Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

RV78DSG - The mind of Krishnamurti
Rishi Valley, India - 11 December 1978
Discussion with Small Group




Q: How do you receive a question which is put to you? Could we go into the state of mind which receives?

There is hearing with the ear and also a hearing with the non-ear, which means the mind is in a state of no remembrance, conclusion or previous recording of the question.

Seeing thought implies there is the see-er and thought. The see-er is thought. There is only thought, which cannot be seen in the mirror. There is no inward looking.

Q: What is the inner nature of yourself?

There is a state of absolute nothingness. Nothingness cannot be examined, because that implies measurement. There is no measurement to nothingness.

Don’t take time over this. Don’t say, ‘I will do it tomorrow.’ It must be done instantly.

Every problem must be dissolved, resolved instantly. Don’t accumulate memories and problems.