Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

CO80T1 - Life is relationship and action
Colombo, Sri Lanka - 8 November 1980
Public Talk 1




What is the condition of man?

Listening is a great art, one we have not cultivated: to listen completely to another.

To bring about a different society you as a human being who is the rest of mankind must radically change.

Doubt is of great importance, it gives you tremendous energy.

Life is a movement in relationship; you cannot exist without relationship.

What is our present relationship with each other?

To understand image-making common to mankind, one has to go into the question of what is thought, thinking and the nature of thought.

Is it possible to live a daily life without a single image?

The mirror in which you can study yourself is the mirror of relationship.

In watching, listening to yourself carefully without any direction or motive, you begin to read the story of mankind, which is yourself.