Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

BR83DSS1.3 - Conflict is a wastage of energy
Brockwood Park, UK - 12 June 1983
Discussion with Staff and Students 1.3




Why have human beings not found a way of living that is peaceful and without conflict?

It is a wastage of energy when I try to be something I am not.

What does it mean to remain with the fact?

When you are not pursuing the opposite, which is a wastage of energy, which is a non-fact, then you have the energy to look at the fact.

Why do you say that you understand intellectually or verbally?

You are not different from what you observe in yourself.

Could you investigate why you hold on to your conditioning?

Perhaps it would have a tremendous effect if a few of us that can live without conflict.

The computer will do most of the things we can, and unless our brain is very active it’s going to become dull and wither.

Either you lose yourself in pleasure, amusement and superficial things or you enter into a world that has no end, with immense depth and vastness. This is for you to find out.