Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

BR74S11 - Meditation, death, the mind when the self is not
Brockwood Park, UK - 19 October 1974
Seminar 11




K: Unless we understand extrasensory perception, healing and thought over matter, we won’t get the whole picture of meditation.

K: A real yogi never drinks, never eats meat and leads a very strict life; it’s not just an amusing healthy thing.

K: What is it to die?

K: The observer is the central factor of distortion, contradiction, division, from which arises conflict and effort.

K: The ‘me’ has no reality except verbally, which is very difficult to accept because we are attached.

K: Can I look at suffering without the observer saying, ‘I must do something about it’?

K: Thought implies the brain, but thought is also outside and leaves a form.

K: We are attached and our thoughts, in the form of attachment, go on.

K: What happens to a mind when the self is not? The self is continuity, as name, form, a book, one’s furniture.

K: When I drop my burdens I may have an abundance of love, then I’ll act.