Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

CL68DYP4 - Can the mind be free of thought?
Claremont, California - 14 November 1968
Discussion with Young People 4




What is a human being to do living in this world which is extraordinarily confused, contradictory, fragmentary?

Life is relationship in action.

There is a division, a dualistic process between ‘what is’ and ‘what should be’. In this division there must be conflict.

Is it possible to live so utterly, completely, totally in the now that whatever I do will be total, complete, non-fragmentary, harmonious?

Can the mind be completely and totally silent, and out of that silence act?

Q: The ego is so strong. It thrives on its own activity. Will it allow itself to be destroyed?

Q: When you speak about memory being at different levels, is there really any difference between technological memory and other memory?

Q: Living in the now, how can you submit to a contract, which is a promise for the future?

The ending of sorrow is meditation, therefore meditation is wisdom.