Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

OJ78D2 - Why do we live under pressure?
Ojai, California - 6 April 1978
Public Discussion 2




What do we mean by the word ‘pressure’?

Does society act as a pressure? Is society different from you?

Are you aware of the pressure of the past and of tradition?

Is the nature of pressure essentially the nature of desire?

A person who is living under pressure of any kind is not free.

Is there a way of living completely free from every form of pressure?

When there is separation between the observer and the observed, there is conflict.

Does one see the danger of pressure?

At the moment of anger are you different from anger?

When I say, ‘I have been jealous,’ and try to do something about it, that is a pressure.

Facts have no pressure.