Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

BR80DSS2.1 - Is it possible to grow up without any kind of fear?
Brockwood Park, UK - 28 September 1980
Discussion with Staff and Students 2.1




We are all living together and if we form groups, one group will be against another group, like the rest of the world.

Discipline means to learn, not to conform.

It is the intention here of all of us that when you leave you have no fear whatsoever.

Freedom demands a great deal of learning and that very learning is discipline.

Can we establish a relationship with each other in which the educator and the student are learning together?

When you listen to a mathematics, history or geography class, are you thinking, are you learning, or merely repeating?

Can you find out why you are aggressive or docile?

As an educator it is my responsibility to see that you are a good human being, with great affection and love, and are not frightened.