Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

MA73T2 - Living in the past prevents action in the present
Madras (Chennai), India - 22 December 1973
Public Talk 2




We need a new kind of energy to transform society.

Intellectual energy is mechanical because it is based on experience, knowledge. The response to knowledge is thought.

Thought is essentially mechanical and all our structure is based on thought.

Ideological action is always divisive and therefore in essence it is rooted in conflict.

Is there an action which is universal, not mine or yours?

Diligent negation of the mechanical gives a certain quality of energy.

It is part of our tradition to analyse, and analysis is paralysis.

Is there a way of looking at fear which is not an observation with a conclusion?

Action in the present is not possible if you are living in the past, if you are carrying out a tradition.

Perception means seeing without the observer. Seeing without the observer is action in the present.

There is an action which is non-ideational, and that action is the total revolution of the mind.

Questions from the audience followed the talk.