Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

BR83DSS2.0 - Supreme intelligence is to have no illusions
Brockwood Park, UK - 16 October 1983
Discussion with Staff and Students 2.0




Q: What is intelligence?

Inwardly there is the authority of one's experience, convictions and opinions. Do you accept that authority?

How do you look at things without authority?

We are going to question, not say it is right or wrong, but inquire, doubt.

In inquiring very carefully step by step you will begin to awaken your own intelligence.

Where do you accept and where do you disregard authority?

What will you do when the government asks you to become a soldier?

Must we kill each other to be secure?

Are ideas and ideals illusions?

What do you seek security in?

Learn the art of questioning so that you question everything.