Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

BR71T4 - Meditation is the total release of energy
Brockwood Park, UK - 12 September 1971
Public Talk 4




How is one to have the quality of energy which is without friction?

When you practise a method in order to achieve enlightenment, bliss, a quiet mind or a state of tranquillity, it obviously makes the mind mechanical.

Q: What do you mean by observing greed without naming it as greed? Is it the same as observing the action of the past without naming it?

How is one to observe the whole content of consciousness, the obvious and the hidden, the superficial and the profound, in one look?

Meditation is putting aside altogether everything that man has conceived of himself and the world.

Q: What is intuition?

Q: When one is aware of one’s sexual appetites they seem to disappear. Can that awareness, attention, be maintained all the time?

Q: Can we be aware of what goes on when we are asleep?