Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

BA71T2 - How does the observer come into being?
Bangalore, India - 31 January 1971
Public Talk 2




How do you look at your life?

As long as there is an observer and the thing observed there must be conflict in you. When there is conflict in you, you project that conflict outwardly.

When you are seeking power, is there a possibility of love?

A mind that has been hurt must die to the hurts every day so that the next morning there’s a fresh, clear mind, which has no scars.

Q: When you say the one who says he knows doesn’t know, what do you mean? Must you not know yourself to say that?

Q: You don’t want us to read the great Indian epics. What’s wrong with them? Why are you so hostile towards our great saints?

Q: What is the reason for the grievances that sex has brought to the world in spite of the fact that it is the greatest energy of man?