Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

BR78DSS1.2 - Can thought bring about a life that is totally harmonious?
Brockwood Park, UK - 14 May 1978
Discussion with Staff and Students 1.2




Can thought bring about living a life every day harmoniously, with no distortion and not giving importance to one particular thing?

Thought is a movement out of the past, so it must be limited. It can project the future but it is still the outcome of the past.

Can that which is limited understand the unlimited?

What is harmony?

The essence of meditation is for thought to realise that it is limited and therefore have no movement other than in its little corner.

Can thought stop itself and time come to an end?

Logic and reason cannot bring about insight.

Is there a harmonious interrelationship between the mind, the heart and the body?

Note: a total of 2 minutes and 52 seconds of missing video is replaced by audio only.