Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

BR74S10 - The masters, Krishnamurti, meditation and silence
Brockwood Park, UK - 18 October 1974
Seminar 10




Introductory talk given by Krishnamurti.

K: In the Indian and Tibetan tradition there are beings who do not appear in the world but live apart and help mankind.

K: When Dr Besant said, ‘The World Teacher has manifested,’ she staked her reputation on that.

K: Oneself is the teacher and the disciple if you are willing to listen.

Fritjof Capra: Have you yourself changed over the years?

Gordon Globus: How did you come to understand the nature of violence, not experiencing it yourself?

K: Any religious organisation based on belief and authority is detrimental to the understanding of truth.

Julian Melzack: Do you think you have any prejudices which you bring when discussing with other people?

K: You must be free from your framework to find out what another person says about meditation.

K: A silence induced through discipline, control, drugs, repetition of words is not silence.

JM: Is it possible to say that I’ve understood what you are saying without having experienced it?

K: Find out what meditation means.