Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

LO67DSG3.1 - How will you live a different kind of life?
London - 29 September 1967
Discussion with Small Group 3.1



How will one earn a livelihood?

How will you arrange not to be trapped, drowned in a world which has very little meaning?

First, I want to keep an alert mind, then I have to have food, clothes and shelter.

Work must be of a kind that won’t make me dull, stupid.

After my education I am going to let life ripen; I am going to trust life, see what happens. Could you ride that wave, completely abandoning yourself to life?

Why do I want to dictate to life what it should do to me? Why can’t I leave the door open?

Know what it means to abandon yourself, never demanding a thing of life. This means no fear.