Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

OJ85T4 - The ending of continuity
Ojai, California - 19 May 1985
Public Talk 4




Thinking is based on experience, and experience is always limited, therefore knowledge is always limited, now or in the future or in the past.

Our memories are limited, because they’re based on knowledge and experience. Where there is limitation there must be conflict.

Can there ever be complete, unbroken freedom?

The psychological division in each one of us may be one of the major causes of disorder.

What does death mean?

Is creation related to ending?

Is there an ending to one’s deep memories? Is there an ending to attachment?

Can you live with death all day long?

What is true, actual religion, not the religion invented by thought?

Deliberate meditation is like any other form of achievement.