Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

BO84IIT - What place has knowledge in human relationship?
Bombay (Mumbai) - 7 February 1984
Talk at Indian Institute of Technology




We have given tremendous importance to the technological world and we seem to neglect, perhaps totally, the human way of living, what is happening to man.

Knowledge gives you capacity, position, status. Knowledge is not love, knowledge is not compassion.

What is the meaning of your existence?

Questions include:

Q: Knowledge of any kind cannot be bad. What could possibly be bad is the use of it, the use it is put into. Kindly comment.

Q: You claimed that there is already a lot of confusion in this world, but I do not remember you having given a suggestion or a solution. Don’t you think that this adds to the confusion rather than reducing it?

Q: What is love and how does it arise?