Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

BR83DT2.2 - Why can’t we think together?
Brockwood Park, UK - 18 October 1983
Discussion with Teachers 2.2




Thinking together implies a certain quality of affection and sensitivity.

You have an opinion and I have opinion. Knowing it is divisive and brings conflict, why do we go on with it?

Can one’s brain be free?

We are all responsible for the students. That responsibility demands that we act together. To act together there must be a certain affection between us, a quality of trusting each other.

When there is affection, love, you think together.

Why do we have such terrible divisions?

The older students are influencing the new students, for bad or good. How do you prevent this?

Affection means there is no authority.

Note: a total of 1 minute and 47 seconds of missing video is replaced by audio only.