Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

CC82T4 - Time, death and meditation
Calcutta (Kolkata) - 28 November 1982
Public Talk 4




Psychological time is invented by thought.

What is your daily life?

If you are the rest of mankind then what is your responsibility to man and to what is happening in the world?

When you say you want to be born next life, that you believe in reincarnation, what is it that is going to be reborn? What are you?

What is death?

You are a vast reservoir of memories, words, pictures and symbols. Your consciousness is the rest of mankind. You are not an individual. What does death mean then?

Can you, while living, end your attachment, end a particular habit voluntarily, easily, quietly? Where there is an ending, there is a totally different beginning.

What is a religious life?

Meditation is not the practise of any system. When you practise a system your brain becomes atrophied and dull, not alive and active.

What does it mean to be aware? What does it mean to concentrate? What does it mean to attend? All this is implied in meditation.

Note: a total of 18 minutes and 7 seconds of missing video is replaced by audio only. Poor picture quality from original recording