Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

BR83DT2.1 - Helping the students to meet the violence in the world
Brockwood Park, UK - 15 October 1983
Discussion with Teachers 2.1



There is a great deal of violence all over the world and the students are going to face it. How do you help them to meet that violence?

What’s the root of violence?

Before we act we must understand how to act, what action to take, and the motive for action.

If I have very strong opinions, judgements and convictions, and you have yours, how can we meet?

If we are interested in ending violence, we drop our convictions.

Self-concern is one of the great psychological factors of divisiveness.

Do I see deeply that violence is brought about through isolation, separation?

To live peacefully in oneself requires tremendous intelligence.

Can we all look at something together?