Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

MA81S3 - Do you ever come to a point where your brain is in a state of not knowing?
Madras (Chennai), India - 16 January 1981
Seminar 3




What blocks us?

We are always searching, arguing and we don’t come to a point of utter emptiness, of not-knowing.

What is making us not flower? Is it thought, is it time, is it action, or have I not deeply read the book, which is myself?

Why is the brain incapable of perception of the whole, and acting from that wholeness?

If the Buddha came to you today and said, ‘Please listen,’ would you listen? If you listen, that is your transformation.

Is there a way of looking and listening which has no relationship to knowledge?

See that the brain is in a staggering state and be with it. As you are watching it, the brain quietens down. Look with that quiet brain at things, observe. That is learning. The chain is broken.

Note: One participant speaks in Hindi and is translated.
Note: a total of 16 seconds of missing video is replaced by audio only.