Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

BR76DSS2.4 - If you radically, psychologically change, you affect the consciousness of the world
Brockwood Park, UK - 8 October 1976
Discussion with Staff and Students 2.4




In each human being the whole history of mankind is stored.

We are responsible for creating authority because we live a disorderly life.

By observing the outer, I relate it to my inner life and see that the outer and inner are the same.

It is very important for a human being to undergo a deep revolution psychologically.

There is the energy of illusion and the energy of truth. How do we know that we don’t have the energy of illusion?

Why do human beings create images about others?

Why is your brain always in activity? Because it is constantly in operation, you don’t listen, observe or see.

Is it possible to stop this movement of chatter? If you can stop it then you won’t form images.