Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

LO67DSG1.3 - Images, change, the observer and the observed
London - 28 September 1967
Discussion with Small Group 1.3



What is the mechanism that builds images preventing seeing?

I refuse to see myself as I am because I have an image about myself.

Why do we give continuity to insult or flattery?

What is it in me that refuses to face facts?

What will change me who refuses to change?

Do I know my dullness because I compare myself with somebody?

Can you stop measuring yourself?

Through comparison I feel I am advancing, living, moving, changing, becoming. If there is no comparison does all this come to an end?

As long as there is an observer there must be duality and hence the conflict of the opposites.

I only know silence when noise ceases. If my mind is not silent it cannot see.

What is real peace?