Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

BR74S3 - Defining being human, compassion, feeling special
Brockwood Park, UK - 14 October 1974
Seminar 3




Introductory talk given by Julian Melzack (Philosopher).

Julian Melzack: There is a prima facie incompatibility in what science is doing in trying to understand man and what we think man to be.

JM: Man is a probability automaton.

Gordon Globus: Your approach is in terms of language descriptions and I don’t think you’re accounting for awareness.

David Bohm: No machine, not even a probability machine, will actually explain quantum mechanics.

DB: How can you define what is meant by being human?

Fritjof Capra: I think we all can agree that man is a quantum probabilistic automaton.

Robin Monro: A mechanistic view of man doesn’t adequately account for consciousness.

K: Can compassion and love be taught?

K: How can I have passion?

K: How does one go beyond sorrow?

K: Why this desire to be something special?