Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

RA84T3 - Unless you radically change now the future is what you are now
Rajghat, India - 24 November 1984
Public Talk 3



Is it possible for human beings to change radically, not according to a pattern, system or a philosophical concept, and so no longer be primitive, barbarous, petty, full of self-interest.

Does ending take time?

Man, having the concept of gradualness both psychologically and physically, cannot understand or is unwilling to see that change must be instant and not in the future.

Can violence end now?

Attention is like a flame, it burns away that which is in the light of attention, in the flame of attention.

Thinking is the movement of the past as knowledge, memory and thought. All our activity is based on thought.

Why do human beings have conflict at all?

Good is not only the absence of evil, it is totally divorced from evil. Good is not relative.

Various questions were asked at the end of the talk