Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

BR81T2 - Looking at the whole content of consciousness
Brockwood Park, UK - 30 August 1981
Public Talk 2




There is nothing sacred about thought, yet what thought has invented, thought assumes is sacred and then begins to worship it as being sacred. So thought is worshipping itself.

Can we look at ourselves freely, actually what is going on, without any motive, distortion or direction?

Is relationship merely sensory, sexual? Is it merely a companionship, depending on each other, exploiting each other, trying to dominate each other, possess each other? Or is it much deeper?

The deep cause of division is thinking that each one is separate.

Can the brain function as a whole?

What is the root of fear?

Is pleasure a remembrance? Is pleasure a thought? Is pleasure time?

Is love the awakening of the whole of the brain?