or we have been educating ourselves by looking at all these events that are taking place in the world and learning from that. But that learning is very limited, very small, narrow. 活在這個相當可怕的世界 我們究竟發生了什麼事? 如果你們旅行過 就會看到旅行的危險 機場爆炸事件、恐怖份子之類的 看到了這一切 你該如何面對這個世界? 我們也許老了 但即將來臨的世代孩子輩、孫子輩等 他們會發生什麼事? 你們考慮過嗎? 新世代的未來是什麼? 你也是未來的一部分 我們要如何教育他們?教育的目的是什麼? 我們可能都受過教育 如果運氣好的話都念過小學、學院、大學 或自我教育過 藉由觀察世界發生的事件 從事件中學習 但這種學習的範圍非常有限 非常渺小、狹隘
4:12 And if one had children and grandchildren, or great, great grandchildren how do we treat them, what is our response? Aren’t we concerned about them at all? I believe there are about 500,000 children who run away from home in America, end up in New York and prostitution and all that – do you understand what it all means? In a country like this, part of the rest of the world, there is no poverty, there are no slums, there are really literally no people starving. There are slums in America, in England, perhaps in Paris too, clochards, and all those people in India and Asia – it is quite appalling, degrading. And when we look at ourselves and our future generation to come, what is going to happen to them? That same pattern being repeated? The same callousness? The irresponsibility of being trained in an army to kill thousands and thousands, and be killed? What is our responsibility? Or you don’t want to think about all that at all? Or we are only concerned with our own pleasure, with our own problems, with our own self-centred egotistic activity. 如果你有孩子、孫子 曾孫或曾曾孫 我們該如何對待他們我們的回應是什麼? 我們真的關心他們嗎? 我相信美國大約有50萬個 孩童離家出走 淪落到在紐約賣淫等下場 你們了解這意味著什麼嗎? 做為世界一部分的瑞士 沒有貧窮、沒有貧民窟 完全沒有人挨餓 美國有貧民窟 英國也有,或許巴黎也有,流浪漢 還有印度和亞洲那些人 這是相當駭人和可恥的 當我們看自己和未來的世代 他們會發生什麼? 不斷地重覆同一個模式嗎? 同樣的冷漠無情嗎? 軍隊裡不負責任的訓練 殺死數以千計的人命也讓自己送命嗎? 我們的責任是什麼? 或者你根本不想思考這些事? 或我們只關心自己的享樂 自己的問題 以我執為中心的活動
6:47 This is really a very serious question, frightening, agonising. Either one becomes bitter, angry, or throws up one’s hand. And when you look at all this, what is our responsibility? The agony of all that. You understand? What do we do? Do we have proper schools? What place has knowledge in all this, whether it be theoretical, physical knowledge – theoretical physicists and so on – what relationship have we to all this? The tortures – every country has indulged in tortures of other human beings. My mother may be tortured – you understand? My son, myself – not myself – may be tortured for some information, for some nationalistic, communistic… or some democratic reasons. What is going on in Northern Ireland, Beirut and so on, Afghanistan. Do we shed tears? Or not being able to do anything, become cynical, bitter and throw up our hands at all this? 這真的是一個嚴肅的問題 令人害怕、煩惱的問題 人若不是變得激憤、忿怒 就是舉手投降 當你注視這一切時 你的責任是什麼? 這一切的悲痛,了解嗎? 我們該怎麼做? 我們有合適的學校嗎? 知識在其中的位置是什麼? 無論是理論的、物理的知識 理論物理學等 我們跟這一切的關係是什麼? 折磨 每一個國家都放肆地折磨其他的人 我母親也許受過折磨,了解嗎? 我兒子、我自己,不是我本人 也許因為情報 國族主義、共產主義或… 或一些民主的理由被折磨 在北愛爾蘭、貝魯特發生的事 或阿富汗 我們會流淚嗎? 或者無能為力變得憤世嫉俗、激憤難平 無奈地舉手投降?
9:45 So we have to consider all these things, not merely our own progress, our own happiness, our own self-centred activities. 我們必須考慮這些事 不只是自己的進步、快樂 以自我為中心的活動
10:10 May we go on with the questions? May be that will be more pleasant, less challenging, less demanding on our energies and capacities of the brain. The brain has extraordinary capacity, if you have watched all the progress of the technological world, the amount of energy, in the field of medicine – whether it is right or wrong, that is not our concern – in the field of technology, computers, surgery, eye operation, tremendous advancement, incalculable advancement. And it is going on and on. In other directions the brain is very limited, and that limitation is being used by the technological world. We are being exploited ruthlessly. There is a whole African tribe that are being deliberately killed through starvation, whole people moved from their country to another part of the country, far away from their own native land. The Communists have done it and they are still doing it, their concentration camps. Not only the concentration camps of tyrannies but also the concentration camps of the gurus – right? You don’t mind my saying that? And the concentration camps of all the monks in the world. This is really a tremendous problem. 我們可以繼續回答問題嗎? 也許這會比較愉悅比較不具挑戰性 對頭腦的能量和能力的要求也比較少 頭腦擁有超凡的能力 如果你觀察過科技界的進步 龐大的能量 醫學的領域 無論是對是錯這不在我們關心的範圍 科技的領域、電腦 手術、眼科手術 突飛猛進的發展 難以計量的進步而且還不斷地進步 在其他的方向上頭腦的能力卻非常有限 這種侷限卻被科技界利用 我們被無情地剝削 非洲有一整個部落 遭人以饑餓的方式蓄意屠殺 整個民族從自己的國家 遷移到另一個國家 到一個離鄉背景的國家 共產黨幹過這種事目前還在這麼做 在他們的集中營裡 不只是專制政府的集中營 還有上師的集中營,對嗎? 不介意我這麼說吧? 還有全世界的僧侶集中營 這真的是一個鉅大的問題
13:05 First question: 'When one understands something must one act on this understanding, or does the understanding act of itself?' (第一個問題)當人了解一件事以後 他必須根據了解採取行動 或那個了解會自己採取行動?
13:21 'When one understands something must one act on that understanding, or does the understanding itself act?' Right? Question clear? 當人了解一件事以後 他必須根據了解採取行動 或那個了解本身就會採取行動? 對嗎?問題清楚了嗎?
13:42 Now what do we mean by – I haven’t seen this question, all these questions, I like to come to it spontaneously, naturally – what do we mean by understanding? We use that word so easily. So we must investigate, explore the meaning of that word. We are discussing, exploring together, the speaker is not answering the question. Together we are looking into the question. We are together investigating, digging into the meaning of words first, according to the dictionary, which is a common usage of the language. What do we mean by understanding, to understand something? To understand oneself, to understand how the computer, which is so marvellous, how to work it, understand the whole surgical process. What do we mean by that word? Is it purely intellectual? ‘I understand!’. Which is a quick communication between two people, or half a dozen people or a hundred people, it doesn’t matter, a quick comprehension of the meaning of the word, quickly translated to the brain instantly communicated to the brain and the intellect says, ‘Yes, I understand’. Right? That is, I have a problem, I have reasoned it out, I have come to a conclusion and I understand it. Or I understand how to dismantle a car. That is, is understanding merely an intellectual affair, a theoretical affair, a theory about which I can talk endlessly, adding more ideas to it and think I am enlarging, growing, understanding. In that understanding is there any emotional quality? Do you understand my question? Is there something that says, ‘That is not quite, quite, quite, you must add more to it.' That is then, there is the intellect, there is emotion, there is action – right? Emotions exist naturally – one hopes – but either those emotions have become romantic, sentimental and very, very superficial, and feelings must be recognised by the brain, therefore it is part of the brain – right? – part of the sensation of feeling, sensation of imagination, of looking at a mountain, and the beauty and the silence and the dignity and the majesty of it and putting it on a canvas, or writing a poem about it. It is still part of the activity of the brain. All that. 當我們說… 我并沒有看過這個問題,所有這些問題 我想自發、自然地談 我們說的了解是什麼意思? 我們如此輕易地使用這個詞 因此,我們必須探查 探索這個詞的意義 我們在一起討論、探索 說者不是在回答問題 我們是在一起洞察問題 一起探查 先挖掘這個詞的意義 依照字典的解釋也就是語言的一般用法 我們說的了解是什麼意思? 了解某個事物 了解自己 了解神奇的電腦 如何操作它 了解整個外科手術過程 那個詞的意思是什麼? 只是純知性的「我了解」嗎? 這可以在兩個人之間快速地溝通 十幾個人或一百個人,都無所謂 對那個詞的意思有快速的理解 快速地轉譯到頭腦… 即時地與頭腦溝通 知性說:是的,我了解,對嗎? 也就是說,我有一個問題我做了一番推理 得到一個結論,我現在了解了 或者我了解如何拆解汽車 換言之,了解只是知性的嗎? 理論的事一個能讓我滔滔不絕的理論 添加更多的觀念,自認為在擴大 成長、了解 在那個了解裡有任何感性的品質嗎? 了解我的問題嗎? 有沒有一個在說 這還不夠、不夠、不夠你必須再添加一些東西? 也就是說,其中有知性、有感性 還有行動,對嗎? 情感是自然存在的,但願如此 但這些情感若不是變成浪漫的 感性的、非常膚淺的 感覺必須經過頭腦的認知 因此也是頭腦的一部分,對嗎? 是覺受和想像的一部分 注視一座山脈的美和靜默 它的莊嚴和雄偉 再描繪在畫布上 或寫一首詩 但仍然是頭腦活動的一部分 這些都是
18:08 So is the intellect which says, ‘I understand’, apart from the rest of it? Or intellect, which is the capacity to discern, to distinguish, to determine and action? Right? And therefore the intellect dominates everything else. I am very clever – I hope I am not but suppose I am very clever, quick, intellectually, that dominates my whole life until I begin to old age, then I believe, then I become a Catholic, Protestant, Buddhist, whatever it is. Then I play a game with myself. So we are asking we are asking: is understanding a whole movement, not an act of the brain only, act of the intellect only? You understand my question? We will now have to examine what is action. What is it that one has to do? Action. What determines action? You understand my question? What brings about action? What do we mean by action? To act. You understand my question? I won’t ask if you understand. I won’t ask any more. What do we mean by ‘act’? To do. Is that action based on an ideal, or on a theory, or a conclusion, historical conclusion, and on that conclusion: historical, romantic, dialectic, or imaginative, that is, let’s put all that into one word: ideological. That is, I act on an idea, right? So what is an idea? Why do we have so many ideas? The word 'idea', not it is right or wrong, but we are investigating into the question of idea. The scientist, the physicist, or the scientific theoretical philosophers, they want ideas, otherwise they feel lost. They want new ideas all the time. So we must examine what do we mean by an idea. The speaker believes it comes from the original Greek, which means to observe, to see. There is a fact. There is a clock there, it says ten to eleven, and that is a fact. And there are non-facts, right? And the non-facts are totally away from the fact – distance. And so there is the fact and the idea about the fact. So we pursue the idea, not the investigation into the fact. And idea becomes far more important than the fact. The Socialists, the Communists, others, left, right, centre, they have ideas, theories, conclusions, historical, dialectical, Lenin, Stalin, or a philosopher like Adam Smith and American politicians, and they try to fit man into those ideas. And to make them fit they torture them, they say, ‘You can’t do this, you can’t do’ – you follow? So to them ideas become far more important than the human, which is a fact. 因此,那個說‘我了解’的知性 不同於其他的部分嗎? 或者知性,也就是明辨 分別、決定和行動的能力 對嗎? 因此知性支配了其他的一切 我非常聰明,希望我不是 假設從知性上來看,我很聰明、敏捷 知性支配了我的整個生活 直到我年老以後,我就會相信 我就成為天主教徒、新教徒佛教徒之類的 然後我就跟自己玩遊戲 因此,我們要問… 我們要問 了解是整個活動嗎? 不只是頭腦或知性的活動 了解我的問題嗎? 我們現在要檢視行動是什麼對嗎? 人必須做什麼?行動 是什麼決定行動的? 了解我的問題嗎? 是什麼引發行動的? 我們說的行動是什麼意思?行動 了解我的問題嗎? 我不問你們是否了解我不會再問了 我們說的行動是什麼意思? 去做 那個行動是否是基於一個理想或理論 或是一個結論,歷史的結論 或基於歷史、浪漫、辨證 或想像的結論? 換言之,讓我們用意識型態這個詞來總括它們 也就是說,我憑著觀念來行動對嗎? 觀念是什麼? 我們為什麼會有這麼多觀念? 觀念這個詞,不在於它是對或錯 但我們要探查觀念的問題 科學家、物理學家 或科學理論哲學家 他們想要觀念,否則就會茫然失措 他們總想要新的觀念 所以我們必須檢視我們說的觀念是什麼意思? 說者相信 它的希臘字源含有觀察、看的意思 我們有事實 那裡有一個時鐘 上面顯示10 點 50 分這是一個事實 也有非事實,對嗎? 非事實完全背離事實,對嗎? 有距離 因此,我們有事實以及關於事實的觀念 我們追求觀念 不是探查事實 觀念變得比事實更重要 社會主義者、共產主義者還有左派、右派和中間派 他們有觀念、理論、結論 歷史的、辨證的、列寧、史達林 亞當‧史密斯一類的哲學家或美國的政客 他們試圖把人框在這些觀念裡對嗎? 為了讓他們吻合觀念而折磨他們 說,你不能做這個不能做那個,懂嗎? 對他們來說觀念遠比人類還重要 而人類是個事實
24:22 So, do we do this? Do we, each one of us, always move away from the fact? And pursue that idea and act according to that idea, which probably has nothing to do with fact! So what do we mean by acting? Either you act according to your past memories, experiences, or some future ideological conclusion. The future and the past. So is your action based on the past, or on the future, therefore it is not an act. Right? Are we making this clear? If we act according to certain memories, conclusions, experiences, knowledge, then we are acting from the past. The word 'act' means do. The doing, not according to the past, or according to the future. So the question is – go into it, this is very serious – is there an action which is not based on time? Don’t be puzzled. If one grasps the significance, the content, the deep meaning of the past, how the past, modified, projects itself into the future, and if I act according to the past, it is not action, it is merely memory, having come to certain conclusions, acts. Or action takes place according to some future concept. So it is always caught in the field of time, in the cycle of time. 我們有這麼做嗎? 是否我們每一個人總是偏離事實? 追求那個觀念並根據那個觀念行動 那個觀念或許和事實毫無關係對嗎? 我們說的行動是什麼意思? 你若不是根據過去的記憶、經驗行動 就是根據未來的觀念性結論行動 未來和過去 如果你的行動是基於過去或未來 那麼它就不是行動 對嗎? 我們都清楚嗎? 如果我們根據某些記憶、結論 經驗、知識行動 那麼我們的行動就是來自過去 行動這個詞意味著做 正在做 不是根據過去或未來 因此問題在於…深入它,這是很嚴肅的問題 有一種不基於時間的行動嗎? 不要搞迷糊了 如果你能掌握過去的意義、內涵 它深度的意思 掌握過去如何被修正再把自己投射到未來 如果我根據過去行動那就不是行動了 它只是記憶做了某些結論以後的行動 或者,行動是根據一個未來的概念而發生的? 因此它總是困在時間的場域 時間的循環裡,對嗎?
27:13 Now we are asking: is there an action which is not based on time? Think it out, sirs. Think it out, don’t wait for me, for the speaker to explain, think it out. It is a very simple question, but has tremendous meaning behind it. That is, I have always acted according to my tradition. The tradition may be one day old, or five thousand years old. I have always acted according to that tradition. You know what tradition means – tradare, hand over. So my parents, grandparents, parents, a thousand parents, have handed over certain traditions, consequences of their thought, their feeling, gradually seeped through various generations, I am that, part of that. That is my background – a Brahmin, and all the rest of it. And I act according to that. Or I reject all that, say, ‘How stupid’ and look to the future. I must do this, I must not do it, according to Lenin, Stalin, and all the rest of them, I will follow. And I call both these action. And I question, is there an action which is not based on these two? Right? An action which is not the process of time. Sorry, you have to use your brains. 我們現在要問 有一種不是基於時間的行動嗎? 想清楚,各位想清楚,不要等我 不要等說者解釋,想清楚 這是個非常簡單的問題 但背後卻有著巨大的意義 換言之我總是根據自己的傳統行動 這個傳統也許只有一天的歷史或五千年的歷史 我總是根據那個傳統行動 你們知道傳統的意思傳承、傳遞 我的父母、祖父母,一千個父母 傳遞了某些傳統 他們的思想和感情的成果 逐漸滲透到後代子孫 我是那個的一部分 那就是我的背景我的婆羅門出身之類的 我就按照那個傳統行動 或者我全盤拒絕,說它真愚蠢 展望未來 我必須做這個、不能做那個按照列寧、史達林 和其他人的說法,我跟隨他們 我把這兩種都稱為行動 我質問 是否有一種不基於這兩者的行動 對嗎? 一種並非時間過程的行動 抱歉,你必須用頭腦
29:45 What is one to do when you are asked that question : is there an action which is not caught in the wheel of time? How does one’s brain react to that question? Because the brain has been conditioned to that, shaped according to the past, the future. That is, caught in the field of time, in the network of time – right? So the brain withdraws for the moment, is not able to answer it; it says, ‘It is too much trouble, for goodness sake leave me alone. I am used to this pattern, it has brought its misery, suffering, but also there is the other compensating side to it, carry on. Don’t ask these questions. Don’t put these questions which are so difficult’. They are not difficult. The word ‘difficult’ makes it difficult. So I won’t use that word. But I have to find out an action. Right? May I go into it? Do you want me to go into it? 當你被問到以下這個問題時你該怎麼做? 有一種不困於時間之輪的行動嗎? 人的頭腦如何對這個問題做出反應? 因為頭腦已經被制約了 被過去、未來塑型了 換言之,困在時間的場域 時間的網路裡,對嗎? 因此離開當下的頭腦 沒有能力回答這個問題 它說,太麻煩了看老天份上,別來煩我 我習慣了這個模式 這個模式帶來了悲慘、受苦 但它也有補償的一面 繼續說,不要問這些問題 不要問這麼困難的問題 它們並不難 是困難這個詞讓它變困難的 所以我不用這個詞了 但我得找出一個行動 對嗎?我可以探究嗎? 你們要我探究嗎?
31:44 Action is related to love, not to memory. Memory, remembering, the images, is not love. Sensation, upon which or through which I act, sensation is not love. Therefore... what is the relationship of love to action? You follow? Is love memory? We have met together, we have slept together, we have done all kinds of things together, walked up the mountain, down the valley, round the hills, taken telesiege together, companions, quarrels, all the business. And that is called companionship, affection, love, holding hands, all that – right? Most of it is based on sensation, image and attachment. Without attachment I am lost, I feel terribly lonely. Feeling lonely, I am desperate, either I become bitter and all the rest of it. Is all that love? We went into it. Obviously it is not. So what is the relationship between love and action? Go on, sir. If love is in the field of time, then it is not love. So love is action – I wonder if you get this. There is not love first and action later, or memory and all that. So for the speaker – don’t accept it – for the speaker there is no division between the perception, the quality of that love. When there is that quality it is action. It is not an intellectual process of determination, or choice. I won’t go into the more complicated. It is an action of immediate perception, action. Now we must go on. Yesterday we only answered three questions and there are many of them. 行動與愛有關,不是記憶 記憶、回憶、形象不是愛 覺受是我行動的根據或來源 覺受不是愛 因此 愛與行動的關係是什麼? 你懂嗎? 愛是記憶嗎? 我們見面、一起睡覺 在一起做各種事 一起在山上 在山谷、山丘散步 一起搭升降椅,相伴、爭吵 諸如此類的事 這就叫做陪伴 情意、愛、牽手等,對嗎? 大多數都是基於覺受 形象和執著 沒有執著,我就茫然若失我會極其孤獨 孤獨感讓我絕望 若不是變得激憤就是其他的情況 這些是愛嗎?我們探查過顯然不是 那麼愛與行動的關係是什麼? 說呀,各位 如果愛在時間的場域裡它就不是愛了 因此…愛就是行動 不知道你們是否聽懂了 沒有先愛後行動這回事 或記憶之類的事 對說者而言…不要接受我的話 對說者而言覺察和那個愛的品質 並沒有分割 當有了那個品質,它就是行動 這不是一個決定或選擇的知性過程 我不詳談更複雜的內容 這是一種即時的知覺或行動 我們必須繼續談 昨天只答覆了三個問題 還有很多問題
35:16 Second question: 'You have said many things about violence. Would you allow one of your friends to be attacked in front of you?' (第二個問題)你說過許多有關暴力的東西 你會容許別人在你面前攻擊你的朋友嗎?
35:31 'You have said many things about violence. Would you allow one of your friends to be attacked in front of you?' It is a good old question. What would you do if your sister was attacked in front of you? Right? The same question. What would you do, you? Beat him up? Shoot him? Karate? You know the meaning of that word 'karate'? It has been explained to me. No self. No me. Not the military art of defending yourself. So what would you do? Find out, sir. You are there, with your husband, with your girlfriend, or... you know all that. And somebody comes along and is violent towards your wife, or husband. What would you instinctively do? You would attack, wouldn’t you? Naturally. You would hit him. If you knew karate, or some kind of yoga tricks, you would trip him up. So this question is put to me, to the speaker. We know the normal reaction of people – violence. If you are violent, I am going to be violent. If you are angry with me, I am going to be doubly angry with you. If you call me an idiot, I say you are a greater one than me. And so on and so on. This question is put to me, to the speaker. This has been an old question. Not that the speaker is familiar with it, but it is a new question. I treat all questions as something new. What should I do? Are you waiting for me? 你說過許多有關暴力的東西 你會容許別人在你面前攻擊你的朋友嗎? 一個很好的,老掉牙的問題 如果你妹妹在你面前被攻擊你會怎麼做? 對嗎?同樣的問題 你會怎麼做,你? 打他一頓嗎?槍殺他嗎?空手道嗎? 知道空手道的意思嗎? 有人跟我解釋過 沒有自我、無我 不是軍隊的防身術 你會怎麼做? 弄清楚,各位 你跟丈夫或女朋友在一起 或…你知道這些事 有個人走過來 對你的妻子或丈夫暴力相向 你會本能地怎麼做? 你會很自然地反擊,對嗎?你會打他 如果你會空手道或瑜伽術 你會把他扳倒 有人向我提出這個問題向說者,對嗎? 我們知道人的正常反應 暴力 你暴力,我就以暴制暴 如果你對我發脾氣 我就對你發更大的脾氣 如果你罵我白癡 我就罵你大白癡 諸如此類的反應 有人提出這個問題給我給說者 這是一個老問題 並非說者已經很熟悉了 而是說這是新問題 我把所有的問題當做新問題 我該怎麼做? 你們在等我嗎?
38:50 Am I violent? If I have lived a violent life, all my life, then my response would be naturally violent. But if I have lived, as I have, without violence, not only physical violence but psychological violence, which is aggression, competition, comparison, imitation, conformity. That is all part of violence. As K has lived that way when my friend, or my sister, or my wife, is attacked – they are all dead anyhow, especially my sisters – so as I have lived I would act. You understand? It depends how I have lived. The art of living, which is the greatest art – not all the paintings, poems, that is part of art. But the greatest art is the art of living. Not according to somebody but to find out for oneself the supreme art. And if, all my life, except once or twice I lost temper, that’s all right, One may get irritated because of noise and all that, that’s... But the actual feeling of violence, if one has lived with violence, one will act violently. If one has lived a life which is not violence, he will meet the circumstances as they arise, and his action will depend how he has lived. A simple answer. Right? You are not puzzled over this, are you? No. 我有暴力嗎? 如果我一生都活在暴力裡 那我自然會以暴力回應 但如果你像我一樣活在沒有暴力的生活裡 不只沒有肢體的暴力也沒有心理的暴力 也就是攻擊、競爭、比較 模仿、順從這些都是暴力的一部分 由於這是 K 的生活方式 當我的朋友、姐妹、妻子遭受攻擊 反正他們都死了尤其是我的姐妹 我如何生活,就會如何行動了解嗎? 這取決於我如何生活 生活的藝術,是最偉大的藝術 不是指繪畫、寫詩這些是藝術的一部分 最偉大的藝術是生活的藝術 不是根據別人的說法是為自己找出 那個至高的藝術 如果我…我整個人生 除了發過一兩次脾氣以外這也無妨 人難免因噪音之類的東西而惱怒那種… 不過實際的暴力感 如果一個人過著暴力的生活他就會採取暴力的行動 如果一個人沒有活在暴力中 他就會隨機應變 他的行動會取決於他的生活方式 簡單的答案,對嗎? 你們不會被這種問題困擾是嗎?不會
41:27 Third question: 'What is intelligence?' (第三個問題)智力(intelligence)是什麼?
41:36 'What is intelligence?' What do you think is intelligence? The meaning of that word, if you looked into a good dictionary, etymological dictionary, it points out ‘interlegere’, to read between the lines. You understand? There is a space between two lines. To read between the lines. That is one meaning. The other meaning is to gather information of every kind and to discern among the various informations what is the correct information. That depends on choice, on one’s education, on one’s way of life and so on. So there is the intelligence... there is the intelligence of the body – right? 智力是什麼? 你們認為智力是什麼? 這個詞的意思 如果你查一本好字典 詞源學字典 你會看到 interlegere 這個拉丁文即解讀言外之意 你們了解嗎? 兩行字之間的空間 解讀言外之意,這是一個意思 另一個意思是收集每一種資訊 明辨各種資訊的差異 什麼是正確的資訊 這取決於個人的選擇,個人的教育 個人的生活方式等等 人有一種心靈的智力 還有一種身體的智力,對嗎?
42:55 No? Am I talking to myself? You will join, together? There is the intelligence of the body if you let it alone, not take a lot of wine, you know, alcohol, drugs and live according to taste, sensation, then the body loses its own intelligence. The body is an extraordinary instrument. How all the nerves are connected to the brain, how the liver works – you follow? The heart – from the moment it is born until it dies the heart keeps on beating. It is an extraordinary machine. It is the product of a million years. Right? Tremendous – if you go into it, if you have seen some of the pictures, photographs, on television in which they show the body, it is amazing what nature has done through a million years, or two million years. And we destroy the native intelligence of the body by doing all kinds of extravagant things. Drinking, sex – it has its place, but you know the whole issue of it – ambitious, greedy, fighting, struggling, tremendous strain on the body, heart failure and the by-pass after a great operation, all that affects the brain, the nerves, the organism, therefore the physical, biological instrument is gradually destroyed, gradually withers and loses its vitality, its energy. If one left it naturally alone, not depending on taste, it then looks after itself, you don’t have to do a thing, except for a person like K, it is ninety years old so it has to be a little careful. 不對? 我在自言自語嗎? 你們有一起加入嗎? 如果你不干擾身體身體會有它的智力 不酗酒,你們知道,酒和毒品 隨著口慾和覺受生活 身體就會喪失它的智力 身體是一個非凡的器具,對嗎? 所有的神經如何與大腦連接 肝臟如何運作,懂嗎? 心臟,從出生到死亡 心臟不停地跳動 身體是一部非凡的機器,對嗎? 是一百萬年演化的產物 對嗎? 驚人的機器,如果你探查它 如果你看過一些圖畫、照片 電視上展示的身體 令人驚嘆這是大自然的成果 一、二百萬年下來的成果 我們透過各種放縱的活動 摧毀了身體本有的智力 喝酒、性,當然性有它的位置但…你知道這整個議題 野心、貪婪、戰鬥、掙扎 帶給身體的龐大張力 心臟衰竭 還有大手術後的心臟搭橋 這些都會影響頭腦神經和有機體 因此這個肉體、生物的器具逐漸被摧毀了 逐漸萎縮,失去了活力和能量對嗎? 如果你讓它處於自然狀態不依賴口慾 它就會照顧自己你什麼事都不用做 除了 K 以外 他已經 90 歲了所以必須小心一點
45:47 So, what is intelligence? There is the body intelligence : imagine how the heart, the liver, the nerves, all the strain, the structure, the brain itself can defend itself. If there is any danger, it reacts, certain glands, I don’t know all about it but you can see it, how quickly it comes to defend itself. So there is the body intelligence. Let’s leave that alone now. 因此,智力是什麼? 有一種身體的智力,對嗎? 想像一下心臟、肝臟、神經所有的張力 結構、頭腦本身會防衛自己 如果有任何危險它就會反應,某些腺體… 我不是完全懂,但你會看到 它自衛的速度有多快 因此我們有身體的智力暫且不談這個
46:25 Then what is the intelligence that a clever physician, a technocrat, technologist, or the man who puts a very complex machine together, thousands of people get together, send a rocket to the moon, that requires intelligence, cooperation, see everything is perfect, right? That requires great intelligence and cooperation that requires great intelligence, a certain type of intelligence. And that intelligence which is very cunning, calculating, which has put together the whole rituals of the world – the temples, the mosques, the churches. That is also very clever, very intelligent, to control people through their apostolic succession – sorry, if you are Catholic, forget what I am saying. All that. There is also in India a Sanskrit word for it, this handing it down, the original... Handing down his benediction, or his apostolic succession, that also demands quite a clever movement – right? That is also very intelligent, to control people, to make them believe in something that may or may not exist and to have faith, and to be baptised – the whole of it is very clever, if you've watched it, very intelligent. Which the Communists are doing, they have their God, Lenin, and below him Stalin, all the way down to the present gentleman. So it is the same movement. And all that is also very intelligent, partially. And the scientists, the theoretical physicists, all are very partially intelligent. 接著,還有高明的醫師 技術官僚、工藝學家的智力 或把非常複雜的機器組裝起來的人 幾千個人一起工作把火箭送上月球 那需要智力、合作 事情才能完美無瑕,對嗎? 這需要極大的智力和合作 這需要極大的智力某一種類型的智力 這種非常奸巧又善於算計的智力 編造出世界所有的儀式 寺廟、清真寺、教堂 這也很聰明、很有智力 透過使徒的傳承控制人們 抱歉,如果你是天主教徒忘掉我說的話 所有的一切印度的梵文也有一個詞 形容這種傳承,原始的… 傳承他的恩賜或使徒的傳承 這也需要相當聰明的活動,對嗎? 這也非常有智力,要控制人們 讓他們相信一個也許存在,也許不存在的東西 要有信念,要接受浸禮 這整套東西都非常聰明如果你看過,非常有智力 共產黨也在這麼做,對嗎? 他們有自己的上帝──列寧和繼任他的史達林 一直到現任的紳士 因此這是同一種活動 這一切都非常有智力、局部的智力 科學家、理論物理學家 都在局部上非常有智力對嗎?
49:32 Then, what is a holistic intelligence, which is whole, which is not fragmented – I am very intelligent in that direction but in other directions I don’t care, I am dull. I am very good at physics, science, you know, all that. So there is partial intelligence in various phases of life. And we are asking: 那麼…什麼是整體性的智力了解嗎? 那個完整的、不分裂的 我在那個方向非常有智力 但另一個方向卻不在乎,很遲鈍 我在物理學、科學方面非常優秀你們知道那一切 因此生活的各種階段都有局部的智力 我們要問
50:15 is there an intelligence which is complete, which is not partial, which is not fragmented? Right? We are going to find out. Are you going to find out? Or am I going to find out and tell you? Please, am I going to answer that question? Or are you going to answer it? Is there an intelligence which is incorruptible, not based on circumstances, pragmatic, self-centred and therefore broken up, fragmented, not whole? Is there an intelligence which is impeccable, which has no holes in it, which covers the whole field of man? Enquire into it. To enquire into it the brain must be completely free of any conclusion, any kind of attachment, any kind of self-centred movement, self-interest. Therefore a brain that is totally free from fear, sorrow and when there is the end of sorrow there is passion behind it. The very word ‘sorrow’ etymologically has a deeper meaning than merely shedding tears and pain and grief and anxiety. Passion is not for something. Passion per se, for itself. I may have passion for a belief – a belief may evoke in me passion, a symbol, a community, a devotion, an imagination. All that is still very limited. So first, one has to discover, one has to come upon this passion which is neither lust nor has any motive. You understand? Is there such passion? Or mere sensation, sensation, etc.? There is such passion when there is an end to sorrow. When there is an end to sorrow there is love and compassion. And when there is compassion, not for this or that, but compassion, then that compassion has its own supreme quintessence, intelligence. That is neither of time, neither does it belong to any theories, to any technologies, to nobody, that intelligence is not personal or universal – all the words round it. Oh Lord! 是否有一個完整的智力,了解嗎? 不是局部的、分裂的智力? 對嗎?我們要弄清楚 你要弄清楚嗎? 還是要等我弄清楚了再告訴你? 請問…是我來回答這個問題 或是由你來回答? 有沒有一種不會腐敗的智力 不是基於環境、實用、自我中心 也因此不是破碎的、分裂的不完整的智力? 是否有一種完美無瑕的智力 沒有漏洞 涵蓋人類整個領域的智力? 參問 想要參問 頭腦就必須完全擺脫任何結論,對嗎? 任何一種執著,對嗎? 任何自我中心、自利的活動 也因此是一個完全擺脫了恐懼、哀傷的頭腦 哀傷終結時它的背後就有熱情 哀傷這個詞在詞源學上 還有更深沉的意思 不只是流淚、痛苦、憂愁和焦慮 一無所圖的熱情 為了熱情而熱情 我也許對一個信念有熱情 引發我熱情的也許是一個信仰符號 ∕ 象徵、社團 虔敬、想像 這些仍然很有限 因此,人首先要發現 找到這個既不是情欲 也沒有任何動機的熱情 了解嗎?有這種熱情嗎? 或只是一種覺受之類的? 有一種哀傷終結後的熱情 哀傷終結時就有愛和慈悲 有慈悲的時候 不是為了這個或那個而是熱情 那個慈悲就有它至高的精髓、智力 既不屬於時間 也不屬於任何理論、科技也不屬於任何人 那個智力既非個人的、普世性的 也不是圍繞著它的言說 天啊!
55:05 Forth question: 'Is there any benefit to the human being in physical illness?' (第四個問題)身體的疾病對人 有任何好處嗎?
55:15 Is there any benefit, reward, profit, benefit to the human being in physical illness? Have I made this question clear? Shall I translate in French? Then I would have to do it in Italian. Listen well. (Translates the question into French and Italian) 'Is there any benefit to the human being in physical illness, in being ill?' Now I put you that question. 疾病對人有任何好處 報償或利益嗎? 我有把問題說清楚了嗎? 要我翻成法語嗎? 那我也得翻成意大利語 聽好 (把問題翻譯成法語和意大利語) 身體的疾病對人 有任何好處嗎? 我要反問你們
56:30 I am sure most of us have been ill at one time or another. Either mentally ill, that is, brain, illness of the brain, which is neurotic, psychopathic and so on, or physical illness, some organ not functioning properly and therefore great illness. You may have cancer, terminal, or going to be operated – it is illness. Now just listen. What is the difference between illness and health? What is health? And what is it to be extraordinarily well? Illness and good health. Right? The question is: is there any profit, benefit from illness, human illness? What do you think? To that question the speaker would say there is – sorry! But, when you are ill, how your brain is operating, right? What are your reactions, responses? The desire when one is ill to avoid pain, taking a pill quickly, or immediately going to the doctor and, you know, if you have the money you pay and he tells you what to do and you go back to bed and you get over it. Right? So is there a benefit from being ill? The speaker says there is. It is either purification of the body, when you have fever it burns out certain things, and you take a pill to stop that fever. You check it and you want to quickly get over it because you may lose the job, etc., etc. So your intention is to get well as quickly as possible. That is natural, apparently. Ha capito? Vous avez compris? Je m'adresse à cet enfant. 我確信每個人都生過病 要么是心理的疾病,也就是頭腦頭腦的疾病 神經病或精神病等 或身體的疾病 某個器官運作不當 因此患了重病 你也許有癌症,晚期的 或者要動手術等,這是疾病 單純地聽 疾病和健康有什麼差別? 健康是什麼? 超級健康又是什麼? 疾病和健康,對嗎? 問題是:疾病,人的疾病 會帶來任何利益、好處嗎? 你認為如何? 說者的回答是有,抱歉! 但當你生病的時候 你的頭腦如何運作?對嗎? 你的反應、回應是什麼? 生病時想避免痛苦的欲望 很快就吃藥 或立刻去看醫生 還有,你知道的,如果你有錢 你付錢,他告訴你怎麼做 你躺在床上把病養好了 對嗎? 生病有任何好處嗎? 說者說有 一則會淨化身體 發燒時會燒掉某些東西 你吃藥來退燒 你做檢查,想快點復元 因為你也許會失去工作等等 你的意圖是盡快好起來 這是自然的,顯然如此 他明白了?(意大利語)你明白了嗎?(法語)我正在對這個孩子說(法語)
1:00:16 So, if you are not afraid of illness, illness has quite a different meaning. The speaker, if I may slightly be personal, was paralysed for a month in Kashmir, North India. For various reasons they overdosed the poor chap with antibiotics, a tremendous lot. So a few days later he was paralysed for a month. I thought that is final. I thought: there it is. I was, the speaker wasn’t frightened – he said, ‘Yes, all right, paralysed for the rest of my life.' This actually happened. I am not exaggerating. They carried me, washed me and all the rest of it, for a whole month. You know what that means? You don’t. Fortunately you don’t. But if I struggled against it and said, ‘For God’s sake, what stupid doctors. I am anti antibiotic!’ and so on. I am struggling against this illness so it makes it worse and I have learnt nothing from it, It hasn’t cleansed my body, it hasn’t benefited. But if I play with it – I have, the speaker has. He has been several times very, very ill. I am not going into that. But if one is not afraid to remain with it, to stay with it, not immediately rush to a doctor, to a pill. You may have to take it later but to go at it slowly, patiently, observing what your reactions are, why this craze to be healthy, to have no pain, then you are resisting the whole thing, right? This self-interest may be one of the factors of illness. It may be the true reason for illness. Do you understand? 因此…如果你不害怕疾病 疾病就有相當不同的意義 說者...容我講點私人的事 在北印度的喀什米爾癱瘓了一個月 他們以各種理由讓這可憐的傢伙服藥過量 吃抗生素等大量的藥物 幾天以後,他癱瘓了一個月 我以為完蛋了 我以為結束了 我...說者並不害怕 他說,好,沒關係餘生就這樣癱瘓吧 這是實際發生的事我沒有誇大其詞 他們揹我、幫我洗澡等一整個月 知道這件事的意義嗎? 不知道,幸好你不知道 但如果我抗爭說,看上帝的份上 多麼愚蠢的醫生 我對抗生素有抗藥性等 我在跟疾病抗爭 因此我的病就會惡化 我不會從中學到任何事情對嗎? 疾病不會淨化我的身體不會帶來好處 但如果我跟它遊戲我有,說者有 他好幾次患了非常嚴重的疾病 我不詳談這些事了 如果你不怕與疾病同在、共存 不是立刻跑去看醫生,吃藥 你也許會之後再吃 慢慢地來 耐心地觀察你的反應 為什麼對健康、無病痛 如此瘋狂地執著? 那你就是抗拒這整件事,對嗎? 自利也許是疾病的因素之一對嗎? 也許是真正的病因 你了解嗎?
1:03:33 So illness, physical illness has certain natural profit, benefit and so on. Clear? Right. 因此疾病、身體的疾病有它自然的好處 利益之類的 清楚嗎?好!
1:04:09 Fifth question: 'Why do you differentiate between the brain and the mind?' (第五個問題)你為什麼要區別 頭腦與心靈的不同?
1:04:20 'Why do you differentiate between the brain and the mind?' I am afraid this has to be the last question. There are several left over but this has to be the last one. 你為什麼要區別 頭腦與心靈的不同? 恐怕這是最後一個問題了 還有幾個問題沒談但這是最後一個
1:04:41 First of all what is the brain? Remembering that we are not professionals. We are ordinary people who are not brain specialists, including the speaker, though he has talked to brain specialists, but they go so far – leave that. The speaker is not – underlined – a brain specialist. So we are asking each other what is the brain, not the structure of the brain, physical, biological structure of the brain, left side, right side, the left side has been used much more than the right side, the right side is the new brain, it can receive new information and so on. I don’t know anything about it. It may be, it may not be. But what is this thing that we live with, which is in operation in our daily life? What is this function of the brain in our daily life, not superior consciousness, lower consciousness, bringing the superior consciousness down to the lower consciousness. You know that game? That is what the gurus play, that game. They help you to bring down the higher consciousness to lower consciousness. Or from the lower consciousness through meditation, through following, through doing certain practices, reach the higher consciousness. We are not doing all that kind of thing. We will come to presently what is consciousness, later. You don’t mind going into all this? 首先要問,頭腦是什麼? 記得我們不是專家 我們是一般人,不是腦科專家 包括說者在內 雖然他跟腦科專家談過 他們表示…不談這個 說者不是…我強調,不是腦科專家 我們彼此質問:頭腦是什麼? 不是大腦的生理結構 生物結構、左腦或右腦 左腦的使用量多於右腦 右腦是…新腦,懂嗎? 它能接收新資訊等 我對大腦一無所知,也許是也許不是 但這個與我們共存的, 在日常生活中運作的東西是什麼? 頭腦在日常生活中的功能是什麼? 不是超級意識或低級意識 把超級意識降到低級意識 你們知道這種遊戲? 那些上師在玩的遊戲 幫助你從高層意識下降 到低層意識 或者透過冥想、遵循 做一些修鍊,把低層意識 提升到高層意識 我們不做那種事 我們不久就會來談意識是什麼,之後會來談的 不介意探查這個問題吧?
1:06:54 What is the function, daily function of our brain? Your brain – not my brain – your brain, the human brain, whether you live in Switzerland, America, Russia, or in India, or the Far East, what goes on in our daily life which is the exercise of the brain, exercise of thought, exercise of choice, exercise of decision and action – we are not talking about action, as I explained it, cut that out. So, wherever we live, the activity of the brain plays a great role in our life. So what is this brain? We are laymen, amateurs. Look at our own brain. Action and reaction – right? – sensation, conditioned from the past – I am a Hindu, you are a Christian, I am a Buddhist, you are a Muslim and so on. I belong to this country and you belong to that country. I am Catholic, you are a Protestant, or a Muslim, or a Buddhist, or this or that. I believe very strongly. I have come to certain conclusions, I stick to that. My prejudices are strong, opinions are strong, and I am attached, I want to fulfil, I want to become something, you follow, that is our daily routine, and much more. The anguish of anxiety, the bitterness of anxiety, the pragmatism of anxiety, the loneliness, tremendously depressing, escaping from that loneliness through television, books, rituals, temple, church, mosque – right? God. Conflict, conflict, conflict. That is what the brain is caught up in, all the time. It is not being exaggerated. We are facing facts. Right? It is so. So the brain is the centre of all this. The nerves, the memories, the nervous responses, like, dislike, I hate, I am hurt, it is the very centre of all our existence, emotionally, imaginatively, art, science, knowledge. So that brain is very, very limited and yet extraordinarily capable. Technologically, incredibly it has done, things unimaginable fifty years ago. So all that is the activity of the brain. Conditioned, living within that conditioning: religious, political, business, surgical and so on. It is all very limited. Concerned with oneself. Self-interest, self-serving, in the name of God, in the name of – all the rest of it. Right? Are we clear? This is obvious. It says ‘I am materialistic’ and also it says, ‘No, no, I am better than that. There is a soul.' To use the Sanskrit, ‘There is an Atman’ and so on. So consciousness is that, right? People have written books and books about consciousness, professionals, non professionals, but we are not professionals, we are dealing with what is. 頭腦的日常功能是什麼? 你的頭腦,不是我的你的頭腦,人的頭腦 無論你住在瑞士、美國、俄國 印度或遠東 我們的日常生活是怎麼回事? 也就是頭腦的運動 思想的運動、選擇的運動 決定和行動的運動 我們不是在談行動我解釋過,這些免了 無論我們住在哪裡,頭腦的活動 都在生活中扮演重大的角色對嗎? 這個頭腦是什麼? 我們是外行人、業餘者 看我們的頭腦 行動與反應,對嗎? 覺受、來自過去的制約 我是印度教徒,你是基督徒 我是佛教徒,你是回教徒等 我屬於這個國家你屬於那個國家,對嗎? 我是天主教徒你是新教徒或回教徒 或佛教徒,這個徒或那個徒 我非常堅定地信仰 我做出了某些結論我堅守這些結論 我的偏見很強、觀點很強 我執著這個偏見,我想實現 我想變成某個東西,懂嗎? 這就是我們每天的例行公事之類的 焦慮的劇痛 焦慮的苦澀 焦慮的實用主義 孤獨、巨大的沮喪 透過電視、書本、儀式、寺廟 教堂、清真寺逃避孤獨,對嗎?還有上帝 衝突、衝突、衝突 頭腦就困在裡面,了無出期 這不是誇大其詞我們在面對事實 對嗎?本來如此 頭腦是這一切的中心 神經、記憶、神經反應 喜歡、不喜歡、我恨、我受傷懂嗎? 這是我們整個存在的中心 情感的、想像的、藝術、科學懂嗎? 知識 因此頭腦是非常非常有限的然而又有超凡的能力,對嗎? 在科技上有不可思議的成就 五十年前難以想像的事 這些都是頭腦的活動 被制約,活在那個制約裡 宗教、政治、生意、外科的制約等 頭腦非常有限,只關心自己 自利、自私——以上帝之名 各種其他的名義 對嗎?清楚嗎?這很明顯 它說,我是物質主義者,還說 不,不,我比那個更好我有靈魂 梵文的靈魂是神我(Atman)等 意識就是那個,對嗎? 人們寫了一大堆有關意識的書 專家、非專家 但我們不是專家我們要處理的是實然
1:12:17 Consciousness is its content, what it contains makes consciousness. It contains anxiety, belief, faith, bitterness, loneliness, jealousy, hate, violence, you know, all the qualities, the experiences of human beings. That is consciousness. That consciousness is not yours because they share it all. This is the difficulty, where you will find it difficult. Every human being on this earth whether they are the most poorest, ignorant, degraded, and the most highly sophisticated, educated, have these problems. They may put on robes and crowns and all the circus, but remove all that, they are like you and me. Conflict, annoyance – right? So we share the consciousness of every human being in the world. I know you won’t accept it, but it doesn’t matter, this is a fact, because you suffer and that villager in India which lives on one meal a day, two clothes, he also suffers, not in the way you suffer, but it is also not the way he suffers, but it is still suffering. It is still suffering. Your memories may be different from the other but it is still memory. Your experience may be different from another but it is still experience. So your consciousness is not yours. It is the consciousness of the entire humanity, psychologically. You may be tall, you may be fair, I may be black, I may be purple, but still that consciousness is common to all of us – psychologically. 意識就是它的內容,對嗎? 它包含的東西構成了意識,對嗎? 包括焦慮、信念、信仰、怨恨 孤獨、嫉妒、仇恨、暴力你們知道 所有人類的屬性、經驗 這就是意識 這個意識不是你的因為它是所有人共有的 這是你會發現困難的地方 地球上的每一個人 無論最窮的、無知的、卑下的 到最久經世故、最高教育的人 都有這些問題 他們也許穿聖袍、戴皇冠演出這一類的雜耍 但脫掉這些以後他們也和你、我一樣 衝突、煩惱,對嗎? 因此,我們與全世界每一個人共享同一個意識 我知道你們不接受這個說法但無所謂,因為這是事實 因為你受苦印度那個日食一餐 只有兩件衣服的村民 也在受苦 他受的苦跟你不同 你受的苦也跟他不同 但仍然是受苦,對嗎?仍然是受苦 你的記憶也許跟另一個人不同 但仍然是記憶 你的經驗也許有別於另一個人 但仍然是經驗 因此,你的意識不是你的 心理上,它是整個人類的意識 你也許個子高,也許白皮膚我也許黑皮膚、也許紫皮膚 但那個意識仍然是所有人共有的,對嗎? ——從心理層面上來說,因此...
1:15:04 So you are the entire humanity. Not Swiss and all that nonsense. You are the entire humanity. You know what that means? If you accept it as an idea, then you are away, you move away from the fact, from the truth of it, from the reality, the substance of it. When there is that reality, truth, that you are the rest of mankind, you are the rest of mankind. You understand? Then the whole movement of life changes. You will not kill another. Then you are killing yourself. There was an American – oh, I have forgotten – a general at war. He was going to war and he faces the enemy. And he reports to the boss, ‘We have met the enemy. We are the enemy’. You understand? ‘We have met the enemy across the fields but we are the enemy, the enemy is us.' 你就是整個人類 不是瑞士人之類的無聊事 你是整個人類 知道這句話的意思嗎? 如果你把它當做觀念來接受那你就偏離了 偏離了事實、偏離了它的真相 偏離了它的真相、實質 只要有那個真實、真相在你就是其他的人類 你是其他的人類 了解嗎?接著整個…生命活動就會改變 你不會去殺人,因為那樣等於自殺 有一個美國人我忘了他的名字 一個將軍 他去參戰,他面對著敵人 他跟上級報告說 我們遇見敵人了敵人就是我們 了解嗎? 我們在戰場上遇見敵人 但我們就是敵人,敵人就是我們
1:16:53 So when there is this truth that you are the entire humanity – sleep with it, go into it, feel your way into it, don’t deny it or accept it, but as the river flows, go into it. You will see what deep transformation takes place, which is not intellectual, nor imaginative, nor sentimental, romantic. In that sense there is tremendous sense of compassion, love. And when there is that, you act according to that supreme intelligence. 因此,面對你是全人類的真相 與它共寢、深入它摸索著進入它 不要否認或接受 而是要像河流一樣,進入它 你會看到發生多麼深沉的轉化 不是知性的或想像的 不是感性的或浪漫的 但卻有龐大的慈悲感、愛 當你有了這些以後 你就會依循至高的智慧行動
1:18:32 May we get up? 我們可以站起來了嗎?