Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

BR79DT2.2 - We have divided life as the outer and the inner
Brockwood Park, UK - 20 June 1979
Discussion with Teachers 2.2




Q: What is education?

Education should be preparation for the whole of life instead of limiting it to earning a livelihood. How will you help the student to come to the understanding of the whole of life?

Are we trying to change the human character, the condition of man, from the outside? Is change not from the outside but psychologically, inwardly? Is there no such thing as division, but a constant moving, outer and inner? Can these two streams be brought together?

Have you a relationship with the student? That means being concerned about his dress, the way he walks, the way he talks, the language he uses, cultivating his taste, manners, politeness, the whole of it - help him to be free of fear, help him to be free.