Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

OJ80T6 - Action, observation and dying while living
Ojai, California - 18 May 1980
Public Talk 6




There can never be complete knowledge; knowledge always goes with ignorance. So our action, when based on knowledge, must be incomplete.

Is there an action which is not born out of time?

Is it possible to die to the centre, and yet be alive, active, working?

Our mind clings to continuity. In continuity there is security: I was, I am, I will be. That concept or idea gives tremendous strength. Death denies all this and we are afraid.

Observe your attachment or aggression without direction, motive or desire. In that very observation there is an ending of it.

Death is while living, not at the end of life when you are old, diseased, unconscious. End the things that the mind has collected, easily, with certain grace, so that there is a different quality of the mind.

Is there something beyond all matter?