Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

BR74S7 - The brain, meditation, compassion in science
Brockwood Park, UK - 17 October 1974
Seminar 7




K: Is the brain ever still?

K: In meditation all wounds are healed; all movement of the self has come to an end.

K: I say, ‘I’m arrogant.’ I’m aware of it. Why do I call it arrogance?

K: What is effort?

K: Is it possible for a human being not to be violent?

Short talk given by Maurice Wilkins (Physicist and Biologist).

Maurice Wilkins: The scientific community as a whole is somehow trapped, mesmerised in the world of thought.

MW: Are we aware of the extent to which we are conditioned by our social organisation?

Julian Melzack: Should Einstein have been worried about the bomb?

DB: The word ‘compassion’ means com-passion, to feel together and all together. If scientists don’t feel all together, their work has no meaning.

K: Are scientists concerned with war as compassionate human beings?

K: Is transformation a matter of time, evolution, a gradual process, or is it something immediate?

George Sudarshan: How can we talk about a peaceful, harmonious world when there is such strong iniquity with regard to distribution?