Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

ML7172CAN7 - Religion and meditation
Malibu, California - 28 January 1972
Conversation with Alain Naudé 7




Q: Is there any connection between the supernatural and religion?

Is a religious life to lead a good life?

A religious life is a life in which the self is not.

We get caught in the so-called mysterious. But when the self is not, there is a greater, vaster mystery.

Self-knowing is much more important than acquiring some kind of power.

What place has meditation in religious life?

Meditation is not control, is not a practice, is not an effort to achieve a glorious experience, or to remain in a particular state of consciousness.

If the self is, the religious life is not. Can one dissolve the self?

Why are certain human beings entrenched in the myth of Jesus or Krishna?

Attachment destroys freedom.

Where there is freedom there is joy. It is that quality of mind that has this sense of joy and freedom that perceives.

Meditation means freedom and joy to observe, without any attachment, without any partial perception.