Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

BR77DSS1.2 - Order, influence, intelligence and watching
Brockwood Park, UK - 28 January 1977
Discussion with Staff and Students 1.2




Wastage of energy is disorder, so where there is order there is more energy.

Do I live a disordered and contradictory life inwardly and outwardly?

Is strength the opposite of weakness? If it is, it is weak.

Will you act in the world without any pressure from anybody?

When there is choice your action will be born out of confusion.

When there is intelligence, nothing can influence you, nobody can put you under pressure.

Part of our education at Brockwood is to see that you are watching, not coming to any conclusion – just watching.

Don’t let your desire or your parents or anybody tell you what to do. Just watch – how you sit, how you walk, how you watch your thoughts.