Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

PA69T5 - A reality of a different dimension
Paris - 24 April 1969
Public Talk 5



For mind to come upon a strange mystery, it must lay the foundation of behaviour: a morality not of society, in which there is freedom and no fear.

The mind must be free of every form of spiritual tradition, otherwise it becomes dull, insensitive, utterly lacking the highest form of intelligence.

The idea of meditation is for the mind to become completely quiet.

If you concentrate you are merely resisting, building a wall around yourself.

One has to be the teacher and disciple for oneself.

Meditation is to bring about, without effort or compulsion, the mind’s highest capacity, which is intelligence, which is to be highly sensitive.

Meditation has everything to do with life; it isn’t going off into an emotional, ecstatic state.

Questions from the audience followed the talk