Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

BR73DSG3 - Duality, envy and sorrow
Brockwood Park, UK - 6 October 1973
Discussion with Small Group 3




What do we mean by duality? Does it exist at all?

I am trying to find out how to live in this world, not being a coward nor being courageous.

The mind is conditioned to accept the opposite as a means of transcending ‘what is’.

Is it possible to be free of envy without effort?

How does desire arise?

Where there is effort there is duality, the observer and observed.

There is sorrow in the world and there is sorrow in oneself. What is one to do?

I see I have wasted time in escape, analysis, hope, comfort, illusions, looking for a doctrine that will be satisfactory.

Can the mind be completely without movement?