Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

OJ73T4 - Religion and meditation
Ojai, California - 15 April 1973
Public Talk 4



What part does religion play in one’s life?

How do you know that you or anyone has attained enlightenment or reached the highest form of religious thought?

How can a mind which is always in conflict within itself find that which has never been in conflict?

In inquiring into meditation, do not follow anybody.

Meditation is a daily life in which there is no control whatsoever.

When dealing with psychological facts, is the observer different from the thing observed?

A certain part of the brain can function efficiently only when it has total order, security.

The moment you are aware you are silent it is not silence.

Silence is the highest order.

In silence, parts of the brain which have not been occupied become totally active.

Questions from the audience followed the talk.