Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

OJ78T5 - Is it possible to live, act, without a centre?
Ojai, California - 15 April 1978
Public Talk 5




What is the wholeness of life?

Right action is when neither the future nor the past interferes with the present. That is, when time comes to an end, which is now.

Thought as time created the centre and from that centre we act. Therefore action is illogical, not accurate.

Learning the art of observing without pressure.

Is it possible to have no centre at all?

What is action without a centre and what is life without a centre?

The centre is the essence of sorrow.

You can learn only when you have leisure, not when your mind is fully occupied, cluttered, full.

Is it possible to end the movement of chattering?

Why is one so occupied with and frightened about death?

Why is there fear of ending anything?

When there is a total ending, there is a beginning.