Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

BR77DSS2.6 - The difference between duty and responsibility
Brockwood Park, UK - 16 October 1977
Discussion with Staff and Students 2.6




To be responsible implies responding, reacting correctly to any challenge or happening.

What is it like to be without pressure?

What happens to the mind that is in constant battle?

Yoga is not muscular cultivation.

When there is constant strain, effort and pressure, is there love?

Is there passion when I follow duty? Is there passion when I’m really remembering pleasure and pursuing it?

What is insight and what is thought?

You try to control thought or anger, to suppress jealousy thinking that you are different from it, but you are that.

Insight is unlimited because it is not the product of thought. There is insight only when thought is in abeyance.

Note: a total of 44 minutes and 10 seconds of missing video is replaced by audio only.