Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

BR85DSG1.2 - Will Brockwood be a place where people come to listen to something very deep?
Brockwood Park, UK - 19 October 1985
Discussion with Small Group 1.2




Together we are trying to find a different way of living, a different kind of brain.

See that there is a feeling of real affection here.

The quality of something sacred, holy.

What kind of people would come to the Centre and how long will they stay?

Apart from books, audio and video, what is it you want here?

You have listened, watched and read – what does it all mean to you?

What you are building is more important than the structure.

I have seen organisations flourish, and some rascal comes along and it is gone. Watch out, do not let this happen.

Legally and geographically the Foundations are separate, but K has always said it is one body.