Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

ND67T2 - Being alone means being innocent
New Delhi - 23 November 1967
Public Talk 2



Awareness is the quality of mind which observes without any justification or condemnation, approval or disapproval, like or dislike – merely observes.

Is fear the result of thought?

The abandonment of authority brings about a sense of complete aloneness, a sense of not depending on any book or any authority. You then travel lightly, not carrying other people’s burden and authority.

We are not innocent, we carry the burden of what a thousand people have said. We carry the memories of our own misfortunes.

Q: What is your opinion about the ideals human beings should have?

Q: How can the conditioned mind examine the unconditioned?

Q: Can we reach a state of awareness, of freedom, in our daily life?

Q: Do you approve of group formations around what you have talked about, and do you think it is worthwhile?