Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

RV84DS3 - What is the cause of corruption?
Rishi Valley, India - 20 December 1984
Discussion with Students 3




Q: What is the cause of corruption?

Human beings have capacity and talent. Talent is to paint, to play an instrument, or to be a very good human being. Find out your own talent, not imposed by education, your parents or society, but find out something that you have for yourself.

Discover your own talent and stick to it, whether you become poor, rich or successful. Your brain is conditioned by society, so your own talent is destroyed by this pressure.

What is the cause of corruption? If you are interested in yourself, in what you want, in what you must be, if you are greedy, envious, harsh or brutal, then there is corruption.

The real cause of corruption is inside you. Unless you find that out and change it, you will be a corrupt human being.