Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

BR78DSS1.1 - Can you give equal importance to all the things in your life?
Brockwood Park, UK - 9 May 1978
Discussion with Staff and Students 1.1




Why do you make sex all-important, or family all-important, or your God?

Am I escaping from myself when I am totally concerned with my wife, with my job or with sex?

Can you give equal importance to all the things in your life?

Can the body, the heart and the mind always be in harmony, not one or the other dominating?

Can you have harmonious relationship with another who is not harmonious?

Thought itself, whatever it creates, whatever it does, brings disharmony.

Note: a total of 21 minutes and 44 seconds of missing video is replaced by audio only.